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那些年,我们一起在西藏的日子。有人梦想开一家客栈。然后努力去实现:有人两次进西藏,一次骑行,一次徒步;有人在西藏写作,喝酒,安于做自己;有人在西藏拍最美的片子,用镜头捕捉最美的记忆。一千个人心中,有一千个西藏的模样。那些在西藏待过的日子,仅属于自己,存于微博中。  相似文献   

我对西藏最初的印象和向往,缘于近半个世纪前,外婆诉说的故事。小时候听外婆讲,很久以前,外公从丽江走茶马古道,前往印度经商,西藏是必经之地。据说,外公经商最后一次远行时,母亲年幼,舅舅还在外婆腹中。外公走茶马古道一去渺无音讯,客死他乡。在我心里,西藏仿佛离我们很近,又好像很远。也许在我幼年时便怯怯地萌生了前往西藏的梦想。在母亲看来,西藏是个充满神秘色彩和有牵挂的地方,母亲很想去西藏,  相似文献   

为使我们今天走过的风景到明天依然美丽灿烂 《西藏旅游》对所有热爱自然的人说:爱护西藏的一草一木,珍惜西藏的一水一物,让我们的精神家园—西藏,永远纯净高远。 《西藏旅游》建议您:立即行动起来,加入到“绿色旅游”的队伍中!做一名绿色旅游的倡导者。  相似文献   

武强 《空运商务》2011,(14):24-24
7月26日,西藏航空有限公司成功首航。首航航线为西藏拉萨-西藏阿里往返,航班号为TV9807/8,由A319机型执飞。自此,西藏航空阿里一拉萨一成都往返航线正式开始投入运营,航班周期为每周二、四、六。在阿里的地面服务由阿里昆莎机场地面服务部代理。  相似文献   

本世纪八十年代初,伴随着改革开放,西藏旅游业迅速崛起,从小到大,逐步发展,成效显著。 一 西藏旅游业经历了四个发展阶段。 (一)西藏旅游业的初创阶段(1980——1984)。 1980年,贯彻党的十一届三中全会精神,在以经济建设为中心和改革开放战略指引下,西藏社会主义经济出现了蓬勃生机,开始走向繁荣与振兴之路。西藏旅游业在这历史性的机遇中应运而生。当年接待海外旅游者1,059人次,是西藏和平解放到  相似文献   

缘起说起去西藏是在心里藏了很久的愿望。身边的朋友对西藏谈论过很多,每次我都是一个忠实的听众。可是我心里明白,有一天我会从西藏回来再郑重地告诉他们西藏的模样, 一个真实的西藏。从青藏铁路开工起,这个愿望就愈加的强烈,我得赶在铁路进藏前领略西藏的美。  相似文献   

喻久天: 首先,恭喜你已成为西藏迷俱乐部的一名会员。 西藏迷俱乐部是为所有热爱西藏的人提供的一个交流平台,现在有越来越多的人加入其中。随着西藏迷队伍的不断扩大,我们开展的活动也日益丰富,你要及时关注哦! 考虑到:你是一名在读的学生,对西藏有着疯狂的热爱,藏文又写得这么好。那么,在你的暑期,我一定会向各地西藏迷俱乐部分部力荐你去做点和西藏相关的事情。静候吧! 扎西德勒!张宏  相似文献   

一位将西藏作为实现自己寻找绿色梦想之地,更将西藏作为自己艺术生命和灵魂停驻之地的人。 一位觉得坐着车去西藏和象虔诚的佛教徒一样一步一磕去西藏的感觉完全不一样的人。 一位不停地用艺术创作和在西藏实地的“行走”来努力追寻自己的“精神家园”的人。 一位将“精神家园的守望者”称谓认为是“自嘲”的人。  相似文献   

一千个人心中,有一千个哈姆雷特,同样一千个人心中,也有一千种西藏,他们热爱西藏.用心灵抚摸这一片大地,他们希望你们去西藏,并且尽一切的可能爱护西藏。  相似文献   

西藏之美,美在自然,美在盛开在峡谷草地的野花。它们星星点点,一丛丛,一支支,倔强地伸展花枝,热烈地盛开在西藏这块以苍茫辽阔为底色的画布上,让路过的牧人或朝圣者多一分坚强,它们生生不息,每一朵都蕴藏着西藏UJ水特有的气质。由于西藏西北、东南气候差异极大,造成了多元化的气候以及植被特点,那些玲琅满目、形态各异的植物们会让你怀疑自己是不是真的身在西藏,除前文介绍到的几类常见花以外,西藏还生长着一些罕为人知的花儿,欢迎走逬隐藏在西藏高原中的植物世界…….  相似文献   

This paper explores the idea that there is a new form of restaurant that requires definition recognition that it fulfils a significant role in contemporary tourism. The adoption of foraged foods frequently reflects the historical and cultural foundations of place; in this respect, it is possible to adopt the French notion of ‘Terroir’ to conceptualize this new hospitality movement. The paper utilizes Noma in Denmark as a case study of this new gustatory movement and provides an exemplar of the terroir restaurant. The terroir restaurant provides a space in which the diner can consume tangible elements of both culture and landscape; often, this involves entry into a constructed visceral ‘sensescape’ where the dining experience becomes elevated to a higher level. The terroir restaurant provides the tourist with a gustatory concept and philosophy that move far beyond the notion of food as fuel, to one that is underpinned by a geographical and cultural aesthetic that reinforces the consumers ‘being in the world’ and their individual identities.  相似文献   

