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Leo H. Kahane 《Applied economics》2020,52(33):3574-3587

County-level data are used to estimate the incumbent-party share of the two-party vote in the 2012 and the 2016 U.S. Presidential elections. Using a ‘seemingly unrelated estimation’ procedure the regression results for the two elections show that there were some clear differences in the size of marginal effects for several key covariates. For example, income inequality, the size of the black male and black female populations, the size of the Hispanic male population and percent of the population with a college degree all had significantly larger coefficients in 2016 than in 2012, producing a larger marginal effect in favour of the Democratic candidate’s vote share. On the other hand, counties with increased poverty rates and counties located on the periphery of urban centres had a significantly larger marginal effect favouring the Republican’s vote share in 2016 compared to 2012. Finally, the regression results show that the effects of third-party vote shares, though not statistically different across the two elections, had a positive impact on the Democratic vote share in both elections.  相似文献   

This paper uses USA county‐level electoral data to examine the 2016 turn to protectionism. The hypothesis that support for protectionism was purely a response to globalization is rejected. Exposure to trade competition encouraged a shift to the Republican candidate, but this effect is mediated by race, diversity, education, and age. If the turn toward protectionism is due to economic dislocation, then public policy interventions could mitigate the impact and support the re‐establishment of a political consensus for open trade. If, however, the drivers are identity or cultural values, then the scope for constructive policy intervention is unclear.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss a recent paper by Stephen E. Haynes in which he relates electoral cycles in political support to electoral cycles in economic variables. Haynes finds that the cycle in support for Republican presidents is explained by the cycle in economic variables, whereas the cycle in support for Democratic presidents is not. In our opinion this shortcoming is due to his specification of the popularity function. Haynes estimates a popularity function which incorporates the notion that voters reward the incumbent for favourable outcomes (score hypothesis). Our popularity function combines the score hypothesis and the notion that voters cast their ballots for the party that best fits the current economic situation (issue hypothesis). We show that the electoral cycle in popularity of both Republican and Democratic presidents is explained very well by the cycle in economic variables.  相似文献   


The objective of this paper is to analyse the impact of public funds for innovation on firm’s capabilities, innovative dynamics and economic performance. A large stream of literature about the evaluation of public funds is focused on testing the existence of additionality effects on investments and results. This paper aims to provide evidence about other dimensions of the firm that public policy can alter, with focus on the time window between the treatment and the impact, and the role of the Matthew effect (recurrence) in this process. The empirical exercise is based on a dynamic panel data made of 1465 firms (3337 observations) that applied to the Argentinean Technological Fund (FONTAR), which is the main public fund for innovation in Argentina, between 2007 and 2016. Results show short-term effects of accessing to FONTAR on firms’ capabilities, medium-term effects on innovation efforts and long-term effects on productivity. Even though the effect on productivity is larger among recurrent firms, the differences among recurrent and non-recurrent firms are not conclusive in case of capabilities and innovation efforts. All in all, this research provides evidence about the ‘when’ of public policy and the need to look beyond input additionality effects when analysing its impact.  相似文献   

徐晓虹 《经济地理》2007,27(3):375-379
1980年代以来浙江的外商直接投资迅猛发展。文章利用1983—2004年时间序列,分二个时段就外商直接投资对浙江经济增长的短期效应和长期效应进行实证分析。结果表明在这段时间里外商直接投资对浙江经济增长无论短期还是长期都有显著的促进作用,超前2年的浙江外商直接投资对浙江经济发展的长期供给溢出效应作用大于当年的浙江外商直接投资对浙江经济发展的短期需求拉动作用。无论从短期效应看还是对长期效应而言,后时段(1992—2004年)比前时段(1983—1992年)作用大。最后提出进一步吸引外资、促进浙江经济增长的政策建议。  相似文献   

In the last decade authors have increasingly examined the role of two cultural traits – trust and individualism – on a variety of economic outcomes ranging from gendered attitudes to entrepreneurship, human capital accumulation, and economic development. While both have positive effects, recent literature suggests that the effects of trust are often conditional on other variables, and this aspect has been neglected in the literature. Indeed, a recent paper found that with respect to gendered attitudes, there are important interactions between the traits of trust and individualism. Building on this foundation we explore how views of trust and individualism interact to affect attitudes about income inequality. Our results show that while views regarding social trust generally positively affect the desire for income equality, this effect is strengthened in the presence of high individualism. Alternatively stated, distrust in highly individualistic environments leads to a greater desire for income differences (inequality). Our result highlights the important role played by market-based price and profit incentives in fostering economic activity and exchange in larger, impersonal extended orders where interpersonal trust and reputational effects are generally absent (in contrast to personal, small group exchange). Our results are robust to a variety of techniques to establish identification and account for sample selection and omitted variable bias.  相似文献   

