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This is an introduction to the special section on financial frictions and debt constraints. 相似文献
《Economic Systems》2020,44(1):100741
Using a novel firm-level dataset on China, this paper examines the effects of financing constraints on enterprises’ outward direct investment (ODI) from the perspective of binary margins of ODI. The main findings of the paper are threefold. First, financing constraints show a negative effect on enterprises’ ODI for both the intensive and extensive margins, with a more significant effect on the extensive margin. Second, the negative effect is mostly significant in the energy industry, while it is not significant in non-energy industries. Finally, financing constraints show a negative effect on state-owned enterprises for both margins, while the effect is less significant for non-state-owned enterprises. The findings in the paper have policy implications for understanding and promoting ODI in emerging economies. 相似文献
Rational price bubble arises when the price of an asset exceeds the asset’s fundamental value, that is, the present value of future dividend payments. The important result of Santos and Woodford (1997) says that price bubbles cannot exist in equilibrium in the standard dynamic asset pricing model with rational agents facing borrowing constraints as long as assets are in strictly positive supply and the present value of total future resources is finite. This paper explores the possibility of asset price bubbles under endogenous debt constraints induced by limited enforcement of debt repayment. Equilibria with endogenous debt constraints are prone to have infinite present value of total resources. We show that asset price bubbles are likely to exist in such equilibria. Further, we demonstrate that there always exist equilibria with price bubbles on assets in zero supply. 相似文献
This paper considers a dynamic model in which shareholders of a firm in distress have a choice of whether the firm proceeds to debt restructuring or direct liquidation at an arbitrary time. In the model, we show the following results. Fewer asset sales, lower financing, debt renegotiation, and running costs, a lower premium to the debt holders, a lower cash flow volatility, and a higher initial coupon increase the shareholders׳ incentive to choose debt restructuring to avoid full liquidation. In the debt renegotiation process, the shareholders arrange the coupon reduction and use equity financing to retire a part of the debt value to the debt holders. The timing of debt restructuring always coincides with that of liquidation without debt renegotiation. Most notably, the shareholders do not prefer asset sale in debt restructuring even if they face high financing costs. The possibility of debt renegotiation in the future increases the initial leverage ratio in the optimal capital structure. 相似文献
中小企业迅速发展已成为我国经济社会发展的重要推动力。然而,中小企业发展的最大障碍问题仍然是融资难。本文借助于金融缺口理论考察中小企业信贷约束困境,并从制度性约束和信息不对称视角,深层分析了信贷约束的原因,为化解我国中小企业信贷约束,应从融资制度安排上进行重点设计。 相似文献
中小企业信贷融资约束及其对策研究——从制度性约束和信息不对称视角考察 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
中小企业迅速发展已成为我国经济社会发展的重要推动力。然而,中小企业发展的最大障碍问题仍然是融资难。本文借助于金融缺口理论考察中小企业信贷约束困境,并从制度性约束和信息不对称视角,深层分析了信贷约束的原因,为化解我国中小企业信贷约束,应从融资制度安排上进行重点设计。 相似文献
构建融资体系与优化结构:中小企业融资困境的改善途径 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本文认为目前我国中小企业融资仍然处于总量严重不足、结构不合理的困境之中。中小企业融资总量不足与融资结构不合理的形成原因是多方面的 ,但制度缺失、体制错位以及政策刻板是影响中小企业发展的深层次原因。要改善中小企业的融资状况 ,就必须构建中小企业融资的信用评级体系、融资担保体系、直接融资体系、间接融资体系与内源融资体系 ,多途径、多渠道、分层次地增加中小企业的融资供给。确定中小企业的融资次序 ,优化融资结构 ,提高融资效率。 相似文献
We investigate a small open economy with constraints in both the domestic and the international credit market. The informational opaqueness of the domestic market hinders foreign lenders' activity, so that entrepreneurs face looser borrowing constraints vis-à-vis domestic financiers. However, limited capitalization constrains domestic lenders. Calibrating the model to data from Argentina, we find that the interaction between lending and borrowing constraints is a channel through which real interest rate shocks generate fluctuations in output, real estate prices and consumption. External financial liberalization increases volatility and affects welfare more than domestic liberalization but also mitigates the destabilizing impact of domestic deregulation. 相似文献
