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The possible roles of the Durbin Equation and the first observation correction in improving the efficiency of parameter estimates in the lagged dependent variables-serial correlation model are examined. Unconstrained estimation of the Durbin Equation results in an estimate of ρ which is inefficient and its use in feasible generalized least squares does not provide asymptotically efficient estimates. Evidently, the first observation correction is a very important determinant of small sample properties in the present model. Asymptotically inefficient estimators which use a first observation correction frequently outperform Hatanaka's asymptotically efficient estimator in finite samples, essentially because it does not use the first observation. 相似文献
David F. Hendry 《Journal of econometrics》1979,9(3):295-314
To appropriately interpret time-series evidence when empirical relationships are incorrectly formulated, a general mis-specification framework is required. A linear, stationary, dynamic, simultaneous system with autoregressive errors is postulated to investigate instrumental variables ables estimators when the instruments are unknowingly correlated with the equation errors. The approach uses control variates (Hendry and Harrison, Journal of Econometrics, July 1974) to develop asymptotic distributions and exact moments for approximations to the econometric estimators. The accuracy of the asymptotic results for finite sample moments is corroborated by simulation. The analysis highlights the need for care in interpreting estimated equations and tests for predictive failure. 相似文献
In this paper, we analytically investigate three efficient estimators for cointegrating regression models: Phillips and Hansen’s [Phillips, P.C.B., Hansen, B.E., 1990. Statistical inference in instrumental variables regression with I(1) processes. Review of Economic Studies 57, 99–125] fully modified OLS estimator, Park’s [Park, J.Y., 1992. Canonical cointegrating regressions. Econometrica 60, 119–143] canonical cointegrating regression estimator, and Saikkonen’s [Saikkonen, P., 1991. Asymptotically efficient estimation of cointegration regressions. Econometric Theory 7, 1–21] dynamic OLS estimator. We consider the case where the regression errors are moderately serially correlated and the AR coefficient in the regression errors approaches 1 at a rate slower than 1/T, where T represents the sample size. We derive the limiting distributions of the efficient estimators under this system and find that they depend on the approaching rate of the AR coefficient. If the rate is slow enough, efficiency is established for the three estimators; however, if the approaching rate is relatively faster, the estimators will have the same limiting distribution as the OLS estimator. For the intermediate case, the second-order bias of the OLS estimator is partially eliminated by the efficient methods. This result explains why, in finite samples, the effect of the efficient methods diminishes as the serial correlation in the regression errors becomes stronger. We also propose to modify the existing efficient estimators in order to eliminate the second-order bias, which possibly remains in the efficient estimators. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we demonstrate that our modification is effective when the regression errors are moderately serially correlated and the simultaneous correlation is relatively strong. 相似文献
Dr. M. Deistler 《Metrika》1975,22(1):13-25
The paper consists of two main parts. In the first part we derive the solution of systems of linear stochastic difference equations by means of thez-transform. In the second part thisz-transform is used to treat the problem of identification of linear econometric systems (the term econometric is used to stress the special aspects of the identification problem dealt with in econometrics). It is shown, that under suitable restrictions observationally equivalent structures are related by unimodular matrices. Using this result, we state (rank-) conditions which ensure, that the unimodular matrices are constant, such that the classical econometric identification theorems can be applied. These conditions are given for stationary errors in the general case as well as in the MA, AR and ARMA case. 相似文献
We analyze by simulation the properties of three estimators frequently used in the analysis of autoregressive moving average time series models for both nonseasonal and seasonal data. The estimators considered are exact maximum likelihood, exact least squares and conditional least squares. For samples of the size commonly found in economic applications, the estimators are compared in terms of bias, mean squared error, and predictive ability. The reliability of the usually calculated confidence intervals is assessed for the maximum likelihood estimator. 相似文献
This paper shows that in a standard regression model with omitted variables, the OLS formula for the estimated variance matrix of the regression coefficients is more likely to underestimate the appropriate criterion of estimator reliability which is the Mean Square Errors matrix. Using examples of two and three regressor models, we show that overestimation, though possible, occurs in rather special cases. Throughout, our analysis is contrasted with that of Chaudhuri (1977) and clarifies some ambiguities of that paper. Finally, we disagree with Chaudhuri who distinguishes between the corresponding coefficients in the correct and the misspecified models. This distinction is inappropriate and leads to a misplaced criticism of some GLS variants when errors are serially correlated. A first-order Markov process is an inexact representation of serial correlation which is due to omitted regressors. 相似文献
Lothar Heinrich 《Metrika》1993,40(1):67-94
Summary This paper presents a method for the estimation of parameters of random closed sets (racs’s) in ℝ
based on a single realization within a (large) convex sampling window. The essential idea first applied by Diggle (1981)
in a special case consists in defining the estimation by minimizing a suitably defined distance (called contrast function)
between the true and the empirical contact distribution function of the racs under consideration, where the most relevant
case of Boolean models is discussed in details. The resulting estimates are shown to be strongly consistent (if the racs is
ergodic) and asymptotically normal (if the racs is Boolean) when the sampling window expands unboundedly. 相似文献
Michio Hatanaka 《Journal of econometrics》1976,4(2):189-204
Several asymptotically efficient methods are suggested on both the full and the limited information approach to estimate the simultaneous equations model in which the lagged endogenous variables and the autoregressive disturbances coexist. They are two-step procedures and do not involve iterations. A method is suggested also for the case where any portion of the autoregressive parameter matrix is specified to be zero. Since the consistency and efficiency depend upon the asymptotic, local identifiability, the necessary and sufficient condition is derived for it. It does not depend on the exclusion of the lagged endogenous variables. 相似文献