This article models the dynamic effects of economic insecurity on body weight. Using Australian panel data, we infer an individual’s level of economic insecurity as a function of exposure to various financial risks and employ regression equations to explore its effect upon current period body mass index (BMI) scores. Estimates reveal that a sustained standard deviation increase in economic insecurity raises an individual’s BMI at a rate of approximately 0.35 units per year. Quantile regressions are then used to estimate the sensitivity of body weight to insecurity at different percentiles of the distribution and we find that persons who are overweight and obese are much more seriously affected. This implies that shocks that make individuals more financially vulnerable can generate harmful self-sustaining cycles of risk and weight gain. We also model the dynamics of insecurity and show that it is a persistent phenomenon for persons with high levels of exposure and lower incomes. This finding indicates that persons of lower socio-economic status are more likely to encounter vicious cycles of increasing insecurity and obesity, which partially explains why weight-related health problems are unusually highly concentrated amongst these individuals.  相似文献   

根据压力交互理论和调节焦点理论,构建工作不安全感对个体创新行为的“双刃剑”影响理论模型,探讨挑战性压力和阻碍性压力的中介作用、促进型焦点和防御型焦点的调节作用。选取12家高新技术企业60个团队414份领导和员工的两时间点配对调查问卷进行实证检验。研究发现:一方面,工作不安全感会通过挑战性压力认知和促进型焦点的调节导向对个体创新行为产生积极影响,成为个体创新行为的“动力”和“助推力”;另一方面,工作不安全感会通过阻碍性压力认知和防御型焦点的调节导向对个体创新行为产生消极影响,成为个体创新行为的“负担”和“绊脚石”。  相似文献   

Political democratization, economic liberalization, and growth volatility   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study empirically investigates the effects of political and economic liberalization on growth volatility using a difference-in-difference method for a sample of 158 countries over the 1970-2005 period. The results show that, when examined separately, economic liberalization leads to a significant reduction in volatility while democratization is not followed by a decrease in growth volatility. For countries that undertake only one liberalization, opening up the economy to international trade reduces volatility in growth; becoming a democracy, on the other hand, seems to increase macroeconomic instability. For countries that implement both political and economic liberalizations, no statistically significant effect on volatility is detected. These results serve to provide additional support for the policy recommendation that developing countries should liberalize their economy first and then consider political liberalization.  相似文献   

Within the field of public economics, there is the perception that Republicans are associated with ‘small government’ and Democrats with ‘big government’. We test this notion by examining whether economic freedom is affected when a single party is in control of the state legislature. We find no link between party control and our main economic freedom indicator, but we do find a positive link between Republican control and the taxation component of economic freedom, suggesting a Republican legislature leads to lower taxation.  相似文献   

This paper examines the degree of support for distinct duration effects on wages across a variety of wage equations, and investigates their importance in full simulations with three large-scale UK macroeconometric models. The paper begins by highlighting deficiencies both in the way that existing models determine the duration structure of unemployment and in the specification of long-term unemployment in the wage equation. By constructing a single preferred wage equation we test hypotheses relating to duration effects and, although tests are not conclusive, find some support for the use of short-term unemployment in the wage equation. However, it is also shown that the response of wages to changes in unemployment is similar regardless of whether aggregate or short-term unemployment is used in the wage equation, although this does not hold when the duration structure of unemployment changes radically. By substituting revised equations into the models we show that these results carry over to full model simulations. Thus although neglect of duration effects may not be crucial in assessing the effectiveness of standard macro policy instruments, this is not likely to be true when evaluating policies which are deliberately targeted at the long-term unemployed.  相似文献   

This paper examines the influence of community characteristics on self-proclaimed environmentalism. We find that the composition of a community affects the likelihood that a person claims to be a strong environmentalist even after controlling for individual political leaning, socio-economic characteristics, and pro-environment behaviors. Individuals are more likely to claim to be strong environmentalists if they live in areas where a larger share of the population has post-graduate degrees, if they live in heavily Democratic areas, or if they live in heavily Republican areas. These community effects occur only when individuals are predisposed to take on an environmental identity.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyse the association between the spatial concentration of ethnic minorities and racial harassment. Ethnic concentration relates to racial harassment through at least three channels: hostility in the attitudes of majority individuals that finds expression in harassment behaviour, the probability that minority individuals meet majority individuals, and the cost of expressing hostility aggressively. Thus, harassment cannot simply be modelled as a stronger form of hostility. Using unique data for Britain, we show that, in areas of higher local ethnic concentration, experience of harassment is lower, even though hostility on the side of the majority population is not.  相似文献   

The National Population Health Survey (NPHS) suggests that for labor force participants age 25 to 64, the prevalence of self‐reported obesity in Canada has increased from 16 percent in 1998 to 23 percent in 2008. Using six cycles of NPHS data (1998–2009), I explore Canada's obesity dilemma by considering the effect of economic insecurity—measured as the probability of an individual experiencing a severe negative economic shock. As an identification strategy, a fixed effects model is employed to control for unobserved time‐invariant heterogeneity and a set of instruments based on an individual's economic environment are specified in order to isolate causality. Results suggest that for males age 25 to 64, a 1 percent increase in economic insecurity is predicted to increase their body mass index (BMI) by 0.10 points. For females age 25 to 64, the association between economic insecurity and BMI is statistically insignificant at conventional confidence levels.  相似文献   

