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We develop a model of budget allocation for permanent and contingent workforce under stochastic demand. The level of permanent capacity is determined at the beginning of the horizon and is kept constant throughout, whereas the number of temporary workers to be hired must be decided in each period. Compared to existing budgeting models, this paper explicitly considers a budget constraint. Under the assumption of a restricted budget, the objective is to minimize capacity shortages. When over-expenditures are allowed, both budget deviations and shortage costs are to be minimized. The capacity shortage cost function is assumed to be either linear or quadratic with the amount of shortage, which corresponds to different market structures or different types of services. We thus examine four variants of the problem that we model and solve either approximately or to optimality when possible. A comprehensive experimental design is designed to analyze the behavior of our models when several levels of demand variability and parameter values are considered. The parameters consist of the initial budget level, the unit cost of temporary workers and the budget deviation penalty/reward rates. Varying these parameters produce several trade-offs between permanent and temporary workforce levels, and between capacity shortages and budget deviations. Numerical results also show that the quadratic cost function leads to smooth and moderate capacity shortages over the time periods, whereas all shortages are either avoided or accepted when the cost function is linear.  相似文献   

The optimal capacity expansion time is an essential problem especially in capital intensive industries, and capacity expansion decisions have a great influence on the firm's operations and profitability. It can be said that the timing question is quite complex, and in practice the experience and intuition of the decision-makers have a central role. We can, however, use theoretical models to explain many essential relations and deepen our understanding of the nature of capacity changes. The actual object of this study is to develop a unit cost minimization model for the timing of capacity expansion. The model is based on the costs and capacities of old and new machines, and the arithmetic growth rate of demand. The analytical solution of the model shows that the relative timing of expansion can be presented with cost advantage and capacity change ratios. It is also shown that the analogical model can be used for capacity replacement and cutting. Finally, the model is extended, and it is shown that such timing can be found which minimizes unit costs and maximizes the profit of the planning period. The original contribution of the study is to suggest an alternative evaluation method for the timing of capacity changes and to present an analytical solution to the formulated problem. The presented model is applied to an illustrative case where capacity addition is planned either through expansion or replacement. The suggestion of the model to the case company is that it is preferable to replace the old machine with a bigger one rather than to acquire a totally new machine.  相似文献   

Natural and man-made disasters imply a great deal of uncertainty in terms of potential damage, though it is certain that there would be a huge spike in the demand for relief supplies causing shortages and/or delays in providing aid. Ruptures in the infrastructure (roads, utility, and communication lines) cause additional delays due to repairs. Therefore, the relief providers need to work in collaboration with retailers, and infrastructure service providers for improving responsiveness. The relief providers (government and non government) rely on acquiring and delivering supplies in real time because such actions accompany little risk of resource underutilization, though the cost of real time acquisitions can be high. In contrast, a proactive response, while minimizing acquisition cost, can be very ineffective if demand surges are high. We study a hybrid of reactive and proactive approaches, where the reactive response is contingent upon the disaster intensity exceeding a certain threshold. We show how the threshold value may impact capacity acquisitions and prices and establish the optimality of contingent response. Further, we establish how an infrastructure contract may help reducing the social cost of disaster.  相似文献   

The ability to maintain internally developed technology over time is important for corporate vitality. We label this ability transformative capacity and suggest that it depends on how well a firm accomplishes three tasks, These tasks are: the choice of technologies, their maintenance over time, and their reactivation and synthesis when required. To establish the need for transformative capacity, we first discuss time lags in the development of technologies and markets to suggest that not all technologies developed by firms can be utilized immediately. We then examine dimensions of technological knowledge that affect knowledge transfer over time. Next, we build on the resource-based view of the firm to discuss how firms can create transformative capacity. The concluding discussion focuses on the implications of transformative capacity for the analysis and management of technological investments as a way to maintain corporate vitality.  相似文献   

