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作为技术分析常用的基础变量,股市指数与股市交易量之间的相互关系历来都是广泛研究的对象。本文基于最新的中国股市数据,通过构建VAR模型,运用传统的Granger因果检验方法以及最新提出的非线性Granger因果检验方法对中国股市量价关系进行研究。结果表明:沪深两市的股市交易量不是股市指数的线性Granger原因。而股市指数则是股市交易量的线性Granger原因。过滤掉线性因素以后,上海股市不存在从股市指数到股市交易量的非线性Granger因果关系;而在深圳股市中,这种关系在滞后阶数较低的时候依然存在。过滤掉线性因素以后,沪深两市的市场交易量是对应市场指数的非线性Granger原因。并且,这种关系在A股市场和指数之间更为强烈。  相似文献   

后金融危机时期,基于2009-1-5到2010-2-9日的有效交易日收益数据,对中港美三地的沪深300指数、香港恒生指数、美国道琼斯工业指数的日收益数据建立VAR模型,分别进行Granger检验、脉冲冲击函数分析。结果表明,沪深二地股市并没有独立于香港和美国股市,反而有受其波动影响加深的趋势。  相似文献   

在美国次贷危机引发全球金融危机背景下,基于2007年8月1日到2008年12月31日的日数据,对中国上证综合指数和美国标准普尔500指数日收益率建立了VAR模型,并进行Granger因果关系检验、脉冲响应和方差分解等实证分析,结果表明:标准普尔500指数日收益率前一期值对上证指数日收益率当期值有显著的正向影响,说明中关股市之间有一定的联动性.研究结果对投资者及时采取合理准确的投资策略以及管理当局制定相关金融政策有一定指导作用.  相似文献   

本文采用了VAR模型以及Granger因果检验的方法来考察量价之间的动态相关关系。我们选定1996年12月16日至2008年12月31日作为样本研究区间,实证发现滞后期的交易量和收益对当前期交易量与收益的解释力度存在下降趋势;同时,交易量同收益之间由收益对交易量的单向引导发展为双方互为Granger原因。本文得到的交易模式的动态演变轨迹反映了我国投资者式逐步趋于理性成熟。  相似文献   

上海股市收益率与成交量的Granger因果检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用GARCH模型及Granger检验对上海股市综合指数每日收益率与成交量进行了因果实证检验,结果表明:上海股票市场收益率与成交量在滞后1阶到15阶上存在着收益率对成交量影响显著的单向因果关系,是非对称的,并得出上海股市并不存在“价随量涨”的结论。  相似文献   

中国股票市场流动性与收益关系实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
股票市场流动性是市场交易机制设计者、证券监管部门和市场参与者关注的重点之一。本文针对流动性对股票价格的影响,选取换手率和非流动性比率作为流动性的衡量指标,运用多指标回归模型对中国股票市场进行实证分析,探讨了股票市场流动性与预期收益之间的关系。结果表明中国股票市场上确实有流动性溢价现象的存在,但股票流动性对收益率的影响并不明显。  相似文献   

2010年3月31日,沪深两市正式接受券商的融资融券交易申报.经过4年准备的融资融券交易正式进入市场操作阶段.为了解其是否会影响股市的波动性、如何影响,本文运用VAR模型和Granger检验,基于上证50支首批允许融资融券交易股票437个交易日的数据进行实证分析并得到相关结论.最后本文在短期数据分析的基础上,分析预测了融资融券机制对我国A股市场的长期影响  相似文献   

2010年4月16日,股指期货在国内正式上市交易,至今为止,我国股指期货上市已有三年的时间,股指期货对股票市场波动性的影响如何,股指期货与现货的价格引导作用怎样?本文借助TARCH模型以及VAR脉冲响应模型,探究了沪深300股指期货对股市波动性的影响,并且对于股指期货与现货互相之间的价格引导作用进行了研究分析,结果表明:股指期货的上市减弱了股市对于信息的非对称反应程度;股指期货价格的波动对于现货价格的影响大于现货价格波动对于股指期货价格的影响。  相似文献   

本文以湖南地方区域性金融机构为调查研究对象,在对其流动性状况进行调查的基础上,运用计量VAR自回归脉冲响应函数研究分析宏观调控政策对地方区域性金融机构流动性的影响,并提出进一步加强和改善宏观调控的政策建议。  相似文献   

本文选取上证综合指数(A股)和美国道琼斯指数2007年9月4日至2012年9月1日的数据作为研究样本,利用基于VAR模型的Johansen协整检验和Granger因果检验方法,对中国大陆和美国股市的联动性进行了实证研究分析。  相似文献   

理论界和实务界普遍认为流动性过剩是导致股市、房市价格上涨的重要原因。自2006年下半年以来,央行接连实施紧缩性货币政策,但都未影响到股市和房市的价格上涨势头。论文从资本市场开放、人民币升值与居民资产结构调整三个角度对我国股市近期的上涨进行理论分析,认为我国资本市场对内对外的逐步开放、人民币缓慢升值与居民资产结构调整是我国股市近期上升的主要原因,并指出股市上涨的流动性过剩假说存在认识误区,新形势下紧缩性货币政策调控股市存在困难。  相似文献   

本文首先应用模型刻划了我国股票市场流动性变化特征,并以非预期流动性度量流动性风险:其次从货币供应量和利率两个方面,应用VAR模型分析了我国货币政策与流动性风险的关系.研究发现M2的变化对流动性风险影响最大,准M2、M1的变化次之,M0、准M1的变化最小;流动性风险对准Ml变化影响最大,对M1、M2变化次之,对准M2和M0变化几乎没有影响.利率与流动性风险相互影响很小.  相似文献   

