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早晨:寻找质地良好的柏木 清晨,一缕阳光打破了笼罩着大地的阴霾,多吉次仁早早地起来,点上藏香,拿着斧头走向了山里。由于连日的大雨,树叶上还挂着露水,多吉次仁走进树林时,树叶上的露水掉下来,砸在了泥泞的路上。多吉今天很忙,他要趁着天气晴朗的时候找到合适的柏木,再把这柏木磨成木泥,做成一根根的藏香。多吉次仁的家在西藏尼木县吞巴乡。制作藏香的手艺代代相传,多吉很小的时候就会跟着爷爷到山里面采集藏香所需的原材料。制作藏香的原材料有很多,主要配以藏红花、雪莲花、麝香这些具有药用价值的植物和手工香草。多吉所在的吞巴乡不仅制作藏香,他们自己平时也会使用藏香。在西藏,你走进每户人家大概都能闻到藏香的味道。藏区海拔较高,空气稀薄,密闭的室内空气不流通。而由藏药和香草制成的藏香,可以让空气洁净,心情舒畅。这也使得藏香越来越受欢迎。  相似文献   

小得得 《西藏旅游》2011,(11):136-139
抵达之后,满眼便拍打着印有藏文的经幡,你将在辨不清的幽香中手持藏香祭拜佛祖,并且不忘青睐于绚烂精美的唐卡和写满经文的经书。一切就像是祖先留下的小小标记,无时不在向你彰显着一个民族的传承力量,告诉你所眼见的与千年之前并无大异。它们的存在,得益于尼木人至今仍保留着的三样传统手工艺:吞巴藏香、普松雕刻、雷拉藏纸,这被世人称作尼木“三绝”。  相似文献   

小得得  张银 《西藏旅游》2011,(8):114-119
说起和西藏最亲密的城市,我总会想起成都。走在大街小巷,能看到三三两两的喇嘛或者身着藏族服饰的同胞穿梭其间,各种藏族小店散落在街道两旁.从门前经过可以闻到藏香的浓郁味道。如果你想念西藏,你还能在这里找到味蕾的安慰——酥油茶飘香、酸奶味醇厚。我们寻找于各个街头,就是要为您还原一张最完美的——成都藏味儿地图。  相似文献   

王郢 《西藏旅游》2010,(5):60-61
香.是藏族人生活中不可或缺的一韶分。拉萨街头,随处可以见藏香出售,尼木藏香或吞巴藏乡,虽是两个名字,却都是藏香的指向词。尼术县的吞巴乡.这里正是藏香的故乡。  相似文献   

张均  张春晓 《西藏旅游》2014,(12):142-143
香,最初是用于宗教仪式,但在几千年的发展中,它也广泛运用于我们生活和各个方面。而藏香,因其取材来自纯天然植物,加上古老传承的手工技艺,使它平凡而神秘,暗香浮动中,我们的心灵得以释放,我们的神经被轻轻抚慰。  相似文献   

李贞  张盼倩 《西藏旅游》2014,(10):158-159
藏香,是藏族人用以驱除邪灵.供养佛祖.在家里进行祷告时经常用到的一件物品。藏香的历史已经有1300多年了,第一代藏香的发明者就是大名鼎鼎的吞弥-桑布扎。从印度学习回来后,吞弥·桑布扎不仅发明了藏文.翻译了佛经,还研制出了第一代藏香。  相似文献   

佛教徒们托起藏香炉,点燃线香,在香气氤氲、淡淡青烟中,表达着对佛祖的崇敬虔诚。  相似文献   

拉萨,以圣城的名义伫立在青藏高原。当阳光洒下金缕,覆盖拉萨这片土地时,每个人都会以最纯粹、最纯净的心灵去感受它的美丽——不管你是默默无闻的凡人还是灿烂耀眼的明星。  相似文献   

藏彝走廊,它有你能够想象的一切,有你想象之外的一切;它有这个星球上最壮丽的美景;它有文化人类学中最奇特的民俗。1928年,洛克站在稻城亚丁,三座白雪皑皑的山峰在他视线的前方,他情不自禁自言自语道:世界上还有这么美丽的地方吗?准备好你远行的背包,准备好一颗准备随时承受惊喜与激动的久经考验的心,让我们一同上路,Let's go……  相似文献   

“当你置身法国,尤其是置身首都巴黎的时候,你会感受到一种浓浓的、让你怡然自得的文化气息,这种气息让你不想离开,让你恋恋不合,让你离开了总是想着回来。”这是到过巴黎的人的感受。在巴黎你可以非常立体地感受到浓浓的历史和文化氛围,漫步在塞纳河畔建筑、雕塑、色彩之美融为一体,足可以融化了每个游人的心。旅游者到法国来,能够体验到其他国家和地区难以体验到的浪漫情调。  相似文献   

《Transport Policy》2009,16(5):271-278
“Multi-crane oriented” is a scheduling method that yard trailers can be shared by different quay cranes. In this paper, two models for this problem are developed. The first one is a model for an inter-ship-based sharing method. In this model, yard trailers can be shared by quay cranes of different ships. To solve the model, a two-phase Tabu search algorithm is designed. The second one is a model for a ship-based sharing method. In this model, yard trailers can only be shared by quay cranes of the same ship. Q-learning algorithm is designed to solve the model. Numerical tests show that the “multi-crane oriented” method can decrease the yard trailers’ travel distance, reduce the disequilibrium of different working lines, and thus improve the operation efficiency in container terminals.  相似文献   