Research summary> : W e take a microfoundational approach to understanding the origin of heterogeneity in firms' capacity to adapt to technological change. We develop a computational model of individual‐level learning in an organizational setting characterized by interdependence and ambiguity. The model leads to organizational outcomes with the canonical properties of routines: constancy, efficacy, and organizational memory. At the same time, the process generating these outcomes also produces heterogeneity in firms' adaptive capacity to different types of technological change. An implication is that exploration policy in the formative period of routine development can influence a firm's capacity to adapt to change in maturity. This points to a host of strategic trade‐offs, not only between performance and adaptive capacity, but also between adaptive capacities to different forms of change . Managerial summary : W hy are firms differentially effective at adapting to technological change? We argue that firms differ in the adaptive capacity of the routines that underlie their capabilities. These differences arise well before change occurs, and result because firms build routines that are differentially responsive to signals of performance decline associated with technological change. Thus, early managerial efforts to build superior productive efficiency must be complemented by efforts to build superior adaptive capacity. Our theory suggests that managers can prepare for technological change by implementing policies, in the formative period of organizational development, that promote individuals' exploration of novel actions. However, there are trade‐offs because preparation aimed at building adaptive capacity to one type of technological change may limit adaptive capacity to other types of change . Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Ghana was one of the first countries in sub-Saharan Africa to be connected to the Internet, yet has very low Internet usage (5.3 users per 100 inhabitants). A qualitative study including in-depth interviews with ISPs explored Internet diffusion in Ghana. Findings suggest that due to Ghana's inefficient and outdated fixed-line infrastructure, universal Internet access goals might not be achievable through fixed-line technologies. Rather, wireless technologies may be more efficient. However, high access costs continue to be a barrier. Policy options to encourage widespread deployment of wireless broadband and cost reduction are presented as suggestions for further research. These include using universal service funds to expand the national backbone with an open access high capacity wireless backbone to reach unserved and underserved areas, reducing license and regulatory fees for the wireless industry to encourage coverage and capacity expansion, and mandatory infrastructure sharing to reduce cost.  相似文献   

This study develops an inventory model for initial-stock-dependent consumption rate when a delay in payment is permissible. In the inventory model, shortages are not allowed. The effect of the inflation rate, deterioration rate, initial-stock-dependent consumption rate and delay in payment are discussed. In the study, mathematical models are also derived under two different circumstances, i.e., Case I: The credit period is less than or equal to the cycle time for settling the account; and Case II: The credit period is greater than the cycle time for settling the account. Besides, expressions for an inventory system's total cost are derived for these two cases. Moreover, a computational procedure and GINO (Lasdon et al., ACM Transactions Mathematical Software 4 (1978) 34–50) are proposed to obtain the optimal order size and cycle time. The results can help managers determine the optimal total cost. Finally, a numerical example demonstrates the applicability of the proposed model.  相似文献   

结合矿井情况设定标准成本目标,通过经济价值评价和配比性原则,按照成本要素和作业成本方法,对矿井实际单位成本进行综合调整,客观反映矿井当期的成本状况。通过与标准成本差异进行比对分析,挖掘成本管理中存在的问题和不足,有效改进生产组织方法,确保矿井更加注重科学发展、统筹发展,实现煤炭企业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

行业异质性、适度知识产权保护与出口技术进步   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文将受知识产权保护制度约束的模仿效应参数及模仿成本引入Hausman的技术水平模型,通过建立1994—2009年SITC Rev.3的三位编码产品与中国国民经济中35个工业行业的对应关系,构建了行业出口技术水平测算指标,运用固定效应模型与系统GMM估计方法,实证分析了知识产权保护对行业出口技术进步的影响及在不同行业间的差异性体现。研究结果表明:中国知识产权保护制度的完善对出口技术提升起到了加速器的作用,但并未对出口规模扩张做出显著直接贡献,而是通过影响出口技术间接作用于出口规模;不同行业的知识属性差异使知识产权保护的出口技术进步效应在研发强度大、技术水平高、外资渗透率高的行业中更显著。  相似文献   

张宏  赫春燕  吴春芳 《国际石油经济》2011,19(10):55-61,108
2011年广东省中小企业出现了经营困难,主要原因是企业生产成本上升、地方政府政策调整引导劳动密集型制造业升级转型以及国内信贷的持续紧缩,这使得大部分中小企业面临资金短缺、人工短缺以及成本上升、汇兑风险增加、利润(率)被严重挤压的困境,企业有订单不敢接。这与2008年因外需不振引起的中小企业倒闭潮有根本的不同。文章认为,这是中国经济升级转型过程中的正常现象,只要政府调整好信贷规模和节奏,加大对企业转型过程的引导,就不会导致经济增速的过快放缓,更不至于引发大规模的经济衰退。2008年以来,广东成品油表观消费量增速与GDP增速差距拉大,成品油消费弹性显著下降。凭借成本优势和财政支持,在占全省成品油消费量80%以上的工业及交通运输业这两大行业中,替代能源发展迅猛,对成品油消费需求的增长产生了明显的抑制,这是该省成品油消费增长明显放缓的主要原因。  相似文献   

