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本文立足于我国新兴资本市场中上市公司自愿接受中期财务报告审计这一独特的典型现象,借助于深圳证券市场的经验数据,以“审计需求动因”为理论基础,尝试通过构建经验模型,分析自愿接受中期财务报告审计的企业所具备的公司治理特征。本文采取Spearman描述性统计和Logit回归分析方法进行研究,研究发现资产负债率和资产收益率显著影响是否自愿接受中期财务报告的审计,独立董事比例、第一大股东持股比例及控股如否、管理层持股比例、两职合一以及股权制衡因素影响均不显著。  相似文献   

实体经济"脱实向虚"的微观表现就是企业金融化,而产品市场竞争程度和企业所处的竞争地位无疑是影响企业金融化的一个重要因素。本文选取2007~2018年我国A股非金融类上市公司的经验数据为样本,实证检验了产品市场竞争程度和企业竞争地位对企业金融资产配置的影响。结论表明:产品市场竞争程度和企业竞争地位与企业金融资产配置均呈正相关关系,产品市场竞争的加剧和企业竞争地位的提升都会增加企业金融资产配置规模。进一步的分析还发现:企业竞争地位在产品市场竞争程度与企业金融资产配置的关系中起到了反向的交互作用,而且竞争地位高的企业更倾向于配置金融资产,市场套利动机是企业进行金融资产配置的主要动因。因此,应降低行业进入壁垒和行业集中度,加强对企业融资后资金去向的监管,缓解企业融资难融资贵困境,提高实体经济活动的投资回报率。  相似文献   

在心理账户的作用下,拆迁补偿款的发放使得家庭更加倾向于参与金融市场投资,因此房屋拆迁将会显著提高家庭的金融市场参与度。对此,基于中国家庭金融调查(CHIP2013)和中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS2018)数据,运用工具变量法,实证检验了房屋拆迁对家庭金融市场参与的影响,结果表明,房屋拆迁会在一定程度上促进家庭的金融市场参与,且这一效果在消费支出少和金融资产余额多的家庭中更加显著。同时,中介效应检验结果发现,在房屋拆迁促进家庭金融市场参与的过程中,家庭可支配收入发挥了部分中介作用。这意味着,在房屋拆迁补偿中,不仅拆迁户应该警惕过度参与金融市场的非理性行为,而且政府和金融机构也应该组织和提供不同形式的金融教育,提高拆迁户的金融素养,从而预防拆迁返贫的悲剧。  相似文献   

基于动态最优控制理论模型,运用中国家庭微观调查数据,系统研究了金融素养在家庭金融资产配置中的作用及对投资组合有效性的影响。理论分析表明,在一定条件下,金融素养能够显著提升家庭资产中风险性资产的配置比重,有助于实现消费效用最大化。考虑了内生性的实证分析结果表明:金融素养对于风险性资产与金融资产具有显著的正向影响,但无法作用于国债这类无风险资产;金融素养的提升有助于增加股票与基金的配置概率,有助于实施积极的投资策略,但对消极投资策略不显著;金融素养的提升能够显著增加家庭投资组合有效性,促使家庭获得更多的超额回报。  相似文献   

陈恒 《价值工程》2011,30(25):121-122
本文着重分析1992年以来我国居民金融资产总量和结构的变化;并采用四大商业银行1996-2008年的实际数据论证居民金融资产结构的变化对商业银行利润来源的影响。  相似文献   

基于金融发展视角从需求侧探究金融发展通过需求侧市场结构变迁作用于贸易收支的运行机理,选取2000—2018年省际面板数据进行实证检验。研究发现:金融发展会显著收窄贸易顺差,不同自然资源禀赋、地理区域、人均GDP以及金融危机和汇率改革的前后,金融发展对贸易收支的影响均存在异质性。进一步研究发现,金融发展规模通过需求侧市场结构变迁作用于贸易收支,而金融结构则没有此中介效应。研究结果为立足国内大循环,协同推进强大国内市场和贸易强国建设提供了政策启示。  相似文献   

