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Ownership Concentration and Share Valuation 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Abstract. Concentrated ownership of large listed companies is widespread throughout the world, and Germany is typical in this respect. This paper proposes a method of distinguishing empirically between the beneficial and harmful effects of ownership concentration, and applies it to German data. The results show that, for most types of largest shareholder, the beneficial effects on minority shareholders of increased ownership (greater monitoring of management, and reduced incentives to exploit minority shareholders due to greater cash‐flow rights) are at least as large as, and sometimes significantly larger than, the harmful effect (greater private benefits of control due to greater control rights). 相似文献
民间金融与中小企业发展:对温州的实证分析 总被引:191,自引:0,他引:191
本文以温州为例对中小企业发展与民间金融互动关系问题进行了实证分析。温州中小企业 (尤其是规模居中的中小企业 )对于民间金融有着较为明显的需求。在民间金融供给方面 ,我们对温州介入中小企业信贷的民间金融规模及运作方式进行了分析。本文认为 ,政府需要建立多元化的中小企业融资服务体系 ,引导民间金融组织逐步演化为规范化运作的、定位于中小企业融资服务的民营金融机构 ,才能从根本上解决中小企业融资问题 相似文献
Alain Durré 《The German Economic Review》2006,7(2):163-187
Abstract. This paper investigates to what extent the expectations hypothesis of the term structure (EHTS) of interest rates receives some support since the launch of the European single currency. Empirical evidence shows that in general this theory applies to most European countries, and to Germany in particular. The objective of this paper thus is twofold. First, the EHTS for the German money market and for a larger sample including the German mark period and the euro money market is tested in order to check whether the results for the former are affected by the new financial environment since January 1999. Second, the implications of the results for the monetary policy assessment are discussed. We estimate cointegrating vector autoregressive models in order to quantify the level of the liquidity premium. The results suggest that financial markets do not consider the monetary policy of the European Central Bank simply as the one prevailing during the German period. 相似文献
ABSTRACTThis study examines gender diversity on boards of directors in a sample of nonfinancial Spanish small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) for 2003–8, finding that the probability of women on the board increases with firm performance, defined as return on assets, and family ownership, but diminishes with corporate ownership and firm risk. It also finds, when examining the full sample, a positive effect of the presence of women board members on firm performance. The study also obtains a similar positive effect in most subsamples, including in firms with corporate ownership, where family connections play less role in the election of board members, and in firms in the secondary and tertiary sectors, which are characterized by having greater proximity to final consumers than those in the primary sector. 相似文献
论核心竞争力与中小企业发展 总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18
