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我国电力普遍服务问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先提出了电力普遍服务的定义与内涵,对电力普遍服务的必要性和资金来源进行了详细讨论;接着分析了我国电力普遍服务的发展历程、现状和存在的问题;最后明确提出,我国应该构建与电力体制改革和市场化改革相适应的、具有中国特色的新型电力普遍服务机制,对普遍服务的责任主体和资金来源、阶段目标、实施主体和实现方式、服务对象和业务范围、管理机制和成本补偿机制进行明确,为我国电力普遍服务提供法律保障。  相似文献   

薛先棣 《国际石油经济》2011,19(6):72-76,112
哈萨克斯坦石油工程服务市场前景广阔、潜力巨大,但由于哈国政策、法规环境变化和调整较大,包括中国企业在内的在哈外资石油工程服务公司面临较大挑战。作者基于哈国实际工作经验,对影响中资石油工程公司业务的哈国法律、国家行政管理、商务和自然环境条件进行了分析,重点介绍了哈国新《税法典》、新《资源行业采办规定》、《地下资源法》和劳工许可规定及其给中资石油工程服务公司带来的影响,并结合当前最新变化,对中资石油工程服务公司在哈国开展业务提出对策建议。  相似文献   

This study uses contingent valuation to measure Japanese customers' willingness-to-pay to maintain combinations of five telecommunication services that are considered substitutes if universal service is defined on the basis of functionality. The analysis revealed the following results. First, consumers are more willing to pay to retain voice communication services than data transmission services. Second, customers accept Internet Protocol telephony as a substitute for plain old telephone service (POTS) as a universal service, and they are willing to pay much more than Japan's current Universal Service Fund charge. Third, even when mobile phone service (MOB) is available, consumers will pay to retain fixed-line voice services. Finally, consumers have an equal desire to keep fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) and fixed-line voice services, but it is less than the demand for MOB. Thus, under the present definition of POTS as a universal service, FTTH could be considered as a basic telecommunication service.  相似文献   

The most recognizable characteristic of the West German telecommunication infrastructure is the far-reaching isolation of networks, transmission services and terminal equipment. The completion plans of the West German PTT intend to end this separation. Using the telephone network as a base, all services will be integrated so that they are available from the telephone socket, acting as a communication socket for all transmission purposes. Concerning the political and legal framework, the main characteristic of the West German telecommunication sector is its high degree of regulation. This pattern of regulation is likely to change in 1988/89 with a new telecommunication law. The draft of this law proposes the deregulation of all transmission services (except the voice transmission service) and all terminal equipment markets. Networks shall continue to be owned by the West German PTT.  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2007,31(3-4):197-208
Modern telecommunications technology is now widely seen as a critical driver in economic development. However, the issues involved in the rapid deployment of this technology are complex and frequently highly controversial. While some issues are technical, the most difficult ones involve changing an institutional framework originally designed for different times and different technologies. The process of changing this framework necessarily involves disruptive change for existing infrastructure and service providers as well as substantial benefits for the economy at large. This paper, based on an extensive series of interviews in Turkey in 2005 as well as published sources, seeks to discuss these issues in light of Turkey's progress to date in taking advantage of advanced available telecommunications technology and the myriad productivity-enhancing services that are associated with it.An important element in developing a more competitive and dynamic sector has been Turkey's long-standing desire to become a member of the European Union (EU). This has encouraged changes in the telecommunications regulatory regime following the guidelines set out in Chapter 19 of the EU “acquis” for candidate members. Nonetheless, substantial further efforts are needed to complete and implement the desired regulatory framework, particularly as it affects the former government monopoly carrier, Turk Telekom and the cable companies. A further limiting factor in recent years has been an overall investment climate characterized by a high level of uncertainty for most investors, regardless of size or nationality.Policy recommendations to help accelerate the deployment of telecommunications technology include a clear reaffirmation of the government's priorities for the sector, a reduction in the level of regulatory uncertainty, strengthening the Board and Staff of the Telecommunications Authority, and reviewing policies to broaden the scope and decrease the cost of telecommunication licenses.  相似文献   

Universal service, the long time goal of telecommunications regulation, is under new scrutiny by stakeholders. The Telecommunications Act of 1996 eliminated the barriers to competition implemented in the transitional Modified Final Judgment of 1984. The FCC is now setting up a new universal service plan, which extends its scope to schools, libraries and health care providers. At the same time, however, concerns about the effectiveness of the universal service are increasing. This article reports on a study which first investigates the growth patterns in the number of house-holds by income groups in states, and then examines the effectiveness and efficiency of the universal service policy on low-income households at the state level.  相似文献   

