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装备制造业是一国制造能力和经济实力的综合体现,我国东部沿海地区装备制造业生产效率的提升,事关我国制造大国向制造强国转变。本文运用三阶段DEA模型,对东部沿海地区装备制造业生产效率进行了实证研究,通过比较分析以揭示其区域效率变化特点,结果表明:我国东部沿海地区装备制造业生产效率保持在较高的水平,但在剥离环境因素和随机因素影响后,东部沿海地区装备制造业生产效率发生显著性变化;社会投入水平、政府支持力度、对外开放水平和居民消费水平对装备制造业投入有显著影响;东部沿海地区区域内纯技术效率差异较小,规模效率差异较大;规模效率较低是制约我国东部沿海装备制造业生产效率提高的瓶颈。提出坚持以“创新驱动、质量为先、绿色发展、结构优化、人才为本”为核心的对策建议。  相似文献   

We presented two modifications of the traditional model of optimal replacement of capital equipment. Starting from cost-minimization over an infinite horizon, we introduced a variable intensity of utilization in the traditional replacement model to explain functional degradation, i.e., the reduction in utilization intensity as equipment ages. Next, we demonstrated that when technological progress is ongoing, the basic model of optimal replacement can give erroneous results due to neglecting the opportunity cost of foregone technological progress at the time of replacement.  相似文献   

基于DEA方法的高端装备制造业企业经营绩效研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于企业经营绩效评价的现有研究成果,构建了我国高端装备制造业企业经营绩效评价指标体系与模型。结合实际数据,运用DEA的方法,从综合效率、纯技术效率、规模收益及投影分析4个方面对我国30家典型的高端装备制造业企业进行了评价分析。结果表明,我国高端装备制造业企业经营绩效整体水平较好,部分企业经营效率值偏低。最后找出影响企业经营绩效的主要原因并提出相关对策建议。  相似文献   

电子通信设备制造业是我国信息产业的支柱产业,近几年来发展规模不断扩大,对加速经济增长、创造就业岗位做出了巨大贡献。在新常态结构性改革过程中,产业政策支持对电子通信设备制造业的发展产生了重要影响。本文以电子通信设备制造业为研究对象,从税收优惠、政策性融资、政府研发补贴投入3个角度出发,选取2000~2014年15年的我国电子通信设备制造业的数据,创新性的运用状态空间模型与弹性系数分析方法研究3种政策支持方式对电子通信设备制造业的影响程度,进而提出促进电子通信设备制造业发展的政策和建议,为实现产业结构优化升级提供依据。  相似文献   

装备制造业作为中国的重要产业之一,也是制造业的“母体”,近几年发展迅速,但与美国、 日本、德国等制造业强国相比还有很大差距。本文以中国装备制造业为研究对象,从政策性 金融支持、商业性金融支持、资本市场金融支持、风险投资金融支持4个角度出发,选取了2 005~2014年10年的全国装备制造业的面板数据,创新性地运用超越对数生产函数模型与岭 回归分析4项金融支持方式对装备制造业的支持程度,找出各种金融支持方式存在的问题, 为促进我国装备制造业的发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

在工业4.0时代,大数据、云计算和物联网等新一代信息技术与制造技术深度融合,加速了高技术服务业与装备制造业的融合发展。基于这样的背景,文章通过建立耦联评价模型对2006~2015年我国高技术服务业与装备制造业的产业融合度进行测度,实证结果表明两大产业融合发展状态良好,融合度呈波动上升趋势。在此基础上,进一步对产业融合的效应进行分析,研究表明产业融合对装备制造业产业结构高级化程度、产业深加工度、产业生产效率、技术创新能力、产业绿色发展水平有显著的正向作用。  相似文献   