We study load balancing policies for an airport baggage handling system (BHS). The performance of the screening subsystem is important as it can potentially cause traffic congestion of the whole BHS during peak period. Currently, the round-robin (RR) and the first-available (FA) polices are implemented at airports. This paper presents a simulative approach to evaluate the impact of load balancing policies on the system performance. Using discrete-event simulations, airport practitioners can assess the effectiveness of the policies according to the actual layout of a particular passenger terminal. In addition to the RR and FA, a join-shortest-queue (JSQ) policy is introduced. This scheme can be applied jointly with the RR for daily operations. A case study is presented to illustrate the characteristics of this scheme. Simulation results demonstrate that the RR-JSQ can replace the existing RR-FA for a better balanced load distribution and improve the overall system performance.  相似文献   

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, often called drones, have rapidly emerged for commercial and personal use in recent years. Drones are a promising and effective transportation mode because they can travel faster than traditional ground-based vehicles, particularly when obstacles limit quick response or in cases of congestion. An important consideration for drones is that travel times are impacted in various ways by real-time local conditions, including weather and terrain. While goods and supplies can be acquired at more traditional outlets (e.g., stores, warehouses, restaurants, hospitals, fire stations, etc.), drones are being increasingly relied upon to extend access, particularly for special services associated with food, drug, and equipment delivery. The reason is that they can reliably access almost anywhere, providing quick response without the need for more expensive (and larger) vehicles that are restricted to congested roadways. How to locate drone base stations and allocate service in order to optimize overall response is a challenging task, especially given spatiotemporal heterogeneity in distributed demand and service response times/costs that can vary over a day. This paper introduces an extension of p-median problem to aid in the deployment of a drone system that accounts for continuous planar travel costs. Results show that drone travel times can be significantly reduced across a region. A key feature in this work is the representation of both demand and flight trajectories across a continuous terrain.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the concern expressed in some quarters that the process of liberalisation of international air transport has lost its momentum. The paper argues that any assessment about whether liberalisation has stalled needs to be based on an understanding of the outcomes expected to be achieved. One view is that liberalisation is beneficial because it can deliver specific outcomes. Another view is that liberalisation is a process leading to the evolution of a system of regulation by market forces. Accordingly, the status of liberalisation can be measured in terms of specific deliverables or it can be measured according to whether shared values and beliefs take precedence over the interests of individual members. The paper examines these views and discusses factors that will drive or inhibit further liberalisation. Particular attention is paid to the role of ICAO since this organization considers that it is the forum in which global solutions on this matter are to be pursued.  相似文献   

重叠透视法是痕迹检验的一种直接重影方法,对较大面积的痕迹检验,可以迅速有效地确定部位和寻找比对特征。在手印检验中,经过恰当处理,也同样适用这种方法。  相似文献   

We present a methodology to analyse high resolution population and transport data in order to assess cross-border connectivity within the European Union. Transport infrastructure can strongly influence cross-border interactions as well as regional, urban or local development. The analysis is carried out using a policy perspective, with network efficiency as the main indicator of accessibility. The aim is to allow the quantification of the quality of cross-border road connections and the identification of areas where infrastructure improvements can lead to higher benefits. We propose a machine learning approach that combines cell level route assignment and k-means clustering at a fine −1 square km- population grid. The outputs cover all internal EU land borders and consist of sets of spatial clusters that meet user-defined policy criteria. The results can be used as input for investment decisions and can be easily combined with other policy support tools for tailored multi-criteria analysis.  相似文献   

The number of foreigners getting arrested, detained or imprisoned each year is increasing. This can occur at instances throughout the journey from airport, to hotel to local tourist hotspots. The tourist can become both the victim of a crime or the instigator, with either one leading to detention. Arrest and imprisonment can occur out of a wilful criminal act or cultural insensitivity to local culture, norms and rules. Often the tourist is unprepared and can find themselves within a traumatic and incomprehensible experience compounded by several dimensions such as isolation, limited access, poor diet and unawareness of what is happening due to foreign languages, cultures and regulations. As an unwanted product, the travel and hospitality industry rarely informs travellers of possible imprisonment and the consequences of such; the marketing aim is to put the most positivist spin on the travel experience. Within this reluctance to inform travellers, the provision of information and assistance on traveller detention has been assigned chiefly to government agencies and related non-governmental organisations (NGOs). The article discusses expanding the industry's response. Recommendations of greater collaboration with government and being more responsible to their guests and customers by enhancing communication of the issue throughout the travel process are given.  相似文献   

“八荣八耻”的社会主义荣辱观,既继承了优秀文化传统,又体现了社会主义的美德。只有知荣辱才能创和谐,只有清误区才能塑美德,只有扬正气才能利千秋,只有抓落实才能见实效。从大处着眼,小处着手,从习惯养成、风气培育、传统形成等方面,全方位地让官德、民风来一个根本性转变。  相似文献   

A goal program to select and schedule road projects can include policy considerations in addition to those covered by cost-benefit evaluation. Five economic benefits and twelve environmental, developmental and accessibility objectives constitute the goals in a rural application in Western Australia. A plan and construction schedule can be generated for any set of priorities, each satisfying the budget constraint. Government can choose from them to match current policy concerns and meet the needs of affected residents. The method is particularly valuable when there are linkages between projects.  相似文献   

In urban contexts, accessibility measures are often utilized to represent the interactions among land use, transport and people’s trips to services and other facilities. Accessibility is generally evaluated using conventional traffic measures such as travel time and distance, but traffic volume, which is a product of the travel trips induced by people’s needs, may also be positively related to accessibility. This study tests the hypothesis “can freeway traffic volume information facilitate urban accessibility assessment?” Traffic volume based accessibility models are proposed to investigate this relationship and test the hypothesis. The results indicate that the answer to this question is a qualified “yes”, as there is a statistically significant relationship between traffic volume differences and accessibility. The coefficients of the models can potentially be used as a reference to guide the urban planning process. The limitations of the proposed models can be addressed by deploying Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) traffic sensors on ramps and arterial roadways.  相似文献   

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