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Regulators of some of the major markets have adopted value at risk (VaR) as the risk measure for structured products. Under the mean-VaR framework, this paper discusses the impact of the underlying’s distribution on structured products. We expand the expected return and the VaR of a structured product with its underlying’s moments (mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis), so that the impact of the moments can be investigated simultaneously. Results are tested by Monte Carlo and historical simulations. The findings show that for the majority of structured products, underlyings with large positive skewness are preferred. The preferences for the variance and the kurtosis of the underlying are both ambiguous.  相似文献   

We propose new tests to examine whether stock index futures affect stock market volatility. These tests decompose spot portfolio volatility into the cross-sectional dispersion and the average volatility of returns on the portfolio's constituent securities. Our tests show that for Nikkei stocks spot portfolio volatility increased and cross-sectional dispersion decreased compared with average volatility when Nikkei futures began trading on the Osaka Securities Exchange, but not on the Singapore International Monetary Exchange. For non-Nikkei stocks, no shift occurred when futures trading began on either exchange. These findings are consistent with the hypotheses that futures trading increases spot portfolio volatility but that there is no volatility “spillover” to stocks against which futures are not traded. However, the increase in volatility attributable to futures trading is small compared with volatility shifts induced by changes in broad economic factors.  相似文献   

Review of Derivatives Research - The aim of this study is to examine the return rates of the TAIEX options with at most 8 calendar days to maturity using a buy-and-hold strategy. Although our...  相似文献   

Using a sample of 279 upgrades and 310 downgrades from 1996 to 2004, we find that bond rating changes affect the information asymmetry of stock trading and other measures of information risk. Specifically, when a firm's bond rating is upgraded, its stock information asymmetry and its analysts' earnings forecast dispersion are significantly reduced, while the institutional equity holdings of its shares are significantly increased. The reverse is true for a downgrade. In addition, the degree of change in stock information asymmetry is positively associated with the magnitude of the bond rating changes.  相似文献   

We examine whether the source of debt financing is important for assessments of firms’ default risk. This study reveals that during the 2007–2010 financial crisis, firms that depend mainly on financing from banks suffer higher increases in default risk than do firms with no such dependence. Conversely, firms that rely solely on financing from public debt markets do not experience significant increases in default risk. These findings suggest that the bank supply shock theory explains the transmission of financial shocks to the real economy. Finally, firms that depend on bank financing cannot offset the adverse impacts of bank lending shocks by substituting bank loans with publicly traded debt.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the relationship between retirement planning and retirement satisfaction. Do individuals think about and plan for retirement? If they do, do they utilize financial planning services? If they plan, are they more satisfied with retirement than those who did not? Data for 1,781 retired individuals from the first wave of the Health and Retirement Study (HRS) are analyzed using an ordered probit model. The results indicate that thinking about retirement and attending planning meetings have a significant positive impact on satisfaction even when income, wealth, marital status and health are included as explanatory variables.  相似文献   

We examine the effect of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on the cost of equity capital for a large sample of US firms. Using several approaches to estimate firms’ ex ante cost of equity, we find that firms with better CSR scores exhibit cheaper equity financing. In particular, our findings suggest that investment in improving responsible employee relations, environmental policies, and product strategies contributes substantially to reducing firms’ cost of equity. Our results also show that participation in two “sin” industries, namely, tobacco and nuclear power, increases firms’ cost of equity. These findings support arguments in the literature that firms with socially responsible practices have higher valuation and lower risk.  相似文献   

The present paper investigates informational efficiency and changes in conditional volatility of the TSX before and after the implementation of an automated trading system on April 23, 1997. Using a battery of unit root, stationarity, as well as linear tests, we find that the introduction of electronic trading led to an increase in linearity dependence in TSX daily returns. In addition, when we examined the nonlinearity dependences using powerful econometric tests, we find that electronic trading has increased nonlinear dependencies in return series, which is the main cause of rejecting the Random Walk Hypothesis (RWH). Our results suggest that the automated trading system has negatively affected informational efficiency of the TSX. We also find evidence of long memory following automation which suggests that the introduction of electronic trading has increased the level of persistence of information and trading shocks.  相似文献   

