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Low‐ and moderate‐income households often struggle to save, but the annual tax refund represents a prime opportunity for these households to save toward their financial goals or build their emergency savings. This paper presents the results of a randomized, controlled experiment embedded in a free tax‐preparation product offered in 2013 to low‐ and moderate‐income households. The experiment involved approximately 470,000 filers and assessed the impact of behavioral interventions on their savings behaviors. The results show that filers exposed to the treatments, which involved the established behavioral‐economics techniques of anchoring, choice architecture, and persuasive messaging, were more likely than a control group to save their tax refund and, on average, saved more of the refund. A follow‐up survey of these tax filers found that the treatments were associated with saving more of the tax refund six months after filing. The findings also show that anchors encouraging filers to deposit certain amounts are more effective than persuasive messaging emphasizing savings.  相似文献   

Tax refunds are an opportunity for lower-income households to accumulate emergency savings so they have cash on hand to cover expenses when income is insufficient. Our field experiments testing different behavioral interventions to encourage refund saving via online tax filing show small effect sizes (0.12–0.14) and a low aggregate savings rate (12%) that might be increased were filers to receive financial incentives. We test a key provision of the Refund to Rainy Day Saving and Financial Security Credit Acts using a survey experiment, finding that hypothetical refund saving jumps from 16% with no financial incentive, to 71% and 80% with 25% and 50% matches, respectively, findings which are mostly insensitive to refund size. Our results suggest that public policies to provide greater financial support—including stronger income supports—will better prepare lower-income households for financial emergencies than behavioral interventions to nudge refund saving.  相似文献   

Millions of households in the United States receive federal income tax refunds annually, many for substantial amounts. Consumers can use the proceeds of income tax refunds for spending and saving, but tests of prior programs to encourage savings show low take‐up rates. This field study shows that the majority of tax filers make no estimate of their refund amount in advance, but that consumers who are able to estimate their refund in advance of completing their tax returns tend to be reasonably accurate in their estimates. Moreover, taxpayers who estimate their refunds before filing their taxes are more likely to save their refunds than those who do not. These results highlight the importance of expectations and planning with respect to savings decisions.  相似文献   

The MyAccountCard provides tax filers with a low‐cost prepaid card account for the electronic delivery of their tax refunds. Under the pilot, 808,099 low‐income individuals were randomly assigned to one of eight treatment groups that differ along three dimensions: (1) no monthly fee vs. $4.95 monthly fee, (2) savings account vs. no savings account, and (3) convenience vs. safety messaging. We find that individuals are price sensitive, the savings account (as designed) was not valuable, and that messaging did not influence behavior. The $4.95 fee (vs. no fee) decreased MyAccountCard take‐up by 42% and the likelihood of depositing a tax refund into the card account by 50%. Individuals with the highest propensity to be unbanked were three times more likely to take up the card and nearly 2.5 times more likely to use it to receive a tax refund as those with the lowest propensity to be unbanked.  相似文献   

In developed economies, wealth inequality is high, while public capital is underprovided. Here, we study the impact of heterogeneity in saving behavior and income sources on the distributional effects of public investment. A capital tax is levied to finance productive public capital in an economy with two types of households: high income households who save dynastically and middle income households who save for retirement. We find that inequality is reduced the higher the capital tax rate is and that low tax rates are Pareto‐improving. There is no clear‐cut trade‐off between efficiency and equality: middle income households’ consumption is maximal at a capital tax rate that is higher than the rate which maximizes high income households’ consumption.  相似文献   

Alternative financial services (AFS) such as check cashing and payday loans may help unbanked households meet transaction and credit needs, yet often at a very high price. Saving tax refunds can help low‐ and moderate‐income (LMI) households build emergency savings as a way to reduce dependence on AFS and cope effectively with irregular cash flows and financial shocks. This study examined the impact on AFS use of message‐based interventions encouraging LMI households to save their refunds when they electronically filed their federal income tax returns. We found that 3 out of 18 interventions resulted in statistically significant reductions in credit‐related AFS use with small effect sizes. None of the interventions resulted in reduced transaction‐related AFS use. Other factors—especially prior AFS use and financial shocks—were strong predictors of AFS. Financially vulnerable households may need additional opportunities and protections to reduce dependence on AFS.  相似文献   

