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The protection of geographical indications (‘GIs’) within the UK is placed into doubt by the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union (‘Brexit’). The default legal position is that after Brexit, there would be no legal provision for GIs in UK law. This default position can only be changed if the UK and the EU agree the terms of the UK’s withdrawal and then their future relationship. The article considers the implications of the draft withdrawal agreement which, inter alia ensures the continuing reciprocal protection of UK and EU GIs. In July 2019, a new UK Prime Minister took office, and renegotiated the draft withdrawal agreement, which retained the reciprocal protection of GIs. The ratification of this renegotiated withdrawal agreement depends on the result of the December 2019 general election. Under the withdrawal agreement GIs from outside the EU are not protected. Consequently, the article considers how UK GIs will continue to be protected in countries that have concluded a free trade agreement with the EU, by examining the rollover agreements that the UK Government are concluding around the world. Finally, given the intention of the UK Government that, post-Brexit, the UK will conclude free trade agreements with countries that have traditionally been reluctant to recognise GIs, such as the USA and Australia, the article examines the prospects for GI protection to be included in these agreements.  相似文献   

An article by Gareth Locksley in the June 1983 issue of Telecommunications Policy argued that a major benefit of cable TV for the UK viewer would be increased choice. In this response, Richard Collins questions wheather real choice will be extended by cable and examines the syllogism put forward by Locksley: cable = competition = efficiency = progress.  相似文献   

OTT streaming services have been restructuring the global multimedia industry, and there have been strategic actions and reactions among OTT players and traditional pay-TV platforms. This study found that Pricing and Content investments are key factors affecting market share and subscribership in global OTT markets, and M&As have positive effects on the two performance measures, although with less statistical confidence. OTT-specialized firms in the UK, Germany, France, Japan, and South Korea did not expand subscribers to the same extent as those in the US, but they were able to expand their market share in the UK and Germany while failing to increase it in the other three countries. Local OTT players, especially those in Europe and Asia, might need to be more strategic in coping with US-based firms’ expansion by materializing the positive interaction effects among the three strategies to increase both their subscriber base and market share.  相似文献   

Food supply chain theory and practice assumes that the processes involved are legal and value adding. In this paper, using examples from the UK halal (sheep) meat supply chain, we outline a value extracting value chain through a mixed methods qualitative approach consisting of face-to-face-interviews and a documentary research strategy underpinned by Narrative Inquiry. Building on previous theoretical work on Illegal Rural Enterprise, we present a narrative of an individual rogue-farmer, and explore his involvement in the illegal halal (‘smokies’) trade over a fifteen-year period. The paper provides a compelling story that will enable investigators to better understand illegal enterprise from a supply chain perspective and more adequately address the concerns stated in the UK Fraud Act 2006. The paper will be useful to food standards agencies in that furthers our understanding of entrepreneurial practice and morality in the food industry. The results demonstrate that illegal rural enterprise is a multi-faceted concept that requires an understanding of business practices and processes alongside a multi-agency approach to enterprise orientated crime. Our approach suggests that supply chains can be ‘flipped’ in order to understand illegal processes in addition to conventional legal processes.  相似文献   

This article examines the risks associated with the levels of fat consumption found in the UK. The major sources of fat in the UK diet are identified and the authors outline a number of strategies by which a useful reduction in fat intake may be achieved. The changes proposed involve only minor modification to existing food habits but would result in substantial public health benefits and would have valuable economic effects by reducing food production costs and through import savings.  相似文献   

