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二战后一些东亚国家和地区实行出口导向政策,政府对国内市场进行保护;同时用本币低估的汇率政策推动出口,被称为新重商主义。贸易保护和经济民族主义的对外经济政策同重商主义有着极大的相似性。  相似文献   

以东亚和拉美两个地区为样本,理论分析和计量检验结果表明:全球产业转移所导致的贸易规模扩大和经常账户盈余积累等是新兴市场外汇储备规模扩大的主要决定因素。而东亚比拉美保有更多外汇储备的原因是两个地区发展模式的差异所致,即东亚依附于重商主义的出口导向战略及其出口商品结构不仅能够增加出口,而且获得经常账户盈余的稳定性也要强于拉美,东亚的新兴工业化经济体在外汇储备积累上表现出了一定的预防性动机。  相似文献   

金融危机下东亚“出口导向”战略的重新思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过从供给和需求两方面对东亚经济增长模式的梳理,认为东亚诸国与地区的战后外向制造业主导型增长模式是其发展的必然选择,但金融危机条件下的世界经济,从贸易数量、贸易结构和贸易体制上都对这一模式提出了挑战。从这个意义上讲,外部环境制约强度、内部需求创造条件以及在此基础上,向平衡型“出口导向”战略转变的能力,对未来东亚经济体能否持续快速、有效发展至关重要。  相似文献   

作为发达国家与发展中国家之间国际技术转移的典型实践,东亚经济体大都呈现明显的出口导向、激增的外国投资和迅速的技术进步增长。本文从宏观总量层面上分析外国技术供应对东亚地区的技术溢出在多大程度上和东亚地区的进口、外国投资量和技术进步相联系,是否有助于东亚也成为国际技术转移的技术供应方而对外转移技术。并对东亚独有的技术——经济模式演变过程进行研究。  相似文献   

陈杰  毛蔚 《改革与战略》2004,(12):120-121
长期以来,我国实施"出口导向"的对外贸易战略,这一战略是受重商主义思想影响的"重出口而轻进口"的战略。文章通过对进口的再认识、对我国现阶段贸易平衡状况的判断、以及对出口导向政策带来的问题的分析,提出了在目前我国外汇储备非常充裕,甚至过剩,综合国力大大增强的新形势下,应当适时调整我国的对外贸易战略,由传统的出口导向、重出口轻进口,转为进、出口并重,并着力解决进出口中存在的一些深层次问题,实现外贸的可持续发展  相似文献   

中国作为当今世界上最大的发展中国家,自改革开放以来,成功转型走上了以出口导向、经济民族主义、财政货币政策双管齐下的国家干预经济为特征的新重商主义模式快速发展的道路。本文分析了中国新重商主义的主要特征.研究了中国新重商主义在当前条件下所面临的新困境.进而提出了若干改进的政策建议.  相似文献   

美国金融危机爆发之后,美联储已推出四轮量化宽松政策。量化宽松政策在稳定美国经济与金融形势的同时,也通过国际资本流动对其他国家带来负面溢出效应。前两轮量化宽松政策确实促进了国际资本流入东亚经济体,并带来货币升值、资产价格泡沫等负面影响。考虑到第四轮量化宽松政策"无限量"特征,东亚经济体将会面临更大挑战。东亚经济体可采取资本流动管理措施、汇率干预等手段进行应对。  相似文献   

赵夫增 《亚太经济》2006,(2):2-6,18
出口导向的亚洲经济体依赖美国市场来弥补需求,美国依赖亚洲的廉价出口和官方储备来抑制通胀和实现低成本融资,二者形成共生模式,经常账户失衡是其枢纽。但失衡格局不断腐蚀美元信用,使得共生模式不可持续,因此利益各方将会追求渐进式调整。  相似文献   

自从东亚金融和经济危机发生之后,对出口导向战略的重新认识一直是学术界讨论的热点问题。本文首先从发展战略的历史阶段性这一本质特征出发对出口导向战略在当前经济全球化背景下面临的困境作了理论上的分析,指出世界经济当前新的发展趋势构成发展中国家经济发展新的外部条件,从而对战略转型提出的迫切要求。论文紧接着提出发展中国家新的发展战略——融入经济全球化战略,对该战略的含义、内容作了阐述,并结合新兴工业化经济体已有的实践活动对该战略的实现途径作了探索。  相似文献   

