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This paper considers the application of marginal cost pricing to the calculation of developer charges, also termed exactions or impact fees, in the contemporary urban environment. We derive an “ideal” measure of long-run marginal capacity cost (MCC) of urban infrastructure expansion. Given practical difficulties in estimating MCC, we develop an alternative Adjusted Amortization Method (AAM) with less onerous data requirements. Using a simulation model we compare the magnitudes of developer charges derived from the ideal MCC measure, our AAM method and three other common approaches to the measurement of MCC. Our results show that an adjusted version of the AAM formula performs very well.  相似文献   

Using a capital budgeting framework, we examine the impact of political risk on the foreign direct investment decision. Political risk may alter operating cash flows via discriminatory regulations as well as the investment via expropriation. We model the impact of political operating costs and expropriation costs on the NPV of a project under the assumption that the parameters that affect the NPV are constant over the life of the project. Next, we provide an illustration for the case in which the relevant parameters are variable over the life of the project. The paper concludes with an example of political risk in the 1990s, the case of Black Sea Energy Ltd.'s investment in Russia.  相似文献   

The metric Economic Value Added, or EVA, has recently become quite popular for analyzing company balance sheets, determining executive compensation packages and even project selection. The analysis entails comparing net after-tax operating profit against the allocated cost of capital for a given period. This paper shows, in general, that Market Value Added (MVA), which is the present value of a series of EVA values, is economically equivalent to the traditional NPV measure of worth for evaluating an after-tax cash flow profile of a project if the cost of capital is used for discounting. Additionally, insight is provided into the rationale behind EVA analysis through an interpretation of its capital and income allocation procedure for investment projects.  相似文献   

This papers studies if access price regulation has an impact on incumbents’ incentives to invest in their network that might differ according to the nature of investments, that is, quality-upgrading and cost-reducing. It is shown that if the marginal cost of quality-upgrading is very low both types of investment are increasing in the access price. If the marginal cost of cost-reducing is very low, both investments decrease after an increase in the access price. Otherwise, a high access price increases the incentives for quality-upgrading and reduces the incentives for cost-reducing. Therefore, regulators should set a higher access price the lower is the marginal cost of quality-upgrading as compared to the marginal cost of cost-reducing.  相似文献   

This article studies the impact of regulatory uncertainty on an incumbent’s incentives to undertake the socially optimal investments in NGA networks. Thus, a regulatory non-commitment setting in which the regulator sets the access price after the deployment of the NGA network is used. In particular, it is assumed that the regulator sets the access price at the marginal cost of providing the access with some probability and gives an access markup, which equals the average cost of the investments, with the complementary probability. It is found that when the slope of the marginal investment cost function is not particularly steep in relation to the impact of investments on demand, the incumbent underinvests compared to the socially optimal investment level. On the contrary, in a more realistic case when the impact of investments on demand is low in relation to the slope of the marginal investment cost function, the incumbent may overinvest or underinvest depending on the probability of incorporating an access markup into the access price.  相似文献   

Two algorithms are proposed to perform benefit/cost analysts in a fuzzy environment. The first algorithm considers the fuzzy measure of benefit to cost ratio to select the optimal alternative group under the available funds. The second algorithm considers the fuzzy measure of incremental benefit to incremental cost ratio to choose the optimal investment alternative from several mutually exclusive investment alternatives. By using these algorithms, the ambiguities involved in the assessment data can be effectively represented and processed to assure a more convincing and effective decision-making.  相似文献   

Investment opportunities for electronics manufacturing can create many challenging components within the standard context of economic analysis theory. First, most of these operations are dependent on significant capital investment with short analysis periods due to technological obsolescence. These problems are compounded with the reality of short product lives and fluctuating consumer demands. Perhaps the most challenging environment for electronics manufacturing is that of automotive electronics. These facilities are typically faced with similar manufacturing issues common in all electronics production but have the added difficulty in meeting very stringent quality and reliability requirements in a globally competitive market. This case study investigates the challenges in evaluating investment options in electronics manufacturing and pays specific attention to those issues that are most common to the automotive electronics market. In addition, the analysis investigates various sensitivity issues related to these investment opportunities and investigates an alternative investment option for a flexible manufacturing process.  相似文献   