Research Summary: We investigate how industrial disasters can discourage FDI and how MNCs' technological, safety management, and philanthropic capabilities can moderate these effects. Using two unique panel data sets of entry and expansion of U.S. wholly‐owned manufacturing subsidiaries overseas, we found that industrial disasters are associated with reduced foreign entry of wholly‐owned subsidiaries in the disaster industry, but not for all firms in the host country experiencing the disaster. We also found that MNCs' technological, safety management, and philanthropic capabilities can, in some cases, positively moderate the negative relationships between industrial disasters and the foreign entry and expansion of wholly‐owned subsidiaries. Additionally, three‐way interactions with government stability suggest that technological and safety management capabilities substitute government stability in managing industrial disasters, while philanthropic capability complements government stability. Managerial Summary: How can MNCs' technological, safety management, and philanthropic capabilities overcome the effects of industrial disasters such as chemical spills and explosions in host countries? Our results show that industrial disasters are associated with reduced foreign entry of wholly‐owned subsidiaries in the industry in which the industrial disaster occurs, but not for other firms operating in the country experiencing the disaster. However, an MNC's technological capability can, in general, lower the negative consequences of industrial disasters in both the entry and expansion of its wholly‐owned subsidiaries. Regarding the institutional quality of a host country, the results imply that MNCs should develop philanthropic capability when the government stability of the host country is strong, and develop technological and safety management capabilities when the government stability is weak.  相似文献   

We examine how determinants of absorptive capacity influence learning in alliances over time. Using longitudinal patent cross‐citation data, we find an inverted U‐shaped pattern over time that is influenced by firm‐level and relational factors. Technological similarity only modestly increases learning in the initial stages of a relationship, but moderate levels substantially increase knowledge flows later in the alliance. High technological diversity is related to higher initial learning rates, but the effects diminish over time. Somewhat surprisingly, research and development intensity is negatively related to initial learning rates but has a considerable positive effect later in the relationship. We suggest that initial learning rates in alliances may be constrained by the capacity to absorb knowledge, while later‐stage outcomes are constrained by exploitation capacity. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This case study is an evaluation of actual alternatives for capacity expansion of an electrical power company. A systematic analysis of the important parameters of this complex problem is described to illustrate how multiple attribute decision analysis can be utilized to include the monetary and nonmonetary aspects of such a real world capacity expansion problem. The service cost data utilized is the type generated routinely by utilities and/or regulatory staffs. However, the use of outage costs and socio-economic coats demonstrates that the readily available service coats data can be expanded and combined into a framework that allows a more detailed analysis of the complex, capacity planning problem. The information reported here has been altered to the extent necessary to conceal the identity of the utility.  相似文献   

This article investigates the link between product development cycle time and technological level in the final product, using a sample of 11 new car development projects. Reducing cycle time can create competitive advantages, but it also may lead to the development of technologically inferior products. Time is needed to digest and analyze technological problems. The conclusions from our study support the notion of a relationship between cycle time and technological level. Thus, there are important choices to be made regarding the desired level of technological maturity in the final product. This affects the required cycle time. Simply reducing the cycle time may not always be feasible or desirable  相似文献   

黄佳音 《国际石油经济》2012,20(7):30-35,110
从短期来看,劳动力资源问题仍然是加拿大油砂行业需要关注的重点,具体包括:应对劳动力代际更替,后勤保障,挖掘自动化技术潜力,吸引国家石油公司积极参与;从中期来看,六大方面的新思维和新方法将对油砂企业实现有序、可持续的发展具有重要意义,包括确定并聚焦核心竞争力、优化企业内部控制、改善成本问责制、借鉴其他行业模式、加强协作、转变公众认知;从长期来看,针对加拿大如何成为能源超级大国,文章就扩大市场、发展技术、制定国家能源战略等问题阐述了德勤的观点.  相似文献   

This paper examines how firms may learn to better time their capacity expansion decisions through their own and their rivals' past experiences. A review of the literature shows that there may be several reasons for firms to bunch their capacity additions or ‘hop on an investment bandwagon.’ These reasons include coordinating through maintaining market shares, information effects, and decision‐making biases. Given the substantial evidence of organizational learning, firms may be expected to improve their timing skills of capacity additions through their previous capacity expansion experience. Hypotheses are developed both for proprietary learning and learning at the industry level, and for forgetting. These hypotheses are tested on a database consisting of 72 companies operating in the petrochemicals industry in the United States, Europe, and Japan from 1975 to 1995. The results indicate that learning in timing capacity expansion decisions comes primarily from within firms through an accumulation of their poor outcomes. However, this timing skill is far more apparent in greenfield than incremental expansion decisions. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

