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家庭收入风险对中国农村居民营养摄入水平的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李云森 《南方经济》2012,(10):200-213,227
本文使用中国营养与健康调查(CHNS)数据分析了收入风险对农村居民食物消费和营养摄入的影响。两阶段GMM估计结果表明收入风险较大对居民日均热量摄入有显著负的影响。进一步的研究发现这主要是由于收入风险提高导致居民减少在蛋白质和脂肪方面的摄入。本文的研究表明在缺乏社会保障以及收入水平较低的情况下,农村居民无法有效避免收入风险对基本生活消费的影响,突出了加强农村社会保障体系建设和稳定农村居民收入水平的必要性。  相似文献   

目前,我国城镇居民粮食安全现状主要表现为营养结构不太合理。由于价格、收入和家庭特征等因素,城镇居民的粮食安全将会受到不同程度的影响,尤其是低收入人群。为此,政府应当对城镇居民中实施保障政策,通过物价联动机制实行收入补贴,优先保障低收入人群。  相似文献   

近几年,我国城镇居民的收入差距持续扩大,引起了社会各界的关注。其中关于导致差距不断扩大的主要因素的讨论成为了收入分配领域的研究重点。本文以天津市城市社会经济调查队2004年3000户最新调查资料为样本,采用二种方法考察了城镇居民各人口特征对收入差距的贡献。结果表明:职业及职务、教育程度和行业是当前影响我国城镇居民收入差距的三大主要因素,三者合计解释了城镇居民总收入差距的40%以上。其中,职业及职务特征超过了行业,跃居成为影响城镇居民收入差距的首要因素;教育程度的影响排在第二位;行业特征退居第三位。为此,调整城镇居民收入分配的基本原则是“控制两端,扩大中间”,即提高低收入阶层收入水平,控制高收入阶层收入的过快增长,扩大中等收入阶层的规模,形成一个一个菱形的收入分配结构体系。  相似文献   

采用MCA法对广西城镇居民收入结构与消费结构之间的对应关系进行了实证分析。结果表明:1)消费结构同收入结构之间存在着稳定的对应关系,收入水平越高,消费结构也越高级。2)消费收入弹性随着收入水平的提高呈现出一定的波动性。3)中等偏下和中等偏上收入人群的消费需求旺盛且偏重于食品类消费。  相似文献   

中国农村医疗消费行为变化及其政策含义   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
收入对医疗消费的直接效应表现为医疗消费随收入水平提高而增加;收入的间接效应是指收入下降导致了健康水平下降,从而医疗支出增加。本文采用中国健康和营养调查(CHNS)数据,用一个医疗决策模型和医疗支出模型估计了中国农村医疗支出和收入水平之间的关系。结果表明在1989年,收入的间接效应大于直接效应。到1997年,收入水平对医疗支出的影响变得不显著。究其原因,这一时期的收入的直接效应和间接效应均发生作用且作用相当,由此可见低收入农民面临收入的直接效应和间接效应的双重影响,其结果可能是低收入的农民贫困程度进一步加深和健康水平进一步下降。因此,随着市场化程度的提高,增加对低收入农民的转移支付,建立医疗保障制度的必要性更加突出。  相似文献   

以2012-2017年深圳证券交易所中小企业板上市且披露研发投入数据的中小企业为样本,通过建立回归方程,检验我国中小企业融资约束对R&D投入是否存在影响,以及中小企业融资约束对R&D投入的影响是否存在门限效应。研究发现:中小企业R&D投入存在一定程度的融资约束。同时,中小企业融资约束与R&D投入之间存在着门限效应。在以融资约束为门限变量时,企业融资约束对R&D投入影响呈现出显著的双重门限效应,且门限值分别为10.3209和11.0744。  相似文献   

基于湖南省2008年-2013年87个县(市)的面板数据,利用面板平滑转换模型(PSTR),实证研究了普惠金融等因素对投资效率的非线性效应。研究发现,普惠金融发展对投资效率具有显著的非线性效应,存在明显的门限特征。在门限值前后,普惠金融发展对投资效率的影响由降低转变为提高。预算收入水平、经济发展方式、产业结构等因素对投资效率的影响因受到普惠金融发展的制约,在门限值前后也都表现出截然相反的效应;经济发展对投资效率的影响始终是正向的,只是在门限值之后,经济发展提高投资效率的速度会变缓。  相似文献   

