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什么是领导作用,领导作用与企业发展的关系如何,在企业中如何成功地发挥领导作用,这些围绕领导作用与企业发展的话题乃是当今企业界关注的热点。本文从领导科学与企业管理相结合的角度,通过北京吉普(BJC)多年的运营和管理实践,对此问题予以初步探讨。  相似文献   

张秀青 《价值工程》2010,29(9):209-209
学生的活动区作为高校构建和谐校园重要的阵地之一,拥有学生的居住密度大、其相对的滞留时间较长、活动的隐秘性较高的特点。而如何对其中可能的、潜在的突发事件及时的进行有效的处置,就成为了各高校所需解决的重要课题。而实践也证明了,制定一套切实而有效的可行性应急预案就具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

贫困生作为当前高校中存在的一个特殊群体,已经引起了多方关注。本文从高校贫困生现状入手,分析了贫困生的成因和特点,并针对贫困生中存在的突出问题提出了自己的建议。  相似文献   

Fortune 500 companies have a competitive advantage in leadership development, whereas health care has lagged far behind. Physician leadership development, in particular, is a game changer for a closed staff, group practice that relies on a pipeline of physician leaders—such as the Cleveland Clinic. To address this leadership development gap in health care, the Cleveland Clinic Academy (CCA) was established in 2006. The academy is predicated on developing health care leaders with specific emphasis on physician leadership education using a competency‐based curriculum with value‐added components, including continuing medical education (CME) and master's of business administration (MBA) transfer credits. In the pioneering spirit of Dr. F. Mason Sones, the novel curriculum includes didactic learning, experiential immersion, and executive coaching, designed to promote physician career development, leadership potential, productivity and job satisfaction, and business acumen. The unique programs—54 stand‐alone courses, and customized programs such as Leading in Health Care, Staff Leadership Rotation, Samson Global Leadership Academy, Healthcare Finance and Accounting, and others—have affected individuals and patient care by reaching over 6,000 health care providers, including physicians from Cleveland Clinic, Bulgaria, France, Ireland, Japan, Qatar, UAE, India, Belgium, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Turkey, Dominican Republic, and throughout the United States. CCA provides a new direction in leadership development with an integrated competency‐based curriculum for physicians, nurses, and administrators.  相似文献   

传统的领导力发展研究和实践皆注重于领导者个人,即通过改变领导者个人的素质、能力或行为来提升领导者的领导力水平.在当前的新兴时代背景下,企业实现发展不能仅依靠领导者个人,而是需要调动广大追随者的力量.有鉴于此,本文提出追随者中心视角下的企业领导力发展并对此进行初步探索.在指出当前对追随者的认识误区基础上,本文分别从领导者影响追随者和追随者的自我修炼角度展开了具体讨论.本文从追随者中心视角来理解企业领导力发展,为领导力的实践和培育提供了新的思考角度.  相似文献   

An enigma lies at the heart of this article. In December 2006, the mayor of Saint‐Étienne, Michel Thiollière, was elected as the fifth best mayor in the world by the internet site City Mayors. Yet no publicity was made locally around this award. Taking this anecdote as a starting point, this article deals with the motivations that can lead a city mayor to become involved in urban international relationships' policy (city twinning, participation in cities networks, study trips, etc.). On the one hand these activities provide resources for building up political legitimacy and for electoral control, and on the other they provide resources for policy solutions to urban problems in the public realm. Nevertheless, in a context of transformation of the process of legitimization of urban elected officials, the second kind of resources seems to be the most sought after in mayoral involvement in international activities.  相似文献   

程军 《价值工程》2011,30(25):232-233
评价指标脱离学生认知水平和权重分配随意性较大是高职院校"学生评教"指标体系中存在的突出问题。本文从学生的角度出发,探讨了评价指标的设计原则和方法,并用层次分析法对评价指标的权重进行了定量分析,使评价结果更加客观、准确。  相似文献   

韩光明 《价值工程》2020,39(3):20-22
近年来随着经济的不断发展,政府也加大了各种市政工程项目的投资,旨在完善我国基础设施建设。但在基础设施的建设中,因各种不可控因素(如环境因素、自然气候变化等)的出现,使原有的工程建设方案被调整,造成工程造价不必要的经济损失。因此,这就需要在实际的工程中,根据实际状况的变动做出调整,从而最大程度的降低因调整带来的索赔风险,保证工程的顺利开展,故,做出以下具体的分析,并提出改进性意见方案。  相似文献   

企业一线管理者非权力领导力的开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业一线管理者是企业战略目标的执行者和实现者,他们的管理方式影响着企业的生存与发展。目前国内大多数一线管理者仍采用规章、制度等权力性领导方式,对非权力领导力的运用较少。一线管理者应从个人能力、品德修养、知识储备、外表形象和驾驭情感的能力五个方面来提高自身的非权力领导力,增强自身的影响力和企业的凝聚力。  相似文献   

