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乐山师范学院世界遗产研究所(以下简称“遗产研究所”)是由乐山市委、市政府与乐山师范学院联合发起组建。该所挂靠在乐山师范学院旅游学院,在学院建立带没机构,是专门从事世界遗产的保护、管理、调查与规划的研究机构。2003年3月18日召开成立大会。  相似文献   

在旅游日渐旺盛的季节,坏消息却相继传来。 阿富汗的巴米扬佛像被无情摧毁,北京周口店山顶洞人面临被从“世界遗产”名单中除名的绝境,四川大熊猫保护区被美国《科学》杂志指出不能有效保护大熊猫的生存……不知到哪 天,曾经在这些举世闻名的地方浏览留念的人们,就只能翻看从前的照片,借以记起  相似文献   

中国于1985年加入世界遗产公约,至2013年6月,共有45个项目被联合国教科文组织列入《世界遗产名录》,其中世界文化遗产28处,世界自然遗产10处,世界文化和自然遗产4处,世界文化景观遗产3处,成为仅次于意大利(48处)的世界遗产第二大国。世界遗产是指被联合国教科文组织和世界遗产委员会确认的人类罕见的、目前无法替代的财富,是全人类公认的具有突出意义和普遍价值的文物古迹及自然景观。  相似文献   

试论世界遗产的出路   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在对世界遗产权威性质疑的基础上,文章指出世界遗产是各国遗产的代表作,但未必是"精华中的精华".考虑到世界遗产的保护功能和品牌效应,文章呼吁各个国家和地区积极中报世界遗产,但是世界遗产委员会的<凯恩斯决议>严重抑制了许多国家和地区,特别是像中国这样的遗产大国的申报进程.面对苛刻的申报政策,我们要走联合申报、项目扩展、精品战略的路子,确保申报项目马到成功;面对严格限制的申报数目,我们不能一味等待,在保护好已有遗产和申报项目的基础上,我们还要有意识地去孕育未来世界遗产,把当代的文明足迹留给后人.  相似文献   

当中国游客如潮般涌向美国的繁华都会,法国的浪漫乡间,西班牙的阳光海滩时,国际游客的视野也越来越多地投向了中国这片朝气蓬勃的旅游热土。习惯了身边的繁华似锦,习惯了灯红酒绿的都市生活,当国际游客挎上行囊,在地图上圈下中国这个目的地的时候,他们心中首先出现的是一个充满神秘感的  相似文献   

索道对世界遗产的威胁   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
谢凝高 《旅游学刊》2000,15(6):57-60
通过观察体验和对比国外国家公园的法规,深感索道对遗产的严重危害。主要有:破坏地形、破坏植被与生态、破坏景观的自然美、加剧人流在山顶集中、误导游人贬低名山、不符合旅游的基本要求、与世界自然文化遗产保护背道而驰。本文指出,索道及其他商业性的游乐设施的出路,应选择风景区和世界遗产地以外适当地区。  相似文献   

印度尼西亚的塔纳·托拉贾是传统的居住地,最近它被联合国教委文组织指定为世界遗产,这是该国第四处世界  相似文献   

丽江发展模式——丽江模式丽江模式,即政府投入巨资实施,通过建章立制,使积极的保护与旅游开发有机结合。其行动计划的实施包括建立机构、制定遗产保护资金管理机制和在核心区鼓励传统文化的开展。主要包括:  相似文献   

世界遗产保护若干问题思辨   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
刘振礼 《旅游学刊》2005,20(6):26-29
对世界遗产必须加强保护,但同时应注重利用。保护方法必须科学,必须保持其文化传承,把握好修缮、重建与维持原貌的“度”。“禁止入内”其实不利于保护。  相似文献   

世界遗产的保护与利用   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
一、世界遗产,保护第一根据我们对《保护世界文化与自然遗产公约》的理解,保护、保存是介绍利用遗产的前提,也是世界传承、永续利用的基础.所谓利用,主要是利用遗产的价值,如利用其科学价值进行科研、科教活动;利用其美学价值进行游览、观赏;利用其历史文化价值进行考察和传播历史文化知识.遗产利用的性质主要是精神文化与科教功能,而不是经济开发功能.用经济开发区的概念、政策去开发利用保护性的社会公益性的遗产地,必然导致风景区遗产地的错位开发和超载开发,造成自然文化遗产地的人工化、商业化和城市化,使风景区遗产地遭到严重破坏.  相似文献   

