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We examine household data from the Central Asian successor states to the Soviet Union to analyze how living standards are determined in newly established market economies. Three variables, namely location, children, and university education, are consistently significant across all four countries studied and play the largest role in determining household expenditure. The first two are of special significance to Central Asia, with its relative economic backwardness and high birth rate, but the importance of high-level general-purpose education appears to be a ubiquitous but underappreciated factor. Higher returns to education were expected in a market economy, but few observers distinguish between types of education; in the shift from central planning people with high-level general-purpose education have been best able to take advantage of new opportunities, while narrower technical education, by contrast, has left many with obsolete skills yielding zero returns in the market. J. Comp. Econ., June 2002 30(4), pp. 683–708. Department of Economics, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee 37235; and School of Economics, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia 5005, Australia. © 2002 Association for Comparative Economic Studies. Published by Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: D1, D31, O12, P36.  相似文献   

Information, Incentives, and Option Value: The Silicon Valley Model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper analyzes the Silicon Valley model as a novel economic institution in the domain of technological product system innovation. We analyze the informational relationship as well as governance relationships between venture capitalists and a cluster of entrepreneurial firms. The informational conditions that make the Silicon Valley model efficient are identified, leading to an understanding of the significance of standardized interfaces, modularization, and information encapsulation. We then examine the governance/incentive aspect by integrating the models of Aoki (Towards a Comparative Institutional Analysis, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2001) and Baldwin and Clark (Design Rules—Vol. 1: The Power of Modularity, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2000). The paper concludes by evaluating the applicability of the model to other localities and industries. J. Comp. Econ., December 2002, 30(4), pp. 759–786. Department of Economics, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305, and RIETI, 1-3-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0013, Japan; and Faculty of Economics, Toyo University, 5-28-20 Hakusan, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-8606, Japan. © 2002 Association for Comparative Economic Studies. Published by Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: D21, L23, O32, P51, P52.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore the effects of differences in labor market institutions and the degree of market liberalization on the size and composition of gender wages gaps in China's urban labor markets. We use enterprise-ownership type, enterprise age, and workers' methods of finding employment as proxies for the extent of market liberalization. We find both the size of the wage gaps and the proportion of the gap left unexplained by differences in observed characteristics largest in the most liberalized joint-venture sector and smallest in the least liberalized state sector. We next investigate the effects of differences in the wage structure on the gender wage gaps. We find that differences in the wage structure, in general, and the degree of wage dispersion, in particular, are extremely important in accounting for the larger wage gaps in the joint-venture and collective sectors relative to the state-owned sector. J. Comp. Econ., June 2002 30(4), pp. 709–731. Department of Economics, Bates College, Lewiston, Maine 04240. © 2002 Association for Comparative Economic Studies. Published by Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: Numbers: J16, J31, J71, O15, O53, P23.  相似文献   

Using its control of regulated inputs, a government agency extracts rents from a manager who undertakes an investment. Such government rent-seeking activity leads to a typical hold-up problem. Government ownership serves as a second-best commitment mechanism, through which the government agency will restrain itself from the rent-seeking activity and may even offer the manager assistance in the form of tax breaks and subsidies. This mechanism works at a cost, however, as government ownership also compromises ex post managerial incentives and creates distortion in resource allocation. Nevertheless, government ownership Pareto dominates private ownership under certain conditions. These conditions correspond to a host of stylized empirical observations concerning local-government-owned firms, i.e., township–village enterprises, during China's transition to a market economy.J. Comp. Econ., June 2002 30(4), pp. 787–811. Department of Economics, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, 328 David Kinley Hall, Urbana, Illinois 61801. © 2002 Association for Comparative Economic Studies. Published by Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: D23, D72, L33.  相似文献   

