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RFID技术、保护隐私权与公共政策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文分析了RFID无线射频识别技术在流通领域的应用前景和预期效益,论述了RFID技术与保护消费者隐私权的关系,以及相关公共政策。应用RFID技术,应注重保护消费者隐私权,制定相关公共政策。公共政策应包括多方参与的技术评估、公正信息原理、界限范围和行业自律等方面内容。  相似文献   

Although virtually every person in the United States will purchase or consume a funeral‐related product or service, relatively little is understood about the processes a consumer undertakes in making these expensive decisions in stressful circumstances. Regulation of the industry has been contentious from the outset, and there have been numerous questions as to regulatory effectiveness. This article outlines and discusses issues related to the death care industry with particular attention to consumer interests.  相似文献   

Consumers' personal information often informs retailers' marketing efforts in terms of creating value in the online marketplace. This study examines four factors related to consumers' social media engagement and online privacy protection behaviors. Regulatory focus, social exchange, and marketing relationship theories explain the online consumer personal information share-and-protect model developed. Consumers aged 18–64 years across the United States participated in this survey research. The results suggest that while personal privacy violation experience and perceived secondary control of one's personal information are influential antecedents, privacy concerns and trust in social media websites mediate each of these respectively. The findings suggest that promotion- and prevention-related behaviors regarding personal information align with the orientation of the antecedents, indicating that regulatory focus theory shows promise for examining the privacy paradox. We conclude by developing a matrix that integrates regulatory focus and social exchange theories to guide future research.  相似文献   

A panel held at the International Conference on Information Systems, December 5–7, 1993, addressed the importance and ethicality of several issues relating to ethics and information technology use. The substance of the debate and results of audience votes on the issues are presented in this paper as a means of initiating a broader debate on the issues, for it is with debate that we reach a group consensus on acceptable behavior and practice. With consensus, we can begin to develop codes and policies that are feasible and practical for ethical computer use.Specific dilemmas debated involved the issues of privacy and ownership, including the ethicality of using company resources for personal use and monitoring compliance to company policies about computer use. In general, we found little consensus about ethicality of any of the types of conduct, although we found a high degree of consensus that the debated issues were important and should continue to be discussed. The final question concerned policies and codes. While policies and codes were believed to be necessary, they were also perceived as ineffective. Several suggestions for practical action to enhance the efficacy of ethical codes are presented.  相似文献   

Continual innovation and new technology are critical in helping retailers’ create a sustainable competitive advantage. In particular, shopper-facing technology plays an important role in increasing revenues and decreasing costs. In this article, we briefly discuss some of the salient retail technologies over the recent past as well as technologies that are only beginning to gain traction. Additionally, we present a shopper-centric decision calculus that retailers can use when considering a new shopper-facing technology. We argue that new technologies provide value by either increasing revenue through (a) attracting new shoppers, (b) increasing share of volume from existing shoppers, or (c) extracting greater consumer surplus, or decreasing costs through offloading labor to shoppers. Importantly, our framework incorporates shoppers by considering their perceptions of the new technology and their resulting behavioral reactions. Specifically, we argue that shoppers update their perceptions of fairness, value, satisfaction, trust, commitment, and attitudinal loyalty and evaluate the potential intrusiveness of the technology on their personal privacy. These perceptions then mediate the effect of the technology on shopper behavioral reactions such as retail patronage intentions and WOM communication. We present preliminary support for our framework by examining consumers’ perceptions of several new retail technologies, as well as their behavioral intentions. The findings support our thesis that shopper perceptions of the retailer are affected by new shopper-facing technologies and that these reactions mediate behavioral intentions, which in turn drives the ROI of the new technology.  相似文献   

梁矗军 《中国市场》2008,(28):25-26
简单阐述了RFID与物流的定义,并从重视RFID技术在物流业中的运用、把RFID技术运用到物流整个过程之中、加大对物流从业人员的培训力度、重视对RFID技术的研究提出了RFID技术在物流行业中运用的措施。  相似文献   

射频识别技术及其在交通领域的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自1998年实行积极财政政策以来,国债发行规模日趋庞大。由此提高国债偿债能力,防范和化解由于偿债能力下降而引起的财政内生风险便成为当务之急。本文通过一套较为完整的统计指标体系,根据历年的统计数据分析当前的国债危机以及财政内生风险,从而提出控制和防范风险的对策,为今后积极财政政策的实施扫清路障。  相似文献   

古往今来,民以食为天。而如今,所谓谈"虎"色变,却不如说是谈"食"色变。食品商品从未有现在这样丰富,假冒伪劣食品也从未像现在这样:花样翻新、推陈出新、举不胜举,防不胜防。RFID技术的出现和普及,能够从粮食生产的源头、食品加工和食品运输及食品仓储和零售等环节为消费者提供可靠的食品安全信息。不久的将来,随着这一技术的不断发展和完善,完全可以做到让百姓放心吃饭,RFID会在食品安全领域里大有作为。  相似文献   