利用中国家庭金融调查数据(CHFS),通过Probit和Tobit模型解释户主受教育程度对风险性金融资产选择的影响,并对内在传导机制进行中介效应、调节效应分析。结果显示:户主的受教育水平对风险性金融资产的参与度和持有比例有积极影响,地区、城乡间影响差异明显,风险态度和家庭收入对户主受教育程度影响金融资产选择存在中介和调节效应。研究结论对进一步优化家庭金融资产配置有一定启示意义。  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between the self-declared risk aversion of private investors and their propensity to hold incomplete portfolios of financial assets. The analysis is based on household survey data from the German Socioeconomic Panel (SOEP) that provides a reliable measure of individual attitudes toward financial risk. Our findings suggest that more risk averse households tend to hold incomplete portfolios consisting mainly of a few risk-free assets. We also find that the propensity to acquire additional assets is highly dependent on whether liquidity and safety needs are met.  相似文献   

贝洪俊 《财会通讯》2008,(5):114-116
本文以农户调查资料为依据,对浙江村级财务管理现状进行了实证分析。结果发现,浙江省村级财务管理工作整体水平较高,但同时也在不同程度上存在低层次管理问题。根据调查分析结果,提出了建立与“后农业税时代”相适应的村级财务管理分类运行机制,引入村集体资产经营的“村经理”制度,建立健全村集体报告制度,引入注册会计师业务进农村等一系列村级财务管理创新的对策和建议。  相似文献   

金融危机反映了银行在面对资金压力时持有的流动性资产不足,同时也凸显了银行流动性监管的重要性。为了建立既能够确保金融体系稳定,又能够兼顾银行盈利能力最大化目标的监管标准,有必要对银行流动性资产对业绩的影响进行实证研究,本文利用2003~2010年中国14家上市商业银行数据,检验了流动性资产对于银行业绩的影响,研究发现流动性资产和银行业绩之间存在非线性关系,而且四大国有商业银行和十家股份制商业银行流动性管理行为存在显著差异。  相似文献   

Environmental uncertainties can impact the market value of a firm's human assets both positively and negatively, and make return on human assets uncertain over time. However, the strategic human resource management (SHRM) literature has so far focused almost exclusively only on the upside value of human assets of a firm. Real options theory can provide the process heuristics as well as the economic logic for guiding investments in human assets to create sustainable market value for firms operating in uncertain environments. In spite of the growth in popularity of the real options approach, no meaningful progress, however, has been made towards application of this approach to HRM. This study, using data from 108 IT software development firms in India, seeks to address this gap and make three important contributions to the SHRM literature: (1) operationalise the concept of HR options by identifying the HR practices that possess option value; (2) investigate how use of HR options affects firm-level performance; and (3) develop and test a causal model that links the various types of HR options that firms use to exploit uncertainties faced by them with the firm-level operational and financial outcomes. The results support the central hypothesis of the article that use of HR options by firms operating in uncertain environments would have positive impact on their operational and financial performance. Significant differences were observed in the nature of linkages between different types of HR options used to address different types of uncertainties, and the operational and financial performance of the firm.  相似文献   

高真 《价值工程》2014,(25):213-214
《企业会计准则第22号——金融工具确认和计量》中虽然对金融资产进行了分类,但该分类标准在交易性金融资产和可供出售金融资产的界定上比较模糊,另外对于交易性金融资产的公允价值变动损益计入当期利润表存在着误导公众的可能性。本文基于以上问题,首先对于交易性金融资产给予期限上的标准界定,其次对于公允价值变动的账务处理提出了两点改进意见,进而提高交易性金融资产财务信息的可靠性。  相似文献   

This study examines the role of financial ratios in predicting companies’ default risk using the quantile hazard model (QHM) approach and compares its results to the discrete hazard model (DHM). We adopt the LASSO method to select essential predictors among the variables mentioned in the literature. We show the preeminence of our proposed QHM through the fact that it presents a different degree of financial ratios’ effect over various quantile levels. While DHM only confirms the aftermaths of “stock return volatilities” and “total liabilities” and the positive effects of “stock price”, “stock excess return”, and “profitability” on businesses, under high quantile levels QHM is able to supplement “cash and short-term investment to total assets”, “market capitalization”, and “current liabilities ratio” into the list of factors that influence a default. More interestingly, “cash and short-term investment to total assets” and “market capitalization” switch signs in high quantile levels, showing their different influence on companies with different risk levels. We also discover evidence for the distinction of default probability among different industrial sectors. Lastly, our proposed QHM empirically demonstrates improved out-of-sample forecasting performance.  相似文献   