陈稳进 《特区经济》2007,9(5):86-87
东亚金融危机凸现了该地区汇率制度不匹配以及区域协调机制的缺失。本文运用博弈论分析法探讨东亚经济体汇率制度的最优选择,合作博弈与非合作博弈分析显示在短期,和共同钉住货币篮相比,各自独立钉住货币篮更能提高各国的福利。从长期来看,在各自钉住的基础上实现共同钉住货币篮,建立区域性汇率安排和协调机制是东亚各国汇率制度改革的方向。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of the 2008 economic crisis on industries in East Asia. It attempts to identify the transmission mechanism and the magnitude of the impact of the crisis on industries in East Asia using the updated Asian international input–output table for 2008. The analyses reveal that the crisis significantly affected industrial output of the nine East Asian economies included in the present study. The economies that are deeply involved in production networks were affected most seriously. Our analyses also show that the impact was transmitted to East Asian industries through triangular trade, in which Chinese mainland imports parts and components from neighboring East Asian economies and then exports final products to the US and EU markets. Although such intricate production networks have improved the competitiveness of East Asian economies, they have also increased vulnerability to external shocks.  相似文献   

Public pension burdens in most emerging Asian economies are still relatively small. However, there are a number of reasons to believe that they will increase markedly in the coming years. First, many Asian economies will face rapidly ageing populations, which will raise pension and other old‐age‐related spending dramatically. Second, as economies develop, political pressures to expand the coverage of public pensions and raise pension benefits will likely increase. The first objective of this paper is to identify the potential fiscal burden of public pensions in 23 emerging Asian economies, based on econometric models and forecasts of GDP and demographic trends. Using two different methodologies yields estimated increases in the average share of public pension expenditures in GDP of 1.0 percentage point and 3.6 percentage points by 2030 compared with current levels. We believe the latter estimate is more realistic. The second objective is to recommend policies to provide adequate funding for public pension needs, including enhancing the efficiency of social insurance programs, improving the balance of revenues and expenditures, implementing more explicit fiscal rules and frameworks, and establishing stronger fiscal surveillance at the national and regional levels.  相似文献   

Significant aging is projected for many high-saving emerging economies of East and Southeast Asia. By 2025, the share of the elderly in their populations will at least double in most of these countries. The share of the young will fall. Aging populations could adversely affect savings rates in these economies, particularly after 2025. For the world, one may observe that initially, the Asian Tigers become increasingly important for world savings, reflecting their high saving and growth rates and the aging of the industrial countries. After 2025, the aging of the Tigers may reinforce the tendency toward a declining world savings rate.  相似文献   

Using a global general equilibrium trade model, this paper assesses the long-term implications of global rebalancing for Asian economies and explores the benefits of China–Japan–United States (US) integration. The analysis suggests that consumption evaporation, a growth slowdown in the US, and the consequent current account correction would force China, Japan, and other East Asian economies to undergo substantial structural adjustments. A combination of domestic reform aimed at boosting service sector productivity and external liberalization aimed at fostering broader economic integration will be critical for East Asian economies to facilitate their economic rebalancing and sustained growth. Our global computable general equilibrium (CGE) analysis suggests that China and Japan need to strengthen their economic ties with the US while at the same time bringing other East Asian economies into this integration process.  相似文献   

Employing the panel convergence method of Phillips and Sul (2007) to the nominal deviation indicators of two recent unofficial constructions of an Asian Currency Unit (ACU) index, this paper examines the existence and extent of convergence in the movements of East Asian currencies against the ACU. Empirical results reveal that intra-East Asian exchange rate movements have not converged to form one, cohesive and unified bloc where currencies share homogenous movements, regardless of whether one examines the data on intra-East Asian exchange rate movements before or after the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008. Instead, a separate number of convergent clubs or blocs in the region have formed in recent years. Finally, and most importantly, we observe at the end of the period of our examination that economies in the region are, generally, converging at different speeds to two opposing poles of convergence, that is, groups of relatively depreciating currencies and, on the other, groups of relatively appreciating currencies.  相似文献   

