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基于 CTI(计 算机语音 集成) 技 术和 IP 技术 的 IP电 话银 行,与 银行 数据 中 心主 机系 统 一起 构 成功 能 强 大的全方 位信息服务 系统。IP 电话银行 通过 IP 电话系 统,由 自动 语音 应 答系 统、人 工座 席服 务 系统 为 客户 提 供 信息检索 、理财咨询 、金融业务服  相似文献   

朱爱媛 《新金融》2003,(9):22-23
一、银行客户服务中心的特点 1、从电话银行到客户服务中心的演变 (1)普通语音电话银行 银行利用自动语音应答设备与银行主机相连,通过公共电话网向客户提供的电话银行服务是最普遍的银行服务.从1992年第一个电话银行系统开通到现在,我国大多数银行网点都已开通此项服务.它的特点是:随时随地、简单方便,银行客户只须拨通电话,即可进行简单账务查询.  相似文献   

在一些场合下,即便是一些业内人士也对电话银行、呼叫中心、客户服务中心、联络中心、交互中心这些概念有所混淆。事实上,这些概念是现代商业银行在利用电话、互联网、多媒体等先进技术手段构建客户服务体系的过程中逐步产生的。这些概念不仅内涵和外延有所区别,其背后所体现出来的管理理念、经营理念上的差异也是非常大的。  相似文献   

进入90年代,银行为了进一步扩展服务范围、服务时间和服务对象,推出了电话银行服务系统。所谓电话银行(Telephone Banking),是指银行运用先进的计算机、通讯、语音处理技术和电话信号数字化技术等,在原有业务处理系统上,借助于公共电话网络,使客户能通过电话同银行进行金融交易,如查询账户信息、办理部分转帐结算及从事证券买卖等。  相似文献   

客户关系对任何企业来说都是至关重要的,特别是在当今企业向客户提供的产品种类、价格和质量水平日趋相同的情况下,客户服务更是显得越来越重要了。呼叫中心(Call Center)又称为客户服务中心(Customer Care Center),是基于CTI(Computer Telephone Integration)技术,充分利用通信网和计算机网的最新技术功能集成并与企业结  相似文献   

近年来,银行之间的竞争已不仅集中于产品质量和价格,而是更加注重服务水平的提升。与现代通信技术相结合的电话银行,也自然顺势成为银行客户关系管理系统中最基础也是最重要的部分。目前,国内多数的商业银行已基本上完成了全国总行级客户服务中心和各下属省级分行的独立客户服务中心的建设。银行客户服务中心建设伴随着数据和管理集中,  相似文献   

今年以来,省分行电子银行处客户服务中心紧紧围绕年初既定各项工作目标,加强内部管理,提高服务质量,在为客户释疑解难、反映客户需求等方面做了卓有成效的工作。1至6月份,人工接听客户来电127531通,比去年同期增长47585通,日均受理705通,同比增加261通,增长率达60%;受理客户有效投诉351笔,比去年同期增加73笔,上升了26%。  相似文献   

本文在分析传统电话银行系统缺陷的基础上,讨论了基于客户/服务器结构的电话银行系统的设计与实现。  相似文献   

知识库系统是当前的热门话题,是企业实施知识管理的重要技术手段,是企业的重要资产.中国银行华北信息中心作为中国银行华北地区及全国性业务系统的技术服务中心,十分重视知识管理工作.为了向客户提供更快捷、更优质的服务,华北信息中心在客户服务中心启动了知识管理工作,建立了客户服务知识库系统.通过收集、整合、存储中心技术人员和客户服务人员在日常工作中积累的知识、经验,极大地提高了中心的工作效率和服务水平,取得了很好的效果.  相似文献   

为保持和提升工商银行的业务与科技领先优势,进一步做好新时期工商银行的客户服务工作,工商银行总行信息科技部2007年5月25~26日举办了"2007年一体化电话银行技术研讨会".工商银行总行、各分行信息科技部,数据中心(北京)、数据中心(上海)、软件中心开发中心北京研发部等部门的领导和技术人员,以及来自Avaya公司的专家出席了本次会议.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a theory to analyze the specialization of banking activities based upon the different functions that banks perform when rendering a variety of financial services. The functional difference in the services performed by banks is based upon two dimensions: the degree of information asymmetry involved in providing the service, and the degree of verifiability of the value of the service rendered. This has implications for the length of banking relationships and also determines whether banks develop the right degree of skill specialization and resource intensity for the existing task mix. Costly overspecialization occurs in certain deal type transactions and underspecialization occurs in relationship type transactions. The paper examines how bank-client relationships are structured and proposes an explanation for phenomena such as bank syndication. First-mover advantages and monopoly skills are also shown to be natural outcomes of the model. The analysis has implications for banking regulation, such as for the Glass–Steagall Act, in the sense that it analyzes the effects of this specialization, first enacted within the spirit of the Act.  相似文献   

Drawing on monetary circuit theory, this study develops an approach to analyze the integrated functions of banking and finance in a monetary production economy. The study proposes a micro-founded, circuit-sequenced model of a decentralized-decisions economy, where production, exchange, and investment from households and firms are integrated through money creation and funds allocation operated, respectively, by banks and non-bank financial intermediaries. The model is used to draw implications on: the special nature of banks and the role of non-bank financial intermediaries; the relationship between saving and investment; and the channels through which finance may cause the circuit process to break down. The study also discusses how the circuit approach can be used for an integrated analysis of economic and financial structural change.  相似文献   

During the past decade, the importance of a sound microeconomic foundation for aggregate economic analysis has been increasingly emphasized. In this context, a satisfactory theory of bank behaviour appears as an indispensable prerequisite for a clear understanding of the workings of the financial sector of the economy. This has led to the development of a substantial literature attempting to model and explain the behaviour of banking firms. This paper presents a survey and discussion of the various approaches which can be found in this literature. A special effort is made to present an integrated view of the real resource and financial aspect: of banking activities.  相似文献   

一、引言粗糙集理论RST(RoughSetTheory)是波兰Z.Pawlak教授在1982年提出的一种数据推理方法。粗糙集理论自20世纪80年代诞生以来,由于其在研究不完整数据和不精确知识的表达、学习、归纳等方面的强大功能,在人工智能、知识发现、模式识别、股票数据分析、故障检测等方面取得了较为成功的应用。中国加入WTO后,随着外资银行的介入,我国商业银行将面临更大的挑战与风险,承受更大的市场竞争压力。为此,学术界和金融界就加强风险防范、提高银行竞争力进行了探讨。银行盈利能力一直是被关注的焦点,而对银行盈利能力的关注…  相似文献   

The adoption of internet banking: An institutional theory perspective   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Several models have been proposed in the literature to understand technology acceptance in which social environmental factors are not primarily addressed. Drawing upon the social contagion theory and institutional theory, this study proposes a model to examine three social environmental factors of normative, coercive and mimetic pressures within the internet banking (IB) context. The model is tested using survey data from 124 respondents. The results reveal that normative and coercive pressures significantly influence the attitude and intention of adopting IB, while mimetic pressures appear not to. Attitude plays a mediating role between institutional pressures and IB adoption. This study spearheads an institutional analysis at the individual level within the IB context. The findings also provide valuable insights for bank managers to manage the IB services.  相似文献   

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