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达巴士林峡谷,系札达士林的核心地域,这个于2005年9月20日被列为“这个国家地质公园‘的狭长谷底集达巴王古城堡遗址、达巴士林峡谷古洞窟和达巴士林峡谷风光于一体。这些峡谷围绕一个古城而走向,自然形成莲花的形状,而这块风水宝地也恰恰暗合了佛教莲花的寓意——一篇净土世界。  相似文献   

若干年前,福建五十名厂长经理联名上书,要求“松绑”,在全国引起不小反响,而近年来以于志安为典型的一些所谓“优秀企业家”的胡作非为,又引起了一片限制厂长经理权力的呼声。当前,中央一再强调要搞好国有大中型企业,那么,对企业家的权力是“松绑”还是“限制”,就必须有个正确的回答。我认为,必须把激励机制和制约机制有机结合起来使用,才能充分发挥企业家这个特殊层次的正面作用,办好国有企业,防止出现负面的问题。一、建立完善的激励机制,充分调动企业家的积极性和创造性在企业的生产经营活动中,作为企业家的厂长经理处于…  相似文献   

花雕  hichos 《西藏旅游》2010,(5):42-47
雅鲁藏布大峡谷是世界上海拔最高的峡谷,也是世界上最深和最长的峡谷.堪称世界峡谷之最.被誉为“人类最后的秘境”。  相似文献   

周富强,别说是国内物流业界,就是在他的家乡无锡了解他的人也不多。可在一些发达工业国家的国际知名企业内熟悉他的人不少。1990年他只身到日本进修现代包装专业,然后便一发而不可收。十几年间,周富强伴随着国内企业一宗宗大型设备的国际采购订单,足迹遍及日本、德国、西班牙、瑞典、意大利等发达工业国家,频频上门向国际制造业、物流业大亨叫板。凭着精确的评估、一流的技术和外国人无法接受  相似文献   

穿越雅鲁藏布大峡谷,是件极需要勇气的事。这次穿越,真正参与者是花雕和hichos。在峡谷内的村子里,他们俩找了一个向导一西饶,另找了协作5人,8人在村子里呆了一夜,第二天从派乡转运站,正式进入峡谷中心地区。  相似文献   

在今年2月召开的全国企业管理工作会议上,国务院副总理吴邦国发表了一个观点,他认为:企业家应是职业化的经营管理专家。他就企业家队伍建设谈了几个问题,  相似文献   

毋庸置疑,全球经济危机已经成为当前最热门的话题。 在以“创新物流迎挑战,扩大内需谋发展”为主题的第十二届中国物流技术与管理发展高级研讨会上,不管是嘉宾演讲,还是私下交流,大家的话题也都是围绕这一主题,显示出我国物流企业家们面对这场危机的积极态度:特别是在与宝供物流企业集团董事长刘武的谈话中,记者更为深切地感受到他作为企业家的那种冷静与执着。  相似文献   

许文舟 《西藏旅游》2020,(5):142-147
怒江河长:3240公里流域面积:32.5万平方公里发源地:唐古拉山南麓的吉热拍格径流总量:约700亿立方米地理跨域:怒江是中国西南地区的大河之一,又称潞江,上游叫“那曲河”,发源于青藏高原唐古拉山南麓的吉热拍格。它深入青藏高原内部,源流称纳金曲,南流入错那湖,过那曲东流称那曲河,在西藏嘉玉桥流入他念他翁山和伯舒拉岭之间的峡谷中时才正式叫怒江,嘉玉桥以上为怒江上游,称为那曲河;西藏嘉玉桥至云南省的泸水县为怒江的中游,进入云南境内以后,怒江奔流在碧罗雪山与高黎贡山之间,西岸高黎贡山的峡谷高差达5000米,东岸碧罗雪山的峡谷高差达4000多米,山谷幽深,危崖耸立,水流在谷底咆哮怒吼,故称“怒江”;云南省泸水县以下为下游,河谷较为开阔。  相似文献   

花雕  hichos 《西藏旅游》2009,(10):101-113
雅鲁藏布大峡谷是世界上海拨最高的峡谷,也是世界上最深和最长的峡谷,堪称世界峡谷之最。被誉为“人类最后的秘境”。  相似文献   

