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本文利用2005~2008年我国制造业30个细分行业数据,研究了加工贸易对行业间收入差距的影响。实证结果表明,我国行业间加工贸易活动的差异加大了行业间收入差距,相关行业在劳动生产率、垄断程度方面的差异对我国行业间收入差距也产生了显著的正向影响;而行业总资产贡献率差异对行业收入差距具有负向影响,说明在我国加工企业中,劳动力工资水平偏低与利润被资本所有者不合理占有有关,导致行业内收入差距加大。  相似文献   

在现阶段,中国的收入差距主要表现为城镇居民、地区之间、不同行业和城乡居民之间。由于城乡居民收入差距涵盖了全社会所有成员,存在时间最长;行业间的收入差又集中在城市不同行业间,在一定程度上可以归并到城镇居民收入之中;中国城市人口高度集中在东部地区,农村人口集中在中西部地区,地区差距实际上也就主要表现为城乡收入差。因此,研究中国现阶段的收入差距最主要的是城乡居民收入差距。  相似文献   

加工贸易向中西部的梯度转移   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国的加工贸易主要集中于东部沿海地区,近年来中西部地区加工贸易增长较快,已呈现从东部向中西部地区转移的趋势.为了避免外资向周边国家迁移,以及促进中西部地区加速发展,未来我国加工贸易应采取梯度转移的发展策略,通过主动招商、对口支援、区域协作等多种模式形成加工贸易合理的区域空间布局.  相似文献   

本文利用1998~2006年中国30个省市的面板数据,对FDI对制造业工资收入差距的影响进行了实证分析。研究发现,FDI有利于缩小我国制造业行业间工资收入差距;FDI缩小制造业行业间工资收入差距的原因在于其能够更多地拉升制造业中低收入行业的相对工资,该作用在东部地区要大于中西部地区;FDI能提高制造业的相对工资,但这种作用在不同地区是有差别的。因此,FDI虽然缩小了制造业行业间的工资收入差距,但是客观上扩大了东部和中西部地区之间制造业的工资收入差距。基于以上结论,本文最后提出了一些缩小制造业行业间收入差距和地区收入差距的政策建议。  相似文献   

中国产业结构升级就业效应的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
产业结构升级往往会带来就业结构的变动。本文通过理论和实证的分析方法对中国的产业结构升级的就业效应进行了研究。结果表明:全国和东部地区的就业结构和产业结构之间没有显著的关系,而中西部地区的就业结构和产业结构高度相关。全国和东部地区的产业结构的提升主要是投资增长的贡献,城乡之间的收入差距对产业结构的提升有积极作用,而中西部地区产业结构的提升和投资增长、城乡收入差距之间关系不显著。  相似文献   

李彬 《北方经济》2008,(10):7-8
一、我国出现收入差距拉大的原因 (一)地区间经济发展的不平衡。是导致地区间居民收入差距的主要原因 改革开放以来.我国国民经济迅速发展,但由于地区间本身固有的经济、科技、人才、资源、地理环境等基础条件不同.导致东部发展速度明显高于中西部。长期以来,我国生产力布局就集中在东部沿海地区。  相似文献   

高思安  栾敬东 《乡镇经济》2008,24(10):60-64
文章通过建立农村收入模型,分析了东、中、西部地区间的农村收入差距。分析结果表明,农村地区间的工资性收入差距是构成农村收入差距的重要因素。区域间农村工业化发展水平和城市非农部门发展水平差异所造成的非农就业机会的不平等,以及农民在获得非农就业机会能力上的差异是导致地区间农村工资性收入差距的主要原因。  相似文献   

笔者曾在2003年《四川经济研究》11-12期撰文“中西部地区从事加工贸易的优势分析”提及我国加工贸易的蓬勃发展现状以及现有的东、中、西部地区分布不平衡的格局,并对中西部地区从事加工贸易的优势进行了分析。在此,笔者再就中西部地区发展加工贸易的策略提出几点建议,以期对中西部地区发展加工贸易有所帮助。  相似文献   

收入差距拉大 据国家统计局城调总队资料,上半年全国城市居民人均可支配收入为4301元,同比增长9.0%,扣除物价因素,实际增长8.4%.非典疫情对居民收入影响不大.在城市居民收入快速增长的同时,地区间的收入差距进一步拉大,但中西部一些城市正在迎头赶上.  相似文献   

对社会收入状况的调查与评定,在很大程度上可以了解地区经济的总体情况和存在的问题.应用模糊统计方法,建立模型,用模糊综合评价法,对多个省市的收入状况进行研究,不失为一种有效的办法.对全国31个省市的收入状况进行模糊综合评价,确定与收入相关的8个因素,即食品、衣着、家庭设备用品、医疗保健、交通与通讯、娱乐教育文化服务、居住及杂项商品与服务.通过对8个因素的统计分析,得出综合结果及其分类.从综合评价结果看,一是东部和中西部地区收入差距拉大;二是中西部地区收入差距逐渐弱化.  相似文献   

张健 《特区经济》2010,(7):13-15
本文在梳理和总结我国地区经济发展进程中所表现出的特征基础上,运用方差分析方法探讨地区经济发展模式。结果表明,我国区域经济增长模式呈现出由粗放型向集约型的转变特征,造成我国各省之间收入差距扩大的原因主要是集约性因素。国际贸易通过传染效应、干中学效应、演示和培训效应以及竞争效应可以提高生产效率和技术能力,优化产业结构,进而促进经济增长。  相似文献   

