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Developments in nanotechnology are poised to have a pervasive effect on various industries for years to come and nanotechnology management research is beginning to appear in peer-reviewed management journals. Much of the research on this early, emergent technology is focused on issues of definition and identification of technology type. In this study, we searched the US Patents and Trademarks Office database and used an expert validation methodology to develop a sample of the first 25 years (1980–2004) of nanotechnology patenting activity. We analysed this data for early evidence that nanotechnology is a general-purpose technology (GPT) – a transformative technology characterised by its pervasiveness, improvement over time, and pattern of diffusion. Our findings indicate that nanotechnology patenting activity has been growing in intensity and relative to overall patenting activity, and that it is pervasive across industry and technology sectors. Implications of nanotechnology as a GPT are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to analyse, by concentration measures and metrics of heterogeneity, the evolutionary trajectories of scientific output in nanotechnology research across worldwide economic players. The results show that the concentration in nanotechnology research has been reducing over time and space. In particular, the pattern of nanotechnology research has been spreading among different scientific domains and pathways, generating new technological paradigms mainly in chemistry, medicine and engineering research fields. This scientific analysis is important in order to explore the current knowledge growth and technological trajectories in nanotechnology research that may support future patterns of technological innovation.  相似文献   

Many see Nanotechnology as the technology that will underlie the next Schumpeterian wave creating new opportunities for wealth and job creation. Further it is a process based or materials technology. Yet all currently used models of innovation are based on assembled products or service products and these simply do not recognize the differences in materials products nor the “enabling” nature of Nanotechnologies. If nanotechnology is poised to become the economic engine of this millennium and if current models of innovation, which are utilized, by policy makers and firm based strategist alike are based on technology product paradigms that are dissimilar to the realities of nanotechnology and other process-based technologies then there is cause for concern.Here the authors provide a model and supporting cases demonstrating a new process or materials based innovation model that is based on the tight coupling between product and process innovation of not only Nanotechnology-based products but other process-based products. This is an important finding, because it identifies and remedies a gap in the literature associated with earlier process and product innovation models. For process-based products like materials, food, chemicals and nanotechnologies any change to the manufacturing processes results in significant changes in end product features. The implications of this model to practice are considered.  相似文献   

中国台湾加入世界贸易组织(WTO)后,面临国际化的强大竞争已是不可避免的,无论是传统产业,或生物科技产业、纳米产业、数字科技产业等各种企业投资家追求的明星产业,皆无法挡住此全球化的浪潮。因此,台湾的产业如何在跨国市场进入、竞争、生存将成为每一家企业刻不容缓的议题。  相似文献   

日本政府自1980年初即开始对纳米技术进行战略性支持,抢占纳米技术制高点.2000年以来更将纳米技术与材料作为重点领域纳入其国家科技发展基本计划,推行一系列促进纳米技术研究开发与产业化的重大举措,使日本在此领域保持世界领先水平: (1)建立最高决策、项层设计与综合协调的体制; (2)加大投入; (3)实施各类计划与项目;(4)产学官合作创造新产业等.  相似文献   

Technology Assessment reflecting on R&D and technological trends in the area of nanotechnology and its implications is confronted with the problem that most scientific endeavours of nanotechnology can be allocated to basic research while most of the technological visions related to nanotechnology are far (> 10 years) in the future. Since technology assessment has to integrate the socio-economic context of a technical product in order to be comprehensive, in the case of nanotechnology a preparing step is necessary which connects the ongoing basic research with the visions communicated either by the scientist themselves or by the media. In this paper we propose to adapt the well known tool ‘roadmapping’ to contribute to the solution of this problem. This poses new challenges for roadmapping methodology in terms of level of aggregation and timeframe.  相似文献   

Much of the initial commentary on nanotechnology assumed, implicitly or explicitly, that nanotechnology represented a radical discontinuity from existing science and technology. The birth of the nanotechnology debate was marked by the differences of opinion as to whether the technology's outcomes would be positive or negative. The authors trace the journey from this polarized debate to the current discussion of nanotechnology, finding that the latter is still conducted in the parameters set by the initial utopian and dystopian extremes. Yet the discussion now focuses on defining the technology and identifying the social and ethical issues, which are often reduced to the potential risks of toxicity and the need for public engagement. The authors argue that nanotechnology is erroneously treated as homogeneous and is under-analysed; it is the very diversity and transdisciplinary nature of nanotechnology that makes it distinctive and interesting to social science enquiry. In this way, it may yet be prototypical of Gibbons et al. 's 'Mode 2' science. The focus of social science research should be less on the implications of nanotechnology, and more on its creation, the processes through which it develops and the alternative perspectives underlying this. The authors conclude by outlining core elements of a social science agenda for nanotechnology.  相似文献   

