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Although market orientation (MO) has long been considered an important business philosophy, the examination of MO outside the firm's boundaries has been rather limited. To address this, this study explores how supply chain orientation and operational flexibility (FLX) facilitate the implementation of MO. Although the positive impact of MO on firm performance has been well established, this study highlights that such benefits are enhanced by the development of supply chain related capabilities. Results indicate that market‐oriented firms are more likely to realize the strategic importance of managing the supply chain when operating under conditions of high environmental munificence, dynamism, and complexity. This provides a better understanding of the complex relationship between the demand and supply sides of the firm. This study highlights the importance of marketing theory and concepts to supply chain management scholars, and vice versa. This further accentuates the importance of eliminating the disconnect between supply and demand‐management processes, also described as the “Great Divide” (Drucker 1973; Esper et al. 2010a,b). A number of key managerial implications are offered as well.  相似文献   

Supply chain plasticity refers to the capability of rapidly making major changes to a supply chain in order to accommodate significant shifts in the business environment. We call for research in supply chain plasticity, as the need to adapt to environmental change has never been greater. Further, a distinction between supply chain plasticity and flexibility is provided. We also introduce the articles appearing in this issue of the Journal of Business Logistics, including three papers dedicated to the Special Topic Forum titled “Sustainable Supply Chains in a Digital Inter‐connected World.”  相似文献   

In recent years there has been increasing emphasis on managing risk and security in supply chains. Despite this emphasis, there have been relatively few empirical studies dealing with this issue. In an attempt to partially address this lack of empirical research, the primary purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between security management practices and the perceived effectiveness of supply chain security. With a resource‐based view of the firm and supply chain integration as theoretical underpinnings, the study utilized survey data to test propositions derived from the security literature. Internal and external integration efforts, a nodal planning focus, and proactive motivations related to security measures were found to be positively related to security effectiveness. The article concludes with implications for security stakeholders including suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

Although agility has been identified as one of the most important issues of contemporary supply chain management, the theoretical basis for understanding supply chain agility is fragmented. This research addresses the gap related to the ambiguity surrounding the dimensions and definitions of firm supply chain agility by employing a multidisciplinary literature review to gain an in‐depth understanding of agility. In addition, a comprehensive measurement instrument that draws on the foundations of social and life science theory is developed and empirically validated. The results of the research indicate that firm supply chain agility is composed of five distinct dimensions including alertness, accessibility, decisiveness, swiftness, and flexibility. Based on these elements, a comprehensive definition of firm supply chain agility is developed for further theoretical testing of the concept.  相似文献   

市场竞争逐渐由企业间的竞争转化为供应链间的竞争,供应链管理日益受到关注。文章采集163家企业信息进行实证分析,探索供应链管理实践和供应链敏捷性对企业绩效的影响与作用机制。研究结果表明:供应链管理实践对企业绩效具有直接正向影响,供应链管理实践对供应链敏捷性具有直接正向影响,供应链敏捷性对企业绩效具有直接正向影响且在供应链管理实践与企业绩效之间发挥部分中介作用。  相似文献   

供应链脆弱性研究评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
供应链是企业最直接的生存环境,供应链脆弱性指供应链层面上因供应链环境的动态性和供应链内部的复杂性而使其易受外界干扰的缺陷。供应链脆弱性能导致供应链中断,使供应链风险变为现实,从而严重影响供应链企业及供应链整体绩效,供应链脆弱性及其应对措施研究具有重要意义。而由于供应链脆弱性研究历史较短,需要做的工作很多,任务非常艰巨。文章在对供应链脆弱性研究现状进行概括与总结的基础上指出,今后应进一步加强对供应链脆弱性形成原因、评价指标、应对措施及实践热点等问题的研究,为今后的工作理清思路。  相似文献   

Data visualization has a critical role in the advancement of modern data analytics. Visualization lends assurances to data validity and completeness, as well as to the effectiveness of cleaning and aggregation tactics. It provides the means by which to explore and discover relationships otherwise hidden from default assumptions in statistical modeling. Strong visualization is also fundamental to end‐result conveyance and audience interpretation. But how can one ensure that strength? How can one avoid developing representations that are marginal in value, or worse misleading? In this paper, I will discuss theory, evidence, and practical approaches to managing data visualization development, viewing data visualization not simply as an outcome but as a continuous process and facet of organizational culture.  相似文献   

供应链上下游企业间协作风险分析及评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
质量功能展开方法和失效模式及其影响分析方法是产品可靠性分析中成熟的分析工具,借鉴这两种方法的基本原理,提出以风险屋为基本元素的供应链上下游企业间协作风险分析及评估的过程框架,旨在通过改善局部的健壮性来提高供应链整体在协作过程中的稳定性。案例研究表明,该分析过程条理清楚,最后的风险度计算结果更精确全面,成为决策者衡量风险是否可控、制定防范措施的关键指标。  相似文献   

Digital transformation provides companies with a productive approach to transforming and upgrading enterprise resources and capabilities and to exploiting external subject forces to unleash and magnify their potential, thus advancing high-quality enterprise development. Therefore, using regression analysis of the data of China's non-financial listed firms from 2007‒2019 obtained by Python, this paper finds that digital transformation has enormously improved enterprise performance. Furthermore, digital transformation has powerfully boosted supply chain integration, which has played a mediation role in the impact of digital transformation on enterprise performance. Finally, entrepreneurship plays a positive moderating effect on enterprise performance through supply chain integration during digital transformation. The further heterogeneity analysis finds that digital transformation performs better in large, public, state-owned, mature, and non-manufacturing (service industry) enterprises. However, the positive effect of digital transformation on enterprise performance and supply chain integration is not significant in small and medium-sized enterprises. Therefore, supply chain integration cannot play a mediating role in the impact of digital transformation of manufacturing enterprises upon their performance. This paper probes the realization mechanism and micro-foundation of digital transformation, and its conclusion contributes to high-quality digital transformation.  相似文献   