This paper examines the contrast between China's and India's universal service policies as manifestations of the two states' differing self-conceptualizations and legitimation strategies. We examine the timeline of universal service policies in the two countries, differentiating between the territorial, demographic and layered dimensions of universal service. The analysis reveals many similarities between the two countries, as well as some differences primarily related to the mode of funding universal service programs and the lead China has taken in deploying informatization services. We identify some of the proximate causes that resulted in these policy decisions. But in addition, we also examine how universal service policies are related to contrasting models of state legitimation.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on estimating whether a natural level of non-penetration exists, and if so, what the maximum attainable penetration rate is. Universal service penetration levels have steadily increased over the last decade. This paper hypothesizes that penetration levels will level off over time at some point below 100%. Econometric models have been created to estimate penetration rates as a function of several explanatory variables, including per capita personal income, price changes for residential local service, price changes for toll services, and the existence of lifeline programs. The modeling results also provide information on cross-elasticities between toll and local service and the effects of the FCC's subscriber line charges and lifeline programs on the universal service policy goal. In summary, this research provides new information on the topic of what constitutes universal service and provides considerable data regarding own-price and cross-price elasticities associated with residential local service.  相似文献   

We analyze the strategic repositioning of firms through changes in their market offerings and buyer-seller relationships. Based on literature from strategy, marketing, economics, and information systems, we formulate a two-by-two matrix to examine alternatives for positioning. We evaluate the framework with four case studies of companies that have recently moved toward more complete product/service offerings and stronger relational linkages with customers. These moves followed two different paths. The product/service path initially focused on the development of new and related products, product bundles, and the addition of product-related services. The relational path first focused on establishing closer relationships with customers including closer operational linkages, enhanced information sharing, more fully articulated legal and contractual obligations, and enhanced cooperation. In all the cases, the strategic repositioning was influenced by customer needs and enabled by information technology and the acquisition of new competencies through networking.  相似文献   

The Telecommunications Act of 1996 (1996 Act) established the framework for four federal universal service programs: the High-Cost program, the Low-Income program, the Schools and Libraries (E-rate) program, and the Rural Health Care program. During the past 15 years, these programs have been examined from a number of perspectives in an attempt to measure their efficiency and effectiveness, including the funding mechanisms that support them. The Federal Communications Commission is in the process of restructuring the universal service programs to move support to broadband-based technologies. This is an opportune time to examine what is known about whether these programs have met the universal service objectives of the 1996 Act and have efficiently and effectively used universal service funding. To that end, this article surveys both oversight reports by federal government agencies and academic research literature drawn from a variety of sources to identify areas of concern regarding the mission, implementation, and impact of the federal universal service programs and support mechanisms. The article also includes research findings on how the economic incentives created by the federal universal service programs affect corporate investment and deployment decisions and consumer service and technology adoption decisions.  相似文献   

The emergence of railroads presented a problem for the developing economic profession. Railroads, by their very nature, often had a localized monopoly. The check that competition was expected to impose on firm behavior was singularly lacking. At the same time, railroads in the United States were national in scope and thus affected interstate commerce. The Interstate Commerce Act and the Commission spawned by the Act represented the first halting steps towards coping with the monopoly power that was a consequence of the Second Industrial revolution. In this paper, the views of prominent economic and legal thinkers regarding the proper legal framework for railroads are reviewed.  相似文献   

Service firms may seek benefits from information asymmetry and economies of scope by diversifying. Each source of benefit is based on different underlying mechanisms and each is affected differently by implementation difficulties and service characteristics. Previous research, however, has not analyzed the relative performance effects of these two very different sources of benefits for related diversified service firms. Thus, this paper uses an integrative framework including these aspects to examine the relative performance effects of benefits from information asymmetry and economies of scope in service firms.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between advertising and the quality of three relatively routine legal services. The nature of the services examined made it possible to use attorney time input data to measure output quality. The study's data were collected via attorney surveys conducted in seventeen metropolitan areas across the U.S. The study's findings suggest that advertising and average output quality are inversely related in routine legal service markets. The policy implications of such findings depend critically on the level of offered quality prior to the advent of advertising. If one assumes that attorneys offered inefficiently high levels of service quality to justify their non-competitive prices, then this study's findings suggest that advertising serves to move the average level of quality in the direction of greater efficiency.  相似文献   

In a liberalized telecommunications market universal service is considered to be essential for social life of each member of society. However, to avoid discrimination the universal service provider has to be compensated for universal service costs. Instead of calculating universal service costs directly, someone may take auctions as an alternative approach to allocate universal service obligations. In this case the compensation as well as the universal service provider is implicitly determined by the bids of the participants of the auction. In this paper we scrutinize whether this is an appropriate approach.  相似文献   

