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We examine the industrial organization and institutional development of the asset management industry in Asian developing economies—specifically in China, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, and Thailand. We focus on the size and growth of the buy‐side of the respective financial markets, asset allocation, the regulatory environment, and the state of internationalization of the fund management industry in its key components—mutual funds, pension funds, and asset management for high net worth individuals. We link the evolution of professional asset management in these environments to the development of the respective capital markets and to the evolution of corporate governance. We find that the fund management industry occupies a very small niche in domestic financial systems that are dominated by banks. At the same time, we find that its growth has been very rapid in the early 2000s and we suggest that this is likely to persist as the demand for professional management of financial wealth in the region develops and as the pension fund sectors of the respective economies are liberalized to allow larger portions of assets to be invested in collective investment schemes.  相似文献   

During the last decade, the European asset management industry has undergone a period of unprecedented change. Europe has witnessed ten years of financial integration, driven in particular by various regulatory initiatives. But Europe has also been transformed in the geopolitical sense, with 12 new Member States and millions of new citizens of the European Union. Add to that a decade of rapid globalization and one financial crisis of historical proportions. But while Europe and its financial markets have evolved and the asset management industry has transformed itself, academic research has not kept pace. During the last ten years or so, the lack of systematic research on the structural dimensions of the asset management industry is striking. This article fills this gap by providing a comprehensive overview of the European asset management industry at the end of the first decade of the 21st century. We seek to provide explanations to the various differences observed between European countries. Using prior research as a basis, we also compare the characteristics of the industry to their standing at the turn of the century. This also includes assessing whether and to what extent the forecasts provided in prior research did materialize. We also try to find reasons for cases in which they did not. Finally, we ourselves offer a number of prognoses on the development of the European asset management over the coming years.  相似文献   

2013年3月28日,在银监会《关于规范商业银行理财业务投资运作有关问题的通知》的冲击下,金融服务类股票价格均出现不同程度的下挫,当日平均跌幅为5.57%。必须承认,“8号文”中关于商业银行理财产品非标准化投资品种配置比例及规模的限制、对信息披露和会计核算要求的细化以及对内控管理要求的统一化等,确实会对商业银行理财业务的短期发展造成负面影响,而这种负面影响同时会传导给大力发展通道类业务的信托公司、基金公司及证券公司等。  相似文献   

自2018年4月《关于规范金融机构资产管理业务的指导意见》(以下简称资管新规)发布以来,在金融管理部门和金融机构的共同努力下,影子银行无序扩张得到有效治理,资管业务有序转型,净值型产品占比稳步提升,资金空转现象得到有效遏制,持续助力实体经济发展。2021年是“十四五”开局之年,同时资管新规过渡期将于年底结束,资管业要把握新机遇,顺应居民财富配置需求,通过积极参与构建双循环新发展格局,在努力实现自身高质量发展的同时,更好服务实体经济。本期中,本刊组织专题,从中国外汇交易中心支持资管行业深度参与银行间市场、资管产品创新、普惠资管投资策略、科技赋能资管等角度作深入探讨,供读者参考。  相似文献   

[提要] 危机前的全球资产膨胀:在这次全球危机前,主要经济体金融资产膨胀的速度远快于GDP增长率. 金融发展越来越脱离实体经济:以美国为例,在各类金融工具(不含衍生品)中,为金融活动服务的比重不断上升,危机前已经达到了50%.  相似文献   

金融周期正对中国宏观调控和金融监管政策框架产生深刻影响.在此背景下,保险资管行业将受何种影响及如何应对是个重要问题.本文测算了中国的金融周期,分析其特征并进行了国际比较.随后从影子银行信贷脉冲视角分析金融周期的经济效应和制度效应,构建静态局部均衡模型研究金融周期对保险资管行业的影响和传导链条,并进行了实证检验,从资产端、资金来源和行业格局角度进行机制分析.研究发现,中国金融周期与欧美错位,正处在下行周期;金融周期是驱动经济和金融市场波动背后的一个中长期影响因子,金融周期作用于宏观经济,进而影响利率和信用利差,最后影响保险资管机构的资产配置行为;金融周期还作用于宏观调控和金融监管框架,最终也影响到保险资管行业的竞争格局.最后,本文对保险资管行业转型与发展提出了建议.  相似文献   

20世纪70年代以来全球银行产业竞争格局的演变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文利用来自英国《银行家》杂志“全球银行1,000排行榜”中前10强的数据,对20世纪70年代以来全球银行产业的竞争格局的演变进行了较为完整的分析。分析表明,全球银行产业的竞争格局从来就没有真正长时期稳定过。尽管都是由美国、欧洲和日本的银行主导,但不同时期美、欧、日银行之间的竞争优势和竞争劣势差异显著。  相似文献   

贾雪菲 《新理财》2013,(5):88-89
中粮集团有限公浏(COFCO)作为国务院国资委直属以粮油食晶全产业链为基础的大型中央企业集团,持续18年名列美国《财富》杂志全球伦业500强,居中国食品工业百强之首。  相似文献   

我国信托业市场结构与绩效关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究发现,我国信托业的经营绩效与市场份额之间存在显著的正相关关系,与市场集中度存在弱性的负相关关系,这一结论在一定程度上支持了"相对市场力量"假说.同时,研究还发现,我国信托业现阶段还处于垄断程度较低的低中占寡型市场,信托业绩效水平的提升有赖于市场份额、营业费用率、资产负债率等影响因素的进一步优化.  相似文献   

