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Constant proportion portfolio insurance (CPPI) allows an investor to limit downside risk while retaining some upside potential by maintaining an exposure to risky assets equal to a constant multiple of the cushion , the difference between the current portfolio value and the guaranteed amount. Whereas in diffusion models with continuous trading, this strategy has no downside risk, in real markets this risk is nonnegligible and grows with the multiplier value. We study the behavior of CPPI strategies in models where the price of the underlying portfolio may experience downward jumps. Our framework leads to analytically tractable expressions for the probability of hitting the floor, the expected loss, and the distribution of losses. This allows to measure the gap risk but also leads to a criterion for adjusting the multiplier based on the investor's risk aversion. Finally, we study the problem of hedging the downside risk of a CPPI strategy using options. The results are applied to a jump-diffusion model with parameters estimated from returns series of various assets and indices.  相似文献   

We price an American floating strike lookback option under the Black–Scholes model with a hypothetic static hedging portfolio (HSHP) composed of nontradable European options. Our approach is more efficient than the tree methods because recalculating the option prices is much quicker. Applying put–call duality to an HSHP yields a tradable semistatic hedging portfolio (SSHP). Numerical results indicate that an SSHP has better hedging performance than a delta-hedged portfolio. Finally, we investigate the model risk for SSHP under a stochastic volatility assumption and find that the model risk is related to the correlation between asset price and volatility.  相似文献   

We consider a class of asset pricing models, where the risk‐neutral joint process of log‐price and its stochastic variance is an affine process in the sense of Duffie, Filipovic, and Schachermayer. First we obtain conditions for the price process to be conservative and a martingale. Then we present some results on the long‐term behavior of the model, including an expression for the invariant distribution of the stochastic variance process. We study moment explosions of the price process, and provide explicit expressions for the time at which a moment of given order becomes infinite. We discuss applications of these results, in particular to the asymptotics of the implied volatility smile, and conclude with some calculations for the Heston model, a model of Bates and the Barndorff‐Nielsen–Shephard model.  相似文献   

Long memory in continuous-time stochastic volatility models   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
This paper studies a classical extension of the Black and Scholes model for option pricing, often known as the Hull and White model. Our specification is that the volatility process is assumed not only to be stochastic, but also to have long-memory features and properties. We study here the implications of this continuous-time long-memory model, both for the volatility process itself as well as for the global asset price process. We also compare our model with some discrete time approximations. Then the issue of option pricing is addressed by looking at theoretical formulas and properties of the implicit volatilities as well as statistical inference tractability. Lastly, we provide a few simulation experiments to illustrate our results.  相似文献   

This paper solves the mean–variance hedging problem in Heston's model with a stochastic opportunity set moving systematically with the volatility of stock returns. We allow for correlation between stock returns and their volatility (so-called leverage effect). Our contribution is threefold: using a new concept of opportunity-neutral measure we present a simplified strategy for computing a candidate solution in the correlated case. We then go on to show that this candidate generates the true variance-optimal martingale measure; this step seems to be partially missing in the literature. Finally, we derive formulas for the hedging strategy and the hedging error.  相似文献   

We examine the behavior of optimal mean–variance hedging strategies at high rebalancing frequencies in a model where stock prices follow a discretely sampled exponential Lévy process and one hedges a European call option to maturity. Using elementary methods we show that all the attributes of a discretely rebalanced optimal hedge, i.e., the mean value, the hedge ratio, and the expected squared hedging error, converge pointwise in the state space as the rebalancing interval goes to zero. The limiting formulae represent 1-D and 2-D generalized Fourier transforms, which can be evaluated much faster than backward recursion schemes, with the same degree of accuracy. In the special case of a compound Poisson process we demonstrate that the convergence results hold true if instead of using an infinitely divisible distribution from the outset one models log returns by multinomial approximations thereof. This result represents an important extension of Cox, Ross, and Rubinstein to markets with leptokurtic returns.  相似文献   

A Comparison of Two Quadratic Approaches to Hedging in Incomplete Markets   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This paper provides comparative theoretical and numerical results on risks, values, and hedging strategies for local risk-minimization versus mean-variance hedging in a class of stochastic volatility models. We explain the theory for both hedging approaches in a general framework, specialize to a Markovian situation, and analyze in detail variants of the well-known Heston (1993) and Stein and Stein (1991) stochastic volatility models. Numerical results are obtained mainly by PDE and simulation methods. In addition, we take special care to check that all of our examples do satisfy the conditions required by the general theory.  相似文献   

