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藏源山南,喜迎四海宾朋。神奇雅砻,相约天下志士。在全国人民翘首以盼党的十八大胜利召开之际,我们欢聚一堂,隆重举行2012中国西藏雅砻文化节。这是山南地委、行署贯彻落实党中央、区党委关于推进文化大发展大繁荣决策部署、积极践行“爱国、团结、和谐、发展、文明”核心价值观的重大举措,是展示山南改革发展稳定辉煌成就和雅砻儿女时代风采的盛大舞台,是山南与区内外交流合作、共谋发展的浩大盛会。  相似文献   

8月16日,由山南地委、行署主办,地区文化局、文联联合承办的“藏源·藏缘”——海思科·2012中国西藏雅砻文化节美术摄影书法展在地区青少年宫开展。自治区党委宣传部副部长、区文联党组书记沈开运在开展仪式上讲话。山南地委委员、秘书长姜太强,人大地区工委副主任嘎玛洛桑,地区政协副主席王怀亭出席开展仪式。行署副专员、雅砻文化节组委会副主任宇飞致辞。  相似文献   

8月16日,雅砻各族干部群众和各级嘉宾欢聚在雅砻剧院广场,隆重举行海思科·2012中国西藏雅砻文化节文化大展演活动启动仪式。湖北省政协副主席陈天会出席启动仪式并参观了雅砻民族服饰展演等主题活动。山南地委书记其美仁增出席启动仪式并陪同参观。地委副书记、行署专员、雅砻文化节组委会主任张永泽致辞。行署副专员、雅砻文化节组委副主任宇飞主持启动仪式。地区领导格桑仁青、肖传江、薛长学、边巴、胡中海、嘎玛旦巴、云丹、姜太强以及自治区有关部门领导、湖北省党政代表团成员、其他兄弟地(市)领导出席仪式。  相似文献   

大美西藏,藏缘雅砻。绚烂的烟花盛放在雅砻河谷的夜空中,隆隆的鼓声回荡在西藏山南的高原上,高亢的唱腔飞扬在百年藏戏的面具下,多彩的舞蹈旋转在八方游客的记忆里。雅砻是一酋歌,从才旦卓玛到央金兰泽,从卓卓玛到普布扎西,雅砻儿女用自己的歌声唱出了藏源雅砻的光辉历史。雅砻是一支舞,从久河卓舞到扎囊果谐,从牛皮船舞到羌谐,雅砻儿女用自己的舞步跳出了藏源雅砻的美好生活。  相似文献   

8月20日,海思科·2012中国西藏雅砻文化节“欢歌雅砻”青年歌手决赛在雅砻剧院圆满落下帷幕。地委委员、宣传部长、雅砻文化节组委会副主任嘎玛旦巴,人大地区工委副主任嘎玛洛桑,行署副专员、雅砻文化节组委会副主任宇飞,政协副主席顿珠到现场观看决赛。决赛在一曲《昌珠卓玛拉康》的悠扬旋律中拉开序幕,  相似文献   

8月的雅砻美丽动人,欢歌沸腾。在古城泽当,在香曲河畔,处处花团锦簇、彩旗飘扬。为深入贯彻落实党的十七届六中全会关于“推进文化大发展大繁荣”和中央第五次西藏工作座谈会关于“把西藏打造成重要的中华民族特色文化保护地和重要的世界旅游目的地”的战略部署,我们山南地区举办了2012中国西藏雅砻文化节,着力打造雅砻文化旅游品牌。作为中国三大地域文化之一,雅砻文化底蕴深厚。这里是西藏的江南、藏民族的摇篮、藏文化的发祥地。这里历史悠久,藏王松赞干布从山南崛起,创造了吐蕃王朝的辉煌,唐蕃联姻,文成公主进藏千古传颂。这里文化璀璨,诞生了第一代藏王、第一块农田、第一座宫殿等西藏诸多“第一”,创造了独具魅力的雅砻文化。  相似文献   

敦煌学、藏学和徽学,被称为中国三六姐蚓技耳匕。而作为三大文化之—的藏学,其集大成的体现就是雅砻文化。雅砻古称“若水”,由其秉性,泽被万物。传说若水可以接日通天,是神仙来往天上人间的梯道。也有传说雅砻是“地之肚脐”的通道,通过这里,你可以与整个世界沟通。那么这片素有西藏古代文明的摇篮、藏民族的发祥地之称的原始地带,无疑是浑然天成。逐渐靠近这片土地,你会越来越明白那首流传久远的“宫殿莫早于雍布拉康、国王莫早于聂赤赞普、地方莫早于雅砻”歌谣的真正含义:进入雅砻河谷,神猴与罗刹女繁衍高原族群的美丽神话也变得真实起来,一座贡布日神山的玛尼堆就成为整个藏民族的祖陵变得宏伟起来,盘踞在扎西次日神山之巅的雍布拉康也宛然一座灯塔指向这个民族出生的起点。  相似文献   