Using the “trilemma indexes” developed by Aizenman et al. (2010) that measure the extent of achievement in each of the three policy goals in the trilemma—monetary independence, exchange rate stability, and financial openness—we examine how policy configurations affect macroeconomic performances, with focus on the Asian economies. We find that the three policy choices matter for output volatility and the medium-term level of inflation. Greater monetary independence is associated with lower output volatility while greater exchange rate stability implies greater output volatility, which can be mitigated if a country holds international reserves (IR) at a level higher than a threshold (about 20% of GDP). Greater monetary autonomy is associated with a higher level of inflation while greater exchange rate stability and greater financial openness could lower the inflation rate. We find that trilemma policy configurations affect output volatility through the investment or trade channel depending on the openness of the economies. Our results indicate that policy makers in a more open economy would prefer pursuing greater exchange rate stability while holding a massive amount of IR. Asian emerging market economies are found to be equipped with macroeconomic policy configurations that help the economies to dampen the volatility of the real exchange rate. These economies’ sizeable amount of IR holding appears to enhance the stabilizing effect of the trilemma policy choices, and this may help explain the recent phenomenal buildup of IR in the region.  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is to provide stylized facts on recovery from economic downturns and to evaluate the role of macroeconomic policies in promoting recovery. In particular, we examine gross domestic product (GDP) recessions and financial downturns (credit contractions and stock price declines) using data from 21 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) economies and 21 developing Asian economies. We find, in general, recovery from a GDP recession in the Asian economies is somewhat slower than in the OECD economies. However, recovery from a financial downturn is not much different between Asia and the OECD. We also find the OECD economies have been more active and effective in using counter-cyclical policies than the Asian economies in the face of GDP recessions and financial downturns. Recent evidence, however, suggests the Asian economies may have better success in the current global crisis.  相似文献   

In recent times, the economies of East Asia have been confronted by two major economic recessions, the first caused by the East Asian financial crisis, and the second by the slump in the ‘new economy.’ The causes of these two recessions, their scope and their influences differ significantly and during these periods of economic downturn the economies affected have adopted various monetary policies aimed at reducing interest rates and tax rates, and pursuing the expansion of government expenditure. However, these policies have obviously not yet been as effective as expected.This paper sets out to determine those factors affecting the possibility of East Asia rising again from the recent economic slump, a slump which has stemmed from excessive investment in the electronics and information industries. The paper begins with an overview of the East Asian economy, with particular reference to the recent serious decline following the steady recovery from the East Asian financial crisis and a review of the measures taken to counter it. Proposals are then made with regard to a number of lessons to be learned from the recent slump.There are three major issues involved in the question of whether East Asia can rise again from the current economic slump. First of all, many of the economies of East Asia have tried their utmost to upgrade their industrial structures from labor- to technology-intensive, or towards a knowledge-based economy and, to some extent, have actually been quite successful in achieving their goals. Secondly, almost all of the East Asian economies have paid particular attention to educational development, with many families having sent their children to foreign countries to receive advanced education in the hope that when they return they can make a substantial contribution to the progress of their home economies—examples of this trend are provided by Taiwan and India. Thirdly, there are abundant natural resources in East Asia along with rich sources of manpower with a hard-working spirit; these two factors can create comparative advantages and strengthen the competitiveness of these economies.In view of the recent developments towards regionalism, it is imperative for the economies of East Asia to form an East Asian Community in the near future, and many of the economies in this region are currently endeavoring to realize this vision, despite many obstacles still facing East Asia which will ultimately need to be overcome.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the economic integration of the East and South Asian economies in the global economy. East Asian economies are shown to be achieving much more of their potential trade than South Asian economies, both in terms of intra‐regional trade and in trade with the rest of the world. Examination of the China–Japan, India–Pakistan and Taiwan–mainland China bilateral relationships shows that integration of these economies into the global economy has allowed economic relations to dominate and constrain difficult bilateral political relations in East Asia while in South Asia adverse political relations have hampered development of bilateral economic relationships.  相似文献   

Developing Asia has benefited greatly from the rise of the People's Republic of China (PRC), primarily through the trade channel. The PRC and its neighbours have collectively formed a regional production network, and the PRC is becoming an increasingly important source of final demand. Two empirical techniques are used to examine the likely economic impact of growth deceleration in the PRC on other Asian economies: (1) a single‐equation approach that captures the trade channel; and (2) a global vector autoregressive model that captures the effects beyond the trade channel. The results of both analyses confirm that deceleration in the PRC will have a non‐negligible negative effect on other economies, especially on East and Southeast Asian economies. An out‐of‐sample analysis to tease out the effects of slower growth in the PRC from the recent growth performance of selected Southeast Asian economies suggests that the PRC effect is contributing to the growth dynamics of this region but is not always dominant.  相似文献   

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