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我国家电零售业发展特点及问题探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
唐均 《中国物价》2008,(2):69-71
中国作为世界最大的家电生产基地,家电零售业近年来有了迅猛发展。从上世纪90年代后期以来,家电零售渠道由传统百货商场向大型专业连锁店为主的新业态转变,催生了以国美、苏宁等为代表的家电连锁经营巨头,并取得了令人嘱目的成果。而近几年来,家电零售连锁行业在面对诸多挑战的情况下,呈现出新的特点,出现了新的问题,本文将对近年来该行业的这些特点和问题进行深入的探讨。  相似文献   

本文以我国家电零售市场的寡头企业"国美电器"并购行为作为案例,分析我国家电零售寡头企业的并购行为,提出国美电器的收购过程,存在垄断市场、虚假误导、侵犯商业秘密等不正当竞争行为。  相似文献   

在过去的10年中,我国连锁业的发展主要集中在超市业态上,而其他如家电、药店等专业连锁店则发展速度缓慢.近年来,以江苏苏宁、山东三联和北京国美等为代表的一批家电零售专业连锁店正在加速向全国扩张的步伐,成为20世纪最后几年中国连锁经营史上一道亮丽的光点.  相似文献   

国美电器从1987年不足100平米的小店起家,发展成如今拥有直营大型电器连锁店、数码店和加盟店遍布全国各地的家电零售业领军企业.根据中国连锁经营协会今年3月公布的数据,国美电器目前在全国60多个城市拥有直营门店227家,比2003年增加了63%;2004年的销售额为238.8亿元,比2003年增加了34%,占据约5%的市场份额,位列家电零售连锁企业第一.  相似文献   

吴秋蓉 《中国市场》2010,(49):42-44
本文通过对中国现在的大型家电零售企业国美和苏宁的发展模式进行比较分析研究,分别从区位扩张、规模扩张、资本扩张、业态类型、业制类型、经营模式、赢利模式和物流建设八个方面入手,研究规模与效益的关系,即企业如何做大做强。并对我国家电零售业发展的新趋势提出了战略管理重点。  相似文献   

近些年中国家电零售业态的快速成长,造就了国美、苏宁、永乐、大中、五星等大型家电连锁企业,特别是造就了国美和苏宁,但和欧美成熟市场相比,我国的家电零售渠道还是不够集中,国美和永乐的市场份额加在一起,还不足整个家电销售市场的  相似文献   

在国内零售领域中,发展最快的显然是超市业态,不过近几年来,特别是2001年,跨地区发展势头最为强劲的却是家电连锁企业,尤其是以北京国美、江苏苏宁、山东三联等为代表的大型家电连锁零售企业的发展速度最为引人注目。这些企业通过跨区域的连锁经营,利用开设直营店和加盟店等多种扩张手段,牢牢控制了企业原有的经营阵地,并逐渐开始形成辐射全国的庞大的销售网络。根据专门机构的统计,北京国美目前在全国十多个城市和地区拥有80多家连锁店,年销售额超过60亿元人民币,是  相似文献   

家电零售终端市场的扩张和调整,还远未到疆界划定安居乐业的时候“价格屠夫”在一夜间露出温情的笑容。这让人有点不能相信。黄光裕领衔的家电连锁零售巨头国美集团,如今摇身一变,一甩手就推出了个性迥异甚至略显另类的新产品——体验式家电卖场“鹏润电器”。与国美电器连锁的低价竞争策略相比,鹏润电器锁定高端家电连锁市场,瞄准对生活品质有更高要求的消费人群。用国美自己的话说,就是“定位  相似文献   

经济全球化环境下,中国零售市场巨大的发展潜力吸引了众多外来品牌的瓜分。家乐福、沃尔玛等在中国消费品零售行业迅速扩张,几近垄断市场。然而,家电零售巨鳄百思买电器却意外水土不服,转变扩张战略,大力支持全资并购的国内排名第四的五星电器角逐中国市场。至此,家电零售连锁行业形成国美、苏宁双寡头垄断的竞争局面。  相似文献   

国美电器造就中国的连锁传奇,引起社会各界的广泛关注。本文对国美连锁店的空间扩张模式进行探讨。关联分析显示,国美电器进驻城市的次序与规模负相关,扩张过程具有等级特征;创新空间扩散模型摩擦系数的模拟分析表明,国美连锁店的早期扩张之路属于等级扩散模式。与沃尔玛的比较研究发现,沃尔玛早期扩张属典型的传染扩散模式,国际化过程中表现出一定的等级扩散特征;国美进入稳定发展期后,在城市内部及向周边扩张的过程中逐步表现出传染扩散的特征。结论对于国美的未来之路及其他零售企业的发展具有启示意义。  相似文献   

业态创新改变市场竞争格局--以我国家用电器市场为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
家用电器流通渠道的变化,从一个侧面集中反映了我国零售市场创新与变革的主要特点.本文从零售业态创新与连锁经营方式相结合的角度,分析和揭示了我国大型家电零售企业快速发展的动因、发展特点、趋势及其对市场竞争格局的改变.  相似文献   

地震灾区家电零售企业进行灾后重建,绝不是简单的销售终端重建,而应该从发展战略的角度把握内外环境的变化以及行业的发展趋势,寻找适合企业中长期发展的商业模式,从业态和业务两个方面进行商业模式的再造。灾区家电零售业企业业态再造需要考虑目前销售终端重建与再造,销售渠道再造和战略利润区域进行再造;而业务再造主要是根据市场发展趋势和顾客的需求,在保持现有家电零售业务的基础上进行战略拓展。  相似文献   

