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住房补贴效率的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国城镇住房制度改革从1979年至今已经进行了20年,但仍然是规模宏大的中国经济体制中最困难的方面之一,它不仅涉及中国国民收入分配体制、金融体制、财政体制、企业体制、投资体制、城市规划和土地使用体制以及房地产开等错缩复杂的有中国特色领域的改革,而且不要求改革者解决对世界大多数政府和经济学家们构成挑战的社会福利制度问题。  相似文献   

In this study, we provide a comprehensive overview of housing affordability in China from both the macro and micro perspectives. We extend the scope of housing affordability analysis to all Chinese cities based on a unique panel dataset in 275 Chinese prefecture cities from 2014 to 2018. We also make a novel methodological contribution to the literature by employing micro-level data from an anonymous major Chinese city in 2015. Our results suggest that the overall level of housing affordability in Chinese cities remained relatively stable or even improved during the sample period. However, we identify a few “superstar cities,” such as Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Xiamen, which are associated with a serious housing affordability problem. This problem arises from both a shortage of supply in the space market and a potential mispricing in the asset market, and may have a spillover effect on surrounding cities due to home purchase restrictions in the superstar cities. Within these cities, the housing affordability problem leads to longer commuting time due to the separation of home and workplace, and lower housing space consumption for the residents.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国各主要港口迅猛发展,本文在我国五大港口群激烈竞争的背景下,以长三角港口群为主要研究对象,用数据包络分析方法对港口及港口城市的效率进行研究,分析了2011年长三角港口和港口城市技术效率和规模效率状态,并计算出港口对港口城市内部经济带动作用,进一步定位各港口功能,最后给出政策建议。  相似文献   

In Chinese cities, migrants with rural hukou, compared to residents with local urban hukou, face more uncertainty, have limited access to mortgage finance, and are less eligible for low-cost housing. A simple model demonstrates that for these reasons, rural-to-urban migrants are less likely to own housing units in cities and as a result accumulate less wealth. Our empirical analysis examines a nationally representative household survey from 2013 and uses mother's hukou status as an instrumental variable. We find that household heads with rural hukou are about 20 percentage points less likely to own housing units in cities than comparable household heads with local urban hukou. Consequently, the average household head with a rural hukou owns 315 thousand yuan less housing wealth and 226 thousand yuan less total wealth than comparable household heads with local urban hukou. The average household head with a rural hukou has 288 thousand yuan less in housing capital gains than comparable household heads with local urban hukou. Moreover, we find that these differences are much larger in the first- and second-tier cities, cities with more stringent hukou regulations, and among younger cohorts.  相似文献   

Housing in developing countries depends primarily on improvements and expansion by owner occupants. A survey of Lima households suggests that economic ability to improve matters less than willingness which, in turn, is inspired by access to water and sewerage systems. Opportunities for installing a home workshop may also be important. Seventeen types of improvement in squatter settlements and ‘popular urbanizations’ are examined using a variety of econometric tests. Differences in income mainly determine which type of improvement households choose to make. The rate of improvement, however, roughly doubles with access to infrastructure, and the effect far outweighs access cost. Consequently, the earlier that infrastructure is installed, the faster will housing conditions in general improve. This conclusion is confirmed by smaller surveys in Lusaka, Medellin, Nairobi, Rawalpindi and Tunis.  相似文献   

A secondary analysis of thirty-six fair housing audits conducted between 1974 and 1987 reveals that racial steering has been a widespread, consequential phenomenon in many urban housing markets during the last decade. It is difficult from extant work to assess precisely its incidence nationally in the home sales sector because sites reporting such data have had atypically active fair housing enforcement efforts. It appears, however, that selective commentary by agents has been practiced as much if not more than differential patterns of home-showings. The consequence of this steering rarely has been to limit the number or concentration of geographic alternatives available to black auditors. Nor have all their options in predominantly white communities typically been precluded. Rather, steering in the sales sector most often has constituted a failure to show white auditors options in areas (and school districts) with nontrivial proportions of minority residents, and a propensity to show black auditors disproportionate numbers of homes in areas currently possessing or expected to possess significant proportions of minority residents. Limited evidence suggests that steering has occurred often in the rental apartment sector, although its consequences have yet to be ascertained in a systematic fashion. Implications of the findings for racial stability in neighborhoods and for fair housing policy are discussed.  相似文献   

《China Economic Review》2006,17(1):37-50
This paper discusses housing inequality and housing poverty in urban China in the late 1990s, using original household surveys. Focuses are on the distributive implications of the privatization of public-owned housing and the wave of rural–urban migration. Estimates of the imputed rent function for owned housing purchased at discount prices indicates that meritocracy and political credentialism work differently as determinants of housing inequality. The paper confirms that there has been a large disparity in housing conditions between urban and migrant households, and that a new type of housing poverty has been emerging among migrant households.  相似文献   

张雄化 《特区经济》2014,(10):143-147
按照能量法,典型的农业能源包含电力、农机与灌溉设施、化石燃料、农药和化肥。前两者的能耗量及碳排量构成我国农业能源及其碳排放的主体。运用非期望碳排放的SE-DEA模型和SBM模型对比测算我国农业能源效率,结果显示:农业能源效率总体偏低,省际能源效率均呈上升趋势,省际间的能源效率差距较大,全国和区域的能源效率表征为收敛,高效率的省份集中于东部而低效率的省份集中于西部。这一规律可以为中国改善农业板块的能源结构及其效率提供参考。  相似文献   