The widely repeated assertion that the United States has become “the world's greatest debtor nation” is based on reports of its “net international investment position.” This position relates not exclusively to debt but rather to the difference between net United States claims to foreign assets and net foreign claims to United States assets. Major portions are equities and direct investment, the latter valued at “book” or original cost.Estimates of the current value of direct investment, either market value on the basis of share prices or replacement cost, effect huge asymmetric adjustments. As United States direct investment abroad is generally much older, it has appreciated much more than foreign direct investment in the United States. With adjustments as well for the market value of gold and for bad debts, it is estimated that the United States net international investment position was more or less in balance at the end of 1987 and in only relatively small deficit at the end of 1988.  相似文献   

With the building and construction sector contributing significantly to global greenhouse gas emissions, there is great demand for resource- and energy-efficient construction materials. Manufactured nanotechnology products (MNPs) are expected to realize resource and energy efficiency through performance improvements in the strength, lightness and insulating properties of construction materials. However, the actual adoption of MNPs has lagged. This article examines how the construction sector in the United States assesses MNPs for adoption. Through patent analysis and interviews, we gauge the supply of MNPs and identify actors' roles in technology adoption. Results indicate that awareness of MNPs is more extensive than anticipated. Yet, MNP adoption is limited by a multi-component technology assessment process focused primarily on the technology’s applicability to project-based outcomes. We conclude that barriers to MNP adoption can be overcome through intermediary activities such as product certification, comprehensive technology assessments, and “real-world” demonstrations.  相似文献   

中国企业海外并购的加速与中国经济崛起密不可分,伴随着经济规模的不断扩大,由资本净输入向资本净输出转化将成为必然趋势。尤其是高额外汇储备使中国面临美元持续贬值和人民币升值的双重压力,美元资产储备的"缩水"成为现实的今天,鼓励、支持有实力的企业到境外投资已成为缓解这种压力的最佳途径之一。2006年以来中国企业在美国的收购大多以失败而告终,而双汇并购Smithfield公司的交易,成功通过了CFIUS的国家安全审查。这对其他企业在美国的并购具有一定的借鉴作用。因此研究海外并购与美国的安全审查制度,对中国企业实施海外并购具有重要的理论意义及实践价值。  相似文献   

"新型大国关系"理念的提出不是偶然的,它建立在新中国外交以和平共处五项原则为基础而建构的新型国家间关系的实践基础上。今后要使新型大国关系得以顺利发展,还必须深入探讨新型大国政治的、价值观的、哲学的、世界观和方法论等方面的基础。今天的中国既是政治大国,也成长为经济大国,不长的时间内将会成为一个科技大国,中国在本世纪内也必将成为一个文化大国,也就是说,中国将成长为综合实力强大的文明的、走社会主义道路的世界性大国。中国就是以这样的身份或者以这样的地位为基础,和西方世界的头子美国谈建构新型大国关系的。随着中国综合实力的越来越强,美国也将会更加愿意听取中国的新型大国观的提议,一定程度上会正面响应中国的倡议,走新型大国之路。  相似文献   

美国次贷危机给中国金融监管带来的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国次贷危机充分暴露出华尔街自上而下对利润追逐的贪婪以及对风险控制的漠视,美国金融监管机构在此次危机中扮演着不甚光彩的角色,其监管缺失成为人们口诛笔伐的对象。美国次贷危机告诉我们,在金融自由化、国际化、网络化的时代,现代银行业发展变化给金融监管带来了严峻的挑战,金融监管是构建金融安全网必不可少的一个环节。中国金融监管机构应以美国次贷危机作为前车之鉴,警钟长鸣,从中汲取经验和教训,避免重蹈覆辙。  相似文献   

In order to enhance the independent innovation capability and help China to become an “innovation-oriented country” this article compares the spatial distribution of innovative activities between China (representing a typical developing country) and the United States. We also provide some recommendations for China and other developing countries to optimize the spatial distribution of their innovative activities. Using invention patents as an indicator gathered from the websites of the CSIPO and the USPTO, this paper compares the spatial distribution of innovative activity in China and the U.S. by methods such as rank-frequency, concentration and classification. The results show that the invention patents have experienced rapid growth and significant fluctuation in recent years in China, while the United States has been relatively stable. The spatial diversity of patent distribution in China is more obvious than in the United States. There is a concentrated trend of innovative activities in both China and the United States from the inland areas to the coastal regions.  相似文献   

十余年来,美国政府对纳米技术的投入累计已超120亿美元,如果加上2011年近18亿美元的预算和2012年的21.8亿美元的申请预算,总额则达到1604L美元。2011年2月,奥巴马总统在《创新战略》中将纳米技术列为国家优先发展的战略领域,对纳米技术寄予厚望;NNI2011战略规划和“Nano2报告”为纳米技术的未来发展指明了方向。  相似文献   

