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Preference Structures, Property Rights, and Paired Comparisons   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The method of paired comparisons was used to determine the structure of survey participants' value expressions for Australian native forests. The same participants were also surveyed using the contingent valuation method (CVM). Data from the paired comparisons were used to construct preference maps which enabled identification of participants whose value expressions were structurally incompatible with economic welfare theory – in particular, those participants who expressed their values according to lexicographic preferences. For some of these participants, CVM results did not provide appropriate measures of WTP. The surveys also demonstrated the importance of allowing participants' own views on property rights to dictate the valuation context offered.  相似文献   

The use of the contingent valuation method to generate estimates of existence value for input to cost benefit analysis requires that individuals have utility functions defined over the relevant arguments. The validity of the assumption that the required utility functions generally exist has been questioned. It has been argued that some individuals will respond on the basis of lexicographic preference orderings. It has also been argued that some individuals do not consider that market, or individual willingness to pay, criteria are appropriate where existence value type issues are at stake. The paper considers survey evidence bearing upon these arguments. It is concluded that the evidence is consistent with the view that it is incorrect to proceed on the assumption that individuals generally satisfy the assumptions required for the existence of existence values for use in cost benefit analysis.  相似文献   

It has recently been argued that altruistic motives for paying for a public sector project should be ignored in a cost-benefit analysis. The reason is that including altruism would mean a kind of double counting of the project's benefits. This paper takes a look at these arguments, and derives cost-benefit rules which cover different kinds of altruism. The paper also provides some recommendations for the treatment of altruism in studies using the contingent valuation method.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of respondents' heterogeneous preferences regarding the good to be valued in binary-choice contingent valuationstudies. This is especially important when the valuation options give rise to both highly negative and highly positive attitudes.The survey design employs questionnaires which include separate items for willingness to favorandwillingness to contribute in monetary terms to the provision of the good. In light of our analysis, eliciting respondents' differentpreferences for the project first, without monetary considerations, wouldimprove the WTP estimates as welfare measures. Our results alsosuggest that nonparametric estimation could offer another solution foraccounting for preference heterogeneity. Nonparametric estimation is less sensitive to those `no' responses which are in fact not intended toreflect the respondents' WTP as such but merely to express their dislikefor the good at issue.  相似文献   

In recent years, an intensive debate on the economic valuation of biodiversity has entered the environmental-economics literature. The present paper seeks to offer first a critical review of key concepts that are essential for a proper understanding of such evaluation issues. Particular attention is given here to various monetary valuation approaches and to comparative (i.e., meta-analytical) methods from the perspective of conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. Several illustrative examples are presented in order to highlight the usefulness of the various approaches discussed. Next, an attempt is made to infer general findings and lessons from past applied research by means of meta-analysis. In this context, a multi-dimensional technique originating from the field of artificial intelligence is deployed. It allows us to identify the most important variables responsible for changes in economic estimates of biodiversity.  相似文献   

This paper discusses three main reasons why so many of the contingentvaluation studies conducted in developing countries are so bad. First,the contingent valuation surveys themselves are often poorly administeredand executed. Second, contingent valuation scenarios are often very poorlycrafted. Third, few CV studies conducted in developing countries aredesigned to test whether some of the key assumptions that the researchermade were the right ones, and whether the results are robust with respectto simple variations in research design and survey method. The paper concludesthat research on stated preference methods in developing countries iscritically important to the successful implementation of these methodsbecause (1) there is no empirical evidence to suggest that rapid,”streamlined” CV surveys yield reliable, accurate results, and (2)there is a significant risk that the current push for cheaper, simplerCV studies could discredit the methodology itself. Moreover, the policydebates to which CV researchers are asked to contribute are often oftremendous importance to the well-being of households in developingcountries. Because the costs of policy mistakes can prove tragic, itis critical that VC researchers push for excellence in this researchenterprise and that funding agencies think more carefully about thevalue of policy-relevant information in the fields in which thecontingent valuation method is being used to study household preferencesand behavior (e.g., water and sanitation services, urban air pollution,soil erosion, deforestation, biodiversity, watershed management,ecosystem valuation, vaccines for the poor).  相似文献   

