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This paper investigates the adoption of Open Innovation in the bio-pharmaceutical industry, studying through which organisational modes it is put into practice and how these modes are interwoven with the different phases of drug discovery and development process. Two rounds of interviews with industry experts were carried out to develop a model describing the adoption of Open Innovation by bio-pharmaceutical companies. This framework was then applied to an extensive and longitudinal empirical basis, which includes data about the adoption of Open Innovation by the top 20 worldwide industry players, in the time period 2000-2007. The paper provides a thorough discussion of how bio-pharmaceutical firms have used different organisational modes (i.e. licensing agreements, non-equity alliance, purchase and supply of technical and scientific services) to enter into relationship with different types of partners (i.e. large pharmaceutical companies, product biotech firms, platform biotech firms and universities) with the aim to acquire (Inbound Open Innovation) or commercially exploit (Outbound Open Innovation) technologies and knowledge. The implications of the study for Open Innovation research and possible avenues for future investigation are discussed at length in the paper.  相似文献   

研究目标:编制中国绿色创新指数,考察各区域指数的分布动态、区域差异及空间收敛特征。研究方法:建立绿色创新指数评价体系、采用时空极差熵权法赋权指标,利用世界知识产权组织绿色专利清单在线检索工具和采用爬虫技术检索、匹配、汇总国家知识产权局绿色专利数据,采用社会网络分析法(Social Network Analysis, SNA)测度绿色技术创新辐射力,采用Kernel估计分析绿色创新分布动态演进,采用Dagum基尼系数分解东中西绿色创新空间差距来源,采用空间杜宾模型考察绿色创新空间β条件收敛特征。研究发现:我国整体及东中西各地区绿色创新水平均呈总体上升趋势,源于绿色技术创新能力、绿色技术创新辐射力与绿色创新制度支撑力三者“携手并进”;绿色创新水平较高的城市集中分布于经济发达地区并具有较高行政级别特征,北京、深圳、上海、广州及主要省会城市稳居前列;我国整体及东中西地区核密度图均呈现“曲线右移、峰值先升后降、宽度收窄后扩大”的特征;东中西区域内部及区域间差异均呈逐渐下降趋势;绿色创新存在空间β条件收敛效应,且俱乐部收敛特征也较为显著,但在不同空间权重矩阵、不同地区样本中收敛速度存在差异。研究创...  相似文献   

北京正在实施首都创新战略,努力在全国率先建设"创新型城市"。本研究对中国台湾学者应用的OCP调查问卷进行修订,对北京市的30家科技组织进行调查,对北京地区科技组织创新文化现状进行总结,同时对创新文化的作用机制进行研究,探讨北京科技组织创新文化建设的规律和方法,以达到推进首都科技创新文化建设的目的。  相似文献   

This paper introduces the concept of a new entrepreneurial role in services that we call the frantrepreneur. This is based on two case studies of the internationalization of two US franchisors, one in temporary services (Sweden) and the other in computer training (Australia). The frantrepreneur is defined as a franchisee who innovates by adapting a standard service concept to meet local conditions. This role is a further refinement of a series of earlier concepts concerning entrepreneurship roles such as the intrapreneur. This paper provides an indepth evaluation of the roles adopted by the frantrepreneurs and how they changed the original service concept. They did not passively accept the standard service concept and they developed an unusual partnership role with their franchisors with a two-way influence over the business. Although the innovations of frantrepreneurs were mostly in the form of small and incremental changes they standardized their developments to facilitate further adoption. The frantrepreneurs appear to play an important role in smoothing the adaptation and adoption of innovation in the internationalization of a franchise operation.  相似文献   

在我国当前内部控制的教学模式相对落后、教学改革几乎空白的背景下,本文以四川师范大学商学院财务管理专业为依托,针对《内部控制学》课程的教学内容制定了实践模拟教学体系,为保证教学目标的实现构建了组合式教学法。灵活多样的教学方法相互融合且交替使用于不同的教学内容中,由此设计出一套完整严密的教学改革总体方案。  相似文献   

This paper presents a micro-to-macro model which connects an input–output model with price-dependent input coefficients and basic elements of industrial economics. This enables the determination of the most important variables on the micro, meso and macro levels, and, in particular, the determination of market structure and economic structure. On the basis of the model, we discuss the various intra-industry and interindustry impacts of process innovation. The results show the importance of considering heterogeneity of firms and sectors.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to introduce an instrument that enables the measurement of dynamics in the roles of factories in international networks. Starting from Ferdows’ framework on strategic factory roles, a clear definition and more precise operationalization of ‘site competence’ is provided. Our proposed instrument is tested in a context, being the Eastern European factories of Dutch multinationals, where it is plausible to expect changes in the strategic factory roles over time. This test comprises four exploratory case studies that provide the basis for future, more extensive empirical work. At the same time, they contribute to the under-researched area of company and industry case studies with respect to the international context of operations management.  相似文献   


This paper analyses the innovation value chain for the Irish Community Innovation Survey (CIS): 2004–2006. In estimating innovation and productivity simultaneously, it extends the CDM methodology to include a range of external knowledge sources. Feedback effects are found to be vital, with more productive firms being more innovative and vice versa. External knowledge sources affect the innovation decision but not innovation performance, thus pointing to the primacy of internal processes for the crucial task of knowledge exploitation. There is evidence of dichotomous knowledge sourcing in Ireland, with some firms sourcing from market and others, especially high-technology businesses, from non-market agents.

