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浅议基本农田保护示范区建设实施规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005年国土资源部下发了《关于开展设立基本农田保护示范区工作的通知》,决定在各省(自治区、直辖市)设立基本农田保护示范区(以下简称示范区),树立以建设促保护的典范,进一步推进全国基本农田保护工作。2006年11月,国土资源部发布了《关于正式确定国家基本农田保护示范区的通知》,初步确定了116个县(市、区)为国家基本农田保护示范区。至此,示范区建设工作全面展开。然而,操作层面上的许多问题仍须进一步研究,本文重点就示范区建设方案实施中实施规划问题作一探讨。编制实施规划的意义示范区建设规模大、技术复杂、涉及的专业面广,特别是建…  相似文献   

山东省临朐县地处沂蒙山区,位于潍坊市西南部,县内有丰富的土地资源。据土地详查提供的资料,全县未利用土地44359公顷,其中四荒地18691公顷,田坎隙地24948公顷,滩涂506公顷,裸岩214公顷,可开发整理为耕地的达12218公顷。前些年,县委、县政府带领广大干部群众发挥资源优势,大搞山区土地开发整理,取得了一定的经验和成效。去年秋后,国土资源部有关领导来到临朐县土地开发现场,了解情况,指导工作,肯定了临朐县“把荒坡变成耕地,把荒山变成花果山”的做法。今年初,临朐县被国土资源部确定为全国首批…  相似文献   

从国土资源部获悉:为切实加强耕地特别是基本农田保护,发挥典型示范作用,我国将设立100个左右基本农田保护示范区,5年内每个示范区基本农田经土地整理面积达到10万亩以上。这标志着我国基本农田保护正式进入了以建设促保护的新阶段。我国将建设100个基本农田保护示范区@力  相似文献   

本文基于17省份专题调研、10省份90多县(市)龙头企业及农业园区建设情况的问卷调查、27省份农业产业化办公室的协助调研和已有理论的系统梳理,尝试给出了农业产业化示范区的概念,总结了当前我国农业产业化示范区建设的七种类型、五个特征和五点建设经验,深入分析了建设发展中存在的四个方面问题,提出了促进发展的六条政策建议。  相似文献   

本文根据监测、统计和农户调查等资料,分析了湖北省粮食主产区现有农田质量退化和利用管理不够合理等问题,探讨了标准化粮田指标体系,提出了粮田标准化建设与合理利用管理的对策措施。  相似文献   

2006年,辽宁省沈阳市的沈北新区成立.沈北新区着力打造综合配套改革的试验区、新型产业的集聚区、生态建设的先行区、和谐社会的示范区.经过近4年发展,新区综合实力由2006年沈阳市排名最后跃为2009年全市前三名,还获得了全国生态示范区、国家级农产品深加工基地、中国名优食品产业基地等称号.  相似文献   

郑洛新自主创新示范区的建立,就是为了集聚科技创新资源和人才,充分发挥科技创新力量,推动中原地区经济转型高质量发展。郑洛新自主创新示范区建立以来,虽然取得不错的成绩,但是经历几年的发展也暴露出一些问题,需要进一步努力完善,从而能够以更加显著的成效推动中原地区经济整体发展。  相似文献   

基本农田保护--问题与对策   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
唐健 《中国土地》2004,(7):24-28
今年2月17日,国土资源部和农业部联合下发了《全国基本农田保护检查工作方案》,标志着全国基本农田保护检查工作正式启动。据悉,几个月来,全国各地分阶段层层开展了检查工作,经过广泛的宣传发动,目前全国基本农田保护检查工作进展顺利,大部分地区已进入自查自纠和整改阶段。基本农田保护检查是落实党中央、国务院要求,实施宏观调控、严格土地管理、保护和提高粮食生产能力的重要措施。检查的根本目的在于,找出当前基本农田保护中存在的突出问题,该整改的及时整改,该完善制度的要建章立制。本文正是通过大量的调查研究和分析,对当前我国基本农田保护中存在的突出问题作了较为详尽的分析和较为深入的思考,并从政策、经济、法律、行政、生态、以及技术等多个角度,多层次地提出了解决的方案和措施,对如何进一步完善基本农田保护制度、建立管理的长效机制,具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