人生就是一个追逐梦想的过程。在这个过程中,不少人因为挫折或疲惫功亏一篑,而坚持是实现梦想的惟一途径。河南省宏力工程咨询有限公司董事长刘军牢牢把握命运,坚持,再坚持,从而成长为一名管理型企业家。本期人物,让我们走近刘军,去体验这位中原汉子的人生轨迹。  相似文献   

依托资源优势正确选择相关业务是铁路多元化经营成功的重要前提。依据大战略矩阵分析了铁路实行多元化经营的可行性,论述了铁路企业实行多元化经营的优势,根据资源基础理论研究提出了如何依托相应优势进行铁路多元化经营领域的布局,同时分析了此种布局给铁路发展带来的益处。  相似文献   

This research note seeks to examine a vast amount of tourism-related Chinese social media posts using a visual analytic approach. Visual analytics turns information overload into an opportunity. In this case, the mainstream Chinese microblog service, Sina Weibo, was selected as it generates large volumes of data, representing significant consumer insights, that are challenging to analyse by other common research methods. The most frequently reposted tourist visa news in the first eight months of 2014 were harvested and used as a case study. Findings from this study demonstrate that a visual analytic approach can offer insights into the impact of travel news on Chinese consumers. These insights include potential tourist generating regions, the life span of travel news, and tourists’ attitudes towards travel policy changes. Such insights provide important implications for scholars and practitioners, such as enabling real-time decisions of Destination Management Organizations’ social media marketing strategies in China.  相似文献   

This paper provides a strategic analysis of the competitiveness of Greek tourism. It illustrates the importance of tourism as an economic activity and analyses the current situation and structural problems of Greece as a destination. Although Greece offers unique nature, culture and heritage, the lack of differentiation of the tourism product as well as competitive disadvantages in marketing and planning cause an over-dependence on intermediaries for the promotion and distribution of the tourism product whilst jeopardising its quality. This affects the profitability and competitiveness of both the destination and its small and medium-sized tourism enterprises. The paper proposes a grand strategy as well as numerous strategic directions, objectives and tasks aiming to demonstrate the way ahead for Greek tourism. Several major opportunities emerge through the Olympic Games in 2004 as well as the major projects currently being undertaken which will enhance the infrastructure of the country. It is argued that a consistent tourism policy based on professional development and implemented through a Master Plan is urgently required. Strategies and methodologies need to be identified, whilst private enterprises need to increase their cooperation locally in order to enhance the quality and competitiveness of the product.  相似文献   

This study tried to clarify the magnitude of CO2 emissions from highway construction and maintenance in China through life cycle assessment (LCA) method. For this, 227 real highway projects constructed from the year 2000 to 2011 in Zhejiang Province, China are classified into six types by two categories of N road (62 projects without grand bridge, great bridge and tunnel) and Y road (165 projects with the same road structures) and three sub-categories of (i) newly constructed road, (ii) replacing pavement road and (iii) full rehabilitated road. Significant influential factors of LCA results were revealed through multivariate linear regression models, combined with data quality assessment and sensitivity analysis. Numerical interval of assessment results indicate that the construction emissions of N highway project are more centralized to no more than 2900 t/lane-km, while Y project have a normal upper boundary of construction CO2 emissions, about 5000 t/lane-km. The contribution of maintenance to CO2 emissions probably could exceed that of newly construction both for Y project and N project. In addition, the pavement replacing and rehabilitation could bring about large amount of CO2 emissions which even match with the CO2 emissions from cumulative traffic volume during highway's life cycle. There are common factors for six categories. Cement and steel are the top largest CO2 emissions contributors and sensitive factors for N road and Y road. The LCA results are not sensitive to the local construction materials but sensitive to the emission factor of diesel used in transportation and on-site construction.  相似文献   

