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正目前的移动互联网变革类似于18世纪的工业革命,正在广泛而深刻地改变着人们的生活方式,也在催生出千亿美元级的市场机会,媒体和市场营销也因此发生巨大的改变。"根据最近全球范围面向2.5万人做的采样调查,现在人们平均每天查阅150次手机。"8月21日,IDG传媒全球CEO Michael Friedenberg在数字世界国际会议北京站的演讲中举出这个数据并非想要说明大家现在有多依赖手机,而是要说明数字革命已经彻底改变了我们每个人,我们的工作和生活都跟这个设备合二为一,不可分割。  相似文献   

一夜之间,全球最成功的公司突然都成为了我们的竞争对手,这的确让我们有点儿难以置信。”说这话的是全球手机市场份额超过1/3的诺基亚公司的CEO康培凯,这家称霸手机行业多年的老大,从来没有像今天这样的惶恐过。  相似文献   

"老五大"已经成为过去,以中韩企业为代表的"新五大"已经崛起。过去,手机市场的变化还仅仅是前五大厂商座次的改变,如今,全球手机行业的竞争格局正在发生根本性的改变。而改变格  相似文献   

2012年,三星手机的全球市场份额跃居全球第一。在手机品牌商鏖战的背后,是各品牌中国代工厂在产品质量、供货速度上以及管理方面的比拼,惠州海格就是这么一家默默支持三星登顶的中国制造"幕后英雄"。成立于1965年的海格集团,已经有近50年的历史。凭借精湛的制造能力成为了三星、摩托罗拉在中国的第一批合作伙伴。2008年海格集团成立惠州海格,专为三星手机提供核心加工服务。  相似文献   

通过统一的手机平台,互联网入侵移动通信市场的序幕正式开启了。当苹果公司的iPhone在欧美手机市场刮起旋风的时候,另外一个手机"门外汉"也把自己的利益触角伸向了这个领域,这家公司就是全球最大的互联网公司谷歌。对于这家在互联网上取得了巨大成就的公司来说,谷歌进入手机市场并不需要像苹果公司一样自己设计并制造出一款特立独行的酷品手机GPhone来争取用户,而是采用了它更  相似文献   

李薇 《IT经理世界》2014,(17):28-30
正全球业务逐渐复苏的LG手机,正以高端机型切入中国市场,期望再次迎来"巧克力"时代的辉煌。"I chocolate you!"几年前,韩国女明星金泰熙的这句广告词一度占领了电视广播和各种广告界面,而韩国LG这款"巧克力手机"和"韩流"也一起风靡中国。不得不说,在功能机时代,LG曾让众多手机厂商望其项背。然而,随着智能手机时代的到来,由于市场战略部署等因素,LG逐渐淡出了中国消费者的视线,LG也将重心转移至国际市场。  相似文献   

在与CCD的竞争中,CMOS已经开始占据优势 尽管可拍照手机2002年才进入市场,但它却迅速成为消费电子市场的又一"杀手级"应用.市场研究公司Visiongain发布的报告表明,去年第1季度,全球可拍照手机的销量已经超过数码相机和PDA,真正成为低端数码相机的"杀手".成像技术作为可拍照手机最重要的技术之一,引起各大厂商的密切关注.CMOS传感器和CCD传感器是当前用于可拍照手机的两种主流影像传感器,经过激烈竞争,CMOS传感器已经逐渐在可拍照手机市场占据优势,并有可能独领风骚.  相似文献   

弓正 《现代班组》2008,(2):46-47
在今天普通人的视阈当中,手机品牌诺基亚的知名度要远远高于"千湖之国"芬兰。有相当多的人竟然不知道芬兰是诺基亚手机的生产国。在一年一度"世界最有价值品牌100强"排行榜中,诺基亚连续7年冲进前十位,2007年度排名第五,品牌价值高达336.96亿美元。国际研究机构统计,诺基亚目前已经把揽全球手机销量的三分之一以上,达到36%。也就是说,流布在全世界的手机当中,每三部就有一部是诺基亚,年销售额超过400多亿欧元。诺基亚创造了一个商业帝国的传奇神话,时间仅仅用了15年。  相似文献   