The World Heritage Rock Art of the Sierra de San Francisco site in Mexico maintains some of the oldest and largest prehistoric murals in North America. The local ranching community is the custodian of a double heritage, the UNESCO-sanctioned rock art and their own ranching heritage. The rock art heritage is both tangible and public, known to and authenticated by professional archaeologists, while the ranching heritage is largely intangible and private, a lived and remembered experience known within families. As economic conditions deteriorate, the ranchers seek to expand their tourism activities to include their ranching heritage. Understanding their double heritage along tangible/intangible and public/private axes clarifies the challenges they face.  相似文献   

George Town, Penang, has always been one of the most popular destinations among Malaysian and international tourists. In 2008, George Town was accorded a listing as a UNESCO World Heritage Site (WHS). With the listing, increasing tourist arrivals and intentions to visit heritage hotels have been very promising in recent years, prompting the emergence of the adaptive reuse of heritage buildings into heritage hotels. In line with this development, this study examines the effects of perceived price, experience quality, prior knowledge, perceived authenticity, and social influence on tourists’ intention to visit heritage hotels at the George Town WHS, Penang, with perceived value as a mediator. The findings indicate that perceived price, experience quality, prior knowledge, perceived authenticity, social influence and perceived value exert positive and significant effects on tourists’ intention to visit heritage hotels. The study also determines the mediating effect of perceived value on the relationships between independent variables and the intention to visit heritage hotels. This study provides an in-depth understanding of the attributes that affect tourists’ intention to visit heritage hotels at the George Town WHS and helps the owners and operators of heritage hotels to formulate future strategies in designing and promoting their services.  相似文献   

This study will evaluate three World Heritage initiatives in Western Australia; Shark Bay and Ningaloo Reef, both isolated and near-pristine natural areas, and Fremantle, a historic townscape within a large metropolitan region. In all the three cases, sections of the local communities have campaigned against World Heritage designation, not because they failed to see the heritage value of the areas under consideration, but because they saw the ‘fallout’ from such designations as a threat to various aspects of their ways of life. A range of official, academic and media sources and direct input from stakeholders are used to illustrate issues of concern and, on occasion, conflict at these three sites. While this was clearly not the intention of those seeking the World Heritage designations, sections of the community at all three locations feared that such designations would exacerbate, rather than ameliorate, what they saw as the negative impacts of the rapid social and economic changes that are, in any case, occurring across the state.  相似文献   

线性文化遗产是一种特殊的遗产类型,随着人们对遗产完整性不断深入的理解以及遗产活化利用理念的发展,线性文化遗产旅游的重要性日益显现。因此,树立线性文化遗产意识,把握线性文化遗产特征,是推进线性文化遗产旅游利用和可持续发展的重要问题。本文以《世界遗产名录》中收录的线性文化遗产为基础数据,对线性文化遗产的类别与列入标准、资源组合模式和核心区与缓冲区等典型特征进行深入分析,并从旅游空间演化和旅游活化路径两方面总结其对旅游利用模式的影响,以期为线性文化遗产旅游的可持续发展提供科学参考。研究结果表明,线性文化遗产旅游空间结构发展过程遵循“增长极”演化规律,并在遗产文化分层上表现出不同的利用方式和活化路径。  相似文献   

Effective interpretation among visitors to heritage sites contributes towards achieving sustainable tourism. Mindful visitors are more likely to be interested in being educated and learning about a site; therefore, mindfulness can play a key role in the formation of effective interpretations. Diverse media communicates with visitors in different ways and has various effects which can improve mindfulness among heritage site visitors. This study aims to investigate the effects of three different media, namely exhibitions, guided tours (GT) and printed materials (PM) on enhancing mindfulness. A questionnaire was developed and administered to approximately 200 visitors at 6 heritage sites across Malacca City in Malaysia, which was recognised as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2008. Partial least-squares structural equation modelling was used to analyse the data. The findings revealed that PM were the most effective medium in improving mindfulness among visitors to the selected heritage sites, followed by exhibitions. The results also indicated that GT did not have any significant effect on improving visitor mindfulness. These findings can assist organisations responsible for the management of heritage sites to improve the mindfulness of visitors by identifying the most efficacious forms of media.  相似文献   

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