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A bstract . Federal water resources programs and policies are often developed haphazardly in response to crises. Hence, they lack breadth, coordination, and comprehensiveness. Problems lie in the structure of the development process in which federal construction agencies play a major part. Having these agencies do the economic evaluations when development opportunity dwindles tempts them to compromise the accuracy and integrity of the evaluations. The problem is aggravated by intense pressure from local beneficiaries due to biased federal financing and reimbursement policies. Efforts by Congress to correct the situation are partially offset by entrenched agency thinking and practices. Rigorous enforcement of the National Environmental Policy Act and Council on Environmental Quality Interim Guidelines , revision of cost-sharing formulae and financing and reimbursement policies, improved flexibility of agency leadership, recruitment of new talents and ideas to agency ranks, and adjustment of agency orientation are needed for comprehensive planning to achieve social goals. 相似文献
知识型员工有以下特点:希望在一个公平竞争的环境中工作;对官本位的管理体系有极强的反感;反对论资排辈,希望建立以业绩为标准的评价和晋升机制;希望自己的知识、工作、个性得到尊重;希望个人目标与组织目标很好的结合,有清晰的个人发展空间. 相似文献
建筑施工现场管理离不开过程、质量、安全的管理.制订高标准的目标,采取切实可行的管理措施,其目的是有效地完成施工项目的合同承包目标,使企业取得相应的经济效益. 相似文献
建筑施工现场管理离不开过程、质量、安全的管理。制订高标准的目标,采取切实可行的管理措施,其目的是有效地完成施工项目的合同承包目标,使企业取得相应的经济效益。 相似文献
黄董良 《数量经济技术经济研究》2002,19(1):59-62
资源流动是资源配置的表现形式,在当前形势下,政府鼓励和支持市场资源的合理流动,不仅是国有企业改革的需要,更是整个经济体制改革的需要,具有重大的现实意义和深远的历史意义,税收工作应当摒充单纯的保证税收收入观念,着眼于促进经济发展和社会全面进步,在加强税收征收管理,打击税收违法犯罪的同时,及时整合和优化有关资源流动的税收政策,支持和促进资源的合法有效流动。 相似文献
由于海原县干旱、缺水、生态环境脆弱及水土流失严重的自然条件,本文对海原县地表水、地下水和引客水的现状水量进行了详尽分析,并针对水利发展项目的需水量平衡分析是否满足需要。 相似文献
William Sander 《American journal of economics and sociology》1985,44(1):121-128
A bstract . The use of benefit-cost analysis in federal water resources planning is examined. In addition, its role in the decision-making process is assessed. An argument is made that its use might be more effective if government planners at the sub national level were better trained in economics. The costs of such investments in the quality of water resource planners are shown to be inconsequential with respect to the costs of inefficient projects. In addition, it is argued that investments in high quality analysts at the Washington, D.C.- level may be of less consequence because of the decentralized nature of the decision-making process. 相似文献
本文对水资源的基本属性、功能及价值构成等作了剖析,同时从法律的层面认识了国家对家庭生活饮用的水资源的规定.认为国民在生活饮用方面对水资源的取用权是人权的重要组成部分,国家以免收家庭生活饮用的水资源费的形式体现了这一人权的落实.由此得出生活饮用水(尤其是人们正常生活刚性需求的这部分水量)的水价中不应包含水资源费的认识. 相似文献
开展全国水利普查,是一项重大的国情国力调查,是国家资源环境调查的重要组成部分,是水利系统一项全局性、战略性、基础性的工作,对摸清水利发展状况,夯实水利管理基础,谋划水利长远发展,增强水利社会管理和公共服务能力,促进水资源可持续利用具有十分重要的意义,是一项利国利民、惠及子孙后代的德政工程。 相似文献
北京水资源承载力与承压状态实验研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文构建了包含人口、生态和经济因素的水资源承载力指标体系,使用主成分综合评价法对北京市1999-2007年间的水资源承载力进行了指数化分析,并采用相对资源承载力比较法测度了同期北京市水资源承载压力度.研究发现,北京市水资源承载力呈现逐年下降的趋势,水资源承载状态处于"超载状态";同时,承压状态分析发现近年来北京水资源承压度出现逐年回升的态势,暗示北京市水资源的"超载"状态在某种程度上得到一定缓解. 相似文献
一个国家的科普能力,集中表现为国家向公众提供科普产品和服务的综合实力。而科普资源既是科普工作的基础和工具,也是提升科普能力的重要因素。伴随着公民科学素质建设的推进,以及科学发展现在全社会的树立和落实,怎样提高科普资源的利用效率,建立共建共享平台的长效机制,使科普资源真正服务于公众并见到实效,已成为我国当前乃至今后一个时期科普事业发展中最关键、也最具基础性的工作之一。本研究旨在总结科普资源科学发展的经验,发现影响和制约其发展的问题,探讨科普资源共建共享的科学方法,为北京市的科普资源开发和共享工作提供决策依据。 相似文献
水是生命之源,也是人类生存的物质基础,是一种不可替代的稀缺资源。随着人类社会对水的需求量增加,人类逐渐认识到水的重要性。因此,我们只有与自然和谐相处,合理开发水资源,才能可持续利用。 相似文献
面对水污染日益严重的形势,结合工作实践,提出了解决水环境问题的对策,加强水资源的规划管理,对我国的水资源管理问题提出了自己的看法。 相似文献
A bstract . The effects that politics, government structure , and economic standards have upon federal water resources planning are examined. Water resources policy decisions are treated as a product of political demands which, in turn, are examined as a product of the direct or indirect stakes, or perception thereof, in a policy. Government structure also affects decisions, since it affects political access and, subsequently, power as well as the administrative capacity of government. Economic standards , such as a requirement that water projects contribute to national economic development , arise within a political context. Formulation of federal water resources policy is essentially a political process that is conditioned to some extent by government structure and planning standards such as economic requirements. Thus, recommendations to improve the product of this process must take into account its essential nature. Examples are drawn from the western reclamation and water pollution experiences. 相似文献
水资源紧缺是西吉县县域经济社会发展最主要的瓶颈之一,本文通过对未来十年水资源需用量预测分析,提出解决这一矛盾的途径。 相似文献