Comprehensive panel data on privatization transactions and labor productivity in Romanian industrial corporations are used to describe the postprivatization ownership structure and to estimate the effect of Romania's diverse privatization policies on firm performance. The econometric results show consistently positive, highly significant effects of private ownership on labor productivity growth; the point estimates imply an increased 1.0 to 1.7% growth for a 10% rise in private shareholding. The strongest estimated impacts are associated with sales to outside blockholders; insider transfers and mass privatization are estimated to have significantly smaller, although still positive, effects on firm performance. J. Comp. Econ., December 2002, 30(4), pp. 657–682. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, Central European University; and Budapest University of Economic Sciences, Central European University. © 2002 Association for Comparative Economic Studies. Published by Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: G32, G34, L32, L33, P20, P31.  相似文献   

Using urban household-level survey data from 1992 to 1998, we provide estimates of final demand for edible vegetable oils and animal fats in three regions of China based on an incomplete demand system. For each region, the demand for the major staple oil is price inelastic. The aggregate demand for nonstaple and condiment oils is more responsive to price changes and is elastic in some cases. All edible oils have positive income elasticity, but smaller than one. The share of animal fat in total fat and oil consumption is decreasing with rising income. Older and smaller households exhibit larger per-capita consumption of oils and fats. Exact measures of urban consumer welfare losses associated with trade restrictions on vegetable oil imports indicate that these urban consumers suffer a significant surplus loss as high as $679.19 million in 1998 U.S. dollars. J. Comp. Econ., December 2002, 30(4), pp. 732–753. Department of Economics and Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011-1070; and Institut National de Recherche Agronomique Paris-grignon 75231 Paris, France. © 2002 Association for Comparative Economic Studies. Published by Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: Q18, D12, Q17, O18.  相似文献   

We develop a dynamic, stochastic, computable general equilibrium model of political approval management and fiscal policy in order to analyze how political approval management affects United States' Presidential and United Kingdom's parliamentary business cycles. We find that governments in both systems respond to declining political approval by pursuing suboptimal fiscal policies that stimulate household consumption expenditures. Relative to a baseline optimal policy, we estimate that politically motivated fiscal policy reduces aggregate output in the United Kingdom and United States by 0.35 and 0.20%, respectively. Moreover, we find that most of the difference in output costs can be explained by differences between the American and British polities. J. Comp. Econ., December 2001, 29(4), pp. 692–721. University of Arizona, 401 McClelland Hall, Tucson, Arizona 85721; Department of Political Science, University of Minnesota, 1414 Social Sciences Building, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455. © 2001 Elsevier ScienceJournal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: P52, N31, E32.  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1972,48(4):599-614
The Inner Suburbs. The Evolution of an Industrial Area. By B ernard B arrett . (Melbourne University Press, Carlton, 1971)
Australia's Economic Policies. By B urgess C ameron . (Cheshire, Melbourne, 1971)
Agricultural Policy in Wealthy Countries. By G wyn J ames . (Angus and Robertson, Sydney, 1971)
Australian Industrial Relations Systems. By K enneth F. W alker . (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1970)
Impact of Uncertainty on Location. By M ichael J. W ebber . (Australian National University Press, Canberra, 1972)
Uncertainty and Expectations in Economics. Edited by C. P. C arter and J. L. F ord . (Blackwell, Oxford, 1972)
Prospek Perekonomian Indonesia 1972. Edited by S uhdadi M angkusuwondo , S. J. J osdono , M oh A ushad . (Institute of Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia, Djakarta, 1972)
The Prediction of Profitability and other Studies of Company Behaviour. By G eoffrey W hittington . (Cambridge University Press for the University of Cambridge Department of Applied Economies, 1971)
Take-Overs, Their Relevance to the Stock Market and the Theory of The Firm. By A jit S ingh . (Cambridge University Press for the University of Cambridge Department of Applied Economies, 1971)
The Labour Government's Economic Record 1964-1970. Edited by W ilfred B eckerman . (Duckworth, London, 1972)
The British Prices and Incomes Board. By A llan P els . (Cambridge University Press for the University of Cambridge Department of Applied Economics, 1972)
An Economic Study of the City of London. Edited by J ohn H. D unning and E. V ictor M organ , (George Allen & Unwin, London, 1971)  相似文献   