External interaction, innovation et productivité extérieure: une application de la chaîne de valeur de l'innovation à l'Irlande

La présente communication analyse la chaîne de valeur d'innovation pour le CIS : 2004–2006 irlandais. En estimant l'innovation et la productivité simultanément, elle procède au développement de la méthodologie CDM, en incorporant un éventail de sources de connaissances extérieures. Il s'avère que les effets de la rétroaction sont essentiels, les entreprises les plus productives étant plus innovantes et vice-versa. Des sources de connaissances externes affectent les décisions sur l'innovation, mais non pas les performances de l'innovation, en soulignant ainsi l'importance primordiale des procédés internes pour la tâche essentielle de l'exploitation des connaissances. On a relevé des traces des sourçage dichotomique des connaissances en Irlande, certaines entreprises s'approvisionnant directement sur le marché, d'autres, notamment dans le secteur des technologies de pointe, s'inspirant d'agents extérieurs au marché.

Interacción, innovación y productividad externas: una aplicación de la cadena de valor de la innovación en Irlanda

En este trabajo se analiza la cadena de valor de la innovación de Irish CIS: 2004–2006. Al estimar simultáneamente la innovación y la productividad, se amplía la metodología CDM para abarcar una serie de fuentes externas de conocimiento. En este análisis se concluyó que los efectos de la realimentación son vitales, dado que más firmas productivas son más innovadoras y viceversa. Las fuentes externas de conocimiento afectan las decisiones de innovación y no el rendimiento asociado con la innovación y, por consiguiente, se señala el predominio de los procesos internos para la tarea crucial de explotación del conocimiento. En Irlanda, hay evidencias de obtención dicotómica del conocimiento, con algunas firmas que lo obtienen en el mercado y otras, en especial las empresas de alta tecnología, a través de agentes fuera del mercado.


Dynamic capability theory argues that organizations' internal capabilities enable sustained competitive advantage. Innovations in work practices (commonly termed ‘high performance’, ‘high commitment’ or ‘high involvement’ practices) are an important source of these internal capabilities but research evidence shows low levels of penetration. Using a practice perspective, case study analysis of 7 establishments in the aerospace sector identifies three themes that are under-attended to in current research on innovations in work practices: industry and production context; distributed nature of management activity, and social embeddedness. Implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The paper develops a method derived from the so-called minimal flow analysis (MFA), based on a subsystem approach, to find the characteristic technology flow structure of a national innovation system. The analysis uses input–output tables for Germany for the years 1980 and 1986, as well as innovation expenditure vectors, released by the Ifo-Institut, detailed for 58 sectors for the same years. The data are integrated into a subsystem approach and deliver a matrix of technology providers and technology users, which is analyzed by a suitably modified version of MFA. The results, differentiated according to rather economic vs more technical aspects, show what the German innovation system looks like and show that there was little change between 1980 and 1986.  相似文献   


This study, utilizes an innovative methodological approach, fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA), investigating the drivers of heterogeneous geographies characterizing English Local Economic Partnerships (LEPs). The fsQCA technique offers a novel configurational alternative to regression-based approaches investigating the effects of clustering in conjunction with firm-level innovation, university third-sector activity (TSA) and entrepreneurship, on LEPs innovation performance. The findings, offer contributions to the theories of industrial clusters and innovation, regional innovation systems, knowledge spillovers and entrepreneurial university innovation within LEPs. First, supporting fsQCAs, no individual variable generates either a positive/negative innovation outcome. Second, while all positive innovation recipes include presence of the cluster variable, for negative innovation recipes, only one does not identify absence of clustering as relevant. Given that the cluster variable does not appear in any recipes without at least one of the other variables suggests activity concentration does not exist in isolation to generate innovation outcomes without other localized conditions existing, e.g. firm-level innovation. Third, there is evidence for the non-cluster-based aspects of knowledge spillover theory of entrepreneurship with respect to university activity and the entrepreneurial university concept. Instead, roles of entrepreneurship and university TSA, while important, appear to be more peripheral and geographically context specific.  相似文献   

This paper examines a case of perceived innovation failure in higher education, a service dominated by conflicting institutional logics of professionalism and markets. Through a mixed methodology investigating student attitudes to, and behaviour around, technological innovation, the paper makes a contribution to the public service innovation literature by focusing on duality in innovation outcomes. This is suggestive of an innovation typology in public services: professionalism-driven and consumerism-driven innovation.  相似文献   

