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This paper presents evidence on the behaviour of the Swedish real exchange rate relative to Germany under different currency regimes during the period 1973:1–2001:4. The results suggest that the real exchange rate is cointegrated with Swedish and German productivity, which is consistent with Balassa (1964) and Samuelson (1964). In the short run, the exchange rate regime has mattered for the dynamics of the real exchange rate. Deviations from long-run equilibrium have been adjusted more quickly when the nominal exchange rate has been allowed to float freely. JEL no. C22, E31, F41  相似文献   

This paper examines the dynamic impact of anticipated government spending on real exchange rates in a general-equilibrium framework. I show that an increase in government spending causes persistent movements in real exchange rates, and that the time profile of real exchange rates differs with patterns of government spending. Hence, one of the explanations for the misalignment and excess volatility of real exchange rates during the flexible exchange rate system may be volatile changes in government spending.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung: Zu den Auswirkungen der deutschen Vereinigung auf den realen Wechselkurs. — Die deutsche Vereinigung l?st einen dynamischen Proze\ aus, und zwar vor allem durch die Akkumulation von Kapital im ?stlichen Teil Deutschlands. In diesem Aufsatz werden einige Folgerungen aus den intertemporalen Wahlm?glichkeiten gezogen, die den ostdeutschen Konsumenten und Unternehmen offenstehen. Dafür wird ein einfaches Modell mit vollkommener Voraussicht benutzt. Es wird gezeigt, da\ die Wirkung einer Kombination von stabiler Konsumentwicklung und Kapitalansammlung auf die neue DM-Zone — n?mlich das vereinigte Deutschland — langfristig zu einer realen Abwertung der D-Mark mit nicht so eindeutigen kurzfristigen Wirkungen führt, w?hrend die Verschlechterung der deutschen Au\enhandelsposition eine langfristige Verringerung des Pro-Kopf-Verm?gens im Verh?ltnis zu dem Niveau vor der Vereinigung impliziert.
Resumen Acerca del efecto de la Unificatión Alemana sobre la tasa de cambio real. — La Unificatión Alemana genera un proceso dinámico, particularmente através de la acumulación de capital en el Este del país. En este trabajo se estudian algunas implicaciones de las alternativas intertemporales a elección de los consumidores y de las empresas de Alemania del Este, utilizando un modelo simple con predicción perfecta del future Se demuestra que el efecto de una combinación de la estabilización del consumo con la acumulación de capital en la nueva zona del Marco Alemán, Alemania unida, lleva en el largo plazo a una depreciatión en términos reales, con efectos ambiguos en el corto plazo, mientras que el empeoramiento de la posición externa de Alemania implica una reductión del patrimonio per cápita en el largo plazo, en comparación con el nivel alcanzado antes de la Unificatión.

Résumé L’effet de la réunification allemande sur le taux de change réel. — La réunification allemande provoque un processus dynamique principalement par l’accumulation de capital dans les régions d’est de l’Allemagne. En utilisant un modèle simple à prévision parfaite, cette étude montre quelques conséquences des choix intertemporels qui sont ouverts aux consommateurs et aux entreprises de l’Allemagne de l’Est. Il est montré que la combinaison d’une consommation lissée et d’une accumulation de capital dans une zone nouvelle Deutsche Mark conduit à une dévaluation réelle à long terme, avec des effets ambigus à court terme. De plus, la détérioration de la position extérieure de l’Allemagne indique un déclin à long terme de la prospérité par habitant, comparé au niveau avant la réunification.

This article examines the consequences of changes in final and intermediate good tariffs on structural adjustment, urban unemployment, and the real exchange rate in the presence of a free trade zone (FTZ) and foreign capital in the host country. The location of the FTZ and the disaggregation of the economy allows us to examine the consequences of a tariff change on regional incomes. It is shown that as a consequence of a tariff change the urban and rural incomes need not necessarily move in the same direction (hence the potential for rural and urban conflict in policy making). It is also shown that an increase in the tariff on an immediate good may result in both export promotion and an increase in welfare. Such expansion is a nonconventional result, since raising barriers to trade normally leads to a contradiction in the volume of the trade. The interconnection between the real exchange rate and intermediate good tariff is also explored in this article. It is shown that a policy of imposing tariffs on these goods may result in the appreciation of the real exchange rate.  相似文献   