2006年中国手机销量占全球十分之一 2006年中国手机市场呈现快速增长势头。2006年中国市场共销售新手机1.09亿部,占到全球手机销量的1/10。  相似文献   

手机已经成为用户最优先购买的终端,其次才是PC。2012年,PC互联网发展明显已经进入了瓶颈阶段,用户和流量增长都开始停滞。二季度全球PC出货量十几年来首次出现负增长,另一个标志,就是网吧的开机数大幅下降。与此同时,全球范围内"Mobile First"的规律已经十分明显。  相似文献   

Mobile handsets have evolved into advanced devices with a rich variety of hardware and software features enabling the use of variety of applications, networks, and services. Consequently, mobile handset features constitute an important part of the global communications infrastructure. Modelling the diffusion of mobile handsets as a product category is becoming less relevant as the market is approaching saturation especially in the developed countries. Simultaneously, the diffusion of mobile handset features is increasingly important and of interest to many stakeholders. This article analyzes and compares the diffusion patterns of mobile handset features, using a longitudinal annual dataset of the penetrations of 15 different features in Finland between 2005 and 2010. Two major turning points – the takeoff and the inflection point – as well as the durations of the diffusion stages between these points are determined. The results show large variations between different features, highlighting the significance of the introduction stage in the diffusion process. The results are useful for regulators and companies in understanding the pace of change taking place in the communications infrastructure.  相似文献   

S. Visalakshi  & G  D  Sandhya 《R&D Management》1997,27(2):177-180
The commercialization of biotechnology requires very serious and intense research capabilities. The pharmaceutical industry has been one of the early exploiters of biotechnology because of the existence of such capabilities. This feature has been observed worldover and the literature is replete with information on how firms have evolved various strategies to meet this requirement. The present paper is an attempt to assess the R&D capabilities in the pharmaceutical companies in India in the context of biotechnology commercialization. A study was made of the R&D capabilities of 33 companies. These companies represent 3 categories of the Indian industry: purely medicinal chemistry based pharmaceuticals; diversified (both medicinal chemistry and biotechnology); dedicated biotechnology companies. Discriminant analysis was performed (i) to understand the distinctiveness of the three groups of companies and (ii) to understand the characteristics of their R&D capabilities. With respect to eight of the ten chosen parameters like R&D intensity, skill intensity, linkages, output of R&D, size, age, R&D manpower as a proportion of total manpower and number of skilled R&D employees, the three groups are observed to be distinct from each other.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to explore the determinants and the consequent of absorptive capacity from the resource‐capability‐performance framework in the Taiwanese manufacturing and service industries. Structural equation modeling is applied to verify the conceptual model. In both of the Taiwanese manufacturing industry and the Taiwanese service industry, this study verifies that resource commitment and resource flexibility are two antecedents of absorptive capacity, and that new product development performance or service innovation performance is its consequent. Besides, the empirical results show that absorptive capacity plays a partial mediator in the manufacturing industry but a full mediator in the service industry. If companies would like to raise their new product development performance or service innovation performance, they have to enhance their resource commitment, resource flexibility, and absorptive capacity. Moreover, this study finds that the resource commitment of small and medium enterprises is significantly less than that of large enterprises in Taiwanese manufacturing industry. This study also finds that resource flexibility of established companies is significantly higher than that of younger companies in Taiwan.  相似文献   