大水面渔业具有重要地位,其面积、产量分别占全国淡水渔业的46%、15.42%。基于实地调研与文献检索,研究发现:大水面渔业具有多功能性,是渔业实现“绿水青山就是金山银山”的有效途径,可分为三产融合型、水域牧场型、环保网箱型、水库水质保护型、湖泊生态修复型5类。受近年环保风暴的影响,河沟、水库、湖泊养殖面积、产量下降达11%~34%,同时面临社会认知偏见、局部短期经济行为、融合发展层级低等困境。提出坚持生态优先以符合生态强稀缺发展阶段、加大宣传力度以改变社会偏见、完善激励相容机制以诱致大水面渔业的生态化集体行动、内外兼修以延长渔业产业链等四方面对策建议。研究可为大水面生态渔业恢复及有序发展提供参考。  相似文献   

In this article, we reconsider the investigation by Moosa (2016) using a much larger data set of almost one million articles listed in Research Papers in Economics. This article provides new insights into the effects of co-authorship on citation counts and the correlation between quality of papers and quality of the publishing journal. Our evidence is partially in contrast to the results reported in Moosa (2016). We find a positive correlation between the h-index of a journal and the quality of papers measured in terms of citations. This correlation becomes almost perfect using a nonlinear model. Results from a regression of citation counts on the number of authors show evidence of a positive and significant effect of co-authorship on the quality of a paper when time effects and large sets of top-cited articles are taken into account. The inclusion of time effects and the large data set, that allows to differentiate between top-cited cohorts, adds further insights to the existing literature.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose the use of a multidimensional approach to the measurement of economic insecurity in three European countries. We combine six different unidimensional indicators proxying the subjective and objective determinants of economic insecurity into a single index based on a counting approach method, which allows us to measure the incidence and the intensity of the phenomenon. Using longitudinal data from the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) from 2008 to 2016, we find that the incidence of insecurity falls as income grows, being significantly present in middle-income households both in Spain and France but not in Sweden. Interestingly, in all three countries, the contribution of different dimensions to insecurity changes as household income grows, while for all income levels a higher education and being employed in a non-fixed term contract are strongly related to a lower probability of being economically insecure.  相似文献   

Euroscepticism and the rise of populist parties have often been linked to economic insecurity. This paper identifies regional employment changes as causal factors for forming attitudes towards the European Union and voting for eurosceptic parties in European Parliament elections. To do so, I combine industry-specific employment data for roughly 260 European NUTS II regions with individual-level Eurobarometer survey data for the past 20 years and regional voting results. I apply panel data and instrumental variable methods; for the latter I construct a Bartik-style instrument, which predicts employment changes on the basis of regional industry specialization and Europe-wide sector specific employment growth rates. The effect of employment changes on attitudes towards the EU is particularly strong for unemployed and low-skilled workers in regions with a high share of migrants from other European member states, which supports the narrative that ‘losers of globalization’ tend to be more skeptical towards economic and political integration.  相似文献   

Shujin Zhu 《Applied economics》2017,49(38):3815-3828
Economic complexity reflects a country’s production capabilities and plays an important role in economic growth. This article measures the economic complexity of 210 countries using the method of reflections, and investigates the impact of economic complexity and human capital on economic growth. The measurement results show that there are significant differences regarding the level of complexity among countries. High-income economies have higher complexity than low- and middle-income economies. The empirical findings demonstrate that economic complexity and different levels of human capital have positive effects on long- and short-term growth. A positive interaction effect on economic growth exists between economic complexity and human capital. In addition, secondary education as a proxy for human capital has a relatively greater positive direct effect and a much stronger interactive effect with complexity on economic growth. In addition, the magnitude of the interaction effect between economic complexity and human capital on long- and short-term growth increases as the revealed comparative advantage threshold grows.  相似文献   

This paper is an updated study on the causes of economic insecurity in the United States. The authors have constructed an aggregate composite index that measures objectively the major causes of economic insecurity (CEI) in the United States. The CEI index consists of 11 variables that can cause economic insecurity. The time period under investigation is 1960 through 2001. A rising CEI index indicates that the causes of economic insecurity in the United States have increased in relative importance, which results in an increase in economic insecurity. Conversely, a falling CEI index indicates that the causes of economic insecurity have declined in relative importance, which results in a reduction of economic insecurity. However, despite substantial economic growth in the American economy from 1960 through 2001, the CEI index overall showed little improvement. The major conclusion is that the CEI index was 9 percent higher in 2001 than it was in 1960. This result was due largely to the increase in divorce, violent crime, rising out-of-pocket expenditures for health care, inflation, and unemployment. The results for subperiods are dramatically different, and we think more interesting, than the overall results. During the 1960s, there was a small decline in the CEI index. The 1970s showed a dramatic increase in the CEI index, which reflected both high unemployment rates and inflation rates during this period. The 1980s experienced fluctuating levels in the index but little overall change, and the 1990s experienced a sharp decline in the CEI index due largely to a robust economy. The CEI index has increased more recently, which reflects largely the recent 2001 business recession. The correlation coefficient of the CEI index with the University of Michigan's well-known Index of Consumer Sentiment is ?676. This figure shows that as the CEI index rises, consumer sentiment about the American economy becomes pessimistic and negative.  相似文献   

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