Individual development accounts (IDAs) help low‐income families save by providing a savings account and a potential match toward personal savings for specific investments, such as a first home, business capitalization, or postsecondary education and training. The Assets for Independence (AFI) program uses AFI IDAs—commonly coupled with financial education—with the goal of helping low‐income households achieve greater self‐sufficiency. Using a randomized controlled trial, we evaluate the impact of AFI after one year and find that the median level of liquid assets was $657 higher for the treatment group than the control group (before matching funds). We also find that the treatment (vs control) group experienced less material hardship (by 34%) and was less likely to use nonbank check‐cashing services (by 39%).  相似文献   

This article explores savings outcomes for participants in the $aveNYC tax‐time matched savings program compared with a group of New York City tax filers who were not offered the program. $aveNYC was administered at Volunteer Income Tax Assistance sites during the 2008–2010 tax seasons. The program offered taxpayers the opportunity to open a savings account with their tax refund and receive a 50% match on their initial deposit. The study's primary outcome is savings held by respondents 6–11 months after receipt of matching funds. We compare participants in the 2009 program cohort to a comparison group on the following outcomes: level of savings, having nonzero savings, and having enough savings to cover one or two months of expenses at current consumption levels. We find significant differences on savings levels, the presence of any savings, and the likelihood of having savings to meet one month's expenses.  相似文献   

严才明 《财贸经济》2005,(12):31-35
出口退税机制改革实施一年来,由于"核定基数超额比例自负"的财政负担体制和地区间外贸出口动态发展以及增值税多环节多次征的矛盾,改革诱发了政府间转嫁超基数出口退税负担额的动机,征退税率差也引起了同一出口产品在不同贸易方式间的利益不均,制度变迁又给了地方和企业新的获利机会,一系列的诱致性制度变迁还将导致出口贸易结构的失衡.本文以为,现行增值税条件下出口退税要跳出"谁出口谁负担"的改革思路,建立将进口环节税全部用于出口退税、节余结转、不足再按国内增值税收入比例分摊的负担体制.  相似文献   

由于税法与会计制度的目的不同 ,在确认收益、费用、利润、资产、负债等方面存在明显差异 ,导致按照财务会计原则和税法计算的应税所得额不一定相同。根据投资业务和固定资产业务中应纳税所得额的分析 ,通过对其事先筹划和安排 ,在税法规定许可的范围内 ,尽可能地达到企业纳税节约的目的。  相似文献   

This study is the first to focus on saving patterns of a growing group of newcomers to Canada—people of Asian origin who arrived as refugees. Data are from personal interviews with 649 Boat People (Chinese Vietnamese, ethnic Vietnamese, and Laotians) who settled in Canada between 1979–81. Saving money was reported by 80 percent, with the usual pattern being to save money left after paying expenses. Main reasons for saving are emergencies and education of children. Nontraditional methods (bank accounts and Registered Retirement Savings Plans) indicate that the newcomers have access to and are using formal financial services. Several variables (i.e., age and marital status) that are usually associated with savings were not significant; but, as in other studies, higher education, satisfaction with income, and employment were associated with having savings. Ethnic differences suggest differing rates of acculturation for this group.  相似文献   

This paper discusses findings of a study that investigated income, savings and consumption patterns of low income people and critical factors that influence the use of microcredit—a form of small instant loans targeted for low income people—for household income and consumption smoothing. The sample of the study consisted of households from low income communities living in a lower‐middle income country—Sri Lanka. It was found that microcredit borrowers were using the loans for purposes that can be identified as income and consumption smoothing, which is beyond the ideas and intended practice of microcredit. The findings suggest that the consequences of using microcredit for income and consumption smoothing could be costly for households and the society at large.  相似文献   

Tax-sheltered savings plans such as the Individual Retirement Account are increasingly popular as a means of saving for future needs. The notion that these plans favor the highest tax bracket individual is investigated. The results demonstrate that in the early years of a single investment the advantage is to the higher tax bracket individual in terms of additional income generated by the tax deferral over that which would have been generated without such a deferral. However, the advantage shifts to lower tax bracket investors as the number of years invested increases, and further, the highest bracket investors generate no more additional income due to the tax shelter than investors in much lower tax brackets.  相似文献   