张捷 《商业研究》2004,(7):174-176
Internet作为一种新兴的生产力,已成为21世纪企业竞争的焦点。对于连锁经营这种未来主要的 商业资本组织形式来说,面对Internet所带来的巨大变革,制胜的关键就在于建立具有网络时代特征的运 营方式,发展适应的经济模式。  相似文献   

Struggling retail chains often try to recover profitability by closing some of their stores. The challenge in this strategy lies in determining how many stores to close, as store exit has implications for both the customers and the supply chain. After a store closes, its customers are lost forever to the competition, unless there is a surviving open store nearby or an electronic alternative such as an e-store. From the supply chain perspective, after a store closes, its supporting regional distribution center is left with less business, and thus reduced viability. This paper develops a decision support model to study the profitability of alternative retail network structures by varying the proportion of stores that are closed, the average price sensitivity of demand, the price difference between the online store and the traditional retailers, and customer retention rates.  相似文献   

家电专业连锁不同于中国传统的零售业连锁,有自身很强的专业特点。家电业连锁可以把分散的经营主体组织起来,形成规模优势,通过建立统一的配送中心,与生产企业直接挂钩,从而使消费者在商品质量上得到保证。以苏宁、国美为代表的全国性家电连锁企业自1999年开始,在全国各经济相对发达的城市和地区展开竞赛,分店几乎覆盖全国。随着家电专业连锁企业的迅速壮大,连锁经营正在成为家电零售企业居主导地位的经营方式;家电零售企业联合、兼并、重组步伐加快;经营技术和管理手段日益现代化。  相似文献   

Order placing and delivery always play a significant role in any business industry. Nowadays, most customers want useful products at their doorstep without visiting any retail store. In this current study, an advanced dual-channel supply chain model is constructed for a single product with two players. Customers can order online or offline from the retail store. In contrast, retailers use only offline mode to take the product from the manufacturer, and retailers charge a different amount for delivery. To optimize profit and satisfy the consumers, retailers only provide a free transportation service when customers order a certain quantity. If customers order less than the desired amount, a transportation charge will be applied to the customers. Contrary to the existing research, demand for the products varies with the selling price online and offline and is also affected by the free home delivery service. Manufacturers use a single-setup multi-delivery (SSMD) transportation strategy to enrich the system's profit. To make the study more applicable, all unit costs are considered fuzzy. Signed-distance defuzzification technique is adopted to defuzzify the fuzzy values. Finally, the total profit of the supply chain is optimized along with the optimized value of the decision-making variable through an uncertain optimization technique. Numerical experiments are carried out along with sensitivity analysis to show the applicability and optimality of this study. Though the crisp data set provided a 0.72% better result compared to the fuzzy data set, but fuzzy data set provided a more realistic result. Numerical results prove that the home delivery service provided 14.59% better profit. Finally, it can be stated that the home delivery policy with some charged amount based on ordered quantity is the best retailing strategy for the dual-channel supply chain.  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to combine the two dominant perspectives of retail design— design and business—through systems thinking and flat ontology, in order to understand the ‘store’ as designed by retail designers in the new digital area. Using an abductive case study of the Danish retail design world, this article connects actors into a system, redefines 'the store’ as an interface between retailer and customer, and attaches the metaphors ‘observed universe’ and ‘extended self’ of owner managers to collectively designed spaces. The implication of the study is a retail design (and business) canvas.The article's practical contribution is clarifying the profession of retail design under the condition of digitised retail, and to present a first step towards a system-based theory for retail design.Managerial contributionThe article redefines the store as an interface affording customers' and retailers’ exchange of product and experiential interaction with the aim of providing adequate revenue.  相似文献   

我国加入WTO后,零售行业逐步开放,许多大型国际连锁超市纷纷涌入哈尔滨,使得零售行业竞争更加激烈。新的零售业态虽然给当地消费者带来了全新的消费方式和购物模式,但也给本地零售业带来前所未有的冲击。哈尔滨大型零售企业存在运行机制不灵活,管理运作不规范,零售业态单一,连锁业态组织化程度低,企业规模小,市场份额低等问题。政府应兼顾服务贸易自由化和发展我国零售业的双重目标,尽快健全零售领域的法律、法规体系,推动企业机制转换,规范管理运作,积极开展新型零售业态,进行战略资源整合,以扩大市场份额。  相似文献   

We address the problem of estimating retail business potential at alternative sites, with concern for assessing performance relative to potential in existing markets and for identifying the best sites for expansion into new markets. At question is the utility of information typically used in formal retail patronage models, in comparison with additional information considered important by retail executives. Relevant data are gathered from secondary sources and intensive in-store surveys are conducted to produce a portfolio of information about neighbourhood demographics, store ambience, variety and quality of products and services, relative prices of selected products, etc. for stores in a retail grocery chain and competitive stores in the chain's markets. We experiment with alternative statistical models for store performance to determine the consequence of restricting the types of data available when constructing the models. Our findings suggest that while information about store location and surrounding areas, store characteristics and competitive position are all required to obtain the best assessment for business potential at a site, a few key variables on each dimension offer the bulk of explanatory power. Further, the spatial-locational variables affect all measures of store performance in intuitive directions, whereas the effects of other variables differ according to performance measure and reflect the store's market position.  相似文献   

This paper draws on practice-informed, ethnographic research to develop an understanding of the novel social consequences and opportunities afforded from consumers' interactions with AI digital humans as part of the in-store shopping experience. We reveal and interrogate consumers’ experiences with AI digital humans in an exploratory study undertaken during the launch phase of an in-store kiosk digital store greeter in a flagship store of a large national technology and appliance chain. Our findings contribute to understanding the social significance of AI in retail on customer experience (CX) and the managerial implications of consumers interactions with AI digital humans are described and discussed.  相似文献   

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