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综述了氧化淀粉、酯化淀粉、醚化淀粉、交联淀粉、接枝淀粉的性能、制备工艺的主要用途。认为开发多品种变性淀粉,充分了解它们的性能,拓宽其应用领域是一项十分有意义的工作。  相似文献   

随着国内烘焙食品业的发展,各式各样的蛋糕房、西点屋如雨后春笋般的涌现出来,这给变性淀粉提供了广阔的应用空间。变性淀粉食用安全,消化率与原淀粉相同,经过处理的变性淀粉性能独特,广泛应用于烘焙果酱、裱花果膏、蛋糕粉等,为烘焙食品提供良好的口感与精美的外观。  相似文献   

淀粉和变性淀粉与可降解材料   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

变性淀粉的主要品种及其制法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

淀粉是一种非常重要的工业原料,尤其在食品工业中被称为“基石”。然而,原淀粉有些物理性能在食品工业中应用存在着很大的缺陷,如淀粉易回生、冷藏条件下易析水、粘度低、持水能力差等。变性淀粉是原淀粉经过物理、化学或酶处理得到的,它改变了原淀粉的物理性质或增加了新的性质,扩大了应用领域。国外变性淀粉品种多达100多种。现根据国内外有关文献资料,对变性淀粉主要品种、制法及用途作一介绍。  相似文献   

将酯化淀粉、交联淀粉、羟丙基淀粉、羧甲基淀粉4种变性淀粉进行复配,添加于面包中,在常温下贮存72 h后,检测面包的水分散失率、面包比容、面包感官和老化焓。结果表明:添加2%酯化淀粉、5%交联淀粉、4%羟丙基淀粉、4%羧甲基淀粉的面包相对于对照的面包口感、色泽好,比容大,水分含量高,水分散失率小,且面包晶体融化热焓值减小了7.06 J/g,即面包的回生程度下降。  相似文献   

以红薯淀粉为原料,采用醇介质酸水解制备变性红薯淀粉糊精。通过正交试验确定了淀粉糊精的制备条件,并对此条件下得到的产品进行了性质研究。结果表明,持水性比原淀粉显著提高,吸湿性较强,感官及其理化特性符合麦芽糊精标准,酸解淀粉糊精的粘度与原淀粉相比数值下降,酸处理制备的糊精粒子微观结构无明显变化。  相似文献   

抗性淀粉是一种能够产生多种功效的膳食纤维,应用在多种食品中,开发出具有多重功效的食品。本文从抗性淀粉的种类出发,分析抗性淀粉在食品中的应用,提出几种抗性淀粉在食品中应用的功效。  相似文献   

随着人们环保意识的增强,石化塑料产品造成的危害引起人们越来越多的关注。中国作为塑料制品的生产和消耗大国,对可降解材料的研究也更加深入。淀粉作为一种研究开发最早、可再生、可降解、无污染的成膜材料,正引起越来越多学者的关注和研究。本文简述了淀粉膜的制备工艺及变性淀粉添加改性、交联改性、酶作用改性等性质改进的方法和效果,并讨论添加剂对淀粉膜性质的影响,希望为淀粉膜的研究发展提供支持。  相似文献   

转基因食品产业是21世纪的新产物,其研究并未成熟,其安全性尚不明确。借转基因食品安全不确定性的争议,引出并分析了我国转基因食品的应用和监管现状,认为我国转基因食品存在立法层次不高、监管标准与程序不规范、责任不到位等问题。提出构建更为全面、严格,科技发展与生态安全、消费者健康与社会利益相平衡的有效安全监管体系。  相似文献   

综述了氧化交联淀粉、醚化交联淀粉、酯化交联淀粉等复合交联淀粉制备工艺的研究进展,重点讨论了各种复合交联淀粉的研究热点,并展望了其今后的发展前景。  相似文献   

固态发酵在食品工业中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近来,随着反应器设计的发展,固态发酵(SSF)已经取代液态发酵(ScF)成为食品工业应用中的研究热点.本文论述了SSF在与食品加工工业有关的一些代谢物的生产中的应用,主要包括香料、酶(α-淀粉酶、果糖基转移酶、脂肪酶、果胶酶)、有机酸(乳酸、柠檬酸)和黄原胶.  相似文献   

淀粉类胶粘剂的开发与应用   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
对淀粉类胶粘剂进行了系统的分类,并结合反应机理,详细阐述了各种淀粉胶的生产工艺、各改性剂的作用、产品的性能特点及主要应用领域。  相似文献   

以可溶性淀粉为原料,环氧氯丙烷为交联剂,Span60为乳化剂,环己烷和三氯甲烷为油相,采用逆相悬浮交联聚合法合成淀粉微球。通过单因素及正交实验探讨了各因素对淀粉微球平均粒径的影响。结果表明,水相用量对淀粉微球粒径影响最大,较小淀粉微球合成的最佳条件为:淀粉乳浓度10%,水相用量4mL,乳化剂用量0.5g,交联剂用量3mL。通过电镜照片表征了淀粉微球的微观结构。  相似文献   

An exploratory study approach was used in this research to examine the use of local and organic food in Toronto’s food truck industry, the rationale for its use, and the challenges that food truck owners face in sourcing it. Results showed that all-but-one of the food trucks sourced local or organic food for their menu and were motivated by fresh taste/quality, social responsibility and customer preference. While there were challenges with utilizing organic/local food due to seasonality and cost, food trucks found they can derive benefits by way of increased patronage, menu differentiation, and competitiveness.  相似文献   

通过介绍不同新型技术的原理,探讨其在不同食品生产中的应用。  相似文献   

This paper explores the pattern of change and development in the marketization and reconstitution of food products for children. It is in the past few decades that global corporations’ search for new markets has come to focus intensely on children. In the eyes of global corporations, children are a huge, multibillion dollar market. Childhood may be understood as a social construction but its form is historically specific. At present, the market is defining and reconstituting cultural meanings of childhood without being contested by other significant groups in society. The paper goes on to explore how transnational corporations have transformed the production and marketing of food. The paper discusses the food risks and the challenges faced by the fast food industry which specifically targets children. The reconstitution and the rebranding of popular children's food is producing ‘virtual’ food rather than real food. We live in an era where childhood offers untold opportunities in the northern hemisphere. However, the global market has come to dominate and define the social construction of childhood. Other cultural forms of identity outside of consumerism are not making the same impression. The food risks associated with the global processing of food and the health risks that have been linked to these new food forms ultimately has consequences not only for children but for society as a whole.  相似文献   


This article explores the historical development of Japanese wholesalers in the food and drink industry in modern Japan. Despite many criticisms of Japanese wholesalers as being “multi-layered,” “old-fashioned,” and “outmoded,” there were historical reasons for the existence of wholesalers. While the traditional wholesalers remained even after the Meiji Restoration, the new wholesalers emerged by dealing with new products that appeared for the first time in modern Japan. Utilizing the historical conditions of both producers and retailers, the newcomers such as Kokubu boosted their development by innovative activities and gradually superseded the traditional wholesale market, firmly establishing their position as general wholesalers before the Second World War.  相似文献   

生物芯片技术及其在食品检测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生物芯片技术是全新的微量分析的技术,主要内容包括构建方阵、制备样品、化学反应及结果检测4方面的核心技术。生物芯片技术在现代营养学、食品毒理学、食品微生物领域和转基因食品检测中得到大量的应用。生物芯片技术在当前食品检测中的应用,能显著提升食品检测效率,使检测质量得到有效保障。本文主要对生物芯片技术进行简要分析,对生物芯片技术在食品检测中的相关应用策略进行了探讨。  相似文献   

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