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Using data from a survey of executives in charge of the labor relatins or human resource management funciton ar large U.S. corporations, athe authors to test the hypothesis of some unionists that management's perception of a cooperative relationship with the union is one in which the unions are pasive, willing to make concessions. and Satisfied with little or no role in the decision-making process. We find, as have others, that those managers who are most likely to view their relationship with the union as cooperative are those who also peceive the smallest role for unions in the decision-making process.  相似文献   

经过半年的周密准备和20天的紧张操作,中电联顺利完成了本部机构改革。这次改革为中电联进一步顺应电力市场化改革潮流,不断提升为行业、企业和政府的服务能力与服务水平,奠定了新的基础,迈出了新的一步, 同时,也符合党的十六届五中全会精神。中电联的改革引起了很大反响,在行业内外受到广泛关注,记者就此专访了中电联谢振华常务副理事长。  相似文献   

刘姗姗 《中国纺织》2005,(3):118-119
于2005年2月4日到11日举办的纽约时装周圆满落幕,为我们展示了又一绚烂夺目异彩纷呈的时尚大餐.此次时装周不仅吸引了众多媒体的注意,还吸引了许多的明星前来观看.设计师争相展示自己的最新作品,为了创新发布会也是花样百出.甚至出现了专门为宠物犬举办的发布会.  相似文献   

Intrajurisdictional variations in the effective residential property tax are analyzed for New York City. Significant variation is observed by type of structure, by borough, by income quartiles, and over time. Cross-sectional regression equations indicate that effective rates tend to vary inversely with income and positively with the proportion of poverty households and building size. Market values, on the other hand, tend to vary inversely with poverty households and building age, and positively with income and building size. Over time, effective tax rates show a strong inverse relationship with the rate of inflation.  相似文献   

2005年中电联开展的主要工作2005年是中电联第四届理事会的开局之年。在电监会的直接领导和有关政府部门的关心指导下,在各常务理事和理事单位的大力支持下,我们圆满完成了预定的各项工作目标。服务水平和质量有新的提高,在行业和社会的影响力、权威性和公信度进一步增强,受到企业的欢迎、政府的肯定和社会的认可。2005年主要做了以下几方面的工作。1、积极组织或参与电力行业相关专业“十一五”发展规划的制订和电力产业政策的研究,维护行业企业合法权益,推进电力法律法规体系建设,为促进电力行业的可持续健康发展做出了积极的努力开政和成…  相似文献   

东木 《中国纺织》2005,(12):152-153
时尚宣言:让女人成为艺术品 伊芙心悦认为只要心中有时尚,无论哪个季节,都可以变得靓丽光鲜.  相似文献   

中电联第三届常务理事会第四次会议于2001年8月30日在京召开,同时套开了理事长会议。会议审议通过了《关于中电联会费收取办法的修改意见》、《供电优质服务约规》和关于增补理事、常务理事的建议等有关事项,这些议题将提请中电联三届四次理事会议通过后实施。会议通报了《2001年我国电力供需形势研究报告》。会议期间,赵希正同志就中电联如何实践江泽民同志“三个代表”的重要思想,进一步做好工作提出了要求,刘宏同志代表第三届常务理事会向会议报告今年以来中电联开展的主要工作。  相似文献   

竞争、垄断与合作是工业经济条件下企业所具有的三维行为特征,其中,企业的垄断与竞争是这一时期产业组织的基本范式。20世纪90年代以来,随着经济全球化和网络经济的迅速发展,企业之间的合作越来越普遍,并日益成为企业的一种基本经营理念和行为方式,由此导致产业组织的垄断、竞争范式转变为竞争、合作范式。产业组织合作范式的确立,对于现阶段中国产业组织调整具有重要启示意义。  相似文献   

中美建交30年来,双方围绕能源和环境问题在技术、资金等方面进行了多层次和多形式的合作,形成了诸多有效的合作机制,取得了一些进展.尽管如此,与两个大国的地位相比,两国在能源领域合作的实质性成果有限,合作潜力远未得到发挥,究其根源有三个方面的原因:中美双方对能源安全概念、利益与风险等的理解有很大的不同;双方在能源环境领域的战略互信明显不足;中美对新能源、气候变化问题的认识及预期存在差异.自2009年初奥巴马政府上台以来,在美国能源环境政策大幅度调整和全球气候变化问题进一步升温的背景下,中美两国在能源和环境领域掀起新一轮合作热潮.种种迹象表明,以清洁能源为核心的能源合作有望成为未来推动中美关系深入发展的新动力.  相似文献   

In recent decades, most new metropolitan population and job growth has occurred in the suburbs. Conventional wisdom suggests that because of the selective nature of suburban labor market development, most metropolitan workers currently live further from their jobs. Distance, in turn, fragments urban labor markets and creates physical and informational barriers to employment.
This article examines the selective pattern of central city-suburban labor market development within the New York Metropolitan Region between 1960 and 1975 and analyzes the extent to which worker residences have adapted to spatial shifts in employment.  相似文献   

The importance of communication for the successful development of new projects, particularly within the R&D laboratory setting, has been well documented. Yet researchers have seldom examined the relationship between patterns of communication and cross-functional cooperation in the development and management of new programs. In this article Mary Beth and Jeffrey Pinto report on the results of a research study that assessed the relationship of two aspects of project team communication (formal versus informal modes and reason for communication) with the level of cross-functional cooperation actually achieved within a hospital project team charged with developing a new program. A total of 262 team members were surveyed from 72 hospital project teams. The results demonstrated that high cooperation teams differed from low cooperation teams both in terms of their increased use of informal methods for communication as well as their reasons for communicating. Finally, cross-functional cooperation was found to be a strong predictor of certain project outcomes.  相似文献   

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