By introducing an international relocation mechanism into a two-country model, we analyze the effects of an increase in the corporation tax in the richer country on employment and effective demand in both countries. This taxation policy proves to produce not only enterprise relocation, but also depreciation in the real exchange rate. The latter is also shown to dominate the former, such that rich-country employment and effective demand are stimulated. However, the two countries respond in opposing ways regarding enterprise relocation and real exchange rate adjustment. Consequently, employment and effective demand in the poor country will fall.  相似文献   

市场经济秩序混乱问题已经引起了党和政府的高度重视,整顿和规范市场经济秩序,已成为当务之急。如何使其走向法制化、规范化是我国理论界和政府部门需要研究和探索的一个重大课题;深入研究房地产经纪业规范化管理,对促进我国房地产业持续稳定健康发展具有十分重要的理论意义和实践意义。  相似文献   

The role of oil price shocks on China's real exchange rate   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
This paper investigates to what extent the oil price shock and three other types of underlying macroeconomic shocks impact the trend movements of China's real exchange rate. By constructing a four-dimensional structural VAR model, the results suggest that real oil price shocks would lead to a minor appreciation of the long-term real exchange rate due to China's lesser dependence on imported oil than its trading partners included in the RMB basket peg regime and rigorous government energy regulations. The real shocks, as opposed to nominal shocks, are found to be dominant in the variations of the real exchange rate.  相似文献   

This paper develops a model of optimal choice over an array of different assets, including domestic and foreign bonds, domestic and foreign equities and domestic and foreign real money balances to examine the determination of the real exchange rate in the long-run. The model is tested empirically using data from the UK and the USA. The results show that all the coefficients of the model are right signed and significant and consequently financial assets may play a significant role in the determination of the real exchange rate.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Realer Wechselkurs, Kapitalimporte und Inflation: Sri Lanka 1970–1982. - Der Aufsatz unterscheidet zwischen effektiven Kaufkraftparit?ten und realen Wechselkursen. Die Bedeutung der letzteren als ein diagnostisches Werkzeug wird hervorgehoben, indem der Kapitalverkehr einbezogen und das Salter-Modell auf eine offene Volkswirtschaft mit Zolltarifen ausgedehnt wird. Bei Anwendung des Modells auf Sri Lanka stellt sich heraus, da\ die Inflation der Jahre 1977–1982, die mit der unvermeidlichen Erh?hung des realen Wechselkurses infolge massiver Kapitalimporte verbunden war, aus der Erh?hung der Preise von nicht-handelbaren Gütern herrührte und nicht so sehr aus einer exzessiven Geldmengenausweitung. Der Autor meint, eine nicht-inflation?re und wirksame Absorption von sozial erwünschten Kapitalzuflüssen erfordere, da\ die notwendige Erh?hung des realen Wechselkurses durch eine Senkung der Z?lle - also der heimischen Preise handelbarer Güter- herbeizuführen ist und nicht durch eine Erh?hung der Preise nicht-handelbarer Güter oder durch nominale Wechselkursbewegungen. Eine Verringerung der Protektion würde auch den Kaufkraftparit?tenwechselkurs senken, was erforderlich ist, damit die Wettbewerbsf?higkeit auf den Exportm?rkten erhalten bleibt.
Resumen El tipo de cambio real, importaciones de capital e inflación: Sri Lanka entre 1970 y 1982. - El trabajo distingue entre tipo de cambio real y tipo de cambio efectivo PPA y enfatiza la importancia de este último como instrumenta de diagnóstico integrando la cuenta de capital y extendiendo el modelo de Salter a la economía abierta distorsionada por aranceles. Se aplica el modelo a Sri Lanka resultando que la inflación entre 1977 y 1982, que acompa?ó al inevitable aumento del tipo de cambio real, a raíz de la importación masiva de capital, fue debida más bien al aumento de los precios nomínales de los bienes no comerciados que a la expansión monetaria excesiva. Se arguye que la absorción eficiente y no inflacionaria de importaciones de capital socialmente deseadas requiere que la revaluación necesaria del tipo de cambio sea producto de una reducción de aranceles, o sea, del precio nacional de los bienes comerciados, y no de aumentos en los precios de los bienes no comerciados o de movimientos nominales del tipo de cambio. Reducir la protección significaría también devaluar el tipo de cambio PPA necesario para mantener la competitividad de las exportaciones.