Lonnie Magee 《Journal of econometrics》1985,29(3):275-287
The mean square error approximation method of Nagar is applied to the iterated Prais-Winsten and (iterated) maximum likelihood estimators of regression coefficients in the model with AR(1) disturbances. Their mean square errors are found to equal that of the two-stage Prais-Winsten estimator at the second-order level of approximation. 相似文献
In this paper we compare three estimators for the multivariate logit model: two asymptotically efficient methods and a consistent method. The most interesting result is that at sample sizes of more than one hundred, the simple consistent estimator performs almost as well as the asymptotically efficient estimators. 相似文献
Hansen and Jagannathan (1997) compare misspecified asset pricing models based on least-square projections on a family of admissible stochastic discount factors. We extend their fundamental contribution by considering Minimum Discrepancy projections where misspecification is measured by a family of convex functions that take into account higher moments of asset returns. The Minimum Discrepancy problems are solved on dual spaces producing a family of estimators that captures the least-square problem as a particular case. We derive the asymptotic distributions of the estimators for the Cressie–Read family of discrepancies, and illustrate their use with an assessment of the Consumption Asset Pricing Model. 相似文献
《Journal of econometrics》2005,124(2):335-361
This paper discusses estimation of nonparametric models whose regressor vectors consist of a vector of exogenous variables and a univariate discrete endogenous regressor with finite support. Both identification and estimators are derived from a transform of the model that evaluates the nonparametric structural function via indicator functions in the support of the discrete regressor. A two-step estimator is proposed where the first step constitutes nonparametric estimation of the instrument and the second step is a nonparametric version of two-stage least squares. Linear functionals of the model are shown to be asymptotically normal, and a consistent estimator of the asymptotic covariance matrix is described. For the binary endogenous regressor case, it is shown that one functional of the model is a conditional (on covariates) local average treatment effect, that permits both unobservable and observable heterogeneity in treatments. Finite sample properties of the estimators from a Monte Carlo simulation study illustrate the practicability of the proposed estimators. 相似文献
Roger W. Klein 《Journal of econometrics》1979,9(3):368-377
Single-equation instrumental variable estimators (e.g., the k-class) are frequently employed to estimate econometric equations. This paper employs Kadane's (1971) small-σ method and a squared-error matrix loss function to characterize a single-equation class of optimal instruments, . is optimal (asymptotically for a small scalar multiple, σ, of the model's disturbance) in that all of its members are preferred to all non-members. From this characterization it is shown all k-class estimators and certain iterative estimators belong to . However, non-iterative principal component estimators [e.g., Kloek and Mennes (1960)] are unlikely to belong to . These latter instrumental variable estimators have been advocated [see Amemiya (1966) and Kloek and Mennes (1960)] for estimating ‘large’ econometric models. 相似文献
In this paper, we introduce the one-step generalized method of moments (GMM) estimation methods considered in Lee (2007a) and Liu, Lee, and Bollinger (2010) to spatial models that impose a spatial moving average process for the disturbance term. First, we determine the set of best linear and quadratic moment functions for GMM estimation. Second, we show that the optimal GMM estimator (GMME) formulated from this set is the most efficient estimator within the class of GMMEs formulated from the set of linear and quadratic moment functions. Our analytical results show that the one-step GMME can be more efficient than the quasi maximum likelihood (QMLE), when the disturbance term is simply i.i.d. With an extensive Monte Carlo study, we compare its finite sample properties against the MLE, the QMLE and the estimators suggested in Fingleton (2008a). 相似文献
K. KUBIK 《Statistica Neerlandica》1960,22(1):33-36
Summary The identity of least squares estimators å and maximum likelihood estimators â is studied in non-linear models of the type z = g ( a ), where z are observable quantities with a probability density function pr ( z ). This identity was proved for independent random variables z and for distributions pr ( z ), of which the arithmetic sample mean is an optimal estimate. 相似文献
This paper considers a class of recently developed biased estimators of regression coefficients and studies its sampling properties when the disturbances are not normally distributed. It has been found that the conditions of dominance of these estimators over the least squares estimator, under non-normality, are quite different than their well-known dominance conditions under normality. Some implications of the results are also discussed. 相似文献
K. KUBIK 《Statistica Neerlandica》1968,22(1):33-36
Summary The identity of least squares estimators å and maximum likelihood estimators â is studied in non-linear models of the type z=g(a), where z are observable quantities with a probability density function pr(z). This identity was proved for independent random variables z and for distributions pr(z), of which the arithmetic sample mean is an optimal estimate. 相似文献
H. Boscher 《Statistica Neerlandica》1991,45(1):9-19
The consequences of the omission of possibly contaminated observations in a linear regression model for the performance of the ordinary least squares ( LS- ) estimator are discussed. We compare the ordinary L Sestimator with the corresponding 'never pooled' LS -estimator with respect to the matrix-valued mean squared error. Necessary and sufficient conditions are derived for the superiority of an estimator to another one and tests are proposed to check these conditions. Finally the resulting preliminary-test-estimators are investigated. 相似文献
We show how pre-averaging can be applied to the problem of measuring the ex-post covariance of financial asset returns under microstructure noise and non-synchronous trading. A pre-averaged realised covariance is proposed, and we present an asymptotic theory for this new estimator, which can be configured to possess an optimal convergence rate or to ensure positive semi-definite covariance matrix estimates. We also derive a noise-robust Hayashi–Yoshida estimator that can be implemented on the original data without prior alignment of prices. We uncover the finite sample properties of our estimators with simulations and illustrate their practical use on high-frequency equity data. 相似文献