In a market driven by a Lévy martingale, we consider a claim ξ. We study the problem of minimal variance hedging and we give an explicit formula for the minimal variance portfolio in terms of Malliavin derivatives. We discuss two types of stochastic (Malliavin) derivatives for ξ: one based on the chaos expansion in terms of iterated integrals with respect to the power jump processes and one based on the chaos expansion in terms of iterated integrals with respect to the Wiener process and the Poisson random measure components. We study the relation between these two expansions, the corresponding two derivatives, and the corresponding versions of the Clark-Haussmann-Ocone theorem.  相似文献   

On Feedback Effects from Hedging Derivatives   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper proposes a new explanation for the smile and skewness effects in implied volatilities. Starting from a microeconomic equilibrium approach, we develop a diffusion model for stock prices explicitly incorporating the technical demand induced by hedging strategies. This leads to a stochastic volatility endogenously determined by agents' trading behavior. By using numerical methods for stochastic differential equations, we quantitatively substantiate the idea that option price distortions can be induced by feedback effects from hedging strategies.  相似文献   

This paper presents hedging strategies for European and exotic options in a Lévy market. By applying Taylor’s theorem, dynamic hedging portfolios are constructed under different market assumptions, such as the existence of power jump assets or moment swaps. In the case of European options or baskets of European options, static hedging is implemented. It is shown that perfect hedging can be achieved. Delta and gamma hedging strategies are extended to higher moment hedging by investing in other traded derivatives depending on the same underlying asset. This development is of practical importance as such other derivatives might be readily available. Moment swaps or power jump assets are not typically liquidly traded. It is shown how minimal variance portfolios can be used to hedge the higher order terms in a Taylor expansion of the pricing function, investing only in a risk‐free bank account, the underlying asset, and potentially variance swaps. The numerical algorithms and performance of the hedging strategies are presented, showing the practical utility of the derived results.  相似文献   

A general Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) process is obtained upon replacing the Brownian motion appearing in the defining stochastic differential equation with a general Lévy process. Certain properties of the Brownian ancestor are distribution-free and carry over to the general OU process. Explicit expressions are obtainable for expected values of a number of functionals of interest also in the general case. Special attention is paid here to gamma- and Poisson-driven OU processes. The Brownian, Poisson, and gamma versions of the OU process are compared in various respects; in particular, their aptitude to describe stochastic interest rates is discussed in view of some standard issues in financial and actuarial mathematics: prices of zero-coupon bonds, moments of present values, and probability distributions of present values of perpetuities. The problem of possible negative interest rates finds its resolution in the general setup by taking the driving Lévy process to be nondecreasing.  相似文献   

This paper considers the pricing of options when there are jumps in the pricing kernel and correlated jumps in asset prices and volatilities. We extend theory developed by Nelson (1990) and Duan (1997) by considering the limiting models for our approximating GARCH Jump process. Limiting cases of our processes consist of models where both asset price and local volatility follow jump diffusion processes with correlated jump sizes. Convergence of a few GARCH models to their continuous time limits is evaluated and the benefits of the models explored.  相似文献   

In this paper, we argue that, once the costs of maintaining the hedging portfolio are properly taken into account, semistatic portfolios should more properly be thought of as separate classes of derivatives, with nontrivial, model‐dependent payoff structures. We derive new integral representations for payoffs of exotic European options in terms of payoffs of vanillas, different from the Carr–Madan representation, and suggest approximations of the idealized static hedging/replicating portfolio using vanillas available in the market. We study the dependence of the hedging error on a model used for pricing and show that the variance of the hedging errors of static hedging portfolios can be sizably larger than the errors of variance‐minimizing portfolios. We explain why the exact semistatic hedging of barrier options is impossible for processes with jumps, and derive general formulas for variance‐minimizing semistatic portfolios. We show that hedging using vanillas only leads to larger errors than hedging using vanillas and first touch digitals. In all cases, efficient calculations of the weights of the hedging portfolios are in the dual space using new efficient numerical methods for calculation of the Wiener–Hopf factors and Laplace–Fourier inversion.  相似文献   

We present some further developments in the construction and classification of new solvable one‐dimensional diffusion models having transition densities, and other quantities that are fundamental to derivatives pricing, representable in analytically closed form. Our approach is based on so‐called diffusion canonical transformations that produce a large class of multiparameter nonlinear local volatility diffusion models that are mapped onto various simpler diffusions. Using an asymptotic analysis, we arrive at a rigorous boundary classification as well as a characterization with respect to probability conservation and the martingale property of the newly constructed diffusions. Specifically, we analyze and classify in detail four main families of driftless regular diffusion models that arise from the underlying squared Bessel process (the Bessel family), Cox–Ingersoll–Ross process (the confluent hypergeometric family), the Ornstein‐Uhlenbeck diffusion (the OU family), and the Jacobi diffusion (the hypergeometric family). We show that the Bessel family is a superset of the constant elasticity of variance model without drift. The Bessel family, in turn, is nested by the confluent hypergeometric family. For these two families we find further subfamilies of conservative strict supermartingales and nonconservative martingales with an exit boundary. For the new classes of nonconservative regular diffusions we also derive analytically exact first exit time densities that are given in terms of generalized inverse Gaussians and extensions. As for the two other new models, we show that the OU family of processes are conservative strict martingales, whereas the Jacobi family are nonconservative nonmartingales. Considered as asset price diffusion models, we also show that these models demonstrate a wide range of local volatility shapes and option implied volatility surfaces that include various pronounced skew and smile patterns.  相似文献   