扩大中等收入群体,是扎实推动共同富裕的关键。农民整体收入水平与城镇居民相比,依然有很大的差距,农村居民的绝大多数都属于低收入群体,扩大中等收入群体的重点和难点在农村。研究分析农村低收入群体的收入问题,对于解决城乡收入差距过大,扩大中等收入群体具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

文章利用2019年珠海市健康城市调查数据对居民身心健康对主观幸福感的影响进行家庭收入差异性分析。分析结果显示,低收入家庭人群具有更为优秀的身体健康状况是其获得高幸福感评价结果的前提,而心理健康对幸福感提升的影响暂不显著;高收入家庭人群则会权衡身体与心理两者带来的双重影响,身体与心理健康的兼备才能获得高收入家庭人群在幸福感提升方面的认同。此外,经济因素对低收入家庭人群的幸福感维护更为显著,家庭成员数量、身体健康不佳等容易带来生活成本提升的因素都极有可能降低主观幸福感;而经济因素对高收入家庭人群不具显著影响。  相似文献   

文章基于2003-2012年中国省际面板数据,构建非线性面板门限回归模型,实证分析了OFDI对各地区企业RD投入的非线性影响及政府干预在OFDI对企业RD投入影响中的作用。研究发现,OFDI对企业RD投入的影响显著的存在基于政府干预的门限效应:政府干预未跨越门限值时,OFDI对企业RD投入的影响不显著;政府干预跨越门限值后,OFDI对企业RD投入具有显著的抑制效应。  相似文献   

This article presents an empirical analysis of the import demand for certain information technology products in Korea. These products have been recognized as essential for further economic growth in Korea, as the Korean government aims to transform the economy into one based on information technology. The unrestricted error correction model is used to derive the long run price and income elasticities of import demand, considering the small sample size. The price elasticities are revealed to be quite high in all cases, implying that lowering of the tariff rates would increase the import of those products substantially.  相似文献   

Based on data for the 1974–95 period this paper estimates demand for narrow money and broad money in Brunei using the error-correction specification. Short-run and long-run elasticities are estimated with respect to real income, interest rate, expected price level and liquidity. Narrow money is quite responsive to changes in real income and interest rate in both the short and long terms. Broad money is income inelastic regardless of the time horizon, however, it is interest inelastic in the short run but interest elastic in the long run. Price elasticity of money demand is negligible in the short run but quite significant in the long run. Changes in the proportion of commercial bank assets placed in foreign money markets do not seem to affect demand for narrow money but their effect on the demand for broad money is both direct and significant.  相似文献   

There are few comprehensive studies of household consumption in China that covers all commodities due to data restrictions. This prevents the calculation of inequality indices based on consumption. This lack of coverage also makes analysis of policies that affect consumption difficult; economy-wide models used for analysis often have to employ simple consumption forms with unit income elasticities. We estimate a translog demand system distinguished by demographic characteristics, giving price and income elasticities that should be useful for policy analysis. We estimate separate functions for urban and rural households using household expenditure data and detailed commodity prices (1995–2006). This allows future analysis of social welfare and inequality based on consumption to supplement existing studies based on income. To illustrate an application of the model, we project consumption composition based on projected prices, incomes and demographic changes – aging, education improvement and urbanization.  相似文献   

This paper provides fresh estimates of income and price elasticities of import demand in Guyana, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago using a bounds test for cointegration. In addition, the paper also provides estimates of the consumption, investment, and exports elasticities of import demand. These latter elasticities were all found to be positive and statistically significant with values ranging from 0.16 to 0.55 in the long-run.  相似文献   

There are many projections for China's food demand, and the projection results differ significantly from each other. Different values for income elasticities could be a major reason. This study projects meat and cereals demand for China based on a meta-analysis of the income elasticity estimates using a collection of 143 and 240 income elasticity estimates for cereals and meat products, respectively, from 36 primary studies. We find that income elasticities for most cereals (general cereals, rice, and coarse grains) and all meat products (general meat, pork, poultry, beef & mutton) tend to decline as per capita income increases, except for wheat, which increases. Taking this into account, differences between consumption projections based on time-varying income elasticities and values based on constant elasticities are substantial in quantities and increase over time.  相似文献   