钟祖昌  王刚 《中国市场》2007,(36):110-111
供应链中成员的相互合作是改善供应链绩效的有效方法,本文在前人研究的基础上,提出分析合作供应链的基本框架,构建一个基于六个组成要素的合作供应链模型,同时分析了合作供应链中的关键绩效变量,构造了一个简单的影响矩阵,为构建合作供应链绩效评价体系提供了良好的基础。  相似文献   

Although research evaluating the impact of supply chain integration on performance has advanced substantially in the last decade, inconsistency and considerable variability of empirical findings leave unanswered questions for both research and practice. Using a meta‐analysis, we examine empirical studies to clarify the actual relationship, suggest new directions, and ultimately contribute toward the development of supply chain management theory. We focus on “strategic” supply chain integration rather than on functional or operational/tactical studies, which would weaken the practical value of the analysis and findings. To ascertain focus and homogeneity of the sample, we adopt a rigorous search protocol and sample construction. We find that integration–performance relationships are complex and nuanced such that integration should not be universally viewed as improving performance. We identify relationships that are more generalizable and also those that need additional scrutiny. Finally, we discuss the implications of our findings and provide directions for future research.  相似文献   

基于流程的供应链绩效评价   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
回顾供应链绩效评价的相关研究成果,总结研究其发展趋势,并在此基础上构建一个有效的体系。体系主要是整体上分三个层次;基于流程,具有灵活性和指导性,同时有利于进一步分析供应链成员之间的相互影响;面向顾客选取关键指标三个特点。基于以上几点,构建一个基于供应链的流程的绩效评价体系。  相似文献   

供应链绩效评价研究综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在供应链管理中,如何科学、客观、全面地分析和评价供应链的运营绩效已成为一个研究热点问题。从供应链绩效评价的指标体系、评价指标、评价方法等方面,对供应链绩效评价的研究现状进行回顾和评述,指出供应链绩效评价存在供应链绩效评价应该包含哪些内容没有明确界定等问题,并对今后供应链绩效评价研究的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

供应链不确定性与安全库存研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
供应链不确定性的存在不可完全避免。解决供应链上不确定性的主要立足点是:在供应链系统集成的基础上设置必要的安全库存。在这个解决方案的指导下,通过对供应链及其目标和供应链库存管理目标的了解,找出供应链不确定性产生的原因及其与安全库存之间的关系,再通过模型对在供应链系统集成基础上的安全库存进行具体研究,从而得出研究结论。  相似文献   

以辽宁省装备制造业为研究对象,通过对供应链治理结构与供应链绩效之间关系的分析得出:关系型和合同型两种治理结构都能对供应链绩效产生正向影响,但随着供应链合作伙伴关系进一步推进,关系型治理对供应链绩效的贡献程度更高。辽宁省装备制造企业应该根据供应链的内部特点、外部环境等积极进行相应治理,来提高供应链响应速度、顾客满意度等,最终提高供应链绩效。此外,辽宁省装备制造业应该准确识别供应链柔性程度,根据其来选择不同类型治理结构,确保能够避免过分依赖合同治理或关系治理来降低供应链合作伙伴关系中效率低下或机会主义风险。  相似文献   

企业供应链绩效评价研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孟秀转 《中国市场》2008,(28):114-116
本文从企业供应链分析入手,结合供应链管理中的绩效问题,分析企业供应链的关键绩效驱动要素,构建基于平衡记分卡的供应链绩效评价方法,并给出企业的供应链绩效评价的指标体系,旨在通过供应链的有效运转来创造和实现价值、提高企业竞争能力,形成高绩效的供应链。  相似文献   

在过去的几年中,无论在理论界还是企业界,人们对供应链管理的兴趣正在迅速增长,而且还将继续,原因是几乎全世界都公认实施供应链管理对现代企业增强竞争力有着举足轻重的作用。但是并不是所有的企业都适合进行供应链管理,企业要想成功实施供应链管理是需要具备一些条件的,本文就是提出了笔者认为三点最重要的条件。  相似文献   

信息技术革命和国际垂直分工深刻地改变了全球制造业的生产格局和竞争基础,传统的企业间竞争正逐渐演化为供应链间的竞争。对2011-2018年A股制造业上市公司的实证分析发现:供应商集中度负向影响企业创新,但这一效应在市场地位较高的企业中得到弱化;客户集中度与企业创新则呈显著正相关,且在市场地位较高的企业中得到强化。研究还发现,融资约束缓解是供应链集中度影响企业创新活动的作用渠道。研究对于供应链与创新活动之间的关系做出了文献贡献,并对创新驱动发展战略下企业根据自身市场地位权变性地从事创新活动提供了实践指导。  相似文献   

申亮  王玉燕 《商业研究》2007,(6):132-134
绿色供应链是改变传统环境治理与企业发展关系的一种方法,它的发展对于促进企业和社会的可持续发展有着重要的影响。需要指出的是,绿色供应链的研究从其概念的提出到现在仅仅只有10多年,还有很多领域等待开发。不仅需要新的理论研究来支撑,还需要研究者多进行实证定量研究,来解决实际中存在的问题。  相似文献   

赵洁 《中国市场》2007,(36):32-34
供应链管理对于企业来讲,是一种价值创造的手段,对企业绩效有着重要的影响。供应链管理的改善能够给企业带来巨大的价值,企业可通过优化供应链管理达到成本降低、收入增加等目标。随着企业之间竞争逐步转化为供应链管理之间的竞争,完善与反映迅速的企业供应链体系将是决定企业未来命运的主导因素。  相似文献   

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