2018年4月,由中国人民银行、中国银行保险监督管理委员会等几个部委联合发布的《关于规范金融机构资产管理业务的指导意见》(以下简称"资管新规"),从政策上强化了对金融机构资产管理业务的规范性要求,明确了统一资管产品的监管标准。而信托行业在业务开展中长期扮演着"影子银行"的角色,资管新规的出台无疑对该行业产生巨大的冲击。与此同时,在强监管环境下,信托行业也需积极配合资管新规相关规定,立足自身发展优势,推进业务转型。  相似文献   

资产减值与盈余管理——论《资产减值》准则的政策涵义   总被引:80,自引:4,他引:80  
2006年2月15日我国颁布了《资产减值》准则,规定已确认的资产减值不得转回。本文研究了上市公司的资产减值与盈余管理之间的关系,发现减值前亏损的公司存在以转回和计提资产减值进行盈余管理的行为, 一方面是为了避免亏损,另一方面是为了进行大洗澡(big bath);同时有较弱的证据说明减值前盈利的公司也存在以转回和计提资产减值进行盈余管理的行为,一方面是为了利润平滑化,另一方面是为了达到盈余增长。  相似文献   

基金中基金:资产管理的独特机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基金中基金是投资于其他基金的基金,即市场上可以交易买卖的其他投资基金的受益凭证本身,是基金投资管理的一种现代形式。  相似文献   

This paper presents empirical evidence from a sample of publicly traded Singaporean firms on the question: to what extent do firms manage earnings through the timing of asset sales? Previous studies have focused on accounting motives behind asset sales, ignoring the need to also consider economic motives. Some empirical evidence is provided to support the hypothesis that managers of firms with decreasing net earnings–per–share smooth earnings upwards using asset sales.  相似文献   

处置不良资产是我国金融业改革和发展的核心问题,也是我国经济发展的重中之重.1999年起,国家成立了四家金融资产管理公司,作为国内专门处置不良资产的专业化公司,肩负着化解不良资产风险、维护金融体系稳定的历史重任.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of organizational structure on firm performance, incentive problems, and financial decisions in the Japanese nonlife (property‐casualty) insurance industry. Stock companies that belong to one of six horizontal keiretsu groups have lower expenses and lower levels of free cash flow than independent stock and mutual insurance companies. Keiretsu insurers also have higher profitability and higher loss ratios than independent insurers. With a limited sample size, there is some evidence that mutual insurers have higher levels of free cash flows, higher investment incomes, and lower financial leverage than their stock counterparts. Overall, empirical evidence suggests that each structure has its own comparative advantage.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a theory for deriving the optimal portfolio that assures the log-utility investors of maximizing their expected utility. Restricting investors' information at defined levels, we propose the sample path-wise optimal portfolio (SPOP), which is consistent with the back-test framework used in actualinvestment. It is proven that, at any finite terminal time, this SPOP is asymptotically optimal among all the portfolios which are predictable under investors' incompleteinformation. The optimality is guaranteed by the continuous Bayesian updating formula. Finally, we discuss an algorithm for searching the SPOP, based on asset prices at discrete time intervals.  相似文献   

本文研究了黄金在央行外汇储备管理中的作用.通过投资组合优化模型证实了增加黄金储备可以提高发展中国家或新兴市场经济体央行的效率边界.由于黄金不存在交易对手风险和信用风险,增加黄金储备有助于对抗与贷币供给快速增长相关的风险,能够为世界各国央行所接受,在当前经济金融危机的环境下尤其具有吸引力.此外,黄金市场规模庞大,金融危机中即使在其他市场存在压力的情况下仍能保持良好的流动性,增加黄金储备也有助于增加储备资产的流动性.本刊征得作者同意予以翻译和发表,作者对译文免责.  相似文献   

任哲  邵荣平  汪航 《投资研究》2012,(4):101-110
货币政策与资产价格之间的关系一直以来都是学术界研究的重点,但从房地产信贷视角分析房地产价格的文献却相对较少。本文基于多元MGARCH—BEKK模型和GRACH均值方程模型分析了房地产信贷、货币供应量与房地产价格的波动相关性以及它们的各种波动对房地产价格的影响。研究发现,房地产信贷增长的波动能影响房地产价格的增长,而货币供应量的波动,对房地产价格增长影响不显著。同时实证分析显示在对房价的调控中,房地产信贷的调控是抑制房价波动的一个工具选项。以银行信贷为主的货币供应量已经不能全面反映社会的流动性状况。与货币供应量相比,社会融资总量指标与实体经济指标的联系更加紧密。  相似文献   

The previous evidence shows that firms experience lower returns after a period with higher growth in assets. Two alternative explanations have been raised to explain this effect: mispricing and optimal investment. This study examines this effect in 26 emerging markets over the period of 2005–2013 with a special attention to the recent global financial crisis. We find a stronger asset growth effect during the crisis years relative to other years. This effect is stronger in firms with small or medium stock turnover ratio and firms operating in industries with low R&D intensity. We also investigate the heterogeneity across countries and find that a stronger asset growth effect during the crisis years exists only for emerging markets with low protection of shareholders and creditors. We argue that this evidence is in line with the mispricing hypothesis.  相似文献   

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