We compare two alternative legal presumptions, one more pro-defendant than the other, with the objective of reducing bureaucratic corruption to any target level at minimum social costs, broadly defined to include law enforcement costs, trial costs, and verdict error costs. In the absence of collusion possibilities between law enforcers and offenders, presumption of innocence involves lower social costs for low corruption targets while presumption of guilt has a cost advantage for high corruption targets. Allowing for collusion enlarges the corruption range over which the presumed innocence rule will dominate. However, there are two possible exceptions to this outcome, namely, if the government's law enforcement budget is limited and if the offenders can be penalized only up to a maximum permissible limit. In each of these cases, presumption of guilt may become the cost-effective rule. J. Comp. Econ., December 2001, 29(4), pp. 722–748. Bilkent University, Bilkent 06533, Ankara, Turkey; and Department of Economics and Finance, Birkbeck College, University of London, 7-15 Gresse Street, London W1T 1LL, United Kingdom. © 2001 Elsevier ScienceJournal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: D73, D78, K41, K42.  相似文献   

We investigate the investment decisions of Italian state-owned enterprises (SOEs) across budget constraint regimes and carry out a natural experiment that exploits a regime switch in 1987. Drawing on the theory of capital market imperfections, we apply an empirical framework for investment analysis to a panel of manufacturing SOEs in competitive industries. We identify parallels between SOEs and widely held, quoted companies afflicted by agency problems, managerial discretion, and overinvestment. We argue that, in the case of SOEs, the soft budget regime increases managerial discretion, facilitates collusion with vote-seeking politicians, and results in wasteful investment. Consistent with our predictions, we find that the regime switch disciplines SOE's investment behavior. Following a hardening of the budget constraint, managers lose discretion to indulge in collusion and overinvestment. J. Comp. Econ., June 2002 30(4), pp. 787–811. London School of Economics and Political Science, Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE, United Kingdom; and CERIS–CNR, Institute for Economic Research on Firms and Growth, National Research Council, Via Avogadro, 8, 10121 Turin, Italy. © 2002 Association for Comparative Economic Studies. Published by Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: E32, G31, G32, L32, M40.  相似文献   

The favored approach in the literature on the growth prospects for transition economies is based on specifications from Barro (1991) and Levine and Renelt (1992). This paper examines this literature critically by identifying and testing for the underlying assumptions. Our main finding is that this approach performs poorly in the transition context. Our results indicate that, almost a decade after the transition began, the former centrally planned economies are still structurally different from market economies at similar levels of per capita income. The legacies of central planning are more resilient than previously thought. J. Comp. Econ., December 2001, 29(4), pp. 663–676. University of Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne, and Centre for Economic Policy Research, London, United Kingdom; and The William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. © 2001 Elsevier ScienceJournal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: E23, O40, P20, P52.  相似文献   

Tests of Financial Intermediation and Banking Reform in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We develop tests of financial intermediation by national banking systems based on the expectation that, in commercial systems, financial intermediation should not be overly influenced by policy variables; should be greater in richer, faster growing industrial areas; and should direct funds to the best projects regardless of where deposits originate. Using Chinese provincial data from 1991 to 1997, we test whether financial reforms in the mid-1990s increased efficient intermediation by different financial institutions. We find that the importance of policy lending by state banks did not fall during the recent period and that lending by financial institutions did not respond to economic fundamentals. J. Comp. Econ., December 2001, 29(4), pp. 608–644. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109; and Department of Government, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire 03755. © 2001 Elsevier ScienceJournal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: G21, O16, O53, P34.  相似文献   

Efficiency Wages and Work Incentives in Urban and Rural China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines incentive-wage effects for production and for managerial/technical workers in both urban and rural Chinese nonagricultural enterprises. We report strong evidence of productivity-enhancing wage behavior among enterprises in all ownership categories. There is also evidence that firms paying higher efficiency wages experience less shirking among their employees. We find that the profit-maximizing potential of incentive-wage setting is not fully exploited, although there is weak evidence that joint ventures come closer to profit-maximizing behavior at this margin of wage/employment behavior than do collectives or state-owned enterprises. J. Comp. Econ., December 2001, 29(4), pp. 645–662. The Ohio State University, 1945 North High St., Columbus, OH 43210 and University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822. © 2001 Elsevier ScienceJournal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: P23, J31, O15.  相似文献   