This paper concerns itself with providing the means by which a decision-maker may choose among competing projects and arrive at the optimal allocation of the firm's scarce dollar resources. The problem is handled in the mathematical programming framework. The model holds with or without the assumption of capital rationing and permits the incorporation of the effects of growth and of alternative financial mixes on the cost of capital for the firm. When iterated, the model equates marginal revenue to marginal cost, thus yielding the optimal investment level for the firm. Several investment alternatives not considered in the existing literature on the subject are examined, and some novel interpretations of the constraints and results are offered.  相似文献   

We examine the performance attributes of a merchant transmission investment framework that relies on ‘market driven’ investment to increase transmission network capacity needed to support competitive wholesale markets for electricity. Under a stringent set of assumptions, the merchant investment model has a remarkable set of attributes that appears to solve the natural monopoly problem and the associated need for regulating electric transmission companies. We expand the merchant model to incorporate several attributes of wholesale power markets and transmission networks that the merchant model ignores. These include market power in wholesale electricity markets, lumpiness in transmission investment opportunities, stochastic attributes of transmission networks and associated property rights definition issues, strategic behavior by potential merchant transmission investors and issues related to the coordination of transmission system operators and merchant transmission owners. Incorporating these more realistic attributes of transmission networks and the behavior of transmission owners and system operators leads to the conclusion that several potentially significant inefficiencies may result from reliance on the merchant transmission investment framework. Accordingly, it is inappropriate for policymakers to assume that they can avoid dealing with the many challenges associated with stimulating efficient levels of investment in electric transmission networks by adopting the merchant model.  相似文献   

Several competition authorities consider the exemption of horizontal agreements among firms from antitrust liability if the agreements sufficiently promote public interest objectives such as sustainable consumption and production. We show that when consumers value sustainable products and firms choose investments in sustainability before choosing output or prices, coordination of output choices or prices boosts investments in sustainability and may even enhance consumer surplus when products are sufficiently close substitutes and the marginal cost of investment in sustainability is relatively low. By contrast, coordination of investments in sustainability leads to lower investments and harms consumers.  相似文献   

This article estimates the parameters of a cost function for the process of gas transmission based on the two basic capital inputs to the process: pipe and compressors. This in turn allows us to assess the combination of capital, operating, and maintenance costs that minimize the total cost of a natural gas transportation system. We further show that the industry's production technology exhibits increasing returns to scale. That is, we find that the long-run marginal cost is lower than the long-run average cost per unit. The natural gas transmission cost function derived is consistent with the engineering aspects of the industry and may be used to find the minimal cost of a system to transport natural gas.  相似文献   

The question of when and in what quantity to obtain required bond financing takes on significance due to fixed flotation coats and the opportunity to invest excess long-term debt in marketable securities. In prior research, the optimal size and timing of bond issues is most often determined as the solution to a cost minimization problem. In this paper, we first demonstrate that previous studies have incorrectly identified the opportunity cost of excess debt. We then delineate the opportunity cost in a form consistent with modern capital structure theory. Our results indicate that a firm's capital structure and marginal tax rate are important determinants of the optimal size and timing of its bond issues.  相似文献   

This paper discusses a measure for estimating the wealth creation potential of capital investments in manufacturing. The measure, called “Economic Value Added,” has recently become popular in the United States and can be derived from an after-tax analysis of cash flows generated by a capital investment. A proposed investment in manufacturing capacity is analyzed to illustrate the after-tax cash flow calculations required to determine its EVA potential.  相似文献   

Market characteristics, including intrinsic demand and customer sensitivity on price and product performance level, are distinct at different markets. Comparisons of various product development strategies in one market or two geographically separated markets are conducted for three classes of products: development intensive products (DIPs) with constant unit cost, marginal cost-intensive products (MIPs) with constant fixed cost, and marginal and development intensive products (MDIPs) with non-constant unit cost and fixed cost. Results show that larger demand size, less customer sensitivity on price and/or more sensitivity on performance level lead to more profit, a higher sale price and a not-lower product performance. The customer reservation or the saturation performance level should be generally adopted though the optimal performance level does exist occasionally. Unit cost and/or fixed cost must increase in performance at an increasing rate for the existence of one optimal performance level. Due to the impact of demand size, one high-end (low-end) MDIP or DIP could be introduced into one low-end (high-end) market at a different price if the demand size is significantly large in the low-end market. For DIPs, offering one niche high-end product is not worse than offering the low-end product into two markets. For MIPs with negligible fixed cost, the product line strategy is not worse than the standard product development strategy. Additionally, the product cost reduction approach adopted in one product line has significant effects on the best product development strategy and sequence.  相似文献   

