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欧盟在华直接投资对中国与欧盟贸易的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文运用面板数据的方法,研究了欧盟在华直接投资对中国与欧盟贸易的影响,结论表明,欧盟在华直接投资促进了中国对欧盟各成员国的进出口贸易,但影响较小,影响中、欧贸易的主要因素是中国和欧盟各成员国的经济实力(GDP)。这表明欧盟在华投资企业的市场战略主要是针对中国广阔的国内市场的。文章最后部分对如何促进欧盟对华直接投资和扩大中、欧贸易提出了建议。  相似文献   

本文在多产品企业模型基础上,构建了一个分析知识产权保护、创新模式选择与贸易扩展边际的理论框架,揭示出知识产权保护通过影响企业创新模式选择进而影响贸易扩展边际变化的内在机理。研究发现,随着知识产权保护力度的加强,企业将会转向自主创新模式,降低企业进口扩展边际,提升出口扩展边际。运用2000-2006年中国工业企业数据库与海关数据库的微观层面匹配数据,本文计量研究结果亦支持这一理论预期,而进一步深入研究发现,知识产权保护通过进口扩展边际渠道产生的创新倒逼效应以及出口扩展边际渠道产生的出口学习效应均可正向反馈于企业生产率,但两种效应存在异质性。  相似文献   

In this study, we draw on industrial organization and institutional research to explore the relationship between market convergence and standardization of advertising programs. We argue that environmental isomorphism, which maintains that the external market environment is a principal driver of firms’ institutional structures, places pressure on firms to adapt their organizational structures and strategies to changing institutional conditions. We propose that the convergence associated with European market integration will lead firms to emphasize three advertising strategies: creating a uniform brand image, appealing to cross-market segments, and increasing cost performance in advertising. Further, we hypothesize that these strategies will be associated with an overall tendency to standardize advertising strategy and execution. Results of a survey of managers of subsidiaries of Japanese and U.S. firms operating in the EU suggest that firms that believe the EU is converging are more likely to engage in these standardized advertising strategies. Additionally, our findings suggest that firms that seek to create a uniform brand image and appeal to cross-market segments are more likely to standardize their overall advertising programs. Finally, we find that firms’ desire to create a uniform brand image is a function of their goal of building brand equity, regardless of the level to which markets converge. We draw implications for research and practice regarding firm responses to market convergence.  相似文献   

中欧参与世贸组织全球贸易治理是双方全面战略伙伴关系的重要组成部分。中国入世以来,中欧双方共同参与多哈回合谈判、善用争端解决机制解决争端、积极审议对方贸易政策,促进双边贸易快速增长和贸易关系健康发展,共同为多边贸易体系的良好运行作出了贡献。2008年以前,双方在世贸组织中的互动明显不对称,欧盟处于攻势,中国处于守势;2008年之后,双方朝对等方向发展,整体形势趋于良性互动。不过中国的能力与欧盟仍有不小差距,双方互动远未到成熟阶段。当前及未来一段时间,双方在世贸组织的互动面临挑战。  相似文献   

关注欧盟化学品新贸易壁垒   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文分析了欧盟化学品新法规这一典型的新贸易壁垒,指出欧盟化学品新法规反映了贸易与环境的冲突和协调,欧盟化学品新法规对化学品市场的影响以及欧盟化学品新法规应进一步修改和完善的方面。文章指出,2006年实施的欧盟化学品新规定,必将对世界化学品及其下游产品的生产和贸易产生重大影响。  相似文献   

Recent literature has argued that, contrary to the results of a seminal paper by Rose (2004), General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)/World Trade Organization (WTO) membership does promote bilateral trade, at least for developed economies and if membership includes non‐formal compliance. We review the literature to identify open issues. We then develop a simple extension of the gravity model that gives rise to an extensive country margin of trade separating positive trade from zero trade country pairs. The model is used to identify WTO membership effects at both the intensive and the extensive margins. Empirical estimation of this model, based on Poisson pseudo‐maximum likelihood methods with exporter and importer fixed effects, allows us to readdress the empirical issue of whether GATT/WTO membership does or does not promote trade. We find that GATT membership was successful on the extensive margin of world trade but not on the intensive margin. For the recent WTO episode (1995–2008), we find consistent and robust evidence for a substantial trade‐creating role of membership which is driven primarily by the intensive margin. WTO membership results in higher bilateral trade of about 40 per cent.  相似文献   

中国-欧盟农产品贸易结构分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
本文运用多项指标系统描述了1995-2003年中国-欧盟农产品贸易结构的特征。相对贸易优势测算结果显示中国在动物产品、蔬菜水果和烟草等劳动密集型产品上的竞争优势有所减弱,而在茶类产品、水产品加工产品和蔬菜水果制品上的竞争优势趋于增强;贸易互补性在波动中增强;出口相似性指数表明双方在出口结构上存在较大的差异;贸易强度指数显示中国与原欧盟以及扩大后的欧盟在农产品贸易方面有很大的发展潜力。最后得出结论,中国应该发挥高附加值农产品的出口优势,扩大对欧盟的出口。  相似文献   

我国的劳动密集型农产品在入世后第一年出口屡受阻碍。虽然大量的研究表明,我国在畜牧、园艺和水产品上的生产上具有低成本的生产比较优势,但国际贸易的环境和制度安排构成的贸易保护和市场准入方面的限制对我劳动密集型农产品的竞争力有着不容忽视的影响作用。本文对近年来我国劳动密集型农产品的出口状况进行了简要剖析,分析了影响我国劳动密集型农产品出口的关税、非关税及其它贸易国际环境和制度因素,并探讨了相应的应对措施和包括如何在新一轮多边谈判中争取更为有利的国际贸易环境等方面的政策建议。  相似文献   