在本研究中,通过采用广东省21个地级以上城市公共服务投入和公共服务产出的相关统计数据,并基于产出导向型的数据包络分析方法(DEA-BCC)建立了广东省公共服务市域评价模型并进行城市分类和横向比较。研究结果表明:省内区域间公共服务效率差异显著尤其是珠三角与粤东西北地区之间;同一区域内城市间的公共服务效率分化明显。此外,广东省城市公共服务效率的改善措施应更具针对性。  相似文献   

The energy intensity indices of the Russian GDP are presented in a form that allows comparison with similar indicators of other countries. The forecast shows that the energy efficiency of the Russian economy will be approaching that of Canada but will still remain significantly lower by 2010.  相似文献   

何志明 《特区经济》2011,(1):214-216
本文根据2008年国内4大城市群18个城市的横向数据,利用DEA方法对广西北部湾经济区城市理性利用进行实证研究,针对存在的问题提出了广西北部湾经济区城市理性发展对策,并对非DEA有效的北海市和防城港市进行投影分析,提出了调控方向。  相似文献   

席玉民 《特区经济》2007,(7):230-231
我国城市拆迁纠纷频繁发生,暴露了我国拆迁法律的缺位错位问题,包括新通过的《物权法》在内的我国现行的法律,没有能够明确界定征收征用公民私有财产的"公共利益"的含义。国务院制定的《城市房屋拆迁管理条例》作为行政法规与《宪法》和《立法法》等上位法冲突,各省市的地方法规和地方规章更是各行其政,造成我国目前拆迁主体错位,裁决程序不公,司法救济不畅,拆迁惨案频发的混乱局面。只有尽快进行拆迁立法,才能有效保护公民的合法权益。  相似文献   

邵懿 《特区经济》2005,(6):128-129
近十多年来,我国城市交通日趋紧张,“行车难、停车难”成了大中城市普遍存在的棘手难题和最大的“城市病”之一,成为影响投资环境和制约城市与区域社会经济发展的瓶颈。其主要根源之一,就是静态交通问题,即停车场的问题。它包括停车场地的规划、设计、投资、建设、管理等。在停  相似文献   

After studying housing policies applied in the Third World the conclusion was drawn that extensive housing shortages cannot be ascribed only to the rapid growth of the urban population, but that housing policies and strategies implemented in the past were equally important. On the one hand the housing policies and strategies were unrealistic in terms of standards and costs and on the other, there was a lack of planning and co‐ordination in the implementation of the housing strategies.

In this paper an attempt is made to test the validity of the above‐mentioned as applied to Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland. The structures responsible for the provision of urban housing as well as the policies and strategies as applied in the BLS countries since independence are therefore analysed. Differences and similarities in the implementation of housing policies and strategies between the various BLS countries are also highlighted.  相似文献   

王冬辉  郭祖军 《特区经济》2006,(12):354-355
结合住宅房地产市场的特征,借鉴已有的关于Hedonic模型的理论方法和研究经验,对深圳普运商品住宅市场进行了实证研究,构建了可供实际应用的Hedonic价格模型,揭示了深圳市场上住宅的各物理属性对住宅价格的影响程度。  相似文献   

居民个人住房贷款风险分析及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王健康  罗来军 《特区经济》2006,(12):263-264
我国的个人住房贷款风险源于借款人、贷款人、开发商及国家政策等四方面,因此,个人住房贷款应从加强政府监管、有效防范市场风险、建立住房预售风险分担机制着手,有效降低住房贷款风险,促进个人住房贷款市场的健康发展。  相似文献   

Approaches aimed at achieving housing affordability have long emphasised the housing unit. Conventional wisdom prescribes that affordability will be enhanced if the unit cost of a house is reduced. Classic solutions include the reduction of standards, use of indigenous technologies and materials, adopting self-help modes of delivery and addressing market imperfections. This study shows that while it is not unwise to reduce the cost of housing, there is a limit to this approach. Unit costs cannot be reduced indefinitely and non-cost-reducing strategies are therefore called for. The approaches hinge on improving the economic status of low-income groups by implementing measures that reduce household expenditure and/or boost their incomes.  相似文献   

Some literature observes the negative but not very significant effect of household wealth growth on children's educational outcomes. This surprising finding is not easily reconciled with the traditional explanation that relaxed economic constraints caused by wealth growth can promote human capital accumulation. This paper proposes an alternative explanation for the causal relationship between wealth growth and human capital, which could be negative: individuals tend to reduce human capital investment following the decline in their labor supply induced by wealth growth, given that investing in human capital is mainly for employment competitiveness. This explanation is supported by evidence from the case of urban housing demolition in China, in which affected households could obtain substantial wealth growth by considerable demolition compensation thanks to the real estate boom in China. Specifically, using two nationally representative datasets, we find that Chinese households that have experienced demolition relatively have more wealth, less labor supply, lower propensity to accumulate children's human capital, and consequently, have children with lower educational achievement. These results suggest that China's economy may be losing its momentum because of the decline in labor supply and human capital accumulation brought about by the ongoing large-scale urban housing demolition.  相似文献   

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