Summary. We provide a detailed portfolio analysis for a financial market with an atomless continuum of assets. In the context of an exact arbitrage pricing theory (EAPT), we go beyond the characterization of the existence of important portfolios (normalized riskless, mean, cost, factor and mean-variance efficient portfolios) to furnish exact portfolio compositions in terms of explicit portfolio weights. Such an analysis has not been furnished before in the context of the asymptotic arbitrage pricing theory (APT). We also characterize conditions under which a mean-variance efficient portfolio is a benchmark portfolio used in the EAPT to proxy essential risk. We illustrate our results with several examples of specific financial markets. Received: May 30, 2002; revised version: August 15, 2002 RID="*" ID="*"Some of the results reported here constituted part of Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper– No. 1139 circulated under the title “Hyperfinite Asset Pricing Theory”; additional results were obtained when Sun visited the Department of Economics at Johns Hopkins University during March 2002. This paper was presented at the Conference on Economic Design held at NYU on July 6–9, 2002 Correspondence to: M. A. Khan  相似文献   

The concept of a middle class is prevalent in both common parlance and the social sciences; concern is frequently expressed that the middle class is shrinking, and politicians often position themselves as champions of the middle class. Yet the phrase “middle class” is extremely ambiguous; no consensus exists on either the upper bound or the lower bound separating the middle class from other classes. The present paper employs the government’s official poverty line as the demarcation between the poor and the middle class, and develops an equivalent distinction to separate the middle class from the wealthy. Based on the new definition, the paper provides some rough empirical estimates of the size of the American middle class over the 1989–2004 period.
Joseph G. EisenhauerEmail:

Joseph G. Eisenhauer   is Professor and Chair of Economics at Wright State University. A past president and Distinguished Fellow of the New York State Economics Association, he has also been a Huebner Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, a visiting scholar at the Catholic University of America, and a visiting professor at the University of Rome. His research focuses on risk aversion, precautionary saving, insurance, ethics, and social class. He has been published in numerous professional journals, including Review of Social Economy, Journal of Socio-Economics, International Journal of Social Economics, Review of Political Economy, Eastern Economic Journal, Journal of Risk and Insurance, Journal of Insurance Issues, Applied Economics, Empirical Economics, International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics, and Economics Bulletin, among others.  相似文献   

This paper develops a model in which costly barter is used by firms to protect working capital against outside creditors. Although creditors could agree to postpone debt payments and to avoid destroying the firm's working capital, if the firm cannot commit not to divert cash ex post, the outcome of renegotiation still provides ex ante incentives to use barter. We show that the greater is the debt overhang, the more likely is the use of barter, with and without the possibility of debt restructuring. Empirical evidence from Russian firm-level data is shown to be consistent with the model's predictions. J. Comp. Econ., December 2002, 30(4), pp. 635–656. New Economic School, CEFIR, CEPR, and WDI, Nakhimovsky pr. 47, Moscow 117418, Russia; Sloan School of Management, M.I.T., 50 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142; and ROSES–CNRS and CEPR, Maison des Sciences économiques, 106–112 Bd de l'Hôpital, 75647 Paris Cedex 13, France. © 2002 Association for Comparative Economic Studies. Published by Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: E41, G34, P31.  相似文献   

Despite the importance placed on reducing public sector employment in sub-Saharan Africa, remarkably little is known about the labor market transition paths of departing public sector workers. This paper uses household survey data from Conakry, Guinea to establish evidence of labor market segmentation between the wage and nonwage sectors. An empirical model of the unemployment durations experienced by departing public sector workers finds that transition paths vary significantly according to personal characteristics that also affect the resulting earnings opportunities in segmented labor markets. Particularly, there is a marked tendency of females to enter quickly the nonwage sector, relative to males, and a negative influence of severance payments on wage sector employment acceptance.J. Comp. Econom.,December 1997,25(3), pp. 385–402. Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Virginia Tech University, 208 Hutcheson Hall, Blacksburg, Virginia 24060-0401 and Cornell University, 3M28 Martha Van Rensselaer Hall, Ithaca, New York 14853.  相似文献   

