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人员在质量管理活动中发挥着巨大的作用,本文在借鉴了质量产生和发展成果及新的理念及方法研究思路,基于国内宏观质量管理研究、质量型发展研究以及国外的未来质量研究、质量4.0方法等基础上提出来“人员质量三部曲范式”。其由人员质量、团队人员质量、大众(民众)质量构成,其主体都指向“人”,但内涵是“个人”到“集体”到“全民”的演变,从而也演变出了不一样的范式。该方法在现有质量管理范式的基础上,能够系统性提升人员自身的质量,从而促进高质量的发展。  相似文献   

近年来,IT外包蓬勃发展。成为信息系统领域研究的一个热点问题。本文从IT外包的内涵与IT外包的业务流程出发,首先明确了IT外包的研究内容,在此基础上对IT外包的研究现状进行了归纳与总结,分析了目前研究的不足,并对下一步的研究内容进行了思考和展望。  相似文献   

在对商业银行IT变更管理相关法律法规、规章制度和现有研究基础上,综合分析其信息化相关技术特点,针对商业银行IT变更管理流程、信息共享整合和管理自动化.对商业银行IT变更管理信息化的层次设计、开发模式、团队架构、技术实现等方面进行讨论。提出商业银行IT变更管理信息化方法,并在大型商业银行进行实践。  相似文献   

面向大数据时代的城市规划研究响应与应对方略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着智慧城市建设的推进,城市大数据时代已经到来,大规模的全样本数据呈现出新的研究价值。利用大数据感知社会动态、辅助决策实施;将大数据应用于城市规划,使宏观政策对微观个体的影响有了量化评价手段和具体反馈渠道。大数据时代给城市规划的范式研究和实践研究都带来了强烈的冲击,结合城市大数据现状,从城市规划的研究范式演进和与大数据的实践融合两个方面展开讨论,研究范式演进包含从理性主义到新理性主义、从以地生财到以人为本和从自上而下到自下而上三个层面;与大数据的规划实践融合主要体现在城市功能区识别、城市空间行为研究和城市交通研究三大领域。最后,针对大数据在城市规划领域应用中出现的问题,提出响应策略与应对方略,对未来城市规划发展提供一些参考。  相似文献   

进入新世纪,我们发现一个有趣的现象,原来在中国企业界叱咤风云多年的企业老帅们纷纷从一线上面退下来,从汽车、石化等国有企业管理层年轻化调整,到家电、IT企业的高层大换班,到民营、乡镇企业的接班人逐步成长,古时“禅让”的故事正在中国企业界重演。是历史的巧合,还是背后蕴涵着某种规律?借用企业管理“血型”理论,我们或许可以找到一些答案。  相似文献   

数据库服务器是解决数据管理问题的核心组件。一个可靠的数据库服务器可以管理大型的多用户数据,使多用户可以并发访问相同的数据,同时实现系统的高性能。数据迁移就是将数据从一种数据环境移入另一种数据环境中,随着经济的持续增长,当现有IT架构不能满足现有业务的需求时,IT架构就必须要重构。文章将探讨如何把原系统中的生产数据有效、合理、快速地迁移到新环境中以及解决迁移中产生的问题。  相似文献   

中国IT业在的这些年的快速发展中,涌现出不少“明星”企业。但遗憾的是,真正意义上拥有强大竞争力的IT企业还凤毛麟角,而像四通、长城、创智、方正、巨龙……一个个我们熟悉的名字,却在不断摔跤,有的甚至一蹶不振。这些企业的问题出在哪里?从本期开始,我们推出系列报道《中国IT企业问题报告》,希望能给在冬天里奋力前行的IT企业一些有益的启示。  相似文献   

目前,绿色IT是一个热门课题,不同的公司、不同的研究者对于绿色IT的研究层面是不同的。在大家讨论的过程中,忽略了一个重要的内容,就是绿色IT的概念与内涵。对绿色IT概念和内涵没有一个清晰的认识,却大谈IT的绿色性是本末倒置的。本文围绕着绿色IT的主题,在目前一些关于绿色IT概念界定的基础上,尝试重新界定绿色IT的概念,并深入分析绿色IT的内涵。  相似文献   