陈军  龚新蜀 《改革与战略》2011,27(1):111-113,179
在加工贸易区或加工贸易基地选择研究方面,学界主要集中在基于因子分析方法的投资环境视角的研究上。文章采用另一种方法——区域可达性定量模型,对新疆主要中心城市和口岸城市的区域可达性进行计算,并按区域可达性大小排序。在国家实施东部地区产业转移的政策环境下,文章结合新疆特色加工产业群,对新疆加工贸易的发展和区域空间结构布局调整做了初步思考。  相似文献   

王旭  王振锋 《改革》2012,(6):89-95
对墨西哥、新加坡、日本、韩国、印度5个国家和我国的苏州、珠三角地区以及重庆加工贸易模式发展历程和特色效益的分析表明,由于各个国家和地区自身资源禀赋和技术条件等方面存在差异,在不同的历史阶段,面对不同的国际政治经济环境,采取不完全相同的经济发展战略和政策,各种加工贸易模式具有各自的特点。  相似文献   

王亚红 《特区经济》2011,(3):202-203
通过对不同时期城乡居民收入差异系数的对比分析,发现国家发展战略(这里以西部大开发为例)对城乡居民收入差距的缩小有积极影响——尽管对城乡居民收入差异系数绝对值的影响甚微,该战略实施后该系数的增长率明显低于全国平均水平和东部地区的增长率。  相似文献   

The very rapid economic growth of the People's Republic of China (PRC), its dramatic success in world export markets and its heavy receipts of foreign direct investment (FDI) have generated much thought and debate in policy and business circles in different parts of the world. This paper surveys evidence from research by ADB Institute staff and Visiting Fellows conducted over the last two years that sheds light on these issues. The paper examines differences in trade structure between the PRC and its trading partners, finding that the PRC's current structure is closest to that of Korea and Taipei, China in 1990. It also considers changes in market share and finds that the PRC exports are eroding the market share of its regional neighbours in the USA and Japan, particularly in products in which trading partners are most specialised. There is no evidence of FDI diversion from elsewhere in the region to PRC. The trade diversion effects in the US and Japan are offset however by strong trade creation as the rapid growth in PRC leads to a substantial rise in its imports.
The paper surveys the projections of models that demonstrate the gains in greater trade and income for the region from closer trade links with the PRC. The broad conclusion that emerges is that whilst there may be risks to individual sectors in all countries concerned, the pattern of regional trade and investment that is emerging is mutually beneficial, provided enterprises and governments representing the PRC's regional partners respond effectively to the adjustments required.  相似文献   

张会清 《南方经济》2017,36(10):75-89
文章利用世界银行于2013年公布的中国制造业企业问卷调查数据,实证检验地区营商环境对企业出口贸易的影响。研究发现,营商环境体系中的关贸监管效率、行政审批效率、基础设施条件、融资便利程度、高素质劳动力等因素显著阻碍了企业出口强度的提升,这几个方面应当成为政府部门改善营商环境的政策着力点。不同类型企业对营商环境的诉求存在显著差异,大型企业的出口贸易对营商环境各项指标的质量都更加敏感,高生产率企业的出口贸易则更易受到低质量税制环境和高素质劳动力短缺的制约。东部发达地区的企业出口贸易受要素市场条件的约束相对更多,而中西部欠发达地区的企业出口贸易受贸易便利条件的约束更为突出。  相似文献   

Rural regional disparity has now become one of the most concerning problems in China. This paper attempts to show that the inequality is mainly caused by the uneven development of rural collectively owned enterprises (COEs). In the early 1990s, COEs accounted for more than 70% of rural regional inequality. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of current government policies for lessening regional disparity, we use a data envelopment analysis to measure the efficiency of COEs in the rural areas. The analysis shows that COEs in the eastern region are relatively more efficient than those in the central and western regions. To explain this, the potential sources of the COEs' production efficiency in different provinces are examined in detail. The production efficiency of Chinese COEs is found to be closely related to the employment of a shareholding cooperative system, foreign investment, skilled workers, and a bonus incentive scheme.  相似文献   

This article reassesses the link between international trade and income distribution. We argue that one way to assess the influence of international trade upon income distribution is to take account of each country’s specific trade patterns by measuring the changes in the factor content of trade. The econometric specification is based on changes in Gini indices (over non-overlapping 4-year intervals), computed exclusively from series drawn from the same source. Our results show that a change in the factor content of trade has a significant impact on income distribution. The sign and magnitude of this impact is conditional on the national income level. We find that an increase in the labor content of trade raises income inequality in poor countries, but reduces it in rich countries (the reverse is true for the capital content of trade). In particular, we show that in the 1980s and 1990s, international trade may have contributed significantly to widening income inequalities in developing countries.  相似文献   

There are many empirical studies trying to test if there is income convergence across the provinces of China. In this paper, we bring new information to the current literature by applying non-linear panel unit root test of Exponential Smooth Auto-Regressive Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ESTAR-ADF) unit root test developed by Cerrato et al. (2008) to the time series data for the period 1952–2003. The number of converging provinces decreases in the post-reform period when using panel ESTAR-ADF test. Furthermore, our results find evidence of increasing regional disparity that has been prevailing in China since the open door economic reforms of the late 1970s, which confirms the view of Pedroni and Yao (2006) that interprovincial inequalities have been widening since 1978.In addition, we also examine the determinants of conditional convergence in China. The results indicate that low inflation, transport and telecommunication infrastructure, and trade openness could stimulate economic growth in China. Human capital also play a significant role in growth, and it exhibits non-linearity between human capital and growth in the sense that at low levels of human capital the effect on growth is negative and became positive at middle levels.  相似文献   

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