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我国企业的并购活动日益突出技术寻求导向和连续性特征。本文首先分析企业连续并购的技术链补强战略、技术匹配战略和跨文化整合战略,在对连续并购活动中存在的跨文化整合、相关者利益协调等关键问题进行分析的基础上提出相应的建议。本文对以技术寻求为导向的我国企业连续并购活动具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

兼并是国有企业改革的重要途径之一,兼并可以达到规模经济,节约交易成本,增强竞争力,但是以理性的角度看待兼并,兼并的效果并不止于此,兼并也存在负面效应,如时滞效应,对技术进步的阻碍等。  相似文献   

In order to test the Fuess and van den Berg [I9921 hypothesis on the influence of the increasing transactions sector's costs on the total factor productivity growth rate, the authors perform calculations and estimates of the Solow'S residual for both the total GNP and the non-transactions GNP on Italian data covering the period 1951-89. The results suggest that, as regards the Italian economy, the difference between total and non-transactions productivity growth rate (effect of institutions on material production), rather than having a constant positive sign, as in the findings of Fuess and van den Berg, alternates between negative and positive sign.  相似文献   

The introduction of the EC Merger Control Regulation in September 1990 plugged a serious gap in European competition policy. This paper examines aspects of its record over the first ten years. These include the changing scope of the policy and the much higher level of activity than originally anticipated. Developments in the appraisal of mergers are assessed with particular reference to oligopoly, the treatment of non-competition effects and dynamic competition, especially in high tech industries. The risks of an increasing tendency towards remedial settlements are also discussed and some future challenges highlighted .  相似文献   

本文以跨国并购的动因理论和跨国并购相互传导机制的相互依赖理论为基础,分析了抢占市场型、寻求资源型、寻求效率型等跨国并购的相互传导机制类型。基于发达国家与发达国家、发达国家与发展中国家两个层面分析了跨国并购的传导效应及跨国并购对发展中国家的寡占传导机制。并从技术进步、东道国的后续扩张、跨国公司跟随三个方面分析了跨国并购的持续性。  相似文献   

本文主要分析了企业规模扩张的合意性和可行性,认为我国企业规模扩张的特殊合意性在于微观上利用规模经济,宏观上实现产业技术升级和提升国家自主创新能力。可行性分析则表明,市场竞争的强化促使资源向优势大企业集中,企业规模扩张具备了必要的人力资源条件,企业规模扩张的资金需求正在逐步得到满足。文章提出,企业规模扩张离不开政府的支持与保护,关键是要消除阻碍企业规模扩张的各种体制性障碍,利用产业组织政策保护和引导企业专业化扩张。具体而言,一要进一步优化企业规模化的市场环境,打破行业壁垒的限制;二要鼓励不同类型企业优化重组,引导大企业与中小企业之间的专业化协作;三要促进资本市场的发展,为企业兼并重组提供融资支持;四要合理利用产业政策与国际规则,保护大企业的成长。  相似文献   

We study a problem posed in Bj"ork and Christensen (1999): Does there exist any nontrivial interest rate model that is consistent with the Nelson–Siegel family? They show that within the Heath–Jarrow–Morton framework with deterministic volatility structure the answer is no. In this paper we give a generalized version of this result including stochastic volatility structure. For that purpose we introduce the class of consistent state space processes, which have the property to provide an arbitrage-free interest rate model when representing the parameters of the Nelson–Siegel family. We characterize the consistent state space Itô processes in terms of their drift and diffusion coefficients. By solving an inverse problem we find their explicit form. It turns out that there exists no nontrivial interest rate model driven by a consistent state space Itô process.  相似文献   

This paper is a case study of a Japanese merger control in the airline industry. The objective is to investigate the underlying principles of the Fair Trade Commission of Japan (JFTC) through a domestic merger on airlines, where reports are available. From applying a checklist arranged by Röller et al. (Working Paper No. 543, The Research Institute of Industrial Economics, 2000), the merger control policy of the JFTC is competition-oriented, systematic designed and transparent. But the direction of the policy is a kind of regulatory one.  相似文献   

2001年至2004年间,欧盟对合并控制制度进行了影响深远的改革.改革的导火线是欧盟委员会发表的<绿皮书>和欧洲初审法院连续撤销欧盟委员会的三项禁止企业合并的决定;改革的根本原因在于合并控制制度本身存在的问题.作为改革的成果,2004年欧盟委员会颁布了新的<合并条例>、<横向合并审查指南>和<合并调查最佳实践指南>三部法律条文,重组了执法部门竞争总司.欧盟合并控制制度改革的经验,可为我国合并控制立法借鉴.  相似文献   

This paper discusses how higher education institutions avowedly marketed themselves to various publics between the American Civil War and World War I. During this period, colleges became coeducational, and the land-grant, elective system was implemented. In and of itself, this represented a shift in product definition and in student target markets. Colleges avidly promoted themselves and sought publicity, researched advertising effectiveness, and positioned themselves relative to the competition on several criteria including price and course offerings.  相似文献   

The positive relationship between firm size and direct exports is often considered as a stylized fact. Numerous econometric investigations back theoretical considerations by showing that a ceteris paribus positive relationship between firm size and direct export activities exists. This note contributes to the literature by closely looking at an econometric modelling issues that has largely been neglected hitherto. Various approaches used in the literature to model the exports/sales ratio, which is a percentage variable with usually many observations at the lower limit, are discussed. It is argued that all these methods are seriously flawed, and an alternative approach is suggested that is applied using data from a large comprehensive recent survey of German manufacturing establishments. Furthermore, the relation between firm size and exports is examined in four selected industries to test whether the importance of economies of scale and transaction cost efficiencies vary considerably between industries.  相似文献   

本文试图通过对新世纪又一轮的兼并浪潮的观察和阐述,对比历史上的五次购并浪潮,从经济学的角度,分析出这一轮新的购并的内在动因和外在趋势;最后,还从我国的现实国情出发,提出我国在此次购并浪潮中所应扮演的角色和可能采取的对策.  相似文献   

<正>并购是企业通过资本市场寻求扩张的主要方式,并购的实施会受到近期或长远利益动机的驱使,其成功的标志是并购后公司价值超过并购前的价值,而并购过程  相似文献   

Note on the Data     
《World Oil Trade》2016,38(1):5-6

Note on the Data     
《World Oil Trade》2014,36(1):5-6

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