合作研发装备制造业共性技术可以实现资源共享、优势互补,分散研发风险,有效提升装备制造业的自主创新能力.要加强企业、高校、研发机构与政府的合作,构建装备制造业共性关键技术合作研发的组织模式,合理选择和开展共性技术研发活动,建立装备制造业共性技术研发组织的良性运行机制,以提升装备制造业乃至整个国家和地区的技术核心竞争力.  相似文献   

我国装备制造业的转型升级是实施十二五规划纲要的重要任务。本文通过对装备制造业在国民经济中的基础作用、世界装备制造业的发展趋势和我国装备制造业发展现状的研究,提出了加强科技立法、制定技术政策和规划引导,发展中场产业,转变技术创新模式,引发企业家技术创新激情等促进我国装备制造业转型升级的发展对策。  相似文献   

高新技术产业技术溢出是装备制造业产业结构调整和升级不可忽视的重要源泉。本文从高新技术产业技术溢出的途径,装备制造业技术吸收的效应两个角度分析装备制造业吸收技术溢出的动因和存在的问题,最后对促进装备制造业吸收技术溢出提出若干建议。  相似文献   

本文根据全国三次经济普查的数据,应用DEA方法对中国装备制造业的R&D投入产出绩效进行分析。研究结果表明:中国装备制造业R&D投入产出在制造业中的比重较大,且增长速度较快。但DEA无效且全要素生产率整体呈下降状态,其主要原因在于规模效率无效且呈下降状态。因此,大力提升中国装备制造业的规模效率是中国装备制造业发展的重点。  相似文献   

We consider the control of a manufacturing system responding to planned demand at the end of the expected life of each individual piece of equipment and unplanned demand triggered by a major equipment failure. The difficulty of controlling this type of production system resides in the variable nature of the remanufacturing process. In practice, remanufacturing operations for planned demand can be executed at different rates, referring to different component replacement and repair strategies. We formulate this problem as a multi-level control problem and propose a suboptimal control policy. The proposed control policy is described by inventory thresholds triggering the use of different execution modes. Determination of the control policy parameters is based on parameter optimization of analytical cost expressions. A numerical example based on a real case is presented. Our analysis demonstrates that the use of the proposed control approach can lead to a significant reduction in the total average cost, as compared to current practices.  相似文献   

The effect of local government property taxes and expenditures on investment in housing and manufacturing plant and equipment is analyzed in theoretic model and tested empirically. An investment model of firm behavior is developed and implications regarding the effects are deduced. These implications are tested in a single equation model of investment in single- and multifamily structures and capital investment in manufacturing in eleven urban cities and their eighty-nine suburbs. Tentative conclusions that additional municipal expenditures increase investment and a higher effective property tax rate diminishes it are supported and that cities have on average exhausted the net benefits of increasing balanced budgets.  相似文献   

本文基于先进装备制造业上市公司2006~2015年的数据,使用DEA-Malmquist方法计算了我国先进装备制造业的全要素生产率,结果表明,考察期内我国先进装备制造业的全要素生产率在震荡中有所提升,东部地区先进装备制造业的全要素生产率提升幅度大于西部。以此为基础,基于产业组织的角度分析了先进装备制造业全要素生产率的影响因素,研究发现,人力资本水平、R&D经费投入、宏观经济形势、社会固定资产投资情况、对外贸易依存度以及科技劳动力对全要素生产率产生正向显著影响。最后针对本文结论提出相关建议。  相似文献   

介绍了我国选煤设备制造业的发展现状,并指出现存的主要问题;提出促进我国选煤设备制造业健康可持续发展的具体建议。认为,我国选煤设备制造企业要全面深化改革,加强体制机制创新和科学管理,推动科技创新,加快节能环保以及大型动力煤洗选设备、重介质选煤设备的研制,提高设备的可靠性和自动化控制水平,为尽快把我国建设成为选煤强国而努力。  相似文献   

