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北京爱创未来科技有限公司(以下简称"爱创")成立于1998年,从早期简单地应用条码技术帮助企业准确、快速地解决数据采集问题,到给企业提供合理的数据采集方案,再到提供以自动识别技术为核心的供应链物流信息系统解决方案,如今的爱创已发展成为一家具有一定规模和软件产品开发能力、以自有知识产权软件为主的信息技术企业.  相似文献   

成立于1998年的北京爱创未来科技有限公司是一家供应链执行系统解决方案供应商,公司以条码、二维条码、RFID自动识别技术为基本数据采集手段,结合现代流通、制造业行业流程规范特点,应用现代网络、无线网络WWAN、WLAN(802.11B)、GPRS、CDMA技术,重点围绕现代物流、生产制造、流通等领域提供相应的系统及行业应用解决方案.目前,爱创的"供应链执行系统"已在大型离散制造业(汽车、家电)、钢铁制造业、特种印制行业(印钞造币)、大型零售业、能源煤炭行业等众多领域得到成功应用.  相似文献   

中国外贸体制改革全面实施以来,以出口为导向型的企业越来越多。不论是国营企业、私营企业,还是外资企业,越来越多的企业加入到出口大军的行列。随着中国制造的远航,中国企业的供应链也延伸到了更远的地方。在增加了保税、报关、货代等进出口业务的同时,库存管理和优化的难题也使企  相似文献   

自成立以来,北京时空超越科技有限公司始终致力于为流通行业尤其是医药流通行业提供SCM、现代物流以及基于SOA架构的企业管理全面解决方案.公司客户广泛分布在医药、百货、食品、通讯等行业.目前,时空在全国的医药商业企业用户超过6000家,时空医药物流软件产品高居行业市场占有率前列.  相似文献   

北京爱创未来科技有限公司(以下简称"爱创")成立于1998年,是一家民营高科技企业。9年来,爱创经历了三个发展阶段,从早期的简单的应用条码技术帮助企业准确、快速地解决采集数据问题,到提供给企业合理的数据采集方案,再到锁定以自动识別技术为核心的供应链管理"ERP执行系统"。如今,爱创已逐步发展为一家具有一定软件产品开发和科研能  相似文献   

北京爱创未来科技有限公司(以下简称"爱创")成立于1998年,是一家民营高科技企业.9年来,爱创经历了三个发展阶段,从早期的简单的应用条码技术帮助企业准确、快速地解决采集数据问题,到提供给企业合理的数据采集方案,再到锁定以自动识别技术为核心的供应链管理"ERP执行系统".如今,爱创已逐步发展为一家具有一定软件产品开发和科研能力、以自有知识产权软件为主的信息技术企业,针对制造、仓储、配送、零售连锁等领域,开展以条码和RFID、无线网络技术为基础的管理信息系统及数据采集系统的理论研究、管理咨询、软件开发、技术服务等业务,实施了家乐福全国约100家门店条码RF系统、天津家世界集团的约80家大卖场的无线信息管理系统,并参与诺基亚、通用、LG、海尔、潍柴、联想、邢钢、首钢、鞍钢、国家造币总公司、神东煤炭、军队RFID项目等典型客户的大型系统解决方案实施工作.  相似文献   

上海椰城电子科技有限公司(简称"椰城电子")是台湾椰城股份公司投资的面向物流和汽车行业的自动识别企业.台湾椰城股份成立于1975年,目前在中国大陆投资有深圳万商集,苏州万商集,厦门万商集和上海椰城电子科技有限公司.  相似文献   

上海先达企业发展有限公司成立于1992年,是专注于条码、RFID等自动识别技术的技术研发与市场应用的高新技术企业."先达条码"自2003年以来年销售额持续超过亿元,销售规模在行业内屈指可数,并在业内和用户中享有良好的声誉和很高的知名度.  相似文献   

斑马技术有限公司(以下简称"斑马")是全球领先的专业打印解决方案供应商,1969年成立于美国伊利诺斯州,前身是一家高速电机产品制造企业.公司于1982年将业务重心转向专业按需标签打印和票证打印系统业务,并于1986年正式更名为斑马技术有限公司.出于战略发展考虑,1997年斑马成立亚太分部,其总部和物流中心设于新加坡.  相似文献   

This study addresses purchasing challenges faced by companies buying commercial software components. The purpose is to find out how we can understand the purchasing challenges in software component business. First we develop pre-understanding based on knowledge on competitive supplier relationships and competitive bidding. This is elaborated empirically through a qualitative case study. We contribute to prior literature by concluding that the nature of software component supplier relationships is influenced by the object and costs of exchange. We also argue that, in markets like software component business, it is essential to pay attention to the development of the whole supply market.  相似文献   