中小企业在各国国民经济中均起到十分重要的作用,中小企业如何健康、快速的发展是各界人士普遍关心和研究的问题。企业核心竞争力是中小企业发展的根本保证,培育核心竞争对中小企业发展具有重大的现实意义。 相似文献
马施 《技术经济与管理研究》2021,(2):55-58
提升中小企业创新能力对推动我国经济高质量发展有重要意义.文章采用我国中小板和创业板上市公司实施员工持股的数据,运用PSM方法进行样本配对,实证检验员工持股对中小企业创新的影响,并进一步比较分析不同产权性质公司的影响差异.研究显示:双重差分回归结果发现员工持股与中小企业创新显著正相关;多元回归结果发现员工持股激励强度与中小企业创新显著正相关;员工持股对中小企业创新的促进作用在非国有企业中更为显著. 相似文献
本文以浙江省宁波市296家民营企业的调查数据为依据,用多个计量模型来检验家族企业中产权结构和企业绩效之间的关系。我们发现,企业绩效与管理层及最大股东的股份额密切相关,却与包括单个最大股东和其家庭成员在内的家庭股份份额无显著相关性。本文结果说明,即使是在市场机制尚不成熟的环境下,内生产权理论的结论也基本适用。但家庭股份份额却对企业绩效没有显著影响这一结果说明,需要对家族企业的产权结构的变化做进一步的研究。 相似文献
张伟成 《全球科技经济瞭望》2013,(8):42-44
新加坡有18万家商业企业,中小企业占99%,所雇用员工占劳动人口的65%。中小企业的兴衰,与国家经济紧密相连,对国家发展有举足轻重的影响。新加坡中小企业发展中存在的问题,主要是流动资金不足;劳动力成本高;创新能力弱,缺少科技支撑等。新加坡政府在中小企业发展过程中,在政策、技术、培养人才上给予支持,发挥了重要作用。研究新加坡政府的有关政策和做法,以期对中国中小企业发展有借鉴作用。 相似文献
张林 《广东财经职业学院学报》2004,3(2):25-28
本文从环境影响论的角度出发,分析了民营企业发展中存在的问题,阐述了民营企业内部审计的必要性和可行性;对民营企业内部审计的审计内容、审计方式和审计策略等方面提出了自己的见解。 相似文献
民间金融与农村中小企业融资的互动机制分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
农村中小企业是农村主要的经济主体,资金短缺是其发展的主要瓶颈。我国金融制度安排和农村中小企业巨大资金需求,又为农村民间金融提供了运行基础和发展动力。从另一个角度讲,民间金融发展又加快了农村中小企业发展,促进经济增长。因此,政府对农村中小企业应采取疏的措施,规范农村民间金融的发展。 相似文献
天津中小企业的成长性与区域选择 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
合理的区域选择是影响中小企业成长性的重要因素。结合中小企业区域选择的理论与原则,针对天津市中小企业的区域分布现状及特点,提出要增强天津市中小企业的成长性,就必须在进行行业定位时突出区域特色和优势,根据企业类型合理选址,充分发挥中小企业的区域联动作用,加快城市化进程。 相似文献
基于企业能力理论、交易费用理论、组织信息处理理论,以区域中小企业创新能力、交易成本、信息能力与信息需求的适配性为中间变量,分析了区域中小企业创新系统获取竞争优势的内在机理,并运用结构方程模型进行了实证研究。 相似文献
中小企业技术创新网络的知识创造研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
中小企业以知识创造为目标构建或加入技术创新网络,以与网络中其它组织之间的优势互补、相互协作的方式来进行合作创新,为中小企业技术创新能力的提高提供了可行性思路。将典型的技术创新网络分为弱连接和强连接两种形态,在分析网络特征及知识创造过程的基础上,分别提出了两种形态在技术创新网络内部知识创造的机制模型。 相似文献
改革开放以后,浙江省民营经济得到大发展,目前正步人工业化中后期,但民营中小企业的发展还存在若干不容忽视的问题,值得研究。 相似文献
Anderson Kathryn Pomfret Richard 《MOCT-MOST: Economic Policy in Transitional Economies》2001,11(3):205-219
Based on high quality household survey data from 1996 and 1997, this paper analyzes the challenges facing non-farm household businesses in the Kyrgyz Republic. The non-farm businesses are small, concentrated in service activities, and rely on family labour. They are new enterprises established after the transition from central planning began, rather than state enterprises formed during the planning era and subsequently privatized. High taxes, low product demand, and high input prices are the three most cited challenges, while the problems facing small businesses do not include credit availability, capacity concerns, input availability, or labour costs. Frequent mention of licence difficulties and extortion, in addition to high taxes, indicates that the grabbing hand of the government is a major obstacle to private businesses. The government is also failing to maintain law and order; in 1996 a quarter of the businesses report violence among their three main challenges. 相似文献
一、现代市场经济的所有制形式不能简单地用公有制或私有制去刻划 2002年《经济导刊》第2期、第3期分别发表了董辅礽教授的《消灭私有制还是扬弃私有制?》和厉以宁教授的《进一步开展公有制形式的探讨》两篇文章,两篇义章都提出和分析了公有制的新形式,给人以很大的启发。对于公有制的新形式,笔者认为还有必要进一步研究和探讨。 相似文献
中小金融机构研究:基于小额贷款公司发展的实践分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
市场化中小金融机构是解决我国中小企业融资困难的关键。小额贷款公司是内生于我国民营经济的市场化中小金融机构,它标志着我国金融业对内进一步开放。小额贷款公司有利于中小企业融资多元化,有利于完善我国金融市场的功能。 相似文献