刘海梅 《价值工程》2010,29(9):189-189
随着科技与文化的进步,图书馆的发展问题也应受到关注。现从三方面论述县级图书馆如何求得发展。  相似文献   

白艳 《价值工程》2013,(27):269-270
大学生社团是活跃校园文化的重要载体,它能充分发挥学生课外学习的自主积极性,从而促进课内教学的效果,是第二课堂不可或缺的组成部分。本文通过对高校学生社团重要性,现状及存在问题的分析,探讨高校学生社团建设的几点措施,从而有利于发挥其最大效度,更好的为教学服务,为培养复合型人才服务。  相似文献   

The leadership assessment questionnaire (LAQ) is a 360 degree survey instrument designed to help organizational leaders identify their own style of leadership and formulate appropriate development objectives. It is designed to provide avenues for development of an executive team in which multiple leadership archetypes are represented. The LAQ is based on eight leadership archetypes – strategist, change-catalyst, transactor, builder, innovator, processor, coach, and communicator. These archetypes are representations of ways of leading in a complex organizational environment. In this article, we discuss the development, design, and psychometric analysis of the LAQ. We detail the conceptual foundations of the questionnaire and the psychometric methods used to confirm the validity and reliability of the instrument. We conclude with avenues for future research.  相似文献   

基于生态系统理论,文章将高校学生干部影响因素归为个人禀性、家庭功能、学校培养和社会参与四个方面,运用SPSS17.0探索分析影响因素与高校学生干部领导力间的作用关系,并结合工作实际提出对策建议。  相似文献   

张燕花  逄伟 《价值工程》2012,31(16):224-225
文章通过阐述和分析大学生中常见心理危机的特点,提出高校对大学生心理危机要高度重视,要建构和完善心理危机预警机制和体系,以生为本,搭建学生活动平台,多角度、多部门联动,形成全员育人的校园氛围。通过多种方式将有效预防与干预大学生的心理危机。  相似文献   

University mergers and consolidations are on the rise, and the trend is likely to continue in the near term future. Such a trend is significant, as a university consolidations are inherently challenging and require strong and well‐developed leadership to be successful. In the current paper, a low‐cost leadership development program (the Authentic Leadership Pipeline program) that was initiated and developed to meet the leadership needs of Augusta University, the institutional result of the consolidation of Georgia Health Sciences University and Augusta State University is described. In addition, an initial pilot evaluation of the program that examined reactions and subjective perceptions of learning and behavior change is described. The findings were promising and suggest a high level of satisfaction, significant learning, and new behavior. Implications, applications, and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

Mythology served a much greater sociological role than just the telling of story and legend. Leadership principles developed inadvertently through narrative story and the invention of the mythological tale. Story was an original methodology by which we could teach others about the essential traits and qualities leaders needed for effective leadership. Myths and legends also warned listeners to avoid the dark side of leadership. The principles of leadership were originally embedded in our sociobiological evolution through social learning theory. Thus humanity was learning about leadership at an unconscious level and transferring that knowledge through new and similar story over time. Often we look for new leadership theory and answers, and yet most of that knowledge is already present if we just listen to the mythological stories we tell.  相似文献   

This article analyzes how the behavior of CEOs of major divisions of corporations who are successful at new business development differ in behavior from those who attempted new business development programs and failed. Successful top managers affected organization transformation via three major differences in leadership behavior. Successful CEOs inspired pervasive commitment throughout their division. They built confidence in their subordinates' ability to develop new business. Finally, they found ways of applying appropriate disciplines to the process, particularly in the ara of management of failure. Challenges for the HRM function in terms of orchestrating these CEO behaviors are discussed.  相似文献   

胡金成  张利分 《价值工程》2015,(14):208-210
根据国家及湖北省现阶段重大发展战略,分析全省货运发展的现状及结构,研判全省交通需求特征、总体发展趋势,运用多种方法预测了全省货运需求,结合湖北省发展实际,提出全省未来货运发展的对策建议,为编制全省"十三五"交通规划提供参考。  相似文献   

郑伟俊 《价值工程》2014,(36):188-189
本文尝试运用运筹学中线性规划理论的数学模型,结合SWOT分析决策房地产开发最高最佳使用方式,为开发商或土地估价师提供一条可供参考的技术路线。  相似文献   

刘强 《价值工程》2021,40(33):35-37
随着我国城市建设速度加快,建筑业不断发展,建筑行业的竞争压力也越来越大.要提升企业竞争实力,需在施工过程中提升管理水平,提高质量,降低成本,推动建筑施工向标准化、信息化、精细化转变,使建筑企业在激烈的市场竞争中处于优势地位,有利于建筑企业的稳定进步和可持续发展.加大对技术管理的控制,并对相应的施工技术进行优化,从而提高建筑工程项目质量,推动整个建筑行业的可持续发展,并为城市居民的生命财产安全提供一定的保障.  相似文献   

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