Since the late 1970s successive British governments have been instrumental in cultivating a savings-friendly environment. Changes have been orchestrated in two ways: first by developing a regulatory structure in which the emphasis has been on safeguarding consumer's savings; and second by developing new types of accounts which include significant tax incentives. Despite considerable government intervention, consumer savings and investment behaviour has not received a great deal of attention from academic researchers. Some of the reasons for this lack of interest will be assessed prior to analysing two large scale datasets to ascertain levels of savings and account holding behaviour in Britain. The data indicates that while the vast majority of the British population are savings account holders, levels of regular saving are very low and savers frequently give few, if any, motives for their savings strategies.  相似文献   

Uncertainty over the social security and tax system is often pointed out as a source of stagnant household consumption at the aggregate level. This study presents empirical evidence on this issue by using original survey data of Japanese individuals. The results indicate that individuals are highly uncertain over the future course of social security and tax policies. The policy uncertainty is associated with an orientation toward saving, and the relationship is stronger for low‐income individuals. These results suggest that improving long‐term predictability in the social security and tax system may contribute to weakening households' saving orientation.  相似文献   

Household allocation of windfall income has been a controversial topic since Friedman proposed the permanent income hypothesis. Release of retroactive pay checks to a group of university employees provided the opportunity for further investigation of this issue. Responses to a mail survey of these employees suggested that funds were evenly distributed among current expenses, outstanding debts, financial investments, and new expenditures. Reclassification of allocations as either consumption or savings indicated that somewhat over one-third of allocations were to consumption and slightly less than two-thirds were to savings. Discriminant analyses demonstrated that size of windfall was the most important discriminator with respect to type of allocation. The data have implications for policy regarding notification concerning a windfall distribution. It appears that quality of decision making may be improved by insuring that recipients are provided with some advance notice of an impending windfall.  相似文献   

出口退税对企业国际竞争力的影响分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文的抽样调查和博弈模型表明,我国对低附加值产品的出口退税在很大程度上侵蚀了出口商品的国际竞争力。原因在于,出口退税已经成为低附加值产品出口的外贸企业的主要利润来源,因此外贸企业没有对出口商品进行升级换代的动力,使出口商品长期沦落于低附加值、劳动密集型为主的商品结构当中。我国出口退税制度的设计应针对不同产品类型的行业实施不同的退税率,才能在制度上保证出口企业具有提高自主创新能力的内在动力,继而提高其外贸竞争力。  相似文献   

Emergency savings provide a buffer against financial shocks, particularly among low‐income households. Despite the importance of these funds in lessening financial hardship, many households have not set aside emergency funds. It has been suggested that financial capability may play a role in financial behaviour. Therefore, this study considers whether financial capability is associated with saving for emergencies and whether there are differences in factors that predict emergency savings behaviour among those living below and above the poverty line. Using data from a sample of South Africans, logistic regression is used to determine the predictors of emergency savings. The study finds that those with higher levels of financial capability, related to financial self‐efficacy and having access to a bank account, are more likely to have emergency savings compared with those with lower levels of financial capability. However, no evidence is found to suggest a relationship between objectively measured financial knowledge and emergency savings. Therefore, the findings suggest that self‐assessed financial ability, as measured by financial self‐efficacy, might be more important than objectively assessed ability in the context of individuals making responsible financial choices. Differences in the predictors of emergency savings for those living above and below the poverty line related to socioeconomic and demographic differences, whereas the same financial capability predictors were significant predictors in both samples. The study provides unique insights into the predictors of emergency savings in a developing market context and identifies the characteristics of those who are likely to be financially resilient to unexpected economic shocks. The importance of the broader financial capability construct in predicting emergency savings, for both those living above and below the poverty line, suggests that programmes aimed at encouraging emergency savings should focus on enhancing financial self‐efficacy and financial inclusion.  相似文献   

This article describes a pilot program encouraging low‐income workers to have their tax refunds directly deposited into low‐cost bank accounts. Although the program did not lead to substantial saving in the short‐term, it did seem to facilitate account ownership among the unbanked and to serve as a bridge to other financial services and products. Early lessons for the design and evaluation of related programs are discussed.  相似文献   

We propose an endogenous growth model with new political economy elements in order to (1) examine how political incentives affect economic allocations and (2) study the effects of political rivalry on human capital accumulation and income inequality. Focusing on two important policies affecting economic performance—fiscal policy and public investments in human capital accumulation—we find that different political incentives have distinct effects on policies and economic allocations. We also find that political rivalry increases income inequality and reduces economic growth and human capital accumulation through its negative impact on public investments in education, wages and individual learning choice.  相似文献   

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