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In this paper, we investigate the long run dynamics of the intraday range of the GBP/USD, JPY/USD and CHF/USD exchange rates. We use a non-parametric filter to extract the low frequency component of the intraday range, and model the cyclical deviation of the range from the long run trend as a stationary autoregressive process. We use the cyclical volatility model to generate out-of-sample forecasts of exchange rate volatility for horizons of up to 1 year under the assumption that the long run trend is fully persistent. As a benchmark, we compare the forecasts of the cyclical volatility model with those of the range-based EGARCH and FIEGARCH models of Brandt and Jones (2006). Not only does the cyclical volatility model provide a very substantial computational advantage over the EGARCH and FIEGARCH models, but it also offers an improvement in out-of-sample forecast performance.  相似文献   

Reduced exchange rate volatility and higher and less heterogeneous quality of institutional rules and macroeconomic policies are two of the main (anticipated and concurring) effects expected from a currency union.In this paper, we measure the magnitude of these two effects for the Eurozone countries looking at real effective exchange rates (REER) and at different indicators of quality of institutional rules and macroeconomic policies (QIRMP). We find that the first effect is much stronger than the second when we compare relative changes for Eurozone countries and the rest of the world in the relevant period.We further evaluate the impact of both effects on economic growth on a larger sample of countries. Our findings show that both have significant impact on levels (more robust) and on rates of growth (weaker) of per capita GDP.  相似文献   

Volatility tests are an alternative to regression tests for evaluating the joint null hypothesis of market efficiency and risk neutrality. By considering tests based on conditional volatility bounds, we show that if the alternative hypothesis is that one could ‘beat the market’ using a linear combination of observable variables, then regression tests are at least as powerful as the conditional volatility tests. If the application is to spot and forward markets for foreign exchange, then the most powerful conditional volatility test turns out to be equivalent to the analogous regression test in terms of asymptotic power.  相似文献   

We use realized volatility to study the influence of Japanese central bank interventions on the yen-to-dollar exchange rate. A system of equations for returns, logarithmic realized volatility, and interventions provides a comprehensive view on the problem without endogeneity bias, unlike earlier latent variable specifications. We find that during the period 1991 through 1995, interventions of the Japanese monetary authorities could not move the yen-to-dollar rate into the desired direction. We measure an increase in volatility associated with interventions. During the period 1995 through 1998, the estimations are consistent with interventions that successfully influenced returns. After 1998 up to the last intervention episode in 2004, interventions did not have a significant impact on returns but reduced realized exchange rate volatility.  相似文献   

《Global Finance Journal》2001,12(1):109-119
The effect of exchange rate volatility on trade is a controversial issue in international economics. Despite a widespread view that an increase in exchange rates volatility reduces trade, there is no real consensus on the direction or the size of the exchange rate volatility–trade level linkages. This paper investigates the relationship between US trade volume and exchange rate volatility using cointegration and error-correction models. We use conditional variances of the real effective exchange rate (REER) series modeled as a generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic (GARCH) process to measure the exchange rate volatility. The cointegration results indicate a significant negative relationship between US export volume and exchange rate volatility. The short-run dynamics of the relationship, however, show that the effects of both real exchange rates and exchange rate volatility are insignificant.  相似文献   

We examine the effects of the Czech National Bank communication, macroeconomic news and interest rate differential on exchange rate volatility using generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model. Our results suggest that central bank communication has a calming effect on exchange rate volatility. The timing of central bank communication seems to matter, too, as financial markets respond more to the communication before the policy meetings than after them. Next, macroeconomic news releases are found to reduce exchange rate volatility, while interest rate differential seems to increase it.  相似文献   

While the time-varying volatility of financial returns has been extensively modelled, most existing stochastic volatility models either assume a constant degree of return shock asymmetry or impose symmetric model innovations. However, accounting for time-varying asymmetry as a measure of crash risk is important for both investors and policy makers. This paper extends a standard stochastic volatility model to allow for time-varying skewness of the return innovations. We estimate the model by extensions of traditional Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods for stochastic volatility models. When applying this model to the returns of four major exchange rates, skewness is found to vary substantially over time. In addition, stochastic skewness can help to improve forecasts of risk measures. Finally, the results support a potential link between carry trading and crash risk.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the relationship between real exchange rate dynamics and financial market imperfections. For this purpose, we first construct a New Open Economy Macroeconomics (NOEM) model that incorporates staggered loan contracts as a simple form of the financial market imperfections. Our model with such a financial market friction replicates persistent, volatile, and realistic hump-shaped responses of real exchange rates, which have been thought very difficult to materialize in standard NOEM models. Remarkably, these realistic responses can materialize even with both supply and demand shocks, such as cost-push, loan rate, and monetary policy shocks. This implies that the financial market development is a key element for understanding real exchange rate dynamics.  相似文献   