对国内外风力发电的现状进行了总结,然后对国内外风电设备制造业的现状作了详细的分析,指出我国风电设备制造业要想尽快实现大中型风电设备国产化,降低风电电价,就必须准确把握当今风电设备的发展趋势,准确选型,积极购买或引进专利技术,逐步实现固产化,最终形成产品系列自主开发的能力。最后指出了当今风电机组设备的主流和发展趋势,并作了一些比较。  相似文献   

为加强井控装备在制造过程中的质量控制,在对国内井控装备制造企业实际生产情况进行实地调研分析的基础上,从工艺过程策划、工序质量控制点设置、过程质量审核、质量信息反馈、不良产品控制以及实施驻厂监理等方面进行了分析,就如何解决实际问题以及采用的方式方法进行了阐述。认为,井控装备是对油气井实施压力控制、进行预防、检测的关键设备;对于石油装备制造企业来说,井控装备的质量优劣直接影响到装备的使用性能。  相似文献   

Historically, the study of economic equipment replacement is primarily limited to that of a single machine or a single machining system. The replacement situation whereby machines under consideration are part of a large integrated system has received little attention. This paper proposes a framework, for the analysis of multiple-machine replacement within an integrated system context. The major difficulty of analyzing such a problem lies in the interactive nature of an integrated system; that is, how should the effects to the entire system be assessed as a result of alterations to one or more of its components. The emphasis of this work is on the issues regarding multiple machine replacement. A single-period model is utilized in order to simplify the presentation. A comprehensive example is also provided for illustration.  相似文献   

Successful companies in any industry recognize the importance of involving customers and suppliers in the design and development of products and services. When complex product and process technologies are involved, these relationships create a network of companies and industries, each of which is a potential source for technological innovation. At the same time, however, such interrelationships further complicate the already challenging task of analyzing the evolving nature and sources of innovation. Using ethylene manufacture as a case study, Peter Hutcheson, Alan Pearson, and Derrick Ball present a three-stage model of innovation. The model provides a framework for understanding the evolution of technological innovation in ethylene manufacturing, as well as the changing roles of the equipment suppliers, the process plant suppliers, and the operating companies througout this evolution. The applicability of this approach to other sectors of the chemical processing industry is also evaluated. In much the same way that a product's life cycle can be traced through distinct phases of creation, growth, maturity, and decline, technological innovation progresses through three main phases: uncoordinated, segmental, and systemic. The progression through these three phases is marked by changes in the relative levels of product and process innovation activity. In this three-stage model, innovative activity progresses from an extreme of high product and low process innovation during the uncoordinated phase, through the segmental period of low product and high process innovation, to the low product and medium process innovation levels of the systemic phase. In other words, as the industry matures, the focus of innovative activity gradually shifts from the product to the process. As illustrated by the example of ethylene manufacturing, companies operating in an industry that has reached the systemic stage will find little or no scope for innovation in the end product or the core manufacturing technologies. In such a mature market, the product is a commodity item, and the fundamentals of the manufacturing process are well known. At this stage, the quest for productivity improvements focuses on cost reductions from task structuring and specialization, task integration, and automation. As such, equipment manufacturers play an increasingly important role in refining existing technologies and improving equipment reliability and capabilities. Such efforts are facilitated by close cooperation with the operating companies, which can contribute process expertise that the equipment manufacturers might otherwise lack.  相似文献   

介绍了MRP创新型现代科学管理方法,并将其在石油仪器制造企业中进行了应用实例研究,以期达到解决石油仪器制造企业目前物料需求计划问题的目标。  相似文献   

随着电力事业的飞速发展,许多变电站安装的老式一次设备需更换。断路器作为重要的一次设备,对于变电站的稳定运行具有重要作用,但传统的更换方法存在时间长、影响供电可靠性的问题。在保证工程质量的前提下,运用关键路径法对110kV变电站断路器更换的施工方法进行了优化分析。应用实践表明,此方法可以极大地缩短工期,减少线路停电时间,有利于提高电力系统的稳定性和供电可靠性。  相似文献   

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