Nanotechnology has captured wide attention all over the world and excited the imagination of young and old alike. Interest in the subject has increased remarkably during the last few years because of potential technological applications, and commercial interest has skyrocketed. The promise of nanotechnology as an economic engine that can redefine the wellbeing of regions and nations is pervasive; yet the imprecise language, and overuse of the term nanotechnology, has made that term fuzzier, broader, and trendier than many imagined possible. This is especially evident in nanotechnology market projections, which rose dramatically over the past five years as more traditional “product families” were engulfed by the expanding use of the term. Government policy regarding nanotechnology has often resembled an embrace of imagination rather than a systematic use of what Sun Tzu and others have taught about strategic decision making. Further, if nanotechnology is truly the next wave of technology product paradigms, how will we provide an educated workforce to support it? Moreover, in company with these societal benefits come increased societal risks. This paper is intended to provide policy makers and strategists with observations that might limit actions such as those that led to the “over-hype” of nanotechnology and to the fear (or discounting) of societal risks. In the latter case we might learn from the experiences of policy makers connected with other emerging enabling-technology bases, such as nuclear energy and, to a lesser extent, the “dot-com” boom.  相似文献   

Since its inception in 2001, the Center for Management and Strategic Studies (CGEE) has as its main activity the conduct of foresight studies in support of the decision making process related to the establishment of ST&I policies and activities in Brazil. The methodology used by the center combines quantitative and qualitative methods. Explicit and tacit knowledge is mobilized in the process of developing complementary or differentiated visions of the future.Most of the studies conducted by CGEE begin with data monitoring activities, making use of text mining techniques. One case study carried out by CGEE on the field of nanotechnology is presented. In this case, text mining was used at the first stage followed by qualitative techniques. Results were used to guide government agencies to fund nanotechnology R&D to help raise the competitiveness of several sectors of the Brazilian economy.  相似文献   

The implications of current trends in nanotechnology for the agri-food sector in India are assessed. Using published literature and patents data, a model to organize the information is developed through a specially designed database. The database allows mapping research themes in nanotechnology to specific sectors in the agricultural value chain to enable a rational assessment of the potential applications of nanotechnology in the agri-food sector, identifying and prioritizing research needs across the agricultural value chain, and assessing the environmental and societal implications of this emerging technology.  相似文献   

Nanoscience and technology has introduced a new dimension to basic sciences and a range of technologies. Researchers from various scientific disciplines are aggressively getting involved in the relevant research as a parallel way to boost nanoscience competitiveness through academic research, and corporations are directing their R&D activities towards the exploration and exploitation of nanotech opportunities. For years, it has been said that innovation is achieved by breaking through the boundaries of existing technologies. This paper has argued how nanotechnology is driven by scientific research and in what way traditional disciplines are fused into this emerging area. We attempt to provide an empirical analysis of the dynamics of nanoscience fusion trajectories, which is typically a focused area in innovation studies. In this paper, we seek to understand the attributes that are likely to enable scientific disciplines to fuse into nanoscience through a combination of quantitative and qualitative search within nanotechnology systems of innovation (NanoSI). An insight of the similarity and disparity of fusion between Europe and Japan is also provided. Finally, we develop an integrative framework to explore the co-evolutionary nature of nanotech. The paper then tries to derive some implications that would be useful for science and technology policy makers as well as for researchers in traditional scientific disciplines.  相似文献   

In this research, we use the concepts of “national technology policy” as well as the “firm technology strategy” in defining a new definition for “national technology strategy”. Then, by examining several national technology strategies in a variety of fields in different countries the national nanotechnology strategy for Iran is developed. Furthermore, using capability-effectiveness matrix and SWOT analysis we identify strategies of nanotechnology development in Iran. Finally, considering other countries' strategies and the results of PROMETHEE Method, we prioritize different areas of nanotechnology for Iranian economy, and test for the validity of the extracted strategies.  相似文献   

This paper provides the first empirical information about barriers related to the diffusion of nanotechnology, a general purpose technology. Our analysis is based on the findings from a state-wide survey of companies in North Carolina, USA. We find that the primary barrier is lack of access to early-stage capital, and the extent of this barrier is greater when the company contributes to the value chain for nanotechnology through R&D as opposed to through products or services. Another barrier is lack of access to university equipment and facilities, a problem greater in companies involved in nanotechnology research. From a policy perspective, our analysis suggests that state governments could act as venture capitalists to overcome market failure in the capital market, and that states could provide incentives to universities through public/private centers of excellence for sharing capital equipment and facilities with nanotechnology companies.  相似文献   

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