三明市正在积极构建家庭经营、集体经营、合作经营、企业经营、托管经营等多种形式并存的新型林业经营体系,推动林权在旧分的基础上实现新联。主要做法:组建收储机构,首推新型贷款,建立风控机制,探索建立重点区位林赎买新机制,注重与建立健全林业社会化服务体系相结合,重点支持金融机构创新林业金融产品。指出深化林改存在的问题,提出深化林改的工作措施。  相似文献   

莆田市位于福建省沿海中部,全市土地总面积4120平方公里,耕地总面积117.23万亩,人口308万,人均耕地仅0.39亩,基本农田面积104.07万亩。福建是全国人均耕地最少的省份之一,莆田又是福建人均耕地最少的地级市,吃饭与建设矛盾十分突出、耕地保护任务十分艰巨。因此,我们加强了对耕  相似文献   

Improving the sustainability of farms often incurs additional costs for farmers. These costs come from allocating land to the maintenance of the ecological processes (energy and material flows, natural population regulation) required for the agroecosystem to function. Since these costs are not recovered on the markets, farmers see a fall in profits, the financial viability of their farms is compromised, and they suffer the consequences of the environmental services they are providing. All this makes it essential to implement government policies designed to compensate farmers for their efforts. The issue of how to assess sustainability has generated widespread debate within ecological economics, specifically as to whether it is possible to place a monetary value on it and if so, how this should be done. In a previous article we showed that agrarian sustainability involves a land cost, therefore this cost can be translated into monetary values. The purpose of this study is to develop this concept in practical terms by applying it to organic farming. We calculated the land cost of agrarian sustainability (LACAS) in order to compare organic versus conventional management in olive farming, as this crop is grown extensively in Spain and other Mediterranean countries. The results show that the agro-environmental subsidy is not enough to encourage olive growers to make the conversion from conventional to organic methods, because the land cost of sustainability is not adequately offset. They also show that improving agroecosystems can allow the land to take on more functions without increasing the land cost. In our case, encouraging the multifunctionality of the land has permitted a reduction in this cost. The LACAS could be a useful tool, not only for drawing up government policies designed to support organic farming, but also for improving the sustainability of the agrarian sector.  相似文献   

Creating private property rights and establishing land markets were fundamental to the historical development of capitalism in the Global North and remain at the centre of capitalist development in the Global South. This article contributes to debates about these processes by analysing the relationship between land markets and indigenous peoples in Highland Ecuador. Building on Karl Polanyi's concept of fictitious commodities, it elaborates a new concept that makes an analytical distinction between the activation and development of land markets. The former refers to the occasional participation of actors in markets to secure land, whereas the latter relates to the establishment and expansion of markets that regulate the distribution and value of land through market prices. Focusing on indigenous land struggles in the late 20th century, this article shows that the activation of land markets created opportunities for indigenous peasants to secure land, whereas the development of land markets closed them down. Social and class differentiation among the highland indigenous population increased through this contradictory process. The article connects this historical analysis to recent developments in Ecuador to contribute to empirical and theoretical debates about contemporary land struggles and agrarian change elsewhere in the Global South.  相似文献   

加强农业院校基建财务管理探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着国民经济的发展.国家对农业院校的基建投资逐年增加,从而推动了教育事业不断发展,加上国家城镇住房制度改革,加快住宅建设,鼓励职工集资建房等,使农业院校的基建步伐加快。因此,加强农业院校基建财务管理,管好用好基建投资,达到控制基建投资、降低工程造价、不断提高投资效益的目的更显得重要。本文对此谈谈认识。...  相似文献   