The paper, the opening address to the Conference on Management Training for Scientists and Technologists held at Manchester in July 1986, deals with the problems which must be solved by UK industry if it is to survive in the industrial jungle of the next century. The author sees the most serious cause for concern as being the poor communication between top managements and technologists, originating in and aggravated by historically based cultural and social divisions inside UK society. The first and essential step towards a solution is for top managements to accept that technological change is inevitable and that it will affect their own operations. They must therefore accept the need to continuously review and undertake the replacement of the firm's process, product and management technologies, along with a parallel review and refurbishment of workforce skills. This implies re-education both of the firm's technical arm, including its R&D personnel and, most importantly, of the non-R&D functions which commission R&D and use its results. The author sees functional demarcation lines as a particular evil. He also deplores the preference of UK financial institutions for short-term financial returns to all investment, which reduces its capability to support innovative activities with a long lead-time. He contends that the solution to the UK's long-standing economic problems demands at least that technology and its proper management be placed at the very top of top management's agenda. He concludes the paper by challenging the technological community to play its part in bridging the gap between top managements and technology. Achieving acceptance of this challenge is the most important current task of those engaged in developing the management capabilities of scientists and technologists. The invitation to give an opening address, with no restrictions other than a loose relationship to the subject to be discussed, to a conference of this kind is one which is very difficult to refuse. Few of us can resist the chance of a platform on which to ride a few hobby-horses, display a few personal prejudices which can be legitimately exposed, and on which some wild generalisations can be made, which I would not make did I not think them worth further consideration. In this opening few minutes of your conference, I have no intention of examining any single aspect of the comprehensive coverage which will be the feature of the next three days, but I would like to deal personally with a few of the aspects of this most challenging of subjects of which I have had some personal experience. The subject is of crucial importance, not just in the operational sense of how we make the best of what we have, but in helping to formulate better the industrial strategies which the UK must adopt if it is to survive in the industrial jungle of the 21st century.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the role of plant size for working class vote. We argue that workplace size does matter for political behaviour. Workers in smaller plants are less unionized and therefore base their voting decisions more strongly on their cultural attitudes, which undermine the support for social democratic parties. Using data from the European Social Survey (2002–2010), we find that workers in small plants have more right‐wing attitudes and, consequently, vote for new and old right parties, contrarily to workers in larger plants. Our research points towards important structural explanations of working class support for the right and its cross‐national differences.  相似文献   

Much can be learned from the audiotex experience regarding the future regulation of automated, recorded, live conversation and fax-based information and entertainment telecommunication services. Audiotex has raised a number of ‘carriage v content’ issues with significance for value-added multimedia services more generally. In addition, audiotex has led policy makers and practitioners alike to wrestle with the challenges posed to traditional, industry-focused regulatory regimes by the convergence of the telecommunications, broadcasting, computing and publishing industries which lies at the heart of the development of multimedia services. This paper draws heavily on events in two of the most developed domestic audiotex markets (the UK and the USA) in discussing four lessons which it is suggested both industry players and regulatory bodies take from the audiotex experience in considering the future development and oversight of electronic information and telecommunication services.  相似文献   

Equal pay for men and women was a principle enshrined in the Treaty of Rome and was the subject of a European Directive in 1975. This investigation of progress towards equal pay in three member-states, Germany, Italy and the UK, reveals the importance of differences in employment structures and reward systems in determining relative pay for women. Differences in the structure and size of pay differentials among countries suggest that more attention needs to be paid to the general system of labour market regulation than to explicit equal-pay policies. Women would be more likely to benefit from a strategy of establishing labour standards and regulation than from equal-pay Directives which have little effect on the general practices and principles of pay determination.  相似文献   

We investigate the relationship between a company’s dividend strategy and its risk of takeover. Our results from a large panel of UK quoted companies suggest that higher dividend payments are associated with a significantly lower conditional probability (hazard) of takeover. Moreover, firms which wish to avoid takeover would be better to distribute the marginal £1 of earnings in dividends rather than investing it in the company. We consider two explanations for these findings. We suggest that the presence of an active market for corporate control could encourage firms to raise dividends to maintain shareholder loyalty.  相似文献   

The biofuels industry in both the UK and the EU as a whole has expanded significantly in recent years in response to various EU biofuel policy initiatives. Further expansion of biofuel demand will increase the impact of the biofuels sector on agricultural markets. This paper examines the impact that increasing levels of first generation biofuel demand to 10% of total transport fuel use in the UK and other EU Member States would have on agricultural markets within the EU and specifically the UK using a partial equilibrium modelling system. Increasing overall biodiesel demand raises demand for vegetable oil and oilseed and in turn their prices. The increased grain demand in response to the increased bioethanol demand is mostly sourced from changes in EU net trade.  相似文献   