《The Economic record》1940,16(2):282-324
Book reviewed in this article:
The National Income of British India 1931–32 . By V. K. R. V. Rao
Savings in Great Britain 1922–1935 . By E. A. Radice
Central Banking in the British Dominions . By A. F. W. Plumptre
Normal and Abnormal International Capital Transfers . By Marco Fanno
American Policy in the Far East, 1931–1940 . By T. A. Bisson
Recent and Prospective Developments in Accounting Theory . By William A. Paton
Essays in Monetary Theory . By D. H. Robertson
Money and Banking, 1939-40 –Volume I: Monetary Review . (League of Nations.)
Central Banking . By. M. H. de Kock. (P. S. King & Son Ltd.)
The Gold Standard in Theory and Practice . By R. G. Hawtrey
The Bank of Canada –The Development and present Position of Central Banking in Canada. By Milton L. Stokes
The Incidence of Income Taxes . By D. Black
The Stock Market, Credit and Capital Formation . By Fritz Machlup
Das Existezminimum in Deutschland . By J. Rosen
The Economic Causes of War . By Lionel Bobbins
Social Politik , Vol. 1, Arbejdslon og Arbejdsloshed (Wages and Unemployment), by F. Zeuthen
A Social Approach to Economics . By H. A. Logan and M. K Inman
Basic Theories of Distribution . By B. F. Catherwood
The English Navigation Laws . By Lawrence A. Harper. Pp. 503 + 51. (Columbia University Press.) 25/- stg.
Grapes, Raisins and Wines . U. S. Tariff Commission Report, No. 1341 Second Series. (Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C
Economics–An Introduction . By N. B. Dearle
Balance of Payments, 1938 . (League of Nations.)  相似文献   

The end of busing of primary and secondary school students has been a major setback for integration of public schools in the USA. The purpose of this paper is not to offer an alternative to busing; regrettably, no obvious alternative stands out. Rather, it is to offer some social, legal and economic background to help the reader consider, and perhaps propose, realistic alternatives that would reduce both racial and economic segregation in our schools and society. The paper is divided into three sections. The first offers background information useful for better understanding and evaluating the end of busing and school resegregation. The second section focuses on an important parallel between racial and economic discrimination. The closing section introduces considerations important for anticipating reactions to, and the costs and benefits of, alternatives to busing for reintegrating schools, as well as several recommendations to which those considerations can be applied.
Patrick J. WelchEmail:

Patrick J. Welch   is a Professor of Economics at Saint Louis University with secondary appointments at the Department of Public Policy Studies and School of Public Health. He has articles published in economics, business, law, philosophy and other journals, as well as in several books of collected writings. He is the coauthor, together with, his wife, Gerry Welch of the book, Economics: Theory and Practice, currently in its 8th edition and published by John Wiley and sons. He has received several awards for his teaching and has been actively involved in community service.  相似文献   

Summary. Evidence is adduced that the sages of the ancient Babylonian Talmud, as well as some of the medieval commentators thereon, were well aware of sophisticated concepts of modern theories of risk-bearing. Received: April 10, 2002; revised version: May 7, 2002 RID="*" ID="*"Presented at the Institute for Mathematical Studies in the Social Sciences-Economics, Stanford University, August 4, 1981. Subsequent to that presentation, the author's attention was drawn to an article by Zvi Ilani, “Models in the Economics of Uncertainty: The Cost of Concluding a Conditional Contract, according to the Talmud and the Halachic Literature,” Iyunim Bekalkala (Investigations in Economics), The Israel Association for Economics, Jerusalem, Nissan 5740 (April 1980), 246–261 (in Hebrew). Inter alia, Ilani treats the Talmudic passage that forms the subject of this paper, and provides a fairly comprehensive review of the medieval commentaries thereon; undoubtedly, he was the first to recognize in print the relevance of this passage to modern economic theories of uncertainty. It is not clear, though, whether or not his understanding of the passage agrees with ours. The current paper appeared in January 2002 in the Research Bulletin Series of the Research Center on Jewish Law and Economics, Department of Economics, Bar Ilan University.  相似文献   

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