Stock Market Declines and Liquidity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Consistent with recent theoretical models where binding capital constraints lead to sudden liquidity dry-ups, we find that negative market returns decrease stock liquidity, especially during times of tightness in the funding market. The asymmetric effect of changes in aggregate asset values on liquidity and commonality in liquidity cannot be fully explained by changes in demand for liquidity or volatility effects. We document interindustry spillover effects in liquidity, which are likely to arise from capital constraints in the market making sector. We also find economically significant returns to supplying liquidity following periods of large drops in market valuations.  相似文献   

An Empirical Analysis of Stock and Bond Market Liquidity   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
This article explores cross-market liquidity dynamics by estimatinga vector autoregressive model for liquidity (bid-ask spreadand depth, returns, volatility, and order flow in the stockand Treasury bond markets). Innovations to stock and bond marketliquidity and volatility are significantly correlated, implyingthat common factors drive liquidity and volatility in thesemarkets. Volatility shocks are informative in predicting shiftsin liquidity. During crisis periods, monetary expansions areassociated with increased liquidity. Moreover, money flows togovernment bond funds forecast bond market liquidity. The resultsestablish a link between "macro" liquidity, or money flows,and "micro" or transactions liquidity.  相似文献   

What is the impact of internationalization (firms raising capital and trading in international markets) on the liquidity of the remaining firms in domestic markets? To address this question, we assemble a panel database of nearly 2,900 firms from 45 emerging economies over the period 1989–2000, constructed from annual and daily data. First, we find evidence of migration. The domestic trading of firms that cross-list or issue depositary receipts in foreign public exchanges tends to decrease, while a significant proportion of their trading activity concentrates in international markets. Second, this migration is negatively related to the liquidity of the remaining firms in their home market through two separate channels. There are liquidity spillovers within markets: Aggregate domestic trading activity is positively associated with the liquidity of individual firms in the same market. Moreover, the proportion of trading abroad is negatively related to the liquidity of firms in the domestic market. * The paper was revised while Schmukler was visiting the IMF Research Department. We thank Tatiana Didier and Juan Carlos Gozzi Valdez for truly outstanding research assistance. We are grateful to Franklin Allen and Marco Pagano for very useful and detailed comments. We also received very helpful suggestions from Gordon Alexander, Luca Benzoni, Stijn Claessens, Peter Henry, Eduardo Loyo, Ugo Panizza, Valery Polknichenko, Helene Rey, Michael Schill, Frank Warnock, two anonymous referees, seminar participants at Dartmouth College, the Econometric Society Meetings (Chile), the NBER IASE Meeting in PUC-Rio (Brazil), the University of Minnesota, the University of Virginia (Darden School of Business), the University of Zurich, and the World Bank. For help with the data, we thank particularly Florencia Moizeszowicz and also Pamela Dottin, Monica Erpen, Dori Flanagan, Marina Halac, Angela Marshall, Konstantinos Tzioumis, Richard Webster-Smith, and Cheryl Workman. Levine is grateful for generous financial support from the BSI Gamma Foundation. Schmukler thanks the World Bank Latin American Regional Studies Program and Research Support Budget for ample financial support. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this paper are entirely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the World Bank.  相似文献   

In the recent financial crisis we saw liquidity in the stock market drying up as a precursor to the crisis in the real economy. We show that such effects are not new; in fact, we find a strong relation between stock market liquidity and the business cycle. We also show that investors' portfolio compositions change with the business cycle and that investor participation is related to market liquidity. This suggests that systematic liquidity variation is related to a “flight to quality” during economic downturns. Overall, our results provide a new explanation for the observed commonality in liquidity.  相似文献   

Earnings Predictability, Information Asymmetry, and Market Liquidity   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
We investigate the relation between earnings predictability, information asymmetry and the behavior of the adverse selection cost component of the bid-ask spread around quarterly earnings announcements for NASDAQ firms. While we find an increase in the adverse selection component of the bid-ask spread on the day of and the day prior to quarterly earnings announcements for firms with less predictable earnings, we find no evidence of such changes for firms with more predictable earnings. During a non-announcement period, we find that firms with relatively less predictable earnings have consistently higher total bid-ask spreads than firms with more predictable earnings. This finding suggests that firms with relatively less predictable earnings have a higher cost of equity capital than comparable firms with more predictable earning streams, ceteris paribus. Hence, earnings predictability may be a legitimate concern of managers who wish to minimize their cost of equity capital at least as it pertains to bid-ask spreads.  相似文献   

中国股票市场的发展及波动周期分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国股票市场自1991年正式运行以来,经历了一个飞速发展的过程,不仅上市公司和投资者数量剧增,而且股票成交金额及筹资规模也在剧增。但是作为一个新兴的股票市场,波动性与不稳定性是其基本特征。本文通过分析中国股票市场的发展现状和股市波动的特点,根据中国股市18年的发展历程及波动特点,将其划分为8个波动周期,并研究了每个周期的基本特征及概况,简要分析了影响股市波动的因素,并指出对股市波动周期划分的意义。  相似文献   

李志辉  王近  李梦雨 《金融研究》2018,452(2):135-152
基于收盘价操纵后股票价格的变动特征,本文构建了收盘价操纵行为的识别方法——尾市价格偏离模型,并利用中国股票市场的分时高频交易数据实现了可疑收盘价操纵行为的监测。进一步,本文采用面板数据回归实证分析了收盘价操纵影响市场流动性的方向、程度和机制。研究结果表明,收盘价操纵会导致股票交易成本上升和流动性下降,这种影响往往在股票市场处于震荡和下跌阶段时更为显著;同时,投资者报价策略趋于保守化是收盘价操纵对市场流动性产生影响的关键因素,而引发投资者调整报价策略的原因可能是股价波动加剧后订单非执行风险的降低。  相似文献   

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