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转型时期农民专业合作社的成长机制研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄胜忠 《经济问题》2008,341(1):87-90
作为"弱者"的小农通过联合来维护其自身利益是农民专业合作社发展的初衷,然而,实践中绝大多数农民专业合作社的形成和发展主要依赖于生产和运销大户、农村基层组织、供销合作社和龙头企业等少数处于相对"强势"地位的非小农群体,这是转型时期农民专业合作社在成长过程中面临的一个现实"悖论".借鉴博弈论的分析方法,对农民专业合作社的形成过程进行系统分析,以揭示其成长的内在机理.  相似文献   

This study employs a heteroscedastic hedonic price model to examine the factors that influence cattle prices in the rural markets of central Ethiopia. The empirical results show that season, market location, class of cattle, body size and age are very important determinants of the cattle price. The relative weight of the phenotypic characteristics of the animals is among the highest of all the factors considered. These preferences at the farmers’ and farmer traders’ levels are the ones that matter most in shaping the diversity of animals kept at farm level, and the diversity of cattle genetic resources is quite essential for generating or identifying the best suited breeds of cattle, given the livelihood objectives of the target community.  相似文献   

This paper is the first experimental study of the effects of competition and adverse selection on the performance of market maker (MM-) markets. Information distribution may is either symmetric or heterogeneous. MM-markets are either monopolistic (the specialist markets), or competitive (the multi MM-market). Welfare comparisons are with respect to a continuous double auction (DA-) market. Informed subjects receive an imperfect signal of the true state of the world. We find three main results. First, competition among market makers significantly reduces the bid-ask spread, and increases transaction volume. Second, competition among market makers induces competitive undercutting, yielding net trading losses for market makers as a group in most periods. Third, from the perspective of uninformed traders, a competing MM-regime is optimal, since it minimizes their expected trading losses.  相似文献   

Owing to the inadequacy of the public extension services, farmers in developing countries often rely on the suggestions of agricultural input traders. As profit-making agents, these traders, in their turn, may have an incentive to exploit farmers by suggesting relatively expensive inputs. In this study, the Endogenous Switching Regression (ESR) estimation method is applied to demonstrate that input traders in many ways play the substitute role of the public extension agents in a developing country. In the process, this study relied on primary information collected from 379 farmers in Bangladesh in two seasons (N = 758). Then the ESR estimation procedure is applied to predict farmer's expenditure on pesticides, conditional on whether or not they rely on traders' advice. Findings of this study suggest that pesticide expenditures are not statistically different between the farmers that rely on traders' suggestions and those that do not. The study thus concludes that by providing unbiased, useful information to the client farmers, profit-maximizing agricultural input traders render the services of public extension workers, which corrects possible market failures.  相似文献   

China is facing severe problem of water scarcity.Agricultural sector,the main consumer of water resource,has remarkably changed its institutions on water resource deployment,due to heavy environmental pressure.As a new and spontaneous institution,groundwater market has developed rapidly in northern China,and has impacts on waterusing behaviors and benefits of farmers.Using household survey data from Hebei and Henan in 2007,this paper attempts to pin down the development and operating of groundwater market in rural China.We focus on the monopoly and competition in the market.Empirical analysis reveals that Chinese farmers are trying to make rational decision when they compete with others in groundwater market.In general,monopoly is not fierce in Chinese rural groundwater market,with great variations among different villages and even different tubewells within one village.Tubewell costs,regulation and the density of tubewells are the main determinants that affect monopoly level of groundwater market.To make water market benefit more and more farmers of low income,corresponding policies are needed to modify its development in the future.  相似文献   

笔者基于浙江省仙居县杨梅种植户的实地调查数据,利用Tobit模型,实证分析了交易成本对农户杨梅销售渠道选择的影响。研究结果显示,市场价格波动幅度、买主对杨梅质量认证的关注程度和单次平均销售数量促使农户从零售渠道转向贩卖商和加工企业渠道;交易前农户是否了解市场价格和果园到主要成交地点的距离促使农户选择零售渠道;户主年龄及种植面积对农户销售渠道选择也存在一定程度的影响,但其他家庭特征的影响则不显著。  相似文献   