The aim of the draft European works councils Directive is to bridge the gap between increasingly transnational corporate decision-making and employees' nationally-defined information and consultation rights. The proposal seeks to accommodate existing national systems of employee representation, but in the UK auxiliary measures would be needed to designate employee representatives in the absence of voluntary trade union recognition by employers. Although the Directive is strongly opposed by the UK government, the Maastricht social policy protocol has boosted its prospects of being adopted by the other 11 EC countries, with important repercussions for UK-based multinationals.  相似文献   

An OECD report on Food Marketing and Economics stated in 1970 that ‘the basic direction of development … is towards a food industry dominated by a limited number of large, efficient, dynamic, market oriented companies’. This is certainly so. In the UK from one to three companies already account for from 60 to 96% of the sales of a wide range of processed foods (biscuits, breakfast cereals, bread, frozen fish, frozen vegetables, ice cream, margarine, potato crisps, sugar, tea, tinned fruit and tinned soups). Out of £362 million spent on advertising in 1973, £88 million was spent on food, more than on any other product category. Undoubtedly the food industry is influencing to an increasing extent what people eat, and their nutrition. An extensive report on the status of the UK food industry and many of its sectors, British Food Profile1, was released in 1978. The report is discussed below.  相似文献   

This article evaluates the impacts of a controlled irrigation technique in rice production called alternate wetting and drying (AWD). Propensity score matching (PSM) and regression-based approaches applied to farm-level survey data are used to achieve the objective of the study. The PSM and regression-based approach accounts for the potential bias due to selection problems from observable variables. Results of the impact analysis using both empirical approaches indicate that AWD, particularly the “Safe AWD” variant, reduces the hours of irrigation use (by about 38%), without a statistically significant reduction in yields and profits. This reduction in irrigation time translates to corresponding savings in the amount of irrigation water and pumping energy used. However, further analysis of the impact estimates suggests that the potential magnitude of the selection bias based on unobservable variables may still be able to eliminate the measured impact from the PSM and regression-based techniques that only control for selection based on observable variables. Hence, the current impact results have to be interpreted with caution and further data collection is needed to construct a panel data that would allow one to account for selection problems due to unobservable variables and, consequently, better estimate the AWD impact.  相似文献   

Ian Smith 《Food Policy》1981,6(1):52-57
A substantial shift in the balance of UK sugar supplies has taken place since entry into the European Economic Community (EEC) as a result of an increase in the production of domestic beet sugar, a fall in consumption, and a reduction in cane sugar imports. This shift in favour of beet sugar would have been greater had the domestic beet sugar industry been able to take full advantage of the increase in production quotas since 1975 under the Community's common sugar policy. A further increase in domestic beet sugar production might yet take place now that the Community's new sugar regulation, which was to have come into force in July 1980, has had to be deferred to 1981. The European Commission has proposed that under the new sugar regulation production quotas should be cut to reduce the size of the Community's structural sugar surplus. The UK government has issued a statement which welcomes the Commission's proposal to reduce the Community's sugar surplus but rejects any cuts in production quotas which would restrict the expansion of its own beet sugar industry.1  相似文献   