Assessing impacts related to the adoption of an innovation represents a particular challenge. However, the use of innovation in government organizations does have some effects: some intended, others unintended; some desirable, others undesirable. Findings in literature now suggest that the use of innovation in government organizations produces beneficial results for the most part. The purpose of this article is to provide a multi-dimensional framework for assessing the impacts of innovation on an organization’s performance as perceived by individual stakeholders and at organizational level. In particular, this framework is designed to evaluate the impacts resulting from the introduction of electronic medical records, namely an organizational, cultural, and technological innovation that many health care providers are currently undertaking. It provides the results of a comparative analysis carried out in Spain and Italy and discusses the need for a more systematic evaluation assessment of the innovation processes.  相似文献   

In order to advance our knowledge of alliance-level relational capabilities, this paper investigates how searching across different knowledge domains affects both innovation value creation and appropriability in R&D alliances. Focusing on the alliance level of analysis, we advance that, in R&D strategic alliances, search span has a curvilinear (inverted U-shape) relationship with value creation and a positive relationship with value appropriability. Our analysis on a sample of 1515 interfirm dyadic R&D alliances confirms these hypotheses. We find that, after a threshold level of search span, joint value creation decreases. Conversely, the allied firms’ ability to appropriate the value of their jointly developed inventions grows exponentially as the alliance search span increases. Thus, value creation and appropriability may have conflicting exigencies. We argue that firms involved in R&D strategic alliances should develop the interorganizational relational capability to jointly manage the process of search that occurs at the interorganizational level, and specifically the span of their search, in ways that balance the needs of value creation and appropriability.  相似文献   

汪传雷  陈晨 《价值工程》2012,31(1):162-164
创新扩散理论(Innovation Diffusion Theory,简称IDT)主要研究创新在社会系统中传播扩散的过程。罗杰斯的创新扩散理论作为当前国际学术界技术创新扩散理论的重要研究成果,已被我国学者普遍了解和接受,并运用到众多研究领域。本文主要通过搜集2002-2010年期间有关创新扩散理论应用于IT领域的研究文献,分析综述。  相似文献   

A state of the Art trend analysis of the Library and Information science reveals that the Library world is in the midst of the technological restructuring. Every branch of library work changes continuously because of the technological facilities, although the missions and goals remain unaltered. The libraries belong to these professional divisions which involve the innovation and technology transfer in everyday life. In most of the cases innovation either as a product or as a procedure goes into the libraries, it's not a phenomenon produced by them.On the strategic level libraries on average have developed the ability to collect, process and assimilate technological innovation.On the organizational level libraries follow the changes which technology transfer dictates such as close co-operation with computer centers and external commercial information suppliers, software and hardware suppliers, science and technology achievements, etc. It is too common to libraries to develop routines and Best Practices for every task, derived by the technology they use, for the cost decrease, the time save and the increase of the effectiveness and efficiency.The innovative process is the kind which libraries could adopt, as innovation is composed of the systematic retrieve of changes and systematic analysis of the opportunities which these changes could contribute to economic and social improvement.Innovation above all, is a social procedure, as it is interpreted in terms such as creativity, desires, fantasy and the ability to take risks and to change. So innovation and technology transfer differentiates the role of the librarian and extends it beyond the limits of the information intermediary. The librarian in order to involve, anticipate and especially produce innovation has to learn how to learn, as libraries have to learn how to change.The presentation will be a methodological one and will focus on Best Practices, the definition and a short report, how they combine with the library functions and how they produce innovative processes and new Best Practices. An evaluation of Best Practices according the Value Analysis method is included as a prerequisite of the final choice of which practice is characterised as Best and which not.  相似文献   

The desire to create innovative organizational spaces has led to various instantiations of innovation ecosystems. Towards this direction, there is a growing interest in establishing corporate innovation ecosystems in the form of ‘corporate coworking spaces’ (CWS). From a relational ontological standpoint, this study builds on the collaborative spaces literature with the aim to investigate the emerging dynamics between corporates and start-ups in an innovation ecosystem. Through an abductive research strategy (ARS) as well as service design methods, we explore how co-creation between corporates and start-ups emerges (or not) in an innovation ecosystem that serves as a collaborative space in Denmark. Our empirical findings challenge the mostly overenthusiastic connotations and thus the study contributes to the critical coworking research stream. More specifically, we give emphasis on the co-constructive entanglement of socio-spatial arrangements and we propose a framework for revisiting the design of CWS through 1) balancing the engineered and evolving parts of the ecosystem, 2) facilitating stakeholder alignment, 3) adopting a service-oriented approach and 4) developing inclusive strategies. Apart from the implications for scholars and practitioners who study and design CWS, we argue that future research would especially benefit from building on a service-oriented approach of innovation ecosystems and we call for more interdisciplinary research.  相似文献   


In this article, we conduct an empirical study of administrative innovation in the Canadian public sector by examining applications to the Innovative Management Award of the Institute of Public Administration of Canada (IPAC). After a review of the literature on innovation in the public sector and of the history of this award, we come to the conclusion that the relationship between innovation and environment has been studied only sparingly, which explains the focus of our research and our hypotheses. Through an analysis of award applications over 21 years, and of award finalists and winners, we demonstrate that such environmental variables as strength of the economy, size of the civil service, deficits, unemployment rate, investment in R&D, and type of government have important consequences for administrative innovation in the public sector. We also suggest some implications of our findings for future research on this subject.  相似文献   

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