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Endogenous growth is generally built on a positive externality hypothesis which is the opposite of a negative externality caused by pollution. We study a linear technology with simple assumption: an aggregate capital stock which represents a learning by doing effect and a pollution flow proportional to production. In this framework, we analyse the precise effects on growth of the disutility of pollution and its interaction with the utility of consumption in an economy without abatement technology. The decentralized equilibrium always leads to unlimited growth, but optimal growth is often limited (the negative effect of pollution dominating the positive effect of learning by doing). In this case, the optimal policy which leads the decentralized economy to follow the optimal growth path is to tax capital; in contrast with the optimal subsidy policy in an economy without pollution. When an abatement technology is introduced, the optimal solution can lead the economy to unlimited growth, whatever the form of the utility function.  相似文献   

The persistent instability of the agricultural sector is the fundamental premise of most agricultural policy. Yet no research has ever quantified the aggregate dynamics of individual farms in the US. This article is the first to combine the US Census of Agriculture with the Agricultural Resource Management Survey to observe the dynamics of nearly 1.5 million farms. The data reveal substantial variation in farm size expansion and contraction. Most of this variation is unobservable in the sector totals reported by the US Department of Agriculture each year. The distribution of agricultural subsidies suggests that subsidies become more important as farms get smaller and may play a role in slowing farm size contraction.  相似文献   

文章基于小麦主产区4个省份946个不同规模农户的调查数据,利用DEA模型和Tobit回归模型分析了小农户和家庭农场农业生产效率的影响机制。结果表明:家庭农场的农业生产效率明显高于小农户的农业生产效率,家庭农场的生产效率与经营规模呈倒"U"型变化特征;在影响因素方面,土地肥沃程度与农业技术指导对小农户和家庭农场的农业生产效率均有显著正向影响;家庭农场更倾向于通过提高受教育程度和增加单块耕地面积来提升农业生产效率;而小农户的农业生产效率对农户年龄和农户从事农作物种植年限呈现出较强的依赖性。基于此,建议有针对性地加大农业技术指导,适度扩大农业生产经营规模,加强小农户与新型农业经营主体之间的合作与联合,促进农业生产向高质量发展。  相似文献   

Green technological progress (GTP) is crucial for environmental protection and economic growth in China. Over the past decades, China made huge GTP which exerts a far-reaching consequence on economic and social development. However, a paucity of research investigates the distributional effect of GTP. Meanwhile, we incorporate agricultural producer service sector into a three-sector general equilibrium model to reflect the modernization of small-scale agriculture. The agricultural producer service sector that acts as an intermediate sector can facilitate the utilization of intermediate inputs indirectly. To desalinate this process, a two-layer vertical production structure is established: parts of manufacturing goods are utilized by the service sector, outputs of which are intermediate inputs that could substitute labor in agriculture. Theoretical analysis shows that GTP increases both wage of skilled labor and unskilled labor. Nevertheless, GTP generates a greater impact on the wage of skilled labor than unskilled labor, leading to widening income disparity. Then, we examine the impact of GTP on wage inequality using a balanced panel data covering 30 provincial units in China during 2000–2019. In line with our theoretical conjecture, we find strong supportive evidences that GTP significantly widens the wage inequality.  相似文献   

Income growth and atmospheric pollution in Spain: An input-output approach   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The relationships between economic growth and environmental pressures are complex. Since the early nineties, the debate on these relationships has been strongly influenced by the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis, which states that during the first stage of economic development environmental pressures increase as per capita income increases, but once a critical turning point has been reached these pressures diminish as income levels continue to increase. However, to date such a delinking between economic growth and emission levels has not happened for most atmospheric pollutants in Spain. The aim of this paper is to analyse the relationship between income growth and nine atmospheric pollutants in Spain. In order to obtain empirical outcomes for this analysis, we adopt an input-output approach and use NAMEA data for the nine pollutants. First, we undertake a structural decomposition analysis for the period 1995-2000 to estimate the contribution of various factors to changes in the levels of atmospheric emissions. And second, we estimate the emissions associated with the consumption patterns of different groups of households classified according to their level of expenditure.  相似文献   

Is there a role for investments in climate change mitigation despite low expected return? We use a model of intertemporal expected utility maximisation to analyse this question. Similar to the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) the rate of return depends on the correlation of risk between the return on investments in climate change mitigation and the market portfolio, but in contrast to the classical CAPM we admit the fact that economic and environmental systems are jointly determined, implying that environmental risk is endogenous. Therefore, investments in climate change mitigation may reduce risk via self-protection and self-insurance. If risk reduction is accounted for in cost–benefit evaluations, climate investments may be justified despite low expected return. These aspects of climate investments are not, however, communicated via standard cost–benefit analyses of climate policy. Optimal climate policy may therefore be more ambitious than previously considered.  相似文献   