Résumé Le taux de change réel, afflux des capitaux et inflation: Sri Lanka 1970–1982. — L’article distingue les taux de change PPA effectifs et réels et souligne l’importance du dernier taux comme instrument diagnostique en intégrant la balance des capitaux et étendant le modèle de Salter à une économie ouverte aux tarifs douaniers. L’auteur applique le modèle à Sri Lanka et trouve comme résultat que l’inflation en 1977–1982 qui accompagnait l’augmentation inévitable du taux de change réel incitée par des afflux massifs des capitaux était due à l’augmentation du prix monétare des biens non-commercés au lieu de l’expansion monétaire excessive. Il argue que l’absorption non-inflationniste et efficiente des afflux des capitaux qui sont désirables d’un point de vue social rend nécessaire la révaluation du taux de change réel qui devrait être accomplie par une réduction tarifaire et des restrictions quantitatives et ainsi par la réduction des prix locaux des biens commercés au lieu des augmentations des prix des biens non-commercés ou des mouvements en taux de change nominal. Une réduction de la protection dévaluerait le taux de change PPA ce qui est nécessaire pour maintenir la capacité concurrentielle des exportations.

Mundell's trilemma theory says that capital flow, exchange rate stability, and monetary policy autonomy cannot be achieved simultaneously. Using monthly data from the People's Bank of China from 1999 to 2019, we find that the trilemma theory is not nearly as tight in China's practice as in theory, and the central bank can internally offset the effect of exchange rate volatility by ways other than the monetary base (such as central bank securities). Our results also indicate that, before 2012, monetary policy autonomy in China was weak due to the problem of ‘funds outstanding for foreign exchange’. With the reform of the Renminbi (RMB) exchange rate system in 2005, the effectiveness of central bank securities in compensating for the flow of foreign exchange reserves has gradually been strengthened in China.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Produktion, Abwertung und realer Wechselkurs in Entwicklungsl?ndern. — Der Verfasser untersucht, ob — wie neuerdings von den ⋯neuen Strukturalisten” behauptet wird — Abwertungen in Entwicklungsl?ndern kontraktive Wirkungen haben. Nach einem kurzen überblick über die Literatur werden Daten für 23 Entwicklungsl?nder aus den Jahren 1978 bis 1987 benutzt, um ein Modell zu sch?tzen, das die Entwicklung der realen Produktion explizit aus einem Gleichgewichtssystem von aggregierten Nachfrage- und Angebotsgr?\en bei rationalen Erwartungen ableitet. Es ergibt sich, da\ antizipierte Abwertungen des realen Wechselkurses eine negative Auswirkung auf die Produktion haben, w?hrend Abwertungen, die nicht antizipiert werden, positiv wirken. Au\erdem zeigt sich, da\ die kontraktiven Effekte noch nach einem Jahr andauern, was der Ansicht widerspricht, Abwertungen seien auf ⋯mittlere” Sicht neutral.
Resumen Producción, devaluación y tasa de cambio real en los países en desarrollo. — En esta trabajo se evalúa si, como los “Nuevos Estructuralistas” han enfatizado recientemente, las devaluaciones en los países en desarrollo son contractivas. Después de pasar revista a la literatura existente, se utilizan datos de 23 países en desarrollo para 1978–1987 para estimar un modelo de comportamiento de la producción real, explícitamente derivado de un modelo de equilibrio general de oferta y demanda con expectativas racionales. Los resultados indican que devaluaciónes anticipadas de la tasa de cambio real tienen un impacto negativo sobre la producción, mientras que cambios no anticipados tienen un efecto positive Además, se demuestra que el efecto contractivo persiste después de un a?o, contradiciendo así la opinión que las devaluaciónes son neutrales en el mediano plazo.

Résumé Output, dévaluation et taux de change réel dans les pays en voie de développement. — Cette étude évalue si les dévaluations dans les pays en voie de développement ont un effet de contraction comme les Nouveaux Structuralistes l’ont récemment souligné. Après avoir briévement examiné la littérature, l’auteur se sert de données relatives à 23 pays en voie de développement pour la période 1978 à 1987 afin d’estimer un modèle de la production réelle. Ce modèle est explicitement dérivé d’un système d’équilibre de l’offre et de la demande globales avec anticipations rationnelles. Les résultats indiquent que des dépréciations anticipées du taux de change réel ont un effet négatif sur l’activité, tandis que des dévaluations non-anticipées ont un effet positif. En outre, il est montré que l’effet de contraction persiste plus qu’une année ce qui contredit l’hypothèse que les dévaluations sont neutres à moyen terme.