8月的雅砻,硕果飘香。8月21日,为期7天的海思科·2012中国西藏雅砻文化节圆满落幕,闭幕式暨颁奖典礼在山南地区体育场举行。相约雅砻,相聚雅砻,结缘雅砻。来自各行业的代表和区内外来宾在团结、欢乐、和谐的气氛中,共同庆祝海思科·2012中国西藏雅砻文化节成功举办。  相似文献   

去雅砻文化节疯玩吧。 这里是西藏歌舞艺术的博物馆,久河卓舞、扎囊果谐、陇巴郭孜……来自山南各个地区的民间艺术团,在雅砻剧院和体育场表演丰富多彩的歌舞,一定让喜爱歌舞的你大饱眼福。或者,去体育场参加藏民族传统体育大赛,和朋友来一次押加,看谁力气大,抱一抱200公斤的大石头。如果你是戏曲艺术的爱好者,那就坐下来听听有600多年历史的藏戏,参悟那蓝白面具下的长歌古韵。  相似文献   

山南地委副书记华学健首先代表山南地委、行署和35万雅砻各族人民,热烈欢迎出席本次论坛的领导、专家和来宾。华学健说,山南地委、行署始终高度重视文化旅游发展,确立了“文化强地”发展战略,将“打造以藏民族之宗、藏文化之源为标志的藏源旅游基地”纳入“十二五”发展规划,提出了文化塑造、文化引领、文化惠民、文化精品、文化培育“五大工程”,并力争到2015年,全地区文化产业产值占全地区生产总值的3.5%,达到4亿元以上。  相似文献   

安全工作必须从基础抓起,抓住主要矛盾,还要强化安全规范管理,构建有效的安全质量保证体系;坚持抓小防大,从严管理;此外还要在设备投入上下功夫,不断提高设备质量。  相似文献   

This article examines changing architecture in Itacaré, Brazil, as it transitions from a fishing village to an international tourist destination. Tourism, as an assemblage of practices and perspectives, recreates places in specific ways that structure social and environmental relationships. Through an examination of historical architectural styles, tourist architecture, and popular architecture in Itacaré, this article analyses the ways a tourist economy has physically and socially rebuilt the city. Socially, the changing architecture marks and creates differences between class, racial, and regional identities while also providing an idiom through which public conversations about these changing economic systems and demographics are articulated. At the same time, the expansion of the city has led to racial-, regional-, and class-based segregation. Environmentally, tourist architecture creates new relationships to nature through re-imagining Itacaré’s position in relation to other rural and urban places and a new emphasis on the aesthetic value of nature.  相似文献   

The field of aviation research is entering the era of big data. While data-driven advancements in aviation have clearly brought about applicable models and results with immediate implications, we argue that the influx of aviation data should be better characterized and documented to enable more efficient and standardized usage. To this end, we examine 200 well-cited research articles from sub-disciplines ranging from revenue management to air traffic control published on or after 2010 in order to analyze the diversity, availability, tractability, applicability, and sources (DATAS) of data utilized in aviation research. We find high levels of data diversity within aviation research, with 16 data categories ranging from air traffic flow management-type data to data from distributed sensors in line with the Internet-of-Things (IoT) paradigm. We identified a dominance of proprietary, non-public data in aviation research, with 68% of the 200 research articles utilizing solely proprietary data in deriving their results, and a further 8% utilizing a mixture of proprietary and publicly available data. The pervasiveness of proprietary data has implications on reproducibility and extending research results. We also highlight the increasing tractability of the data by surveying the computational power required to process the data sets, and present vignettes of applications and results that stem from these data-driven studies. Finally, we propose several recommendations regarding standardizing data source nomenclature as well as increasing the availability of and usage of publicly available data.  相似文献   

International volunteers often travel to destinations (low- and middle-income countries) that carry a greater chance of being involved in a road-related injury and a possible fatality. Within this cultural exchange, tourists move from safe roads and cars to those that are potentially unsafe. Is this all part of the adventure of volunteering or should the tourist industry take some responsibility? This paper highlights the intersection between tourism and road injury and fatality risks (as pedestrians or in vehicles) with special attention to the longer term volunteer traveller. Social science theory underpins some of the discussions around risk and travel. A brief consideration of the international road traffic death and injury crisis and the emergence of the recognition that this impacts upon tourist safety is explored as backdrop to discussions. Tourism relies upon the ability for people to travel in and around the countries they travel to, often taking on the local travel arrangements prevalent in their destination. These local travel arrangements enable leisure tourists to explore their destination and volunteer travellers to live and work as locals. Is it time to consider and further the research on road risks as a growing feature of tourism?  相似文献   

As cost of search for consumers decreases with the spread of the internet; researchers question whether this trend will lead to lower price or higher product differentiation. This paper examines a sample of offered fares to see if an airline choosing not to distribute its tickets via a channel where competitors' offers are directly observable may attempt taking advantage of potential customers. We find this to be the case. Our study suggests that the US airline industry appears to be evolving toward more product differentiation in the internet age.  相似文献   

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