出口集聚、企业相关生产能力与企业出口扩展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前集聚效应对企业出口行为影响的研究中,集聚多是基于地理距离来刻画。本文试图将产品间的认知距离引入集聚的测度中,研究不同类型集聚对企业出口扩展边际的影响,并进一步讨论企业相关生产能力的异质性作用。本文发现,出口集聚效应和企业相关生产能力分别是企业出口多元化的外源动力和企业条件。具体来说,引入认知距离后,可以更好地区分集聚经济和集聚不经济的来源:同产品集聚和相关产品集聚均有利于促进企业出口扩展;而不相关产品集聚对企业出口扩展的影响则表现为竞争效应。进一步的研究发现,并不是所有企业都能在集聚的过程中“搭便车”,集聚发挥作用的方向和程度因企业储备的相关生产能力而异。在影响机制上,出口集聚效应通过专业劳动力共享和中间投入品共享等供给侧渠道以及目的国市场信息共享和已有出口经验等需求侧渠道来降低企业出口扩展的难度和风险。基于上述实证结果,本文认为地方政府应打造技术关联紧密、上下游产业相互依托、有核心竞争力的空间集聚形态,并创造良好的营商环境,以激发企业创新活力,提升中国对外贸易的核心竞争力。  相似文献   

This paper explores and extends the concept of transparency, as transparency-related terminology in marketing management research is limited in its typological development. Building on previous research, it outlines four types of transparency and extends them by adding three related facets. The four types are: cost transparency, supply transparency, organizational transparency and technological transparency. The expanded concept of transparency is discussed and analyzed using four illustrations, based on case studies conducted at two focal firms in the Swedish manufacturing industry. The study contributes to the field of marketing management research by showing the interrelatedness of information technology exploitation, trust and transparency. In addition, the study highlights the dynamic aspects of the transparency concept. In contrast to results of former studies, the present findings indicate that increased transparency in buyer-supplier relationships brings about not only positive, but also some negative effects.  相似文献   

If potential entrant firms are well informed they will generally not believe incumbent's threats to expand output when experiencing entry. But this expectation underlies most excess capacity models. We demonstrate an asymmetric information equilibrium in which potential entrants rationally fear output expansion by oligopolists with excess capacity. Less effective collusive oligopolies may be destabilized (expanding output) upon entry. One symptom of less effective collusion is excess capacity. Hence excess capacity becomes a signal of the potential for output expansion. In a rational expectations equilibrium this signal may also be mimicked by oligopolies which would not otherwise carry excess capacity.  相似文献   

New product development (NPD) speed has become increasingly important for managing innovation in fast‐changing business environments due to continuous reduction in the product life cycle time and increase in competition from technological advancements and globalization. While the existing literature has not produced consistent results regarding the relationship between speed and success for NPD projects, many scholars and practitioners assert that increasing NPD speed is virtually always important to NPD success. The purpose of this paper is to examine the implicit assumption that faster is better as it relates to new product success (NPS). From the perspectives of time‐compression diseconomies and absorptive capacity, the authors question the assumption that speed has a linear relationship with success. The authors further argue that time‐compression diseconomies depend on levels of uncertainty involved in NPD projects. Using survey data of 471 NPD projects, the hypotheses were tested by hierarchical regression analysis and subgroup polynomial regression. The results of this study indicate that NPD speed has a curvilinear relationship with NPS, and the nature of the speed–success relationship varies, depending on type and level of uncertainty. When turbulence or technological newness is high, the relationship is curvilinear, but when uncertainties are low, the relationship is linear. In contrast, the results of this study suggest a curvilinear relationship under conditions of low market newness but not when market newness is high. The present paper asserts that time‐compression diseconomies and absorptive capacity are important theoretical constructs in understanding speed in NPD. The different impact of market newness and market turbulence on NPD speed supports the distinction of newness and turbulence as two different sources of uncertainty. Discussion focuses on the implications of NPD speed under the different conditions of uncertainty. NPD teams need to pursue NPD speed as a critical strategy, but it is necessary to analyze the source and degree of uncertainty about projects before a time‐based strategy is selected. In order to address the challenges of high uncertainty, a firm needs to probe, learn, and iterate fast. In particular, NPD teams need to distinguish between the different requirements for new products in emerging and new markets, and those in fast‐changing markets. Moreover, NPD teams need to balance how fast they need to go with how fast they can go by considering team absorptive capacity and customer absorptive capacity.  相似文献   

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