We present here the quantization method which is well-adapted for the pricing and hedging of American options on a basket of assets. Its purpose is to compute a large number of conditional expectations by projection of the diffusion on optimal grids designed to minimize the (square mean) projection error ( Graf and Luschgy 2000 ). An algorithm to compute such grids is described. We provide results concerning the orders of the approximation with respect to the regularity of the payoff function and the global size of the grids. Numerical tests are performed in dimensions 2, 4, 5, 6, 10 with American style exchange options. They show that theoretical orders are probably pessimistic.  相似文献   

Using tools from spectral analysis, singular and regular perturbation theory, we develop a systematic method for analytically computing the approximate price of a large class of derivative‐assets. The payoff of the derivative‐assets may be path‐dependent. In addition, the process underlying the derivatives may exhibit killing (i.e., jump to default) as well as combined local/nonlocal stochastic volatility. The nonlocal component of volatility may be multiscale, in the sense that it may be driven by one fast‐varying and one slow‐varying factor. The flexibility of our modeling framework is contrasted by the simplicity of our method. We reduce the derivative pricing problem to that of solving a single eigenvalue equation. Once the eigenvalue equation is solved, the approximate price of a derivative can be calculated formulaically. To illustrate our method, we calculate the approximate price of three derivative‐assets: a vanilla option on a defaultable stock, a path‐dependent option on a nondefaultable stock, and a bond in a short‐rate model.  相似文献   

The purpose of this note is to analyze the diffusion coefficient estimator suggested by Chesney, Elliott, Madan, and Yang (1993). I start by correcting their formula (4.1), and by showing that their procedure is a member of a class of estimators sharing the same Milstein approximation. I then show how to select the minimum variance estimator (for constant μσ) within a two-parameter subclass of procedures which do not depend on the current realization of the process. I also show that if μ is small the best procedure only allows moderate reduction in variance with respect to the classical quadratic variation estimator (which is a member of the same class). the note concludes by highlighting the fact that the empirical use of the filtered volatilities poses an error in variables problem which can be addressed using instrumental variables methods.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an algorithm for pricing barrier options in one‐dimensional Markov models. The approach rests on the construction of an approximating continuous‐time Markov chain that closely follows the dynamics of the given Markov model. We illustrate the method by implementing it for a range of models, including a local Lévy process and a local volatility jump‐diffusion. We also provide a convergence proof and error estimates for this algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel method to price discretely monitored single- and double-barrier options in Lévy process-based models. The method involves a sequential evaluation of Hilbert transforms of the product of the Fourier transform of the value function at the previous barrier monitoring date and the characteristic function of the (Esscher transformed) Lévy process. A discrete approximation with exponentially decaying errors is developed based on the Whittaker cardinal series (Sinc expansion) in Hardy spaces of functions analytic in a strip. An efficient computational algorithm is developed based on the fast Hilbert transform that, in turn, relies on the FFT-based Toeplitz matrix–vector multiplication. Our method also provides a natural framework for credit risk applications, where the firm value follows an exponential Lévy process and default occurs at the first time the firm value is below the default barrier on one of a discrete set of monitoring dates.  相似文献   

We consider the non‐Gaussian stochastic volatility model of Barndorff‐Nielsen and Shephard for the exponential mean‐reversion model of Schwartz proposed for commodity spot prices. We analyze the properties of the stochastic dynamics, and show in particular that the log‐spot prices possess a stationary distribution defined as a normal variance‐mixture model. Furthermore, the stochastic volatility model allows for explicit forward prices, which may produce a hump structure inherited from the mean‐reversion of the stochastic volatility. Although the spot price dynamics has continuous paths, the forward prices will have a jump dynamics, where jumps occur according to changes in the volatility process. We compare with the popular Heston stochastic volatility dynamics, and show that the Barndorff‐Nielsen and Shephard model provides a more flexible framework in describing commodity spot prices. An empirical example on UK spot data is included.  相似文献   

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