由于农业保险的公共物品性质和农业在国民经济中的重要地位,农业保险的发展需政府的支持。世界上大多数国家都建立了较完善的农业保险政策支持体系。我国农业保险发展滞后,其根本原因就是政府的政策支持体系不健全。文章对中外农业保险政府支持的方式、范围、标准和层次进行了比较分析,总结国外农业保险发展的经验,发现我国农业保险的政府支持存在的问题,提出适合我国基本国情的农业保险发展的政策支持体系。  相似文献   

The rise of the Household Responsibility System has been widely viewed as a significant contribution to China's agricultural growth. However, this empirical conclusion is rested upon a convenient but doubtful presumption that the process of institutional change, also known as decollectivization, is exogenous. We contribute to this literature by explicitly recognizing the endogeneity of institutional changes, and exploit exogenous variations in lagged weather shocks and initial fixed assets for consistent estimation. With improved data on irrigation, mechanization, weather and institutional changes in a provincial panel data during 1970–1987, the results of panel instrumental estimations reveal that the Household Responsibility System had a significantly positive effect on China's agricultural growth, which was larger than indicated by OLS estimates that suffer from adverse selection and attenuation biases.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a unified Ramsey model where pollution has an impact on preferences and affects both consumption demand and labor supply. Pollution comes from production activities and is viewed as a stock variable with a strong inertia. A government is introduced and levies a proportional tax on production to finance depollution expenditure. We find two interesting results when pollution raises the consumption demand (compensation effect). First, in the long run, a higher green‐tax rate increases the pollution level at the steady state (green paradox) when pollution raises the labor supply (disenchantment effect). Second, in the short run, local indeterminacy can arise through a Hopf bifurcation when pollution lowers the labor supply (leisure effect) even if pollution has a strong inertia.  相似文献   

朱明 《财经研究》2016,(7):111-121
长期以来,中国农业劳动生产率严重滞后于国际先进水平。文章对我国农业劳动生产率相对于美国的追赶进程进行了分阶段的分析,基于增长核算框架着重分析了服务投入在其中所发挥的作用。研究发现,我国农业劳动生产率在1995-2003年期间对美国的追赶效应明显,但服务投入密度提高的贡献相对偏小。我国农业劳动生产率在2003-2009年期间对美国的追赶效应更加明显,但服务投入密度相对偏低的贡献反而拖累了追赶进程。服务投入的内部结构分析显示,我国农业服务投入的发展滞后基本上是全方位的。进一步提高我国农业劳动生产率,缩小与国际先进水平的发展差距,需要充分认识到服务投入的重要性。解决我国农业服务投入发展滞后的问题需要在农业金融、农业保险、农业营销、农业物流、农业“互联网+”和农业机械融资租赁服务等方面予以改进。  相似文献   

Based on the cross-sectional data of the survey conducted in China’s main wheat producing areas at the end of 2019,this paper uses the translog production function model to estimate agricultural technical efficiency,and studies the relationship between nonfarm employment,agricultural machinery service purchase and agricultural production efficiency.The results show that the household non-agricultural employment ratio and non-agricultural income have a significant positive impact on the purchase ...  相似文献   

中储粮河南分公司自2009年5月开始试点、2010年春全面铺开三农服务社建设以来,三农服务社的发展状况一直受到社会各方的关注。通过对三农服务社发展状况的深入调研,总结其成效及问题,为三农服务社更好的发展提出政策建议。  相似文献   

农业产业化的路径转换:产业融合与产业集聚   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
我国农业产业化的进程正面临着重大的路径转换。在这一过程中,产业融合与产业集聚应运而生,通过产业融合形成新的产业形态,实现产业化农业;通过产业集聚加快农业产业化进程。  相似文献   

The water body of Taihu Lake has been eutrophicated because of area-source pollution. 83% of the total nitrogen and 84% of the total phosphorus of the pollutant that have washed into Taihu Lake originated from the fertilizer of crop land, rural animal husbandry and living sewage and rubbish in rural area. The goal of adjusting agricultural structure is to improve agricultural development, and to increase the peasants' income by planting non-grain crop, centralizing animal husbandry, and intensifying aquaculture, etc. It is necessary to research on the influences of agriculture industrial structure on area-source pollution. This paper studies a case of Dapu Town in Yixing City, which is a typical drainage place beside Taihu Lake. On the basis of the analysis on the status quo of area-source pollution and agriculture industrial structure in Dapu Town, the conflicts between them are discussed. Non-grain crop production with a great deal of fertilizer and developing aquaculture with a great deal of organic pollutant, which are directly discharged, make area-source pollution more serious and accelerate the eutrophication in Taihu Lake. This paper suggests taking corresponding technological measures and policies, which have been tested in Dapu Town and demonstrated in Taih, Lake area.  相似文献   