An efficient method is developed for pricing American optionson stochastic volatility/jump-diffusion processes under systematicjump and volatility risk. The parameters implicit in deutschemark (DM) options of the model and various submodels are estimatedover the period 1984 to 1991 via nonlinear generalized leastsquares, and are tested for consistency with $/DM futures pricesand the implicit volatility sample path. The stochastic volatilitysubmodel cannot explain the 'volatility smile' evidence of implicitexcess kurtosis, except under parameters implausible given thetime series properties of implicit volatilities. Jump fearscan explain the smile, and are consistent with one 8 percentDM appreciation 'outlier' observed over the period 1984 to 1991.  相似文献   

The vast empirical exchange rate literature finds the effect of exchange rate volatility on real activity to be small or insignificant. In contrast, this paper offers empirical evidence that real exchange rate volatility can have a significant impact on productivity growth. However, the effect depends critically on a country's level of financial development. The results appear robust to time window, alternative measures of financial development and exchange rate volatility, and outliers. We also offer a simple monetary growth model in which real exchange rate uncertainty exacerbates the negative investment effects of domestic credit market constraints.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence suggests that the flexibility of labor supply is closely related to the dynamic adjustment of the real exchange rate. This paper investigates this relationship in a two-sector dependent economy model. While, the long-run equilibrium real exchange rate is independent of the elasticity of labor supply, our analysis confirms that the nature of the labor supply can be a crucially important determinant of its short-run dynamics. The extent to which this is so depends to some degree on the source of the underlying structural change that is driving the dynamics of the real exchange rate. Numerical simulations confirm that this mechanism may help explain the larger short-run volatility and more rapid convergence typically associated with developing countries having less flexible labor markets.  相似文献   

The relationship between trading volume and volatility in foreign exchange markets continues to be of much interest, especially given the higher than expected volatility of returns. Allowing for nonlinearities, this paper tests competing hypotheses on the possible relationship between volatility and trading volume using data for three major currency futures contracts denominated in US dollars, namely the British pound, the Canadian dollar and the Japanese yen. We find that trading volumes and return volatility are negatively correlated, implying a lack of support for the mixture of distributions hypothesis (MDH). Using linear and nonlinear Granger causality tests, we document significant lead-lag relations between trading volumes and return volatility consistent with the sequential arrival of information (SAI) hypothesis. These findings are robust and not sample-dependent or due to heterogeneity of beliefs as proxied by open interest. Furthermore, our results are insensitive to the modeling approach used to recover volatility measures. Overall, our findings support the contention that short- to medium-term currency relationships may be dominated by trading dynamics and not by fundamentals.  相似文献   

We present an empirical investigation of the hypotheses that exchange rate uncertainty may have an impact on both the volume and variability of trade flows by considering a broad set of industrial countries' bilateral real trade flows over the period 1980–1998. Similar to the findings of earlier theoretical and empirical research, our first set of results shows that the impact of exchange rate uncertainty on trade flows is indeterminate. Our second set of results provides new and novel findings that exchange rate uncertainty has a consistent positive and significant effect on the volatility of bilateral trade flows, helping us better understand macroeconomic volatility.  相似文献   

This study highlights the importance of choice of exchange rate system to macroeconomic stability of small-open emerging economies based on the outcomes of the recent exchange rate regime switches of three Asian countries – Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. These countries have high similarities in their economic structures, but have reacted very differently in mitigating the economic distortion of the 1997 financial crisis, in particular in the adoption of exchange rate system. The empirical results of this study show that the amplified instability of macro-variables in Thailand and Indonesia, which was due to the crisis, were not stabilized by switching the exchange rate system to a flexible regime. The volatilities, however, were effectively stabilized after the countries made the second switch – from the independent float to the managed float with no pre-announcement. For Malaysia, a switch from the managed float to the pegged system successfully reduced the volatilities. The exchange rate misalignments of the countries, except Indonesia, were also reduced when the countries switched from a flexible to a more fixed managed float system. These empirical findings thus strongly support central banks of small-open emerging economies to adopt a more fixed, rather than a more flexible system. However, the managed float system needs to couple with efficient management to ensure a smooth and stable regime.  相似文献   