进口需求、市场准入与我国农产品的贸易逆差   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国加入世贸组织以来,于2003-2004年间出现了农产品的贸易逆差,本文分析了农产品贸易逆差的构成及其产生原因。大豆、棉花、食用油等是我国农产品贸易逆差的主要构成产品,这些农产品进口价格和进口数量都出现了增长,而相关产业的发展导致这些农产品进口需求猛增,致使农产品贸易逆差不断扩大。另外,我国农产品关税的大幅削减以及配额管制农产品市场准入机会的扩大,也是农产品贸易逆差进一步拉大的一个重要原因。  相似文献   

自中欧建交以来,双边贸易取得了快速进展。经过2004年东扩的欧盟已经成为我国最大的贸易伙伴,同时我国也成为了欧盟的第二大贸易伙伴,不断扩大的双边贸易从一个侧面反映了中欧贸易的互补性。本文利用近十几年的贸易统计数据,分别以比较优势理论和产业内贸易理论为依据对中欧贸易的互补性进行了实证分析,从而得出了以下结论:中欧双边贸易存在较强的互补关系,中欧之间的国际分工主要以产业间的垂直分工为主,同时随着我国工业制成品国际竞争力的迅速提高,产业内贸易在中欧双边贸易中的重要性正在不断增强,中欧之间的国际分工正逐步向水平方向发展。  相似文献   

This article investigates the interplay between non-reciprocal trade preferences and Aid for Trade (AfT) by examining the extent to which relative preferential margins (RPM) enjoyed by recipient countries affect AfT flows supplied by donors. The empirical results suggest that the RPM exerts a significant and positive impact on the bilateral AfT inflows that recipient countries enjoy from donors. In addition, when this impact is lower, the higher the recipient countries’ level of economic development. Furthermore, the analysis indicates that the influence of RPM on AfT is dependent on non-AfT (i.e., the aid flows allocated to the non-trade sector) allocated to recipient countries.  相似文献   

We explore an issue at the nexus of domestic competition policy and international trade, the interaction between goods trade and market power in domestic trade and distribution sectors. We examine the effect of variations in conditions of domestic competition in services on trade volumes in goods in the cases of both linear and nonlinear import demand, including standard form CES‐based gravity models of bilateral trade flows. Theory suggests a set of linkages between service‐sector pricing and goods trade supported by econometrics involving imports of 22 OECD countries vis‐a‐vis 69 exporters. Competition in distribution services affects the volume of trade in goods. Additionally, because of interaction between tariffs and pricing, the market structure of the domestic service sector becomes increasingly important as tariffs are reduced. Indeed, depending on the degree of competition, market access concessions on tariffs may be effectively undone in some cases by changes in margins. For exporters, we find that service competition in destination markets matters most for exporters from smaller, poorer countries. Our results also suggest that while negotiated agreements leading to cross‐border services liberalisation may boost goods trade as well, they may also lead to a fall in goods trade when such liberalisation involves FDI leading to increased service sector concentration.  相似文献   

This study aimed to utilise the micro‐founded measure of trade cost derived by Novy to estimate the relative bilateral trade costs of India with its European Union partners. The advantage of using such a model is that the trade costs can be derived entirely using observable trade data. The results show that Indian tariff equivalent with its major EU trading partners has declined by 20 percentage points between 1995 and 2010, with Malta and Latvia experiencing the greatest decline. The study then decomposes the bilateral trade growth to ascertain whether it is an outcome of increased domestic production or reduction in bilateral and multilateral trade barriers. Novy's model indicates that the decline in relative bilateral trade costs explains the greatest percentage of this trade growth, which is partially offset by decline in multilateral resistance terms that has diverted trade away to other trading partners primarily in South and South‐East Asia and North America.  相似文献   

This paper examines the political economy of Estonian trade policy in the 1990s. Estonia is a unique case in the world economy, in that the country rapidly implemented unilateral free trade after regaining independence and sustained it right through the 1990s. We analyse the circumstances, interests, ideas and institutions that have shaped Estonian trade policy during the past decade. Our stress is on institutions, particularly the national decision‐making setting for trade policy. Through this prism we try to understand how a free trade regime was implemented and sustained, and what this experience suggests for the feasibility of tree trade elsewhere. We also look at the increasingly ‘multi‐track’ nature of Estonian trade policy through bilateral free trade agreements, WTO accession and, especially, the movement towards EU accession. Although the other trade policy tracks to some extent provide a lockin for unilateral reforms, we argue that EU accession is undermining the simple, classical liberal trade policy regime that existed during the 1990s.  相似文献   

Abstract: Early attempts to build a harmonized legal system for banking and financial services throughout the EU met insurmountable difficulties. The shift towards the single market approach in the mid-1980s has been much more successful in terms of removing the obstacles preventing banks and other financial services organizations from establishing themselves and selling their services wherever they choose throughout the EU. The theory has been that consumers would benefit in terms of wider choice and lower prices, but consumer protection needs have been relatively neglected until recently. The emphasis is now changing, and there is widespread recognition that consumer protection aspects of the marketing of banking and financial services need special consideration. However, there is still an unfinished agenda of consumer issues, including distance selling of financial services, overindebtedness, mortgage credit, better consumer information and improved systems of providing redress.  相似文献   

We estimate the elasticity of extra EU French firm‐level exports with respect to applied tariffs – a variable trade cost. We implement a method controlling for unobserved firm characteristics driving selection in exports market, and controlling for the multilateral resistance terms. Results confirm a significant negative impact of tariffs on firm‐level exports, with one fifth of this impact falling on the induced adjustment in the exporters' product mix. When controlling for this adjustment and focusing on the core exported products, the elasticity of the product‐destination firm‐level exports with respect to applied tariffs is estimated at about −2.5.  相似文献   

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