基于生态足迹理论的湖北省耕地可持续利用分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用生态足迹模型分析了湖北省2005年各类土地的生态足迹及生态承载力,重点分析了1995~2005年全省及17个市(州)耕地生态足迹的动态变化过程;对湖北省耕地可持续利用状况进行了分析与评价;研究结果表明,湖北省人均耕地生态足迹和生态承载力都呈下降趋势,耕地的生态赤字出现小幅度波动,全省属于耕地不可持续类型;以2005年数据为依据,17个市(州)中,只有神农架林区表现为生态赢余,属于可持续类型,其他均属于不可持续类型.  相似文献   

The novelty of this study lies in the analyses of legislation concerning land use policies by examining the specific boundary between land ownership and land take. The basic motive was that the European Commission (EC) withdrew the Soil Framework Directive (SFD) in 2014 following the objections of certain Member States (MS) who countered that as most lands are privately owned, they should not fall under the remit of public governance. Since the withdrawal of the SFD land take is an issue receiving more attention. The legal content of ownership rights has been subjected to constant debate in the context of land-use policies and planning practices, which raises the questions of who decides how the land can be used and whether administrative authorities give priority to non-agricultural uses. Our study seeks to explore these issues through the lens of property law by comparing different legislations on access to land on three levels of policy implementation: the EU, the national, and the local levels. MS legislations are highlighted through the example of Hungary in two aspects: (1) regulation regarding Access to Land and Land Ownership Rights (ALOR), and (2) legislation and results of the LANDSUPPORT decision support system concerning Land Take Changes (LTC). We designed figures to demonstrate how policymakers can use the new LANDSUPPORT platform to show the gaps and inconsistencies among the above aspects. We found that the legislative regulations concerning private land use to achieve soil protection objectives remain the weakest link in the environmental protection legislation of the EU. Anxieties concerning built-in legal guarantees on each of the studied levels actualise our research. Currently, global land management is not on the political table although common European legislation might be able to preserve land for agricultural use.  相似文献   

基于GIS技术的湖南省土地分区   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
借助1:100万湖南省土壤图、地形图和地质图,以土壤类型、地形高度和地质类别为依据,运用MAPGIS空间叠置法,对湖南省土地进行了分区研究。结果表明:全省共划分为四个区,包括基本农业发展区、农业和工业发展区、保护和适度开发区、生态保护和旅游发展区。结合区域发展战略、政策,对各区进行了战略布局,提出了区域土地利用的合理方向,研究为全省的土地可持续利用提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

林业生态建设是生态文明建设的主体,本文介绍了国内外学者在林业生态建设方面研究情况及黑龙江省林业生态建设现状,指出林业生态建设中存的问题,进而提出了相应对策建议。  相似文献   

The introduction of new forages and milk marketing improvements was projected to permit even the smallest modeled farms in a western Kenya region to adopt dual-purpose goats and thereby improve family income and nutrition. Expanded credit permitted modeled medium and large farms, especially, to vigorously exploit these innovations; credit also expanded income more than did goat management improvements. Because credit, extension assistance, marketing improvements, and new forages will leave projected incomes of small farmers below those of medium and large farmers in the study region, development of off-farm jobs may still be necessary to supplement the incomes of this fast growing group. The marginal value of capital for medium and large farmers with new livestock technology was high. This suggests that government-subsidized credit might be unnecessary. With proper infrastructural and legal support, private capital markets might develop as new livestock technology and marketing improvements expand the demand for borrowing.  相似文献   

耕地资源的可持续利用评价研究--以湖北咸宁市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
耕地资源是农业生产乃至国民经济可持续发展的基础资源,对耕地资源进行可持续性利用评价研究有利于耕地资源的保护和规划;分析了耕地资源可持续利用评价的原则和方法;建立了湖北省咸宁市耕地资源可持续利用评价的指标体系,并进行了可持续性利用评价;提出了咸宁市耕地资源可持续利用的对策建议。  相似文献   

提出了基于RS和GIS的建设用地集约利用研究的技术路线,通过遥感资料的解译建立土地利用现状数据库,构建了一套城镇建设用地土地集约利用综合评定的评价指标体系,并对曲阜市城区与农村居民点建设用地集约程度作了定量研究。  相似文献   

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