The notion of an economic valuation of biodiversity raises major philosophical and practical challenges, especially due to the fact that biodiversity is an abstract good. Insights from political philosophy and philosophy of language can help to clarify the reliability and scope of the current economic methods that can be used for the purpose of valuing it. The analogy with another abstract good, justice, indeed shows that thinking about abstract goods is a very specific exercise. If they do not take account of this specificity, applications of hedonic and contingent valuation methods can hardly claim to be relevant to value biodiversity. Rawls' theory of justice provides for the conceptual tools to overcome this problem. A reinterpretation, based on the theory of counterfactuals, allows generalizing this account of justice to outline a theory of thinking about abstract goods. This new framework emphasizes the importance of the institutional context in determining the reliability of thinking about abstract goods. It points toward substantial reforms of the methodology of economic valuation. Specifically, it suggests reinterpreting valuation as a dynamic expressive process, where initial steps aim at reinforcing the reliability of later steps through an institutional transformation and stabilization of preferences for abstract goods.  相似文献   

We develop a framework for valuing cases of serious elder abuse. We use the preferences of the elderly who are abused, the victims, to help identify: what offenses are of concern, the seriousness of any particular offense and the value of preventing any particular offense. The variable revealing the valuations is the victim’s willingness to prosecute in New York City police complaint reports. Using our framework we found that it took a loss of $38 462 in order to be classed as a serious financial offense. With this monetary magnitude as a benchmark we were able to value nonfinancial serious offenses at up to $50 000 per offense.  相似文献   

Researching Preferences,Valuation and Hypothetical Bias   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A number of recent papers in environmental economics have focused on the process of researching preferences – agents are uncertain about preferences but with effort may narrow their uncertainty. This issue has arisen in formulating bids in contingent valuation (CV) as well as the debate over the divergence between WTP and WTA. In the context of CV, it has been suggested that the hypothetical nature of the preference elicitation process biases responses. This paper provides both a theoretical model and experimental evidence to contribute to this debate. The model is a model of competitive bidding for a private good with two components that are particularly relevant to the debate. The first component is that bidders are unsure of their own value for the private good but may purchase information about their own value (researching preferences). The second component is that there is a probability that the auction is hypothetical – that the winning bidder will not get the private good and will not pay the winning bid. The experiment tests this theoretical model of bidding equilibrium and analyzes the effects of variations in the parameters (hypotheticalness, information costs and number of agents) on the endogenous variables (such as the proportion of bidders who become informed and the winning bid). Experimental results suggest that an increase in the hypotheticalness of an auction tends to decrease the likelihood that bidders pay for information on their valuation with an ambiguous effect on the winning bid.   相似文献   

The Micangshan Forest Park is located in the northeast edge of the Sichuan Basin. The wild animals and plants resources are rich and the ecosystem is integrity. There are well-preserved areas of native biological communities. Its strip and the region decided that on the one hand biological diversity is rich; on the other hand, there is its unique ecological fragility. Once it is destroyed, it would be very difficult to restore. In order to protect the ecological environment of wild animal and plant habitats and wild animal and plant resources, this paper uses quadrat survey procedure to carry on the investigation. In the Micangshan Forest Park's typical land sector the author establishes the sample area of 20 m×20 m to invest the tree layer of plant species and builds five 2 m×2 m the small quadrats along the type place's diagonal line machinery to invest bush level and the field layer floristic component. Again according to the Micangshan Forest Park's terrain, the vegetation and the difference humanity interference condition, the autor builds the different quantities separately the line transect to invest the animal type. This article through to eastern Sichuan Province north the Micangshan forest park biodiversity resources investigation, has analyzed the biodiversity protection work present situation and the existence question, and put forward the proposal to the next protection work.  相似文献   

Valuation methods have been used for five main purposes in environmental decision-making. Cost–benefit analysis (CBA) of projects, CBA of new regulations, natural resource damage assessment, environmental costing, and environmental accounting. The relatively lower importance attached to economic efficiency in environmental decision-making in most European countries compared to the U.S.A., both legally and in practice, might account for our general finding that there are very few valuation studies in Europe which have served as a decisive basis for environmental policy and regulations. However, with EU's goal to establish environmentally adjusted national accounts and to apply CBA to environmental policy and regulations, time seems ripe for an increased use of valuation techniques in Europe.  相似文献   

We carried out a CBA of hearing aids (HAs) in which we estimated the direct utility benefits, and included the indirect utility benefits working through a reduction in dementia symptoms. The benefits methodology involved using QALYs as the outcome measure and then applying the price of a QALY to convert the outcome measure into monetary terms. The price of a QALY was derived from an age-specific VSL estimate. The effects of HAs on utility were estimated from a fixed effects regression on a large national panel data set provided by NACC where we used a negative proxy for the QoL. We also used a fixed effects regression for the estimate of the indirect benefits involving HAs reducing dementia symptoms. We found that the total benefits, mainly coming from the direct benefits, were extremely large relative to the costs, with benefit–cost ratios over 30.  相似文献   