实证研究范式自上个世纪九十年代从国外引入以来,迅速掀起了国内会计学界的实证研究热潮,并辐射到经济学界和管理学界。近年来,各种学术杂志中实证类文章的比例越来越高,实证会计研究范式也越来越普遍,如何科学、客观地看待实证研究,虽然每篇实证研究文献研究的问题、设计的模型及采用的统计方法各不相同,但归纳起来,可以发现实证研究类的文章都有一套固定的思路,笔者试图透过复杂的变量和模型,从实证研究范式的步骤及其所经历的变换过程对实证会计研究方法做出解析,以期会计实务工作者对实证会计形成客观的认识。  相似文献   

黄治 《物流科技》2008,31(11):35-37
不同种类的操作系统、应用软件、系统软件和应用基础结构相互交织,这便是通关信息处理中的现状。为了提高通关效率以及一些现存的应用程序被用来处理当前的业务流程,因此从头建立一个新的基础环境是不可能的。通关应该能对业务的变化做出快速的反应.利用对现有的应用程序和应用基础结构的投资来解决新的业务需求,为客户提供新的互动渠道,并呈现一个可以支持有机业务的构架。SOA(Service Oriented Architecture)凭借其松耦合的特性。使得通关可以按照模块化的方式来添加新服务或更新现有服务,为解决新的业务需要提供选择。从而可以通过不同的渠道提供服务,并可以把通关现有的或已有的应用作为服务,从而保护了现有的IT基础建设投资。  相似文献   

信息技术在企业价值链整体环境中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在波特的价值链概念基础上,将企业价值链概念进行延伸,从企业内部价值链、外部企业间价值链和客户价值链三个角度,提出企业价值链整体环境概念。指出信息技术是企业创建更具动态性、更具响应力、更柔性化价值链环境的基础。对各条价值链采用不同的信息技术,分析信息技术在企业创造价值过程中带来的效益,以及限制技术发挥的一些相关因素,并在此基础上提出了基于信息技术的企业价值链整体环境架构图。  相似文献   

In this study, we leverage Information Technology (IT) readiness literature and resource-based view (RBV) to investigate the impact of firm structural and psychological readiness on firm value creation, as mediated by big data analytics usage. The proposed research model is empirically validated using survey data from 179 senior IT managers. The findings demonstrate the importance of both structural (i.e. IT infrastructure capability, tools functionality, employee analytical capability, and bigness of data) and psychological readiness (i.e. IT proactive climate) in enhancing firm value creation through big data analytics usage. These results provide interesting theoretical and practical insights.  相似文献   

Despite important research contributions on the financial and operational dimensions of information technology (IT) value, justifying health IT (HIT) investments remains a difficult and enduring issue for IT managers. Recent work has expanded our understanding of HIT value, by focusing on the initial resource allocation stage, and through conceptualizations of value across multiple dimensions. Building on these developments, we adopt a performative perspective to examine the research question of how practitioners justify early stage HIT investments, with a focus on reputational value. We explored this question through a comparative field study of two hospital organizations in the English National Health Service (NHS). We found that practitioners' temporally orientated framing practices matter in justifying HIT investments, enacting different possibilities for reputational value. We develop a process model to explain these dynamics and highlight the mutability of reputational value, which can lead to different possibilities for restoring, enhancing, or maintaining reputation. We conclude by discussing the implications for justifying HIT investments.  相似文献   

王越 《价值工程》2014,(14):18-19
随着社会经济的发展和产业化步伐的加快,价值工程理论在各领域的应用越发广泛,尤其是在IT领域,伴随着新技术新产品不断涌现,体系化、规范化的软件项目管理方法正在构建和形成,其领域内的研究与应用也将推动关联产业的成长与发展。本文通过对价值工程和信息项目管理相关内容的分析,探讨如何将价值工程理论应用于软件项目管理过程,为软件项目管理提供有力支持。  相似文献   

Disruptive innovation dramatically changes the demand of a product market in the information technology (IT) industry. In response to the impact of disruptive innovation, IT firms that may be eliminated from the competitive race actively develop innovative products and adjust their operating strategies to strengthen their survivability in the fiercely competitive market. Thus, this study explores the factors that affect firm value in the IT industry under the impact of disruptive innovation. The empirical results reveal that knowledge capital and CEO power play crucial roles in explaining firm value. IT firms with powerful CEOs and increased knowledge capital have high firm values. The effects of knowledge capital and CEO power on firm value are especially significant for founder and duality CEO firms. Furthermore, the influence of CEO power is more prominent in periods of financial crisis.  相似文献   

