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本文以零售连锁上市为研究对象,运用回归实证分析方法,分析了零售企业的绩效、零售业态、企业成长性、成立时间等因素对规模扩张的影响,结果表明零售企业的绩效对规模扩张不一定有积极促进作用,而新兴业态的零售企业规模比传统业态的零售企业的规模要大,企业的成长性和成立时间与规模扩张有正向的显著相关性。  相似文献   

零售企业连锁扩张的边界分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
零售企业通过分店复制方式(连锁经营)实施规模扩张的行为,在取得规模收益的同时放大了系统风险。企业控制幅度增加而引起的管理成本,委托代理关系而产生的组织协调成本,企业在跨区域适应过程中的学习成本,这些构成了零售企业规模扩张的硬性约束。本文在深入探究连锁企业扩张的经济学成因的基础上,通过构建企业最优化决策模型得出了零售企业连锁扩张的最佳规模边界。  相似文献   

文章以生产函数为模型框架,以我国2013年连锁零售百强企业部分企业为样本,实证检验了零售企业连锁经营规模对产出效率的影响。结果显示,虽然零售企业连锁经营规模的适度扩张是企业产出效率得以提高的一个重要因素,但当前我国零售企业连锁经营规模扩张带来的效率提升效应也面临一系列的瓶颈,连锁零售企业的规模报酬正处于递减状态。根据分析结论,最后提出了相关对策建议。  相似文献   

戴晶 《商》2013,(14):21-21
笔者通过的已有的文献研究之后发现,现阶段对于企业规模与企业成长的关系。在学术界范围一直存在不同观点。因此本文专门针对我国零售行业,利用2008—2011年沪深两市上市公司数据,通过spss软件对零售企业规模与成长性间的关系进行分析,本文的研究结果表明我国零售企业投入规模与企业成长性存在负相关的关系,而产出规模对零售企业成长存在显著的正向影响。因此我国零售企业需在规模扩张的同时应更加注重提高内部的管理能力,以此避免盲目扩张带来的经营风险等问题。  相似文献   

本文对近年来中国零售企业扩张行为的规模不经济问题进行了研究。基于182家零售企业构成的5年期平衡面板数据,分别使用蒙德拉克均值回归方式和数据包络-马姆奎斯特指数计算方法对规模经济的状态和变化趋势加以分析,结果表明样本企业总体处于规模不经济状态,而专业零售的规模不经济状态比综合零售更为显著。结论认为,零售业的规模经济需要结合零售企业的产品与服务特性加以考虑,否则,在给定的需求状况及结构下,零售企业的规模扩张行为会加剧其所处商圈环境中的竞争,进而对其产品销售与服务提供产生影响,这是产生规模不经济的主要原因。  相似文献   

目前,零售市场竞争空前激烈,各大零售企业纷纷采取跨区扩张的方式来扩大规模,提高市场竞争力。百货业作为国内传统的零售企业,如何通过跨区域扩张模式实现做大做强的目标是当前百货企业重点关注的问题,本文通过对一些国内国际知名百货的跨区扩张历程进行回顾和总结,希望能够抛砖引玉,为国内更多的百货企业实行跨区扩张提供经验借鉴。  相似文献   

李蕊 《中国流通经济》2012,26(9):97-103
2008年以来,外商在我国零售业的投资在规模和空间布局等方面呈现出新的特点和动向,引发了业界关于外资迅速扩张是否会造成零售业被外资控制、外资企业是否会抢占内资零售业优势资源等争议性话题,文章分别使用省际面板数据、地区面板数据、业态面板数据,实证分析了外资扩张对内资零售企业的影响。研究表明,整体而言,外商在我国零售业投资的加速扩张,并没有挤占内资零售企业的优势资源,外资零售企业市场份额的扩大并没有对内资零售企业构成明显的就业挤出效应。内资零售企业在面对外资零售企业迅速扩张以及由此带来的竞争压力时,应着力通过跨地区并购、跨行业并购、自愿连锁、内资并购外资等方式壮大自身规模,实现优势资源的重组,发挥规模效应,同时需要反思内资零售业目前联营模式过多、自营模式过少的弊端,通过提高自采比例、培育自有品牌等方式提升核心竞争力。  相似文献   