A theoretical view of the real rate of interest, such as isprovided by models of economic growth, is presented. That questionis of compelling interest, even though the issues are so long-runas to be of little practical importance. Models reviewed includethe Solow model, and its disaggregated extension by Stiglitz;endogenous growth models; the Ramsey model; and the Diamondcapital model. All these models are less than fully adequateto answer key questions. Solow-type models are good at demonstratingthe influence of grand changes, such as alterations in savingrates, or demographic changes. However key variables - particularlythe saving rate - are treated as constants. The Ramsey model,on the other hand, assumes in effect that a major influenceon the real rate is a given impatience parameter. The Diamondmodel is ideal for economies dominated by pension fund saving,but does not describe any actual economy.  相似文献   

By proposing a stochastic intervention model of exchange rate determination, this paper provides an alternative rationale for the success of the Markov-switching model in explaining exchange rate dynamics. One extreme case is a pure floating rate model while the other extreme one is a driftless random walk model. The relation between the exchange rate and the future fundamentals under a non-intervention state is looser than the one under a pure floating exchange regime. This article also provides a method for detecting a central bank's interventions when intervention data are not available. Applying the stochastic intervention model to the monthly NT$/US$ exchange rates in 1989M1–2004M6, we find that it outperforms both the pure floating rate model and the random walk model in terms of the likelihood value and the diagnostic test of heteroscedasticity. In addition, with the constructed intervention state index in this article, the estimation of the stochastic intervention model is found to be consistent with the hypothesis that the regime switches of exchange rates are due to a central bank's (non-)interventions. J. Japanese Int. Economies 21 (1) (2007) 64–77.  相似文献   

张烨 《上海经济》2011,(9):14-16
8月5日,国际三大评级公司之一的标准普尔宣布下调美国主权信用评级,由“AAA”调降到“AA+”,评级展望为负面。这是美国主权信用评级历史上首次遭遇降级,是国际金融领域叶l又一极具影响力的黑天鹅事件,对国际金融市场的稳定乃至全球经济的复苏前景可谓雪上加霜。标普全球主权信用评级主管戴维·比尔斯说,标普作出降级决定的主要原因是美国政治决策过程的不确定性增加。标普的降级触动了国际市场的脆弱神经,  相似文献   

This paper examined the patterns of Japanese vocal intervention and its influence on the yen/dollar exchange rate using the daily data between January 2000 and August 2003. The major findings of this paper are as follows. First, vocal intervention that is leaning against the wind was found to be successful as opposed to lean-with-the-wind intervention which had mixed results in its effectiveness. Second, vocal intervention turned out to be more effective when it was intended for yen depreciation than for yen appreciation. Third, in the cases of leaning against the wind and yen depreciation intended interventions, the Japanese authorities normally relied on vocal intervention and engaged in actual intervention only when repeated vocal intervention proved ineffective.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the equilibrium real effective exchange rate for the Chinese RMB during the post-reform period, 1982–2010. We extend the NATREX model in several important perspectives and apply it for the first time to China. A wide range of economic fundamentals that are unique to the Chinese economy is introduced into the model. We construct a unique set of quarterly data and employ unit root and cointegration tests that can account for multiple endogenous structural breaks. In addition, to capture the evolution of China's foreign trade pattern, we employ time-varying (i.e. 3-year average) trade weights to construct the real effective exchange rate. We find two structural breaks in the cointegration relationship (in 1988 and 1992). Effective terms of trade, demographic factors, liquidity constraints and government investment are significant determinants of the equilibrium real effective exchange rate. The RMB was overvalued against a basket of 14 currencies until mid-1980s. During 1986–2010, it was undervalued in most years except after the Asian financial crisis in 1997. We have found persistent undervaluation from 2004 onwards. However, the misalignment rates are much lower than those reported by previous studies and the undervaluation rate actually declined sharply in 2008. The undervaluation rate rose modestly in 2009 and sharply in 2010, though it is still lower than what has been suggested by other studies.  相似文献   

We extend the well-developed theoretical literature on unconventional credit policy from a closed economy to a small open economy. Consistent with the literature, we find that credit policy has positive effects on output and consumption by raising investment demand. In terms of expanding output, it is more effective to extend government credit to banks than to the goods-producing sector because for each unit of credit supplied to banks, banks - through leverage - can supply greater than one unit of intermediation to firms. We find the welfare implications are ambiguous and depend on the type of policy chosen. A policy of providing funds to goods-producing firms tends to be welfare-improving because it dampens the responses of all variables after a negative shock, including the real exchange rate. However, providing government assistance to the banking sector may be a costly policy because it encourages greater risk-taking on part of banks, leading to higher bank leverage. All else equal, this increases the volatility of the economy, raising the variances of consumption and of the real exchange rate, which is welfare-deteriorating. We interpret this as indicative of the problem of moral hazard associated with a policy of providing support to failing banks.  相似文献   

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