Expenditure patterns among a sample of 99 rural households in two communal districts in KwaZulu-Natal were investigated to determine the potential impact of a widespread income shock on household expenditure. The results showed expenditure elasticities of close to unity for food. Low elasticities were found for staple foods. Elasticities for meat, meat products and poultry were close to unity, while horticultural products showed the greatest potential for demand growth within the food category. Of the statistically significant commodity categories, expenditure elasticities for durables, housing and transport were more than double those estimated for the aggregate food category. For consumer items, the district expenditure elasticities were estimated to be 0,76 and 0,71, while expenditure on social obligations would not increase with rural incomes. Wealthier households (the top expenditure decile) have a greater propensity for increased expenditure on transport, while poorer households show a greater propensity for increased expenditure on housing and durables. Although agriculture has the potential to generate widespread growth in rural incomes, the preference for manufactured goods casts some doubt on the strength of consumption multipliers for locally produced farm and non-farm goods in rural KwaZulu-Natal.  相似文献   

We estimate China urban household energy demand as part of a complete system of consumption demand so that it can be used in economy-wide models. This allows us to derive cross-price elasticities unlike studies which focus on one type of energy. We implement a two-stage approach and explicitly account for electricity, domestic fuels and transportation demand in the first stage and gasoline, coal, LPG and gas demand in the second stage. We find income inelastic demand for electricity and home energy, but the elasticity is higher than estimates in the rich countries. Demand for total transportation is income elastic. The price elasticity for electricity is estimated to be −0.5 and in the range of other estimates for China, and similar to long-run elasticities estimated for the U.S.  相似文献   

曹佳斌  王珺 《南方经济》2019,38(7):83-99
促进文娱消费对于拉动文化产业高质量发展、满足人民精神文化需求至关重要,但我国居民文娱消费增速偏低,对此学界还欠缺足够的经验论证。文章基于人口年龄结构视角,利用中国家庭追踪调查数据(CFPS2016)考察中国城镇居民人口年龄结构变迁对文娱消费的影响。实证结果发现:整体而言,城镇家庭少儿人口占比具有显著的文娱消费需求效应,但家庭老年人口占比增加对文娱消费需求形成挤压;进一步研究发现,文娱消费需求效应伴随少儿的成长表现更为旺盛,而老年阶段的文娱消费需求随着年岁增长愈加不敏感。进一步机制分析表明,家庭收入水平和教育程度能够正向调节家庭老龄化的文娱消费需求效应,在收入水平更高、教育背景更好的家庭,人口老龄化对文娱消费的挤出效应愈不明显;在教育背景、健康状况更优的家庭,少儿抚养数量增加带来的正向文娱消费需求会被部分挤出。旨在促进城镇居民文娱消费的政策应该顺应我国人口结构变动规律,充分尊重不同年龄消费群体的文娱消费选择及习惯,重点关注"多子化"、高收入、高学历家庭的文娱消费需求,在全面提高居民收入水平的基础上,培育发展壮大细分文娱产业和消费市场,让更多居民对文娱"能消费"、"愿消费"。  相似文献   

Economic historians hypothesize that households in the nineteenth century substituted away from carbohydrates and fiber and towards protein and fat as their incomes rose. Anthropometric historians assert that there was increased nutrient intake without any nutritional substitution. I test these hypotheses using the 1888 Cost of Living Survey. I fail to reject the hypothesis that the income elasticity of fiber is greater than or equal to the income elasticities of protein, fat, or sugar—contrary to the nutritional substitution posited by economic historians. A food modified Engel curve reveals that the shares of carbohydrates, fat, and sugar in the diet vary with household income, but the shares of protein and fiber do not. I do find, however, that the share of protein from animal sources increases with household income. I also find that the diets of late nineteenth century industrial workers were surprisingly balanced by modern standards.  相似文献   

Abstract: Although it is well documented that immigrants maintain economic and social ties with their communities of origin through remittances, the role of remittances in asset acquisition for most African countries is yet to be documented. This study provides empirical estimates for the impact of remittances from abroad on housing construction demand in Kenya using time series data for the period 1970–2008. An autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) modelling process is employed to capture the effect of remittances and other variables on housing construction demand. The computed short‐ and long‐run elasticities indicate that inbound remittances are one of the determinants of housing construction demand in Kenya. Other significant determinants include income, interest rates and urbanization growth.  相似文献   

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