黄燕  罗勇   《西藏旅游》2009,(7):68-71
站在浓缩了120多万平方公里土地的西藏地图前,我会跟很多人一样,目光不自觉地移向它的东南角.在藏东红山深处,寻找一个充满神奇的地方——芒康。茶马古道的驮铃声、千年盐田的神话、曲孜卡的涛声泉影、多姿多彩的弦子表演。像一幅幅灵动的画面浮现眼前,跳动在记忆的血脉里。  相似文献   

This research was designed to evaluate our current state of knowledge by systematically reviewing tourism and hospitality academic literature concerning sustainability in the restaurant sector by undertaking a systematic review and content analysis. The characteristics of 76 articles are listed in a comprehensive table, presenting research design and research variables, and the articles are examined for their approach to the sustainability concept as applied to the restaurant industry (i.e. the range of responsible practices addressed in each work). The findings indicate that the majority of the literature only engages with parts of sustainability, particularly ecological, rather than holistic sustainability. This matters because it may mean we fail in our attempts to achieve more sustainable restaurant operations.

This research suggests that tourism and hospitality studies need to re-engage with the evolving conceptualisation of sustainability to ensure that best practice responses to changing requirements are undertaken. The narrow focus on ecological aspects of sustainability featuring in restaurants does not acknowledge the full meaning of sustainability and therefore may constrain efforts to secure more sustainable futures. Illuminating such gaps in knowledge is important in order to strengthen our conceptual understandings, refine our practices and thereby secure more sustainable futures through tourism and hospitality.  相似文献   

陈娟红(大家都习惯叫她阿娟)很能说,说到西藏更是滔滔不绝。阿娟喜欢西藏的一切:小到一个藏银镯子,大到布宫、纳木错.都能让她激动不已。阿娟说:“青藏铁路开通后,我还没有机会再去。”当记者邀请她重游西藏时,她连说了几个“好啊,好啊”,恨不得马上就去。  相似文献   

针对铁路局快捷货运经营的不足,提出铁路快捷货运经营体系应由“门到门”运输子系统、营业网点子系统、市场营销子系统、物流信息子系统等四项子系统组成。基于物流市场竞争均衡态势,构建成都铁路局快捷货运经营体系模型。并运用模型进行求解,得出了相应的结果。  相似文献   

苏瑾 《西藏旅游》2009,(5):116-125
自驾穿越藏地,是很多人的梦想。选择合适的车,选择适宜的路段,在合适的时间出行,却不是件容易的事情。 也许,你正在为挑选一辆爱车赴藏而看花了眼,也许,你正在为自己的爱车适合走哪条路钱而伤神。那么,就看看我们为您准备的车刊,对号入座吧。  相似文献   

This study aims to improve the understanding of the underlying mechanism of passenger boarding and alighting processes, as well as its potential influence on train dwell time and train operation. Empirical data collected from one of busiest metro stations in Seoul, Korea, demonstrates the spatial and temporal variation in the passenger service rate, as a result of interference between boarding, alighting, and standing passengers. This study postulates that the level of interference can be associated with the train car occupancy and the proximity of train door to entry points, as waiting passengers tend to cluster near the platform entries. A unique temporal service rate curve is derived from each door location. We introduce Dynamic Time Warping for similarity assessment and clustering. It revealed four groups of train doors showing distinct shapes of curve from each platform. The first cluster includes the train doors located closest to the platform entry points where the initial service rate is drastically impeded by severe inference among passengers. The level of interference gradually diminishes as the door is located farther away from the entry points, but the overall service rate decreases as well. A passenger service time model is derived to include the cluster variable. To test its significance, the prediction capability of the model is presented with and without the cluster variable. The results of this study may be used to guide waiting passengers along the platform to minimize interference and to avoid serious disruption during passenger service time.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to explore the characteristics and motivations of culinary tourists whose destination is the city of Córdoba (Spain) while attempting to determine whether gastronomy is an important aspect of the trip or if it is perceived simply as a secondary activity. Fieldwork was carried out among a series of restaurant establishments in the city of Córdoba. A demand survey was conducted in 10 particular establishments that were selected among those offering local dishes and which are regularly visited by tourists and the questionnaire was distributed among clients obtaining 206 valid answers. Our results reveal the strengths and weaknesses of Córdoba's restaurant sector. While 10% state that the cuisine is one of the main reasons for visiting the city, 68% believe that the local cuisine is an important but not an essential aspect of their trip and the rest view it as being secondary. These three types of tourists exhibit different kinds of motivation. This suggests that strategies should be designed and developed to promote gastronomy as one of the city's chief tourist attractions. Good tourism management based on initiatives such as the creation of culinary routes could be an alternative for implementing strategies aimed at the social and economic development and promotion of particular areas, for example turning typical food from rural areas in certain regions into a marketable attraction.  相似文献   

苏瑾 《西藏旅游》2009,(6):48-51
西藏,离天最近的地方。 那里有一群闪烁着清澈大眼睛的孩子,尽管教育环境远远赶不上内地,他们还是对知识充满了渴望。当你送给他们一支铅笔时,那一张张纯真的面庞,会洋溢着最灿烂最幸福的笑容。  相似文献   

红杏 《西藏旅游》2009,(1):107-115
佳佳两岁了。我们给她设计了一次行程:去西藏。青藏铁路线开通,坐上火车去拉萨,对我们大人来说也是一次全新的体验。从北京到拉萨的火车,行程48小时。对于一个两岁的孩子,将是一次耐力与体力的挑战;对于我们,如何带着孩子在火车上度过漫长的48小时也是一次挑战。而到西藏后,孩子会不会闹,会不会不适应,以及西藏的高海拔、低含氧的环境会不会对孩子的健康有影响,都将是我们面临的问题。就这样,我们带着佳佳,带着好奇与不安,忐忑上路了。  相似文献   

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