在最近举行的国际自动识别技术展览会上,产品质量追溯系统成为众多自动识别企业关注或研发的焦点领域. 专业展览会顺利举行 2009年8月13~15日,由中国物品编码中心、中国自动识别技术协会主办的第十六届国际自动识别技术展览会(SCAN CHINA 2009)在北京展览馆隆重举行.国际自动识别技术展览会自1994年举办第一届以来,至今已有16年历史.  相似文献   

自动识别技术(Automatic Identmcation)是指以标识技术为基础,通过获取标识载体承载的标识信息,实现标识对象信息获取的技术.它是信息数据自动识读、自动输入计算机的重要方法和手段,也是物流信息技术中的核心技术,已成为引领物流信息化发展的强力引擎.  相似文献   

We draw on the interorganizational relationship management literature to examine how contextual characteristics of the supplier portfolio (portfolio concentration, relationship length, and supplier substitutability) moderate the impacts of process alignment and partnering flexibility – two of a firm's key supplier-facing process capabilities to manage supplier relationships – on a product line's competitive performance. Our analysis of survey data on a firm's supplier portfolio for a major product line indicates that the impacts of process alignment and partnering flexibility on competitive performance are moderated by the three supplier portfolio characteristics. Specifically, while concentrated relationship portfolios, long-term relationships, and supplier substitutability amplify the positive effect of process alignment on competitive performance, concentrated relationship portfolios and long-term relationships attenuate the competitive benefits that firms derive from partnering flexibility. While long-term relationships and concentrated supplier portfolios enhance the competitive benefits of process alignment, operations managers also need to recognize the detrimental effects of these supplier portfolio characteristics on the competitive benefits of partnering flexibility.  相似文献   

Quality management practitioners in the USA such as W. Edwards Deming, strongly advocate the Japanese model of supplier relationships-recommending substantial specific investment in a single supplier for improved co-ordination and higher quality. But the strategy literature and conventional wisdom favor multiple sourcing, suggesting that a high level of specific investment in a sole source will lead to problems with supplier performance. Using agency theory, we construct a model to evaluate the tradeoff between the costs to set up and coordinate with suppliers and the incentive for performance provided by competition. We find that the validity of Deming's Point Four, that sole sourcing is more profitable than competitive sourcing, depends on parameters such as profit sensitivity to supplier performance.  相似文献   

Direct investments in supplier development and close relationship building are the two major collaborative supplier management strategies for developing and accessing superior supplier capability. The impact of these two strategies, however, has not been uniform across firms, calling for a deeper examination of their relative effectiveness. Utilizing multiple theoretical frameworks, this study examines the relevance and effectiveness of the two collaborative strategies across the growth and maturity stages of the product life cycle (PLC). Specifically, the study analyzes the influence of competitive intensity as an antecedent to supplier development and relational initiatives, and the role of product life cycle as a moderator of the inter-relationships among competitive intensity, supplier development, relational initiatives, and supplier capability. Based on primary survey data, and discussion with practicing managers, the study finds that the individual and integrative effectiveness of supplier development investments (SDI) and relational orientation (RO) can be influenced differently by competitive intensity and PLC stage. In particular, RO can have a foundational role in motivating SDI for superior supplier capability, as also in safeguarding against supplier opportunism in the standardized product market context of the maturity stage. The managerial and theoretical implications of varied emphasis on the two collaborative supplier management strategies across the PLC stages are discussed.  相似文献   

Companies are currently abandoning vertical integration in order to focus on their core competencies and capabilities. As a result, higher percentages of their products are being provided by suppliers. In today's global marketplace, customers can demand and receive products that possess excellent quality. In order to remain competitive, companies must be able to provide high-quality products at low prices. The quality of components purchased from suppliers influences product quality more than any other factor except design quality, and since purchased materiel make up such a large percentage of a company's product, ensuring supplier quality has become an economic imperative.  相似文献   

Supplier relationship management and supplier development initiatives assume a fundamental role in enterprise supply chain management. An important aspect of effective supplier relationship management is the role of trust. This paper seeks to understand whether supplier relationship management or supplier development initiative should be emphasized as a firm strives to achieve superior supplier performance. The analysis and discussion draws upon sourcing strategy literature and is based on empirical survey-data of mid to upper level managers with responsibility for supply management initiatives in their respective organizations in Denmark and in the USA. It examines the interrelationships among “relational norms”, “trust”, “supplier development initiatives” and ensuing “supplier performance”. The data analysis shows that firms must emphasize relation and trust building activities before investing in supplier development initiative. Supplier perception audits must be routinely performed to gauge the level of trust and strength of relational norms.  相似文献   

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