This paper constructs a tail event driven network to investigate the interdependence of tail risks among industries in the Chinese stock market from 2014 to 2019, and identifies systemically important industries that have made significant contributions to risk contagion by systemic risk decomposition technique. The empirical results suggest strong linkages among industry sectors. The risk profiles of certain industries under close supply–demand relationships are positively correlated, whereas the financial industry, particularly banking, proves to be the principal risk diversifier in the network, with the household appliance, food and drink industries performing likewise an important role in risk diversification. Based on the TENQR model, further study on additional information provided by the industrial chain structure demonstrates that the upstream industry dominates the spread of risks under extreme market conditions. Our findings are of constructive significance to the anticipative introduction of corresponding policies by regulatory authorities, and are also instructive to the investors’ allocation of assets.  相似文献   

HR options as firm investments in human assets in uncertain environments to create the capability to flexibly respond to future contingent events have been recognised as valuable. However, the black box of causal interlinkages between environmental uncertainties, HR options and firm performance is yet to be explored in strategic HRM literature. Based on the data obtained from 108 IT software firms in India, this study empirically explores these linkages using a multi-level causal model. The results suggest that the use of HR options positively mediates the effects of environmental uncertainties on firm performance. The mediating influences of different types of HR options, used by the firms to manage various types of uncertainties affecting their human assets, on the operational and the financial performance of the firms are found to be different. Implications of findings of the study for managing investments in human assets under uncertainty have been discussed.  相似文献   

Growth in property ownership has raised the stakes in the distribution of financial assets on divorce. Given high risks of marital failure, this has stimulated the demand for private ordering through enforceable marriage contracts. This paper surveys the existing law and economics literature and legal practice to consider the state of knowledge on the economic theory, scope and limits of written nuptial agreements.  相似文献   

农村财务治理机制是中国农村经济与社会治理中全局性、基础性和根本性的内容,农村集体资产与财务管理历来是广大农民群众十分关心的问题,直接关系到农民群众的切身利益,关系到社会主义新农村建设的健康与顺利推进。文章分析改革开放30年社会主义新农村取得重大突破和“再上新台阶”后,对农村财务会计提出了新要求,进而探讨新时期农村财务会计的新思路,应当从观念转变和机制转换上解决问题。  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of three types of oil price shocks on inflation in the G7 countries with a new method of isolating oil price shocks. Based on monthly data from January 1997 to January 2019, we find that each oil price shock has the largest effect on U.S. inflation among the G7 countries and each country’s response to oil price shocks is different. Moreover, a rolling-window analysis shows that supply shocks, demand shocks and risk shocks have dynamic effects on inflation. The effect of supply shocks on inflation is strong before the financial crisis, but weakens during the crisis. However, the effect of demand shocks increases sharply in this time. The effect of risk shocks mainly occurs during the financial crisis and the European debt crisis. In addition, this study uses two ways to verify the robustness of the results. Our empirical results have important implications for policymakers and manufacturers, since the results provide a good explanation for the response of inflation in the G7 countries to the oil price shocks from different sources.  相似文献   

The use of various moving average (MA) rules remains popular with financial market practitioners. These rules have recently become the focus of a number empirical studies, but there have been very few studies of financial market models where some agents employ technical trading rules of the type used in practice. In this paper, we propose a dynamic financial market model in which demand for traded assets has both a fundamentalist and a chartist component. The chartist demand is governed by the difference between current price and a (long-run) MA. Both types of traders are boundedly rational in the sense that, based on a fitness measure such as realized capital gains, traders switch from a strategy with low fitness to the one with high fitness. We characterize the stability and bifurcation properties of the underlying deterministic model via the reaction coefficient of the fundamentalists, the extrapolation rate of the chartists and the lag length used for the MA. By increasing the intensity of choice to switching strategies, we then examine various rational routes to randomness for different MA rules. The price dynamics of the MA rule are also examined and one of our main findings is that an increase of the window length of the MA rule can destabilize an otherwise stable system, leading to more complicated, even chaotic behaviour. The analysis of the corresponding stochastic model is able to explain various market price phenomena, including temporary bubbles, sudden market crashes, price resistance and price switching between different levels.  相似文献   

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