随着中国石油工程技术服务企业在国际市场业务范围不断扩大,服务质量、产品质量在市场中地位和发挥的重要作用日显突出,同时在国际高端技术服务市场,国外公司在重视技术的同时更关注服务的品质和项目策划运行,重视项目的质量程控管理。本文旨在分析海外项目的管理特点、探索海外项目管理过程中质量控制体系与方法,为同行业提供海外国际项目质量控制管理方面的经验。  相似文献   

The present study builds a typology of organizational knowledge in business services and empirically examines the effects of knowledge on innovation performance. It is suggested that firms differ with respect to their knowledge creation approaches and that these approaches have implications for firms' innovation activities. A conceptual framework of knowledge assets with degrees of tacitness and collectiveness as the principal axes is used to ground the empirical analysis. The organizational knowledge framework is empirically operationalized using survey data from 167 business service firms and supplementary case study evidence from 16 other firms. It is found that business service improvements and new service introductions are significantly associated with collectively held knowledge, such as codified service solutions or team‐based competences and procedures. In contrast, relying solely on tacit knowledge held by individuals may hamper innovation. The results also suggest that tacit collective knowledge is more closely associated with new service introductions, whereas explicit collective knowledge is associated with service improvements. Tacit collective knowledge is thus conducive. A managerial implication is that new service introductions necessitate team competences and routines, whereas incremental service improvements are more likely if procedures are in place to codify services into explicit solutions or technologies. Thus, the knowledge management approach should depend on the strategic orientation of the service firm toward continuous improvement of existing services or development of completely new services.  相似文献   

Questions about universal service continue to evolve as information and communication technology advances, bringing new platforms, services, and business models. Concerns about exclusion remain, particularly in times of transition to new technologies and platforms. While the universal service literature is rich in econometric studies that indicate the drivers of household telephone penetration, without qualitative data directly from those households that experience phonelessness, we cannot understand the causes well enough to design effective policy. This research explores why people are phoneless in the current environment of increased platform and business model choices. Particular focus is placed on understanding the relationship between new technology, platforms and business models and phonelessness. Data is obtained from surveys completed by approximately 100 individuals in Massachusetts who are currently without any voice connection, either landline or mobile, or have been sometime in the past ten years. The survey includes questions about different platforms and communication services in order to learn how they have led to phonelessness. The results of the pilot study show that the vast majority of phoneless households do not choose to be phoneless. The study also shows that the most frequent causes of phonelessness in this population are unemployment and unpredictable bills. Many instances of unpredictable bills leading to phonelessness occur with wireless service or bundled services but are the result of business models for service provision rather than the platforms themselves. Prepaid wireless service is a market-based solution that helps households prevent phonelessness by reducing unpredictability. Universal service policy for voice and broadband can better reduce exclusion with greater attention to business models and practices versus technologies and platforms, and increased emphasis on prepaid service to reduce unpredictability.  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2004,28(3-4):233-248
Convergent trends in telecommunications and broadcasting technologies and markets have called forth a re-examination of universal service provision in the communications sector and present an opportunity to update and re-formulate its provision. In the UK, proposed changes announced in the 2000 UK Communications White Paper and subsequent 2003 Communications Act, whilst still emphasising the importance of guaranteeing universal access to stipulated key public services and content across communications, suggest a closer relationship between economic and content regulation will be developed. This paper argues that whilst it is important to consider issues of economic efficiency in the communications sector, this should neither obscure nor compromise the need to create progressive, socially responsible, universal service reflective of the requirements of 21st century users. Crucial to the delivery of such a system in the UK is an actively supportive government policy backdrop and the development of the new convergent regulator the Office of Communications as an effective regulatory force.  相似文献   

This paper describes an IT-driven service innovation with an in-depth case study. The case study shows the different stages of RFID implementation in the jewellery supply chain of a retailer including all stakeholders. Based on a review of the literature on service engineering, information systems and management, we propose a framework to enhance IT-driven service innovation. Service science lacks procedures, methods and tools for developing new services. The main contributions of this paper lie in proposing a framework that supports service innovation in an IT-driven case. We illustrate our framework with an in-depth case study and infer lessons that can be useful to managers who wish to duplicate IT-driven service innovation for RFID technology. This framework includes both strategic and operational dimensions to help managers anticipate key challenges and pitfalls in service innovation projects.  相似文献   

This study presents an economic analysis of Japan's attempt to address the geographical digital divide problem for broadband and mobile telephone services. To receive broadband service local inhabitants make voluntary contributions, which are matched by a municipal subsidy. The approach is effective in terms of economic efficiency and equity. Importantly, as fixed broadband service is provided locally the benefits are limited to local inhabitants. By contrast, mobile service is provided via a spectrum user fee system. That is, for mobile telecommunication services, no universal service fund exists. The underlying rationale is that subscribers are beneficiaries and commercial decision-making should be left to mobile operators.  相似文献   

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