浅析我国征地制度中"公共利益"界定与征地范围划分问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国,土地征用权的法律规定主要来自《宪法》、《土地管理法》和《城市房地产管理法》。我国宪法,虽然赋予国家征用土地的权利,却没有为这种权利的行使划定明确的范围、界限、方式和程序;现行法律中关于土地征用权的规定互相矛盾,从而导致土地征用权的滥用,同时还存在对农民的补偿和安置不到位等问题。因此迫切需要完善土地征用制度,明确界定“公共利益”的范围,文章就此问题进行了初探,并提出了完善征地制度的建议。  相似文献   

Farmers in developing countries often encounter difficulties selling their products on local markets. Inadequate transport infrastructure in rural areas and large distances between areas of production and consumption mean that farmers find it costly to bring their produce to the market and this very often results in small net margins and poverty among farmers who are geographically isolated. Agriculture in developing countries is characterized by the presence of intermediaries that have a cost advantage over farmers. Because of their market power, these intermediaries are able to impose interlinked contracts and are free to choose the spatial pricing policy they use. In this paper, we develop a model of input–output interlinked contracts between an intermediary and geographically dispersed farmers. We establish when the intermediary uses either uniform or mill pricing policies, as opposed to spatial discriminatory pricing. For each pricing policy, we analyze what the welfare implications are in terms of an increase in farmers' income and a reduction in poverty in rural areas. We also establish how the choice of a spatial pricing policy impacts geographically isolated farmers and how it influences the participation by farmers.  相似文献   

由历史、政策制度和市场共同影响下的中国农民,长期以来未能很好地取得真正的社会地位。农民参与社会事务的边缘化,城乡公共产品分配的不公平,城乡经济关系不平等等问题的存在进一步影响农业和农村社会的发展。基于对农民国民待遇缺失成因的分析,转变现有观念、改革相应的政策制度和提升农民市场能力,多方位确保农民国民待遇的实现,是新时期解决“三农”问题的必经之路。  相似文献   

完善农村社会保障体系,促进农民收入增长,是解决三农问题的关键。影响中国农村居民消费的最为直接的仍然是收入问题,然农村社会保障体系的建立对于化解农村居民所面临的来自于自然、社会、市场等等风险,缓解收入不确定性的作用日益凸显,成为继收入之后影响农村居民消费的最重要因素,随着社会前进经济的日益发展,社会保障对农村居民消费的影响作用必将进一步彰显。  相似文献   

建立新型社会养老保险是加快建立覆盖城乡居民社会保障体系的必然要求。喀什农村人口所占比重较大,对新型农村养老保险的需求尤为迫切。调查数据显示,新农保确实从一定程度上缓解了农民的养老压力,但现阶段农民的参保依然受到经济条件、文化水平、思想观念等因素的制约,且在政策的执行中存在保险激励机制不够健全、当地居民“等靠要”的依赖心理严重等问题。今后应通过明确责任、提高人口素质、完善激励机制和网络系统等途径促进新型农村养老保险制度的顺利推行,切实解决农民老有所养的问题。  相似文献   

This paper presents a search model of centralized and decentralized trade. In a centralized market, trades are intermediated by market makers at publicly posted bid–ask prices. In a decentralized market, traders search counterparties. Prices are negotiated and transactions are conducted in private meetings among traders. Traders can choose which market to enter. The determinants of bid–ask spreads and liquidity are analyzed. The welfare consequence of the market fragmentation is also analyzed. It is shown that compared to the competitive market-making, monopolistic market-making may improve social welfare.  相似文献   

新型农民是新农村建设的真正主体,但目前新型农民“供给不足”。从当前农村教育的现状来看,迫切需要发展中等教育。农村中等教育发展失衡受众多因素影响,解决问题的首要途径是政府应从教育制度上做出调整;其次是要在教育投资上做出调整,改变农户的预期投资收益率。农村教育改革首先要克服现行高中教育中普通教育和职业教育、升学教育和就业教育相分裂的弊端,政府除应从制度上规定和引导其均衡发展外,还应逐步实现农村中等教育资源配置的均衡化,促进城乡教育、不同地区教育共同发展。  相似文献   

The inability of European institutions to reform the common agricultural policy is a landmark case of political failure. The CAP has led to several policy failures. It helps mainly the well-off farmers in a very wasteful way; it provides excessive incentives for non-competitive primary commodities, specialization and intensification, with adverse impacts on rural natural resources. Economic principles support long-term programmes aimed only at market failures: the respect of environmental norms and the provision of rural public goods in line with society's demands. While not interfering with market mechanisms, the instruments we propose acknowledge the diverse economic potential of European rural areas and the variety of goods and services provided by the rural space. Political feasibility and social concerns may require a transitory period of direct income support for current farmers. We argue, however, against any direct payments for new farmers in order to prevent future dependence on public support.
Large established farmers are those who stand to lose the most from our proposals. However, they and those who represent them have to face the inefficiencies of the current policy and society's demands. Farmers deserve rewards from public funds for the rural public goods they provide, but these rewards should be decoupled and targeted. A profound reform is required if we are to preserve a 'European model of the countryside'.  相似文献   