本文认为流通企业是作为节约市场交易成本的工具出现的,它是交易的专业化生产者,因而它是创造市场、而不是替代市场的中心。流通企业的规模取决于其组织交易的成本与消费者的支付意愿和制造商的机会成本之间差额的比较,二者在边际上相等时,其组织规模得到确定。零售企业作为流通企业的一种特定形态,其规模的扩张途径有单店扩张、一体化扩张和分店扩张三种,本文认为连锁化的分店扩张是零售企业扩张的最佳途径。  相似文献   

广州零售业规模扩张的主要障碍   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
广州本地零售业发展迅速,但企业的规模偏小,难以与不断涌入广州的外来零售巨头相抗衡。针对这一情况,本文分析了制约广州零售企业规模扩张的主要障碍。  相似文献   

吴秋蓉 《中国市场》2010,(49):42-44
本文通过对中国现在的大型家电零售企业国美和苏宁的发展模式进行比较分析研究,分别从区位扩张、规模扩张、资本扩张、业态类型、业制类型、经营模式、赢利模式和物流建设八个方面入手,研究规模与效益的关系,即企业如何做大做强。并对我国家电零售业发展的新趋势提出了战略管理重点。  相似文献   

By analysing the US department store during the period c.1910–1965, this article deepens our understanding of the nature of the transition to phases of ‘maturity’ and ‘decline’ that are fundamental to models of retail change (retail wheel, retail life cycle). By employing a close reading of key marketing and management writing of the period, it finds that ‘lock-in’ to an organisational structure associated with a single downtown store posed significant obstacles to suburban branched expansion. Only partial organisational centralisation occurred with the formation of holding companies in the 1920s, which contrasted with chains of general-merchandise and some department store retailers that were efficiently structured and better able to exploit suburban growth. When major department store companies finally embraced branched expansion, they were forced to significantly revise their operational structures.  相似文献   

Despite the upsurge of academic and commercial interest in the changes taking place in the retail sector within Japan, little has been published on the international activities of Japanese retailers. This paper illustrates the range and scale of activities.which have been undertaken by such companies. While Europe and America were favourite destinations up until the mid-1980s, most Japanese retailers have now refocused their expansion plans on Asia as the level of consumers' disposable income has risen and trade barriers have been lowered. At the same time, the early entrants into international markets, the development stores, have been joined by companies operating supermarkets, convenience stores, clothing stores, electrical outlets and so on. The paper considers the nature of these changes and the factors which have driven them.  相似文献   

零售企业横向并购,是增强了其市场势力还是提高了其规模效率?对这一问题的不同解读,既会影响我国零售产业政策安排,也会影响我国零售企业发展的战略抉择。基于此,文章利用2005-2011年零售上市企业横向并购的面板数据,运用双向随机效应GMM估计方法,估计了上市公司并购前后的市场势力和规模弹性变化,从而对零售企业横向并购的"效率论"和"市场势力论"假说进行了实证检验,结果表明:在样本观察期内企业通过横向并购规模弹性有一定上升,但市场溢价能力却显著下降了;企业通过横向并购扩张有利于实现协同效应和规模经济,横向并购行为在短期内和长期内都有利于运营现金流收益率的增加。  相似文献   

生态位理论的本质及其在我国零售企业应用的战略意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态位理论本是生态学中关于物种关系的普遍原理,但随着人们认识的进一步深化,这一理论现已超越了生物学范畴,渗透到了许多领域。目前,在流通领域全面开放的格局下,我国本土零售企业如何理性和谨慎的发展适合自己的道路,已经成为所有流通企业所必须面对和解决的问题。本论文从企业生态位理论的角度解读苏果超市、永乐电器、北京城乡仓储大超市、深圳人人乐等我国本土零售企业的成功经验,在此基础上探索企业生态位理论在我国零售企业应用的战略意义,期待本论文对我国本土零售企业的战略定位和业态创新有启示性的作用。  相似文献   