The adoption of pollution prevention and abatement practices is examined in the context of a model of exhaustible resource use with a backstop technology. For the sake of concreteness, the paper focuses on the problem of water-logging caused by the subsurface accumulation of agricultural drainwater. In modelling this problem, a region's underground capacity to store drainwater is considered an exhaustible resource, while the installation of subsurface drainage is viewed as the corresponding backstop technology (or abatement practice). The exhaustible resource is typically over-exploited due to common access problems, which forces a suboptimally fast adoption of the abatement practice. Conservationist irrigation technologies, such as drip and sprinkler systems, tend to reduce drainwater generation, and their adoption could increase social welfare by delaying the abatement stage. Public policies are suggested to increase the adoption of such conservationist technologies. Data from California is used to illustrate the results and to demonstrate the efficacy of the model for policy purposes. While the setting used for the analysis in this paper is quite specific (i.e., water-logging), the same general modelling ideas may be applied to many other problems of environmental degradation.  相似文献   

本文以福建省为例,着重讨论了改革开放30年来农业投融资中不同主体的资金投入与农业发展的关系,运用协整检验、VAR模型、Granger因果关系检验、脉冲响应和方差分解等方法和模型展开分析。研究结果显示:外商和农民个人的农业投资对农业发展的促进作用比较显著;财政、农村集体和乡镇企业的农业投入以及金融机构的农业贷款对农业发展的带动作用不明显。最后,在有针对性地进行原因分析的基础上,提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

农业绿色发展是实现农业高质量发展的重要战略途径,对于推动区域经济高质量发展意义重大。论文利用熵值法和综合评价模型测度了珠江-西江经济带11市在资源节约、环境友好、生态保育和质量高效四个层面的农业绿色发展水平,探究了各城市在不同指标层面的发展优势和短板。研究表明:(1)经济带农业绿色发展平均水平较全国低,部分城市农业绿色发展水平与全国平均水平差距较大;(2)广东4市农业绿色发展平均水平高于广西7市,其中广州、佛山在资源节约、生态保育和质量高效指标的发展上处于领先地位,其发展模式值得借鉴,而广西7市在环境友好指标的发展上具有相对优势;(3)经济带内两广各城市间农业绿色发展差异较大,但各有优劣,具有较大互补、提升空间。  相似文献   

农业非点源污染防治及管理措施研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
继点源污染得到有效控制之后,非点源污染的防治工作成为环境保护工作的重点.农业作为非点源污染的主要来源,对农业生产、环境以及人类健康构成了巨大的隐性危害,因而其防治工作的进展对整个环境污染问题的解决有着重大意义.本文在分析农业非点源污染的含义、特征、来源、危害的基础上.介绍了农业非点源污染的防治和管理措施,分析了现阶段我国农业非点源污染的防治面临的问题.并提出了相关政策建议.  相似文献   

This study incorporates the corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives of a domestic firm and analyses strategic trade policy towards a foreign firm in a different market structure. We show that the tariff rate under a foreign (domestic) firm's leadership is lowest when the degree of CSR is large (small). We also show that the foreign firm's leadership yields the highest welfare when the degree of CSR is intermediate, while the domestic firm's leadership yields the highest welfare otherwise. In an endogenous‐timing game, we show that a simultaneous‐move outcome is the unique equilibrium when the degree of CSR is small; thus, it is never socially desirable. We also show that the domestic firm's leadership can be an equilibrium, which results in the highest welfare when the degree of CSR is large. Finally, when the degree of CSR is large, collusive behaviours between the domestic and foreign firms can increase welfare.  相似文献   

张鹏 《财经研究》2008,34(3):49-60
文章针对我国目前主要农产品出现的供需“缺口”特殊现象,选取1982—2006年的样本数据进行实证检验,探求农产品需求、供给的影响因素及其之间的数量关系,并从需求与供给视角分析价格变化方向和影响程度,在此基础上建立农产品价格动态波动的理论模型。实证表明:我国主要农产品,如粮食、猪肉与棉花等的供给存在“二元”特征,导致农产品供给反应具有粘滞性;需求与价格关系因产品种类而异;农产品供给与需求对价格的影响符合经济规律。通过实证与理论研究,最后提出维持农产品供求均衡的政策建议。  相似文献   

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