埃克森美孚、壳牌、BP、道达尔、雪佛龙五大国际石油公司均采用上下游产业一体化发展模式,业务、产品和服务多元化,产业链各环节协同发展,提升整体竞争力,并适时对产业链进行优化调整,主动适应能源行业发展趋势和竞争环境变化。近年来,五大公司受益于产业一体化发展,较为平稳地应对了低油价冲击,并且通过降低成本、资产优化等措施,提升了产业经营能力和质量,盈利能力对油价的依赖程度明显下降。炼油、化工等中下游业务在低油价时期表现较为稳健,受到一体化公司的重视,主要国际石油公司油气产业链进一步完善,产业发展更趋于均衡。  相似文献   

郭宏 《工业技术经济》2016,35(12):76-83
本文以创业板355家上市公司为研究样本,结合创业板公司自身特点,从基本指标和发展指标视角设计创业板公司发展能力评价模型,基本指标包括营运能力指标、盈利能力及偿债能力指标,发展指标包括创新研发能力、企业管理技术阶层和全体职工基本素质水平,企业发展前景和企业创利能力等。依据所建模型采用因子分析法对创业板公司的发展能力进行综合评价,并根据因子分析结果将样本公司分为发展能力高低两组,分别从所属行业、资本结构、公司业绩因素、公司创新能力影响因素方面对两组样本公司进行对比分析。研究的主要结论:(1)创业板的355家样本公司总体发展能力较弱,主要原因是我国创业板上市公司两级分化现象较为严重,其中创新能力、营运能力和行业发展能力相对较差。(2)我国创业板上市公司中第一大行业信息技术行业集中度较高并且成长持续性效果较好,而第二大行业新材料与新能源行业成长持续性较差,究其原因是我国新材料与新能源是新兴起行业,行业总体水平较差,需要加强研发。  相似文献   

那些曾经占据产业制高点的企业为什么会在此时遭遇重大挑战?那些曾经开创产业未来的成功企业如今为何对自己的未来感到扑朔迷离?我们选择了诺基亚、惠普、思科和英特尔四家公司来做深入地探讨和分析,希望能找出个中理由和原委。这是四家非常成功的企业:诺基亚一度占据全球手机市场一半的份额,如今却在苹果和Andorid阵营的合围中苦苦探索突破之道;惠普现如今仍然是全球营业额最大的IT企业,但是在云计算和IT服务领域,它显然没有做好转型的充分准备;思科一度是世界  相似文献   

智猪博弈是现代博弈理论中的一个经典模型。我国的制药企业在与全球制药企业的博弈中就如模型中的小猪,小心翼翼地成长着。在这场博弈中,小猪不仅要生存,还肩负着振兴我国医药产业的重任,因此选择正确的发展战略方向非常重要。本文通过对模型的分析,确立我国医药企业的创新战略选择。  相似文献   

Utilizing theories on social capital, business networks, social networks and relationship value, we explore the aspects that provide specific value in relationships with different actors in the software industry. The motive for the study is the assumption that some relationships are regarded as more important than others, and companies strive to focus on fewer relationships with greater outcomes. The study is guided by the premise that social capital is a foundation for relationship value, and its identified elements differ among relationships. We take the perspective of software companies and classify their relationships with business partners into three distinctive types according to their function in the value creation process. The findings of our empirical analysis, based on a qualitative case study of eight software SMEs indicate that the aspects of social capital, like the sources of relationship value, vary systematically by the types of relationships. Thus, we are able to provide some theoretical and managerial implications on the management of small- and medium-sized companies.  相似文献   

The relationship between company R&D and commercial performance, if any, is the subject of much discussion and little measurement. One view (Bisio and Gastwirt 1979) is that meaningful quantitative generalisations on the value of R&D to companies cannot be made.
A later study (Bergen 1983) introduced quantitative methods by creating a series of hypotheses. These were tested by scoring related variables and analysing the data for correlations and population differences. The study was confined to one industry to approach like for like comparison as closely as possible.
The results encouraged the extension of the study to include Japan (Bergen & Miyajima 1986) and the USA. The present paper reports on the four country quantitative comparisons. Among other indications, the findings support the view that national culture is an important factor in both methods and results and that there is a correlation between R&D investment and productivity.  相似文献   

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