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StrengthenStudyandSurveyofMineralResourcesinQinghai-TibetanPlateautoSecureSupplyofNationalResources………………PANGui-tang,DINGJunetal.(1)ADiscussiononLandPropertyHandlinginSystemReformofState-ownedEnterprises……………………………………………TANWu-ying,SHIYong-liang(5)AnAnalysisofInvisibleLandMarketfromEconomics ………………………………………………………………………………ZHOULing,YANGGang-qiao(9)AStudyofDynamicEquilibriumofIndustrialLand………………………………………………  相似文献   

The Chinese government's recent decision to suspend the export licenses of two Canadian grain firms has garnered international attention. The dispute has been portrayed by some as a diplomatic dispute between two countries, and by others as a concern about plant health. We analyze the economics of the dispute, including a simple economic model of international trade in which a large-country importer imposes a targeted import ban on one large-country exporter. The model provides a framework for understanding the economic effects of a trade ban under various market conditions. We also discuss the legal framework and dispute settlement process that would be encountered if the disagreement proceeds to a formal dispute in the World Trade Organization.  相似文献   

Success in intermediate economics and agricultural economics classes with respect to course prerequisites was evaluated. Prerequisites were statistically important for both intermediate microeconomics and in two of the three agricultural economics courses evaluated. The primary finding was that—for three of the four courses evaluated—the higher the proportion of students who completed the listed prerequisite, ceteris paribus, the lower the grade for any given student. Results also indicate that students with higher ex ante GPAs and to some extent higher math equivalent SAT scores, received higher grades.  相似文献   

Within a context of known and alarming deterioration of water bodies and under pressure from the European Water Framework Directive, in 2009 the French government designated slightly more than 500 priority catchments. In so doing, it declared its objective of concentrating its efforts on these areas, trying out a methodology for action, and proving to the European Union that it was taking action. The present study has documented the on-going situations and actions on these Grenelle catchment areas and identified the broad types of actions and situations as part of a critical analysis of the approach retained by the government. After constructing an analytical framework of these areas, we assembled together a large collection of data to be analyzed with multivariate statistical analysis.These data were either gathered from surveys based on a questionnaire encompassing biophysical, agricultural, social, and economic aspects or based on spatialized statistical data sources. This work demonstrates key factors characterizing the catchment areas: the hydrological entry point for the definition of a field of action involves great variability of territorial size and therefore of the players involved (municipalities, farmers, cooperatives, users). Little attention is given to this aspect in the relatively rigid single legal procedure presently in force. On these catchment areas, we emphasize two main lines of structuring parameters: on the one hand, the relative diversity of land use and forms of agriculture, and on the other, the relative strength of the administrative structure. These results could be useful for those managing these issues in the different government agencies, those implementing the approaches, or local authorities responsible for resource management, as they provide a better understanding of how to adapt these experiments to other areas concerned by water resource issues.  相似文献   

No.1(General Serial No.97)Enormous Development of High Technology in China's Marine Exploration …………………………………………………………………………GAOPingetal.( 1 )A Discussion on Assessment System for Fossil Resource in Guizhou Province…………………………………………………………………YANGRui-dongetal.( 8 )Management of National Land Property in Anhua Country, Hunan Province………………………………………………………………HUANGFeng-shengetal.(14)A Study of Populatio…  相似文献   

Western Australia has experienced an investment surge in the minerals sector of the economy in recent years. Unlike previous surges, this one involves a large proportion of mineral-processing projects. In this study, the differential effects on the WA economy of 25 mining and 10 mineral-processing projects are analysed using an economy-wide model of WA. The results indicate that: (i) both the mining and mineral-processing projects will have substantial flow-on benefits to the WA economy as a whole; (ii) on an A$1-million-invested basis, mineral processing has larger flow-on effects on employment and generates more export revenue than does mining once the projects are operational.  相似文献   

审定编号:GS-01—001—2000 品种来源:1986年以来,以湖北管淤泥湖的团头鲂原种为奠基群体,采用传统的群体选育方法,经过十几年的努力,1998年获得第六代。1999年亲鱼生产数量1000组,后备亲鱼1000组,生产良种鱼苗1.3亿尾,已推广到上海、江苏、北京等地。  相似文献   

贵州省雷山县农信社把支持灾后重建和春耕工作作为一季度信贷投放的首要任务,组织信贷人员开展“走百村、进干户”活动,全县11个网点共派出调查人员500多人次,通过对农户及涉农企业调查摸底,掌握了农民灾后重建、春耕信贷资金需求变化,全力支持群众开展灾后重建和春耕生产。  相似文献   

品种来源:中豆32×中豆29。 审定情况:2008年通过国家农作物品种审定委员会审定。 审定编号:国审豆2008023。 特征特性:该品种生育期为110天。株高56.0厘米,主茎节数13.1个,有效分枝2.7个。  相似文献   

中国的选择:10+1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“要移动文明的界石从来都是困难的,具有强烈传承的本土化趋势并不总能与全球化并行不悖,有时会与全球化产生激烈冲突。”但“区域化作为天然的、具有地缘优势的缓冲层,存在于本土化和全球化之间。”区域化的发展,是一种迂回,更是一大趋势,在这一趋势下,中国应积极主动构建“中国-东盟10国”自由贸易区,即“10 1”。  相似文献   

1-8月,福建省农林牧渔业实现总产值1470.21亿元,同比增4.4%;其中农业530.93亿元,同比增4.3%;牧业321.15亿元,同比增4.7%。一、农业生产稳定发展1.粮食生产态势良好。夏粮生产基本稳定,秋粮有望丰收。晚稻长势较好,丰收有望。2.园艺作物稳定发展。水果保持增势,茶叶产销平稳,蔬菜稳步发展,食用菌质效提高,中药材面积继续扩大。3.畜牧业生产健康发展。畜禽养殖标准化示范创建深入推进,新实施一批畜禽标准化规模养殖场(小区)建设项目,种质资源保护和良种工程建设继续推进。二、闽台农业合作持续先行6个台湾农民创业园重点项目建设顺利推进。  相似文献   

品种来源:Y58S×9311审定情况:2006年湖南省农作物品种审定委员会审定,2008年国家农作物品种审定委员会审定。审定编号:湘审稻2006036,国审稻2008001。  相似文献   

据国家统计局河北调查总队抽样调查统计,受播种面积增加和单产持平略有增长的影响.今年河北省棉花总产量比上年增加5.1万吨。  相似文献   

据国家统计局数据,2005年农民人均纯收入3255元,而当年城市居民人均可支配收入达到10493元,城乡人均收入比例高达3.22:1,差距进一步扩大。  相似文献   

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