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East and South‐East Asia will face major demographic changes over the next few decades with many countries’ labour forces starting to decline, while others experience higher labour force growth as populations and/or participation rates increase. A well‐managed labour migration strategy presents itself as a mechanism for ameliorating the impending labour shortages in some East Asia–Pacific countries, while providing an opportunity for other countries with excess labour to provide migrant workers who will contribute to the development of the home country through greater remittance flows. This paper examines such migration policy options using a global dynamic economic simulation approach and finds that allowing migrants to respond to the major demographic changes occurring in Asia over the next 50 years would be beneficial to most economies in the region in terms of real incomes and real GDP over the 2007–50 period. Such a policy could deeply affect the net migration position of a country. Countries that were net recipients under current migration policies might become net senders under the more liberal policy regime.  相似文献   

East Asia accounts for a large and growing share of worldwide anti‐dumping (AD) activity. East Asian countries have long been the main targets of AD actions, accounting for about one‐third of all AD actions during the 1980s, more than 40 per cent of all AD actions during the 1990s, and almost 50 per cent of all AD actions in recent years. After controlling for factors that might influence filings such as the exchange rate and trade volume, it is found that East Asian countries are subject to about twice as many cases as either North American or Western European countries. Moreover, the trend in filings against East Asian countries is increasing, meaning that in recent years the propensity for countries to direct their AD filings against East Asian countries is growing. One concern is that the growing intensity of AD use against East Asia is driven by China‐PRC. Importantly, but a rising propensity is found even excluding China‐PRC.  相似文献   

East Africa     

田丰 《中国海关》2012,(4):72+19-72
工作机会在哪里?如何在2012年创造足够的就业岗位,是世界各国面临的普遍难题。美国的就业市场目前已有所好转。3月15日,美国劳工部数据显示,上周首次申请失业救济的人数为35.1万人,是四年来的最低点。即使如此,对于毕业生而言,工作机会仍然非常宝贵。首先,美国的失业率继续维持在8.3%的高位。其次,按照惯例,缺乏工作经验的年轻人往往是就业市场的弱势群体,其失业率甚至可以达到整体失业率的2—3倍。第三,就业机会对于不同专业的学生而言具有显著差异,大体上,会计、金融、经济、市场营销、人力资源和信息技术等专业就业前景相对较好,而纯文科处于一定劣势。  相似文献   

East Africa     

Middle East     

To establish economic and monetary union (EMU) in East Asia, deepening regional integration through international trade is important. The economic interdependence (one of the important criteria for regional integration) study, using macro data does not reflect the indirect effects generated by interactions between different production sectors and different countries. We use the international input‐output (IIO) framework to study the economic interdependence at both macro and production sector levels. We refine the existing methods to reflect exogenous country effect and size effect of the economy. Our study suggests that establishing EMU in East Asia appears to be somewhat premature. However, we can be more optimistic for regional integration at the production sector level in East Asia when including Japan, which will create a basis for EMU in the region.  相似文献   

It was a busy exchanging period of East Asia in recent days. From October 28 to 31, 2007 the fourth China-ASEAN Expo (CAEXPO) and the fourth China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit (CABIS) were held concurrently in Nanning, capital city of Guangxi Province in China. In the Expo,China witnessed a turnout of over 33,000 trade visitors and over 180 investment cooperation projects with ASEAN.  相似文献   

欧盟东扩对中国经济的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年5月1日,10个国家将加入欧盟,这样,欧盟成员国总数将从15国增加到25国。随着波兰、捷克、匈牙利、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、塞浦路斯、马耳他人盟、欧盟总人口将增加7.500万,接  相似文献   

Numerous studies have investigated between‐country cultural differences. However, the subnational cultural differences, particularly in emerging markets, have remained an underexplored research topic despite its importance. Likewise, multiperiod studies in the cross‐cultural management area have also remained an underexplored topic. This study concurrently addresses both of these voids in the literature. Specifically, we examine changes in work values of businesspeople in the economically developed East region and the less developed West region of China over the first decade of the 21st century (2000–2010). Our findings show that, across the eight work values dimensions analyzed in this study, three exhibited static crossvergence, while the other five value dimensions exhibited conforming crossvergence. An implication of these findings is that the dissimilar work values, which had been found across the regions of China of the past century, are moving toward a more countrywide set of homogeneous values among the workforce professionals of China.  相似文献   

东亚经济冲击对称性分析与东亚货币合作   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
经济冲击的对称性程度,是判断一组经济体是否可以进行货币合作的一个良好指标。本文在前人研究的基础上,对经济冲击的分解变量进行了重新选择,将东亚9个经济体的经济冲击分解为供给冲击、需求冲击和货币冲击。静态与动态实证结果都显示东亚目前的冲击对称性程度还不高。未来东亚货币合作的方向,除了在整体上继续推动东亚各经济体在各领域的合作外,重点是要推进大国之间的经济合作与协调。  相似文献   

In this paper we explore three important areas where deeper trade and financial integration in East Asia can influence: (1) business cycle co‐movements in the region, (2) the extent of risk sharing across countries and (3) price co‐movements across countries. We find evidence that trade integration enhances co‐movements of output but not of consumption across countries. Especially the fact that trade integration does not raise co‐movements of consumption as much as that of output is interpreted as trade integration does not improve the extent of risk sharing. Co‐movements of price arise most significantly as trade integration deepens, lowering the border effects and allowing better opportunities for resource reallocation across countries. In contrast, financial integration demonstrates much weaker evidence of enhancing co‐movements across countries. Deeper financial integration improves price co‐movements weakly but does not enhance output or consumption co‐movements at all. However, since the current level of financial integration in East Asia is quite low, our evidence is too early to firmly determine the role of financial integration.  相似文献   

3月15日.体育品牌361°与腾讯在南京奥体中心正式签订战略合作伙伴协议.双方高层及中国羽毛球队总教练李永波出席了签约仪式。签约仪式上,361°助理总裁夏友群称.2008年奥运会是任何一家梦想走向世界的民族品牌都不会放过的机会.361°与腾讯的合作是其世界品牌之路的重要一环.[第一段]  相似文献   

The debates on regional trade arrangements in East Asia focus on whether the RTAs can be net trade creating or diverting, and whether they impede multilateral trade liberalisation or not. This paper attempts to answer these questions by quantitatively estimating the economic impact of possible East Asian free trade areas based on a bilateral gravity model, and evaluating the main characteristics of the proposed FTAs. We find that the trade creation effect expected from the proposed East Asian FTAs such as a China‐Japan‐Korea or an ASEAN plus three (China, Japan, Korea) FTA will be significant enough to overwhelm the trade diversion effect. We also judge that East Asian FTAs will likely be a building block for a global free trade.  相似文献   

双目 《国际市场》2004,(7):47-49
中东,这块富饶土地蕴含的商机实在令人瞩目。不久的将来,在阿联酋迪拜自由区将矗立起迄今为止中国境外最大的经贸平台——中国商品迪拜分拨中心,这将为中国商品进入中东市场找开一扇大门。  相似文献   


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