Anecdotal evidence suggests and recent theoretical models argue that past stock returns affect subsequent stock trading volume. We study 3,000 individual investors over a 51 month period to test this apparent link between past returns and volume using several different panel regression models (linear panel regressions, negative binomial panel regressions, Tobit panel regressions). We find that both past market returns as well as past portfolio returns affect trading activity of individual investors (as measured by stock portfolio turnover, the number of stock transactions, and the propensity to trade stocks in a given month). After high portfolio returns, investors buy high risk stocks and reduce the number of stocks in their portfolio. High past market returns do not lead to higher risk taking or underdiversification. We argue that the only explanations for our findings are overconfidence theories based on biased self-attribution and differences of opinion explanations for high levels of trading activity.  相似文献   

This study examines whether the celebrity or star status of a chief executive officer (CEO) affects the informativeness of his insider trades. Using three different measures to identify star CEOs in a sample of S&P 1500 firms, we find that trades of non‐star CEOs predict future abnormal returns and earnings innovations and that trades of star CEOs do not. The predictive power of non‐star CEO trades is mostly attributable to opportunistic trades, not routine trades. We also find evidence suggesting that the abnormal returns associated with non‐star CEO insider trades are due to the lower visibility and consequently less scrutiny of non‐star CEOs compared with star CEOs.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the empirical association between stock market volatility and investor mood-proxies related to the weather (cloudiness, temperature and precipitation) and the environment (nighttime length). Overall, our results suggest that cloudiness and length of nighttime are inversely related to historical, implied and realized measures of volatility. The strength of association seems to vary with the location of an exchange on Earth with respect to the equator. Weather deviations from seasonal norms and dummies representing extreme weather conditions do not offer additional explanatory power in our datasets.  相似文献   

"This paper discusses new empirical evidence on the role of income tax incentives in marital decisions [in the United States]. Time-series evidence suggests that taxes have a small but statistically significant effect on the aggregate marriage rate; however, this evidence is sensitive to the time period and the measure of marriage. Additional evidence, based on household longitudinal data, indicates that the probability of marriage falls and that of divorce rises with an increase in the so-called marriage tax, and that the timing of marriage (though not of divorce) is also affected by taxes. In short, there is strong evidence that taxes affect some marital decisions."  相似文献   

This paper integrates three themes on regulation, unsolicited credit ratings, and the sovereign-bank rating ceiling. We reveal an unintended consequence of the EU rating agency disclosure rules upon rating changes, using data for S&P-rated banks in 42 countries between 2006 and 2013. The disclosure of sovereign rating solicitation status for 13 countries in February 2011 has an adverse effect on the ratings of intermediaries operating in these countries. Conversion to unsolicited sovereign rating status transmits risk to banks via the rating channel. The results suggest that banks bear a penalty if their host sovereign does not solicit its ratings.  相似文献   

IFRS adoption transformed the accounting treatment for goodwill in many countries. Instead of amortizing goodwill, firms now test for its impairment and write off impairment losses against income. Accounting standard‐setting bodies claim that an impairment regime better reflects the underlying economic value of goodwill than systematic amortization. We investigate this claim by comparing the association between goodwill accounting charges against income and firms’ economic investment opportunities in amortization and impairment regimes. We find that the association between firms’ goodwill charges against income and the firms’ investment opportunities is stronger during the IFRS regime than the AGAAP regime. This indicates that, as claimed, impairment charges better reflect the underlying economic attributes of goodwill than do amortization charges.  相似文献   

Since the Sarbanes-Oxley Act was enacted in U.S., there has been a general tendency to globally harmonize regulations and practices of board governance. The purpose of this study is to compare among countries how well the board of directors constrains earnings management. Using a sample of firms from 23 countries, we document some evidence that higher outside directorship on the board is associated with lower earnings management in the international context. We also find that there is no significant difference in the effectiveness of board outside directorship in constraining earnings management between high and low investor protection countries. Our findings mitigate a concern that harmonized corporate governance in low investor protection countries may not work.  相似文献   