In an effort to prioritize conservation efforts, scientists have developed the concept of biodiversity hotspots. Since most hotspots occur in countries where poverty is widespread, the success of conservation efforts depends upon the recognition that poverty can be a significant constraint on conservation, and at the same time conservation is an important component to the alleviation of long-term poverty. In this paper we present five key socio-economic poverty indicators (access to water, undernourishment, potential population pressure, number living below poverty line and debt service) and integrate them with an ecologically based hotspots analysis in order to illustrate magnitude of the overlap between biological conservation and poverty. The analysis here suggests that the overlap between severe, multifaceted poverty and key areas of global biodiversity is great and needs to be acknowledged. Understanding the magnitude of overlap and interactions among poverty, conservation and macroeconomic processes is crucial for identifying illusive, yet possible, win-win solutions.  相似文献   

This paper re-examines the openended/dichotomous choice question in the lab. It hasearlier been suggested that the dichotomous choiceformat suffers from anchoring and yea-saying.Comparing actual economic commitments for a privategood with a significant market value, we cannot rejectthe null hypothesis of equal WTP for the two formats.We conclude that problems with DC might be due toissues of how the survey is framed, not the DCquestion itself.  相似文献   

Over the last few years a great deal of research has focussed on hypothetical bias in value estimates obtained with the contingent valuation (CV) method and on means for ameliorating if not eliminating such bias. To date, efforts to eliminate hypothetical bias have relied on calibration techniques or on word-smithing of one kind or another to induce subjects to provide responses to hypothetical questions that mimic responses made by subjects facing actual payments in the valuation experiment. This paper introduces a different approach for eliminating hypothetical bias. A design for a CV survey format is presented which provides subjects with the opportunity to learn how the CV institution works. Sequential referenda are conducted where respondents gain experience in CV settings by participating in both hypothetical and real referenda. The logic of this Learning Design is a straightforward application of the trials process used in experimental economics. We demonstrate that the Learning Design is effective in eliminating hypothetical bias in surveys concerning donations to two different public goods.  相似文献   

The NOAA panel for Contingent Valuation opened up the question of the possibility of using trichotomous choice discrete formats in CV studies. In this paper we show how the trichotomous choice format can be used for testing the successfulness of the project definition in the questionnaire. We shall define the vagueness band around the true outcome of the project to be valued and we allow it to be asymmetric. It is shown how this asymmetry can be modelled and estimated. We also show how these new models are generalisations of ordinary ordered probit/logit models.  相似文献   

Biodiversity is on important concept in ecology,ogriculture and also economics.This paper examines the biodiversity problem in tea-production of Fujian province,China,and tries to improve the biodiversity in Fujian tea industry by illustrating the problem and arousing the public concern about it ,which is the main contribution and the purpose of the problem in detail at first.In the next section it analyzes some factors which contribute to the problem,mainly including natural and historical reasons,economic reasons,institutional reasons and technological reasons.Then this paper tries to propose Some suggestions to solve or alleviate the biodiversity problem in Fujian tea-production from the point of government,academic field and the producers,as it needs the joint efforts of all those participants.Econometric analyses will be made when necessary with SPSS 11.0.  相似文献   

Using Choice Experiments to Value the Environment   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
This paper we outline the “choice experiment” approach to environmental valuation. This approach has its roots in Lancaster's characteristics theory of value, in random utility theory and in experimental design. We show how marginal values for the attributes of environmental assets, such as forests and rivers, can be estimated from pair-wise choices, as well as the value of the environmental asset as a whole. These choice pairs are designed so as to allow efficient statistical estimation of the underlying utility function, and to minimise required sample size. Choice experiments have important advantages over other environmental valuation methods, such as contingent valuation and travel cost-type models, although many design issues remain unresolved. Applications to environmental issues have so far been relatively limited. We illustrate the use of choice experiments with reference to a recent UK study on public preferences for alternative forest landscapes. This study allows us to perform a convergent validity test on the choice experiment estimates of willingness to pay.  相似文献   

We estimate the willingness to pay (WTP) of Beijing and Shanghai residents for improving the air quality of the two cities from their levels prior to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games to the level achieved during the Olympics. The data are obtained from a contingent valuation study conducted through face-to-face interviews in June 2008 in Beijing and Shanghai prior to the Beijing Olympics, during which time there was intensive debate about Beijing's air quality. Residents in both cities are willing to pay more when they are more exposed to air pollution, when their disposable income increases, and when they have stronger beliefs that public opinion plays an important role in government policy making. Beijing residents are willing to pay more than Shanghai residents, due possibly to Beijing's poorer air quality. Overall, aggregate WTP for air quality improvement accounts for about 0.53% of the 2008 GDP in Beijing and 0.22% of the 2008 GDP in Shanghai.  相似文献   

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