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对外开放,招商引资,项目是重要的基础。对其进行科学、有效的开发、设计已成为继制定优惠政策、改善投资环境之后吸引国内外客商投资的又一重要途径。招商引资必须以项目这个有形的载体作保证。项目是资金、技术、市场等诸多要素的有机结合体,但投资项目和投资资金相比,项目是第一位的,有了项目投资者才可能来投资,金融机构才肯贷款。  相似文献   

在广交会迎来第101次盛会的喜庆时刻,我代表天津市商务委员会和天津交易团对本届交易会的隆重召开表示真诚地祝贺,并预祝展会取得圆满成功。  相似文献   

马铭泽 《中国经贸》2009,(21):92-95
人生并无终极目的,它只是一个过程,倘若如此.我希望我的这个过程每一步都是真实的、充分的.又是不断变化、更新的,充满着一次次艰辛、悲哀而又光辉的复旦的!——王西京  相似文献   

改革开放以来,由于各种原因使得我国地区之间的经济发展水平和收入水平有了很大的差距。对于这些差距,我们可以通过对人均经济收入、人均财政收入、城镇居民可支配收入、农民人均纯收入、人均国际收入等五个指标的分析中详细地看到。从客观性和可行性的意义上讲,西部地区要在短时期内消除这些差距,是根本不可能的。因此,作为西部地区来讲,应该选择实事求是的态度,既要正视这些差距的长期存在,又要通过体制创新、政策创新、战略创新等,努力探索试图缩小差距的途径和对策。  相似文献   

王西京,1946年生于陕西西安,现任中国艺术市场联盟副主席、中国艺术研究院教授、中国美术家协会理事、陕西省文联副主席、西安中国画院院长、西安美术家协会主席,兼任西北大学、云南大学、西安美术学院教授,第九届、第十届全国人大代表,一级美术师,被国务院授予为国家级有突出贡献专家,荣获中国时代先锋人物、中国  相似文献   

窦良 《开放导报》2002,(5):14-16
全球范围内反倾销活动的基本状况 当今世界,经济全球化程度日益加深,自由贸易已经成为不可阻挡的历史趋势.然而,与自由贸易相伴的保护贸易却从未停止,这其中反倾销的滥用就是一个典型.  相似文献   

We develop a small open economy DSGE model usable for monetary policy in Sub-Saharan Africa. In this paper we apply the model to quarterly data from Ghana from 1981–2007. We find that permanent, but not transitory, technology shocks are the most important source of fluctuations. We find that the estimated monetary policy rule suggests that policy is aimed almost exclusively at fluctuations in output and ignores inflation, imports and exports. A negative result is that there appears to be significant issues in identifying some important parameters.  相似文献   

City planners, neighborhood groups and financial institutions, and other business partners need to develop a comprehensive plan to increase affordable housing for minorities and to integrate neighborhoods. Kansas City, Missouri is a city with a high potential for good housing for all of its citizens, but adequate housing continues to elude many of its black residents. Compared to other U.S. cities of similar size, Kansas City has good housing stock, but a large number of black people are suffering from a shortage of low rent housing. In addition, among Kansas Citians, blacks have the lowest quality housing stock. Two reasons for the deficit in housing for black Americans in Kansas City are demolitions among the low-rent housing stock and discrimination in housing rentals.  相似文献   

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