《Food Policy》2005,30(1):1-19
Changes in both farm production and food transport have resulted in the imposition of new levels of environmental costs. This study analyses the full costs of foods in the average weekly UK food basket by calculating the costs arising at different stages from farms to consumers’ plates. Of the 12 commodities assessed, livestock produce contributes the most costs per kg. The external cost of UK agriculture up to the farm gate is estimated to be £1.51 bn yr−1; it is calculated that a switch to organic production could lead to avoided costs of £1.13 bn yr−1. Agricultural and food produce accounts for 28% of goods transported on UK roads, currently imposing estimated external costs of £2.35 bn yr−1. The contribution made by sea and air transport is currently trivial owing to low volumes. However, road transport to carry food from the shop to home is estimated to impose a further £1.28 bn yr−1 to total external costs. Subsidies not targeted at environmental improvements cost consumers £2.88 bn yr−1. Thus the real cost of the per capita UK food basket (£24.79) is calculated to be £2.91 more per person wk−1 (11.8%) if externalities and subsidies are included, with farm externalities (81 p), domestic road transport (76 p), government subsidies (93 p) and shopping transport (41 p) contributing the most. We assess a variety of scenarios for adoption of organic farming, localised food systems and sustainable transport to indicate the substantial potential to reduce environmental costs in the UK food system.  相似文献   

Research shows that the choice of relationship exit strategy by the instigator of exit can have significant negative consequences for the party that is being dropped. In this study we focus on what we coin as kind exit, where the risk of harm to the supplier as a result of the buyer's relationship termination is low. In line with current research, which is suggesting that the characteristics of a buyer-supplier relationship play a critical role in the instigator's choice of exit strategy, we examine the link between the buyer's perception of its relationship with the supplier and the manner in which the buyer-supplier relationship ends. We posit that this phenomenon is causally complex and context dependent, and as such, there will be multiple types of buyer-supplier relationships that will lead to a kind exit. To uncover these types, we examine 315 terminated buyer-supplier relationships in manufacturing and service sectors in the UK, employing fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA). Our results show that contrary to extant literature, there is not one relationship type that leads to a kind exit; instead, we uncover four alternative equifinal configurations of relationship dimensions and two exogenous factors.  相似文献   

The food miles concept, originating in the UK and given much prominence in the news media, has been used to imply that importing food from distant countries is inherently more wasteful than growing and consuming local produce. What impact is this potential non-tariff barrier having on consumer buying behaviour in UK supermarkets? Revealed preference surveys in four supermarkets show only 5.6% of 251 consumers nominated country-of-origin as one of the reasons for choosing a fresh food item they had just purchased. Furthermore, only 3.6% indicated that they had consciously chosen British products for the reason that such produce was “less harmful for the environment.” In contrast, stated preference surveys in the street found that 21.5% indicated that “food miles” or “the long distance it travels” would stop them buying New Zealand products. What people say may differ substantially from what they actually do in regard to “food miles.”  相似文献   

A partial maintenance productivity goal is that the firm should seek to maximize its maintenance productivity in economic terms, and should aim at producing any level of output which is decided upon at minimum maintenance cost with respect to the production system's state. The state of objects or production systems is such a property, i.e., a multidimensional property. In this paper we amalgamate these various dimensions into a single measure of the property involved. All things considered it would seem, that in measuring partial maintenance productivity, minimization of maintenance costs is incorporated as a subgoal, based on the maintenance inputs called for an “optimal budget”. These imputed maintenance costs do not have to be calculated separately, but emerge as a by-product of finding a high productivity index. In our partial productivity model, the output prices of the produced products and input prices (maintenance costs) will change over time. Expected changes in the prices of outputs and of current inputs would be built into the model.  相似文献   

The paper analyzes the similarities and differences between the markets-as-networks (or IMP) tradition in industrial marketing and evolutionary economics. Five analytical dimensions are used: unit of analysis, methodological practice, core frameworks and models, key assumptions, and theoretical antecedents and origins. Evolutionary ideas have long been incorporated into economic theorizing. This paper concentrates on the new evolutionary economics associated particularly with a research tradition centred on the work of Nelson and Winter [Nelson, R.R., & Winter, S.G. (1982). An evolutionary theory of economic change. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press]. There are several important parallels between this research tradition and the IMP or markets-as-networks tradition. It is proposed that the markets-as-networks tradition could be enriched by seeking explicitly to incorporate elements of an evolutionary process into the dynamics of change within inter-firm relationships and networks. Evolutionary economics would benefit from explicit consideration of the likelihood that inter-organizational routines, rather than individual firm-based routines, play an important part in the evolutionary process.  相似文献   

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