The objective of the paper is to propose endogenous debt constraints that rule out Ponzi schemes and ensure the existence of equilibria in a model with limited commitment and (possible) default. We appropriately modify the definition of finitely effective debt constraints, introduced by Levine and Zame (1996) (see also Levine and Zame (2002)), to encompass models with limited commitment, default penalties and collateral. Along this line, we introduce in the setting of Araujo et al. (2002), Kubler and Schmedders (2003) and Páscoa and Seghir (2009) the concept of actions with finite equivalent payoffs. We show that, independent of the level of default penalties, restricting plans to have finite equivalent payoffs rules out Ponzi schemes and guarantees the existence of an equilibrium that is compatible with the minimal ability to borrow and lend that we expect in our model. 相似文献
We investigate the relationship between the extent and timing of vertical flexibility and the financial choices of a firm. By vertical flexibility we mean partial/total and reversible outsourcing of a necessary input. A firm simultaneously selects the vertical setting and the financial sources of investment in flexibility, in particular debt and venture capital. A loan may come from a lender that requires the payment of a fixed coupon over time and an option to buy out the firm in certain circumstances. Debt leads to the same level of flexibility of an unlevered firm. Yet investment occurs earlier. The injection of venture capital reduces the quest for vertical flexibility and speeds up investment. Then, there arises a fresh substitutability between a financial (venture capital) and a real variable (vertical flexibility). 相似文献
上市公司股权融资偏好与融资成本的研究与对策 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
我国上市公司强烈的股权融资偏好有悖于西方融资理论和实践,本文从定性与定量方面分析了我国上市公司股权融资偏好的原因,指出了过度股权融资所产生的危害,并提出了相应的对策。 相似文献
我国上市公司融资风险及其防范 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
面对竞争更加激烈的国内资本市场,我国上市公司必须通过加强融资风险的防范来获得融资的竞争优势。本文从我国上市公司融资的实际状况出发,分析了上市公司融资风险现状以及成因,提出了通过提高融资效率、优化资本结构、建立融资风险预警系统和完善公司治理结构等措施来降低和防范公司的融资风险。 相似文献
高速公路的发展对我国地区经济增长具有举足轻重的意义,我国高速公路建设资金融资渠道也经历了不断的变迁,面对未来紧缺的资金和持续增长的需求,本文就如何优化高速公路项目融资结构,采用因子分析和回归分析方法,建立了优化融资决策模型,以期为指导企业实践提供参考。 相似文献
During the Great Moderation, the consumer unsecured debt-to-income ratio nearly doubled and the personal bankruptcy filing rate more than quadrupled. This historically tranquil period ended in 2008 with a severe recession and a protracted credit crunch. We develop a theory of learning in which consumers and lenders adjust their beliefs about the riskiness of the economic environment over time in response to the realized sequence of aggregate shocks and then embed it into an otherwise standard quantitative model of consumer default. Simulations of the model suggest that learning can explain as much as half of the recent boom and bust cycle in consumer unsecured debt and a modest fraction of the rise in bankruptcy filings prior to 2005. 相似文献
我国乡村债务问题探讨 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
我国的乡村债务问题由来已久,文章主要介绍了乡村债务的构成、特点及现状,分析了乡村债务的成因,并探讨了农业税的取消对乡村债务造成的影响,最后提出了多种化解乡村债务的途径。在化解乡村债务时,要保证乡村两级组织的正常运转,促进农村经济的发展,提高农民生活水平,早日实现我国全面建设小康社会的宏伟目标。 相似文献
从商业银行的业务模式看供应链融资服务 总被引:20,自引:4,他引:20
从商业银行业务模式的角度,首先介绍供应链金融服务内容,然后分别讨论供应链融资服务与企业现金流管理的财务关系、应收帐款融资服务和存货融资服务的业务操作模式和产品设计等,并对供应链融资服务的意义和发展进行了简单的讨论。 相似文献
本文采用Williamson的思路,建立了资产专用性与交易成本、生产成本因素在内的综合交易成本分析模型。分析发现,相对于债务融资而言,股权融资有利于避免按市场规则强行清算带来的专用性资产价值损失,运用包络定理证明专用性程度高的资产具有削减生产成本的作用,专用性程度高的资产以股权融资为佳。 相似文献
中美可转换债券融资差异分析 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
近年来在全球范围利用可转换债券融资发展极为迅速,本文通过对中美可转换债券融资差异的分析,发现我国利用可转换债券融资表现出非理性的特征。希望拟采取可转换债券方式进行融资的企业能引以为鉴,以期提高我国可转换债券市场融资的效率。 相似文献
公租房PPP融资模式提供了机构参与公租房投资的渠道,ABS融资模式提供了个人参与公租房投资的进入及退出渠道。如果用经营(简称"0")将两者结合起来形成"POA"融资模式,并辅之以租金补偿机制,就能广泛吸纳社会资金,同时盘活存量资产,充分发挥财政资金的杠杆作用,最大限度为公租房建设融资。 相似文献