The open innovation model embraces the purposive flow of internal and external ideas as a foundation for innovation and network formation. While the open innovation paradigm has been successfully applied in high-tech settings, there is a lack of research on adopters of open innovation in other settings. We describe a case study conducted in a process industry setting, focusing on the LKAB mineral group as it makes a transition from a closed to a more open innovation context by adopting remote diagnostics technology. This process has resulted in the creation of new value networks. By tracing the reasoning behind the organizational transformation and studying the technology used to carry it through, we seek to explore the preconditions for open innovation and provide insight into the role of IT in the process. Our findings show that adoption of the open innovation model is grounded in developing organizational environments that are conducive to innovation, including expertise in creating a culture for knowledge sharing, building a trustful environment, and a resourceful use of IT.  相似文献   

Integrated thinking (IT) is a managerial mindset increasingly discussed in the context of value creation. Through the lens of systems theory, this study examines how the degree to which IT is embedded in a firm's strategy and day-to-day business processes is associated with the firm's social and environmental value creation. Using a broad international dataset, we find strong evidence that our measure of IT is positively related to a firm's sustainability performance (SP), which we use to operationalize social and environmental value creation (or erosion). Our results also reveal that the increase in a firm's SP might come at the cost of a short-term decrease in financial performance (FP). We find no indication, however, that IT induces a trade-off between SP and long-term FP. Integrated thinking appears to stipulate long-term financial value creation instead. We further explore moderating factors within the organizational and institutional context of our sample firms and highlight implications for society, corporate practice, and policymaking.  相似文献   

Information technology has become heavily embedded in business operations. As business needs change over time, IT applications are expected to continue providing required support. Whether the existing IT applications are still fit for the business purpose they were intended or new IT applications should be introduced is a strategic decision for business, IT and business-aligned IT. In this article, we present a method that aims to analyse business functions and IT roles and to evaluate business-aligned IT from both social and technical perspectives. The method introduces a set of techniques that systematically supports the evaluation of the existing IT applications in relation to their technical capabilities for maximising business value. Furthermore, we discuss the evaluation process and results that are illustrated and validated through a real-life case study of a UK borough council and followed by discussion on implications for researchers and practitioners.  相似文献   

In the e-Retail industry, a well-designed IT infrastructure is essential in creating a tightly integrated value chain and delivering high quality service. With intense competition for market share and profits, information systems and technology (IST) sourcing decisions are becoming increasingly important to e-Retail firms to support continued growth and market responsiveness. Drawing on the contingency theory, we examine organizational and environmental factors that influence an e-Retailer's IST sourcing strategy of make versus buy in enabling its value chain activities, and we also look at firm-level performance impacts of IST sourcing decisions that involve bundling across value chain activities. We test the proposed model and hypotheses using a panel data set of 307 firms over the period of 2006–2010. The results show that firms that make transformative IT investments tend to source a smaller portion of IST for their e-Retail value chain activities than firms that pursue automate or informate as their strategic role for IT investment. Capabilities are positively associated with IST sourcing. Firms experienced in e-Retail are more likely to build rather than buy their IST. In addition, we find mimicking behavior for IST sourcing among firms in the same merchandizer category. We find that IT strategic role is strongly associated with growth metric, whereas sourcing decisions predominantly impact operational performance measures. There is partial evidence that alignment between IT strategic role and IST sourcing decisions results in better performance effects. Moreover, complementary IST sourcing of synergistic marketing and sales activities positively impacts Web sales and conversion rate, but the sourcing combination of logistics, operations, and sales activities is associated with lower Web sales and conversion rate.  相似文献   

Customer value from a customer perspective: a comprehensive review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The value concept is one of marketing theory’s basic elements. Identifying and creating customer value (CV) – understood as value for customers – is regarded as an essential prerequisite for future company success. Nevertheless, not until quite recently has CV received much research attention. Ideas on how to conceptualize and link the concept to other constructs vary widely. The literature contains a multitude of different definitions, models, and measurement approaches. This article provides a broad overview, analysis, and critical evaluation of the different trends and approaches found to date in this research field, encompassing the development of perceived and desired customer value research, the relationships between the CV construct and other central marketing constructs, and the linkage between CV and the company interpretation of the value of the customer, like customer lifetime value (CLV). The article concludes by pointing out some of the challenges this field of research will face in the future.   相似文献   

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