In this paper we compare the out-of-sample performance of two common extensions of the Black–Scholes option pricing model, namely GARCH and stochastic volatility (SV). We calibrate the three models to intraday FTSE 100 option prices and apply two sets of performance criteria, namely out-of-sample valuation errors and Value-at-Risk (VaR) oriented measures. When we analyze the fit to observed prices, GARCH clearly dominates both SV and the benchmark Black–Scholes model. However, the predictions of the market risk from hypothetical derivative positions show sizable errors. The fit to the realized profits and losses is poor and there are no notable differences between the models. Overall, we therefore observe that the more complex option pricing models can improve on the Black–Scholes methodology only for the purpose of pricing, but not for the VaR forecasts.  相似文献   

In this article we study the impact of real effective exchange rate misalignments, based on determinants including different types of foreign capital inflows, on GDP growth in the EU. For this analysis, we use a panel of 27 EU countries for the period 1994–2012, with annual frequency.Core countries have been only slightly undervalued from the crisis onwards, while the periphery was overvalued. However, the gap for the periphery has reduced in the last two years. As regards the new member states, these were overvalued for the entire time span. The results seem to be generally driven by the inflows of bank loans. The misalignments are associated with lower long-run growth. The exchange rate volatilities are not robust in affecting GDP growth, while spillovers and global factors seem to matter in all the specifications both in the short and long run.  相似文献   

We model a country's de jure exchange rate policy as the choice from a multinomial logit response conditioned on the volatility of its bilateral exchange rate, the volatility of its international reserves, and the volatility of its effective exchange rate. The category with the highest predictive probability implied by the logit regressions serves as our de facto exchange rate policy. An empirical investigation into the relationship between the de facto classifications and GDP growth finds that growth is higher under stable currency-value policies. For non-industrialized countries, a more nuanced characterization of exchange rate policy finds that those who exhibit ‘fear of floating’ experience significantly higher growth.  相似文献   

《Global Finance Journal》2001,12(1):95-107
In this paper, the dynamic relationships between interest rate and exchange value of the US dollar are studied via a multivariate Exponential Generalised Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (EGARCH) model. In terms of price changes, movements of interest rates have positive effects on movements of exchange rates. However, changes in exchange rates do not explain changes in interest rates. Nevertheless, there exists volatility spillovers between the two markets, indicating that their second moments are related. Overall evidence suggests that these two markets have short-term dynamic interactions. The existence of volatility spillovers also suggests that the relationships between these two economic variables are not necessarily linear.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relation between gasoline volatility and crude oil volatility. The objective is to examine whether the so-called asymmetric relation between gasoline and oil prices still holds for volatility, particularly, when considering the taxation effect. The approach hinges on the Volatility Threshold Dynamic Conditional Correlation (VT DCC) model. An application to the U.S. WTI oil volatility and the U.S. premium gasoline volatility is provided from 1990 to 2015. The main results reveal that oil volatility influences gasoline volatility, but without any form of asymmetry. The role of taxation seems to particularly affect the volatility of volatility for gasoline.  相似文献   

The literature has shown that the volatility of stock and forex rate market returns shows the characteristic of long memory. Another fact that is shown in the literature is that this feature may be spurious and volatility actually consists of a short memory process contaminated with random level shifts (RLS). In this paper, we follow recent econometric approaches estimating an RLS model to the logarithm of the absolute value of stock and forex returns. The model consists of the sum of a short-term memory component and a component of level shifts. The second component is specified as the cumulative sum of a process that is zero with probability ‘1-alpha’ and is a random variable with probability ‘alpha’. The results show that there are level shifts that are rare, but once they are taken into account, the characteristic or property of long memory disappears. Also, the presence of General Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (GARCH) effects is eliminated when included or deducted level shifts. An exercise of out-of-sample forecasting shows that the RLS model has better performance than traditional models for modelling long memory such as the models ARFIMA (p,d,q).  相似文献   

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