This study documents that there is significant information content in stock trading by registered corporate insiders for the bond market. We report significant positive price reactions for convertible and straight bonds in response to the Wall Street Journal's Insider Trading Spotlight publication of insider buy transactions and significant negative reactions for insider sell transactions. The stock market response to the publication of the insider transactions, although weaker than the bond market reaction, is also found to be significant. Cross-sectional results suggest that bond market participants extract the quality of the insider-trading signal by observing factors such as the dollar volume of the trade, the percentage change in the holding of the insider, and the insider's position in the firm. Lower-rated (riskier) bonds are found to be more sensitive to the information than higher-rated issues. The empirical evidence presented in this paper suggests that the absence of any reporting requirement for insider bond transactions may create aan enhanced opportunity for the insiders to exploit private information to expropriate wealth from uninformed bond traders.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the relationship between proxy variables for informed trading in the options market and a set of exogenous news variables. The aim was to test directly for the presence or absence of informed trading in the options market and for the possible impact of this trading on underlying asset prices. Our findings reveal that potential informed trading in options markets is channelled basically through out‐of‐the‐money options, except for volatility trading which mainly involves at‐the‐money options because of their liquidity. In both cases, we have found evidence in favour of investors’ strategic fragmentation of transactions into intermediate size trades (stealth trading). Finally, it is shown that lack of consensus among agents also generates increased trading, particularly in out‐of‐the‐money and at‐the‐money options.  相似文献   

In this exploratory study we investigate the impact of the implementation of IFRS on corporate social disclosures (CSD) within the context of stakeholder theory. We measure the level of CSD in annual reports using a disclosure instrument based on the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development report “Guidance on Corporate Responsibility Indicators in Annual Reports”. We find that IFRS adoption had a differential effect on CSD based on a firm's institutional setting i.e., the stakeholder–management relationship prevalent in their institutional environment. Firms in the stakeholder countries did not have a significant change in the level of CSD following the mandatory adoption of IFRS while firms from the shareholder countries experienced a significant increase over the same period resulting in shareholder countries providing an overall higher level of CSD after IFRS adoption than stakeholder countries. These findings suggest that firms' reactions to the requirements of IFRS and the stakeholder pressure to provide additional CSD are influenced by institutional environment. Further, our results provide support for the use of stakeholder theory to predict the level of CSD.  相似文献   

Hai Lin 《Quantitative Finance》2018,18(9):1453-1470
This paper investigates the impact of tightened trading rules on the market efficiency and price discovery function of the Chinese stock index futures in 2015. The market efficiency and the price discovery of Chinese stock index futures do not deteriorate after these rule changes. Using variance ratio and spectral shape tests, we find that the Chinese index futures market becomes even more efficient after the tightened rules came into effect. Furthermore, by employing Schwarz and Szakmary [J. Futures Markets, 1994, 14(2), 147–167] and Hasbrouck [J. Finance, 1995, 50(4), 1175–1199] price discovery measures, we find that the price discovery function, to some extent, becomes better. This finding is consistent with Stein [J. Finance, 2009, 64(4), 1517–1548], who documents that regulations on leverage can be helpful in a bad market state, and Zhu [Rev. Financ. Stud., 2014, 27(3), 747–789.], who finds that price discovery can be improved with reduced liquidity. It also suggests that the new rules may effectively regulate the manipulation behaviour of the Chinese stock index futures market during a bad market state, and then positively affect its market efficiency and price discovery function.  相似文献   

Mayfield (J Financ Econ 73:465–496, 2004) has devised a method for estimating the market risk premium, based on a variant of Merton’s ICAPM wherein volatility is specified as a two-state Markov process. In this study, we assess Mayfield’s key assumption that investors know the current volatility state with certainty, via empirical testing of the assumption of exogenous Markov-switching in Mayfield’s model. We detect strong evidence of endogenous switching. This indicates that investors infer the current volatility state, as opposed to simply observing it. We also find that the risk premium estimates are affected by the switching type.  相似文献   

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