Using social cognitive theory, this study experimentally examines the effects of explicit privacy warnings, a clear, conspicuous, and concise presentation of the benefits and risks associated with database information practices stated in a Web site’s privacy policy. Warnings increased perceptions of the risks associated with information practices and decreased disclosures, but not in the presence of a privacy seal. The effects were also moderated by consumer privacy self‐efficacy and involvement with privacy. The results support the development of privacy warnings as a part of consumer privacy self‐regulatory efforts and the use of a social cognitive paradigm for understanding consumer privacy behaviors.  相似文献   

简要介绍了RFID技术原理、军事物流可视化管理系统的组成及其关键设备,描述了RFID技术在美国军事物流中的应用,通过应用实例展望了我国军事物流可视化管理系统的发展。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on new retail technologies that acquire information from consumers, advancing that such devices represent privacy management concerns. Specifically, we propose that privacy perceptions in a retail environment are driven by retailer- and technology-related factors as well as consumers' personality traits. By running a moderated serial mediation analysis, we address the technologies' fairness and hedonism as antecedents of consumer privacy perceptions, technology acceptance and perceived value, and account for consumers' trust in the retailer. We find that privacy perceptions are directly affected by distributive fairness, while the technology's hedonism affects acceptance. Further, the effects extend to patronage intention and word-of-mouth.  相似文献   

本文首先对国内食品安全现状、食品安全溯源的概念以及RFID射频识别技术定义、特点、分类及工作原理进行了介绍。之后基于加强食品安全管控和物联网发展趋势基础上,阐述了RFID射频识别技术在食品安全溯源体系中的应用情况,在食品安全溯源应用中存在的不足,展望RFID射频识别技术在食品安全溯源领城的应用前景。  相似文献   

RFID技术在安全食品供应链中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潘福斌 《中国市场》2009,(32):42-45
RFID是一种非接触式自动识别技术,主要通过射频信号自动识别目标对象并获取相关信息。本文首先介绍了RFID的工作原理和在安全食品供应链中应用的意义,然后阐述了其在食品的生产、加工、运输、仓储、销售等各个供应链环节的应用,最后分析了其在安全食品供应链应用中存在的成本过高、标准不统一、数据安全和隐私保护的忧虑、企业信息化程度不高和技术开发落后等主要问题,结合国内外在应用RFID技术中的经验,提出相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

Zeng  Fue  Ye  Qing  Yang  Zhilin  Li  Jing  Song  Yiping Amy 《Journal of Business Ethics》2022,176(4):781-798
Journal of Business Ethics - This study focuses on two specific privacy policies, namely privacy assurance and personalization declaration. Specifically, we investigate how these distinct privacy...  相似文献   

Online privacy is an issue of increasing national importance, and voluntary privacy seals provided by third‐party organizations such as TRUSTe and BBBOnline have been proposed as a means of assuring consumer privacy. Few studies have examined privacy seal effects. This study presents results of an online experiment that evaluated consumer response to privacy seals in a naturalistic exposure setting. Findings suggest that privacy seals enhance trust in the Web site and expectations that the site would inform the user of its information practices. While concern for privacy‐threatening information practices had no influence, privacy self‐efficacy, confidence in ability to protect one's privacy, moderated seal effects. Implications for the continued role of privacy seals are discussed.  相似文献   

从科技计划绩效评价的产生、发展、模式、维度和方法等方面,进行了文献综述,在此基础上提出了科技计划绩效评价的发展趋势和需注意的问题。  相似文献   

国际技术扩散测度的结果,直接影响着对经济研究中一些最根本最重要问题的回答。如何对国际技术扩散进行准确度量,是到目前为止理论界尚未解决的难题。本文系统梳理了国外学者在国际技术扩散测度领域的理论和实证成果,发现由于技术扩散的无形性,测度只能使用相关回归等间接方法,因此在选择测度方法时,必须明确模型的经济意义和理论基础。在实证方面,分析了投入、产出和技术效应三类常用的国际技术扩散测度指标各自的优缺点,国际贸易、FDI及技术转让三种扩散渠道下国际技术扩散测度的方法和结论。最后,指出了这一研究领域中尚需深入研究的问题。  相似文献   

本文针对危险品在物流中容易造成安全事故的现象,介绍了RFID技术及其在危险品物流三大方式中的应用,指出RFID够从根本上解决危险品物流中的安全隐患,以提高整个危险品管理中的安全性,同时提出今后在安全监管方面应采取的措施和技术改进应注意的事项,并展望其应用前景。  相似文献   

基于RFID技术的供应链管理项目价值评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
RFID技术在供应链管理中的应用已成为近年来的研究热点,基于RFID技术的供应链管理项目的价值评估由此也成为企业决策者关注的焦点。在介绍RFID技术的基础上,阐述了RFID技术在供应链管理中应用的收益、成本及风险,并对基于RFID技术的供应链管理项目评估方法的选择提出了建议,指出了评估中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

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