In the field of international retail research, there has been little attention paid to the role of business support organisations in the process of internationalisation. Given the barriers to foreign market expansion, the focus of this study is to investigate the importance of facilitating factors, in the form of business support organisations, which can assist retailers in the process of international expansion. A qualitative research methodology was employed and the findings provide evidence relating to three important areas: firstly, the types of business support programmes available to retailers seeking to internationalise from the UK, secondly, the barriers encountered by retail companies expanding overseas, and thirdly, how government and private organisations can assist in helping retailers overcome these hurdles.  相似文献   

Economic growth and a rising middle class consumer base make emerging markets an attractive prospect for many international businesses. Changing patterns of retail in these countries present opportunities for business expansion that many are keen to capitalize on, but also present challenges for reaching their ambitions. This article examines the growth of the coffee shop industry in China—considering its key dynamics and drivers—in order to address questions about successful retail expansion in emerging markets. We aim to explore how changing consumer cultures have contributed to a rapidly growing industry and what strategies businesses have used to enter the market and maintain growth, as well as considerations for potential retail success in the future.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the standardisation/differentiation debate within the context of the much neglected retail sector, and explores the contribution that such factors as consumer homogeneity and the creation of trading blocs make to this debate. These issues are reviewed within the framework of the required conditions for successful standardisation; that global market segments and global economies of scale exist, and that a distrubution infrastructure is available to realise these potential economies of scale world-wide. Retail companies can derive economies from sourcing, distribution and many aspects of marketing both within and across trading blocs, and should therefore begin to identify, in a more focussed manner, their new position within the international marketplace.  相似文献   


Intermediate supermarket formats share characteristics of traditional food stores and of the modern supermarket. Because they represent steps on the evolutionary path towards the “complete” supermarket they offer an alternative to the dominant food retail modernization route involving the transplantation of the supermarket model.

The paper reports the findings of a study of these intermediate formats in Shanghai. We discuss the origins, structure and operation of these stores and evaluate their contribution to the food retail modernization process. Surprisingly, few of the operators of these stores were traditional food retailers. Most were state-owned companies and private entrepreneurs from outside the retail sector.

Lack of managerial and financial resources and inexperience led many to open these formats rather than the “complete” supermarket. The weakness of this subsector means that the main vehicle for food retail modernization in Shanghai will continue to be the supermarket chains. But because of limitations on the chain's expansion, they may enter into franchising arrangements with the best among these intermediate supermarkets. Finally, it is suggested that intermediate formats are likely to play a more important role in secondary cities, in towns and in rural areas in China.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2016,59(2):233-243
Many retail and restaurant companies adopt international expansion as a strategy to take advantage of business opportunities presented by target markets. Common objectives include increasing revenue, escaping a hypercompetitive or saturated home market, entering an emerging or lucrative market, and leveraging domestic capabilities in a bordering country. Success in international expansion is not guaranteed, however; the business world is littered with failures. In this article, we examine the international expansion failures of five service companies that opened physical facilities in a foreign country: Target, Tim Hortons, Best Buy, Tesco, and Walmart. While a variety of factors led to these failures, some common causes have been identified. These include a lack of understanding of the purchasing characteristics of consumers, underestimation of the local competition, supply chain issues, and poor strategic decisions regarding facility location and the rate of expansion. Not all international expansions are failures, though, and herein we also present the success stories of Aldo, Carrefour, and Nordstrom. These companies understood customer preferences and focused on location issues and their supply chains. Based on the aforementioned failures and successes, we offer guidance for companies looking to expand their business operations via a physical presence in a foreign country.  相似文献   

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