刘威 《技术经济》2013,32(9):72-78,130
利用来自粮食主产区的548户种粮农户的调查数据,通过建立多元排序Logit模型和二元选择Logit模型,实证分析了种粮农户的信息需求和信息支付意愿。结果显示:种粮农户最关注的三类信息为种粮补贴信息、气象信息和市场价格信息;种粮农户的信息支付意愿明显较低;种粮农户对不同类型信息需求程度的排序结果与信息支付意愿排序结果并不完全一致;种粮农户的信息需求和信息支付意愿受农户的基本特征、收益特征、经营特征、信息特征和所处环境特征等五类变量的共同影响。  相似文献   

农村市场监管对提高农民的生活质量和促进农村经济社会的全面协调可持续发展具有非常重要的意义,因而加强和改进农村市场监管是新农村建设的重要内容。信息的闭塞和农民收入的有限,使农村成为假冒伪劣商品的泛滥之地。三鹿结石奶粉事件受害最深的也是广大农民。在新农村建设中,我们必须改革和完善农村市场监管体制,创新监管方式,全面提高农村市场监管的整体效益。  相似文献   

我国粮食价格变动的经济效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张淑萍 《财经科学》2011,(8):93-102
粮食价格变动的经济效应体现为对粮食产量、农民收入、物价的影响。从粮食市场价格形成的机制看,成本与资源禀赋决定粮价的长期走势,中期以市场自发调节为基础,政府干预为主导。本文通过对粮价与粮食产量、粮价与农民收入、粮价与物价之间的协整性和格兰杰因果关系检验,得出结论:粮食价格上涨能显著地刺激粮食增产、短期内激励农民增收,统计意义上粮食市场价格上涨不会引起物价上升,政府要继续利用粮食价格手段支持粮食增产与农民增收。今年粮食等主要农产品价格上涨不是引起通胀的主要原因,不能轻率地抑制农产品价格。  相似文献   


The main objective of this study was to estimate empirically the technical efficiency of rural and urban small-scale farmers in Ondo State, Nigeria, using the stochastic frontier production function. With the rapid urbanization being currently experienced in Nigeria, the socio-economic and the farming environment in both the rural and urban centres are undergoing transformation. This study involved collection and analysis of data on 200 food crop farmers from rural and urban centres in Ondo state of Nigeria. The results of analysis show that there are wide differences in the socio-economic and production inputs of the farmers from rural and urban centres. While farmers from rural centres have relatively larger farms, the urban farmers have better access to production inputs, especially, fertilizer. However, rural farmers, with a mean technical efficiency of 0.66 are found to be more technically efficient than urban farmers, who have a mean technical efficiency of 0.57. There is a wide confidence interval around the point estimates of the technical efficiency scores. Level of education, farming experience and land are found to have negative effects on technical inefficiency of both rural and urban farms. The marginal effect of inefficiency variables is, however, found to be highest for education among both rural and urban farms.  相似文献   

We examine differences among US equity market participants according to how quickly, on average, they execute their orders. When traders who execute faster buy (sell), market prices tend to rise (decline). Those who trade more quickly take liquidity more, use smaller trade sizes, transact more frequently, and spread their trading across more venues. Although faster traders are net liquidity demanders, they pay a lower cost to trade. Our results indicate that systematic differences exist across market participants according to how fast they transact, and those with a shorter time to execution exhibit traits that are consistent with information-based trading.  相似文献   

随着我国经济结构转型,农村劳动力大量向非农业领域转移,非农劳动收入已成为湖北农民现金收入的主要来源。实施粮食生产补贴政策将直接增加农户收入,农户劳动力分配很可能因此产生调整。基于湖北309户水稻种植户的入户调查,运用Probit模型分析粮食补贴政策是否影响水稻种植农户参与非农劳动的情况。研究结果显示:接受粮食补贴的水稻种植农户中参与非农劳动的显著增加受多方面因素影响,无论按计税面积计算的粮食补贴还是按种植面积计算的粮食补贴,都将影响农民参与非农劳动。  相似文献   

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