Using a simple but general two-stage framework, this paper identifies the circumstances under which increasing competition leads to more cost-reducing investments. The framework can, for instance, capture increasing substitutability for different types of oligopoly models or changes from Cournot to Bertrand competition. The paper identifies four transmission mechanisms by which competition affects investment. For a firm with lower initial marginal costs (higher efficiency), a positive effect of competition on investment is more likely. Positive spillovers support a negative effect of competition on investment. The relation between competition and investment is not affected in an unambiguous way by the level of pre-existing competition.  相似文献   

We model competitive bundling and tying, allowing for marginal cost savings from bundling, fixed costs of product offerings, and variation in customer preferences. Pure bundling can arise either because few people demand only one component or because, with high fixed costs, a single product efficiently satisfies customers with diverse tastes. We conclude by analyzing empirically the bundling of pain relievers with decongestants. The discount for the bundled product is large. We argue that our model provides a simpler, more compelling explanation for the size of the discount than the demand‐centered approach to bundling by a monopolist.  相似文献   

The paper assists the user of DCF methods by clearly setting forth the relationship of free-cash-flow (FCF) and economic value added (EVA?) concepts to each other and to the more traditional applications of DCF thinking. We follow others in demonstrating the equivalence between EVA and NPV, but our approach is more general in that it links the problems of security valuation, enterprise valuation, and investment project selection. Additionally, our approach relates more directly to use of standard financial accounting information. Beginning with cash budget identity, we show that the discounting of appropriately defined cash flows under the free-cash-flow valuation approach (FCF) is mathematically equivalent to the discounting of appropriately defined economic profits under the EVA? approach. The concept of net operating profit after-tax (NOPAT), found by adding after-tax interest payments to net profit after taxes, is central to both approaches, but there the computational similarities end. The FCF approach focuses on the periodic total cash flows obtained by deducting total net investment and adding net debt issuance to net operating cash flow, whereas the EVA? approach requires defining the periodic total investment in the firm. In a project valuation context, both FCF and EVA? are conceptually equivalent to NPV. Each approach necessitates a myriad of adjustments to the accounting information available for most corporations.  相似文献   

After exhausting all “pollution prevention pays” opportunities, further efforts towards environmental protection often engender some type of cost to the manufacturer. Then, designers must weigh tradeoffs between environmental impacts and equally pressing needs to reduce costs, improve product quality, and reduce cycle time: all while meeting customer demands, which are the driving force behind the design process. Although there is a growing market for “green” products as customers' desire to be environmentally responsible increases, it is extremely difficult to accurately assess the customer's actual willingness to pay for environmental protection. This paper first briefly reviews methods for assessing customer preferences. Then, it presents a decision model for use by design engineers to assist in making these tradeoffs between cost, quality, and environmental impact in which customer preferences can be reflected in weighting factors assigned by the design engineer. Qualitative HOQ information is used as a starting point to derive a mathematical programming formulation for multiobjective optimization. Finally, an illustrative example for printed circuit board assembly is provided.  相似文献   

Use of the discounted cash flow (DCF) technique in investment and appraisal situations depends on readily available and reliable estimates of cost of capital and equity rates. Previous research on estimating equity rates and cost of capital from financial data sources is extremely limited and includes no evidence on the consistency of rates derived from alternative data sources. This paper derives estimates of equity rates and cost of capital from three alternative commonly available data sources. Estimates are derived separately for operating properties and for homebuilder/land developers on both a before- and after-corporate tax basis. The alternative data sources are found to yield consistent and reliable estimates of equity rates and cost of capital. Rates estimated from these sources are sufficiently accurate and reliable for most investment or appraisal applications.  相似文献   

经验曲线是美国著名波士顿咨询公司开拓的管理预测概念和工具之一,回顾经验曲线的起源及发展,总结了有关石化行业中的经验曲线效应现象,即:典型的大宗化工产品的固定成本的长期趋势存在明显的双倍斜率约为25%的经验曲线效应;同时单位固定资产投资也存在着双倍斜率为25%~63%的经验曲线效应。指出经验曲线是预测大宗化学品固定成本和投资长期趋势的一个有效实用的工具,并就国内应用经验曲线时应注意的问题及想法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

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