Public transport investment is normally targeted at increasing accessibility which land rent theory identifies and will in turn increase land values. There is a clear policy interest in how much land values increase following a new transport investment so as to establish if there is sufficient land value uplift to capture and to help pay or contribute to investment plans. Identifying an uplift for residential land has been well studied in the context of new light rail systems and bus rapid transit (BRT) systems in developing countries but there is little evidence for BRT in developed countries.This paper has two objectives. First, to examine long term impact of BRT in a developed world context in Brisbane, Australia. Brisbane's BRT uses an open system design which contrasts with the closed system design of the successful BRT systems in South America and elsewhere, including the BRT in the suburbs of Sydney, Australia. Second, BRT in Brisbane was introduced to a network already dominated by a radial heavy rail network and this investigation recognises that the uplift from BRT introduction may therefore be different to a BRT in a single mode city. A third motivation is to consider the spatial distribution of uplift which is an essential pre-requisite to understanding the distributional impact if uplift is used to contribute to infrastructure provision.Spatial modelling is used to examine the accessibility impacts of the BRT at a global level. This is followed by Geographical Weighted Regression, used to examine the spatial distribution of accessibility using a local model.The results show that there is greater uplift in Brisbane, as compared to that identified by studies of Sydney's BRT which is likely due to the greater network coverage of BRT in Brisbane and less strong competition of rail. Land value uplift is also spatially distributed over the network giving higher uplift in some areas than others and lower values than typically found with rail based systems in developed countries. However, the degree of uplift is relatively low, with proximity to BRT stations attracting more uplift than proximity to train stations.  相似文献   

The risk of being involved in an airplane accident is largely ignored in air passengers’ choice models. The reason presumably is that it is hard to operationalize, because objective safety indicators often involve extremely low probabilities that are hard to grasp and interpret by passengers. In this paper, we propose an operationalization that is based on the perception of safety, which is easy to understand and resonates that perceptions often influence decisions stronger than objective variables. We conceptualize that passengers form a safety perception score of a particular flight based on their perception of airline and route attributes and that this score in turn is traded-off against other flight attributes, such as ticket costs, to arrive at a flight choice. In line with this conceptualization, two stated preference experiments are conducted. In a first experiment, combinations of airline and route attributes are evaluated in terms of safety that is captured on a rating scale. In a second experiment, safety perception is treated as an attribute and traded-off against other flight attributes to arrive at a flight choice. The paper presents the results of a regression and a Panel Mixed Logit model estimated from responses obtained from a convenience sample of 161 air passengers recruited in the Netherlands. The results of both models are then combined to calculate the willingness to pay values for improvements made to a range of airline and route attributes, taking into account socio-demographic variables and psychological traits. As expected, the results indicate that the willingness to pay for improving safety decreases with higher initial safety levels.  相似文献   

The Multi-Actor Multi-Criteria Analysis (MAMCA) is a methodology to evaluate different policy measures whereby different stakeholders’ opinions are explicitly taken into account. This paper describes the MAMCA methodology and how it has been used in the “Flanders in Action Process”. One of the objectives of this process is to turn Flanders into a top region in terms of mobility and logistics by attracting logistic activities with a large added value, realizing fluent and widely accessible mobility, a huge increase in traffic safety and a decrease of the environmental impact of transport. As there are a wide range of actors with different interests involved in this process, the MAMCA methodology was applied to evaluate a set of possible policy measures being proposed to reach this objective. An important advantage of this methodology is that it is able to support the decision maker in his final decision as the inclusion of different points of view leads to a general prioritisation of the proposed policy measures.  相似文献   

This article contributes to an understanding of how creative tourism is perceived on a national level, by using Thailand as a case analysis. The primary objective of this article is to investigate Thailand's plans and policies for the creative economy at both national and ministry levels in relation to creative tourism. It also identifies how a national strategic plan can provide a blueprint for individual agency master plans to provide policy support for the development of the creative economy in the tourism sector. Thailand is chosen as an example of how government and related agencies can contribute to a national creative tourism movement in the country, especially in the light of the Tourism Authority of Thailand branding campaign to stimulate creative tourism to the destination. The qualitative research methodology through content analysis is used to scrutinise the plan and policy contents from the selected government agencies. The results demonstrate a better view of how creative tourism is positioned in the Thailand context and contribute